Immediate Family
About Wichmann IV (V) van Hamaland, graaf van Gent en Hamaland
Wichmann V, Graaf van Hamaland
MEGINHARD, son of MEGINHARD & his wife Evesa --- [870/80]-[after 938]).
m ---. The name of Meginhard's wife is not known. Meginhard & his wife had one child:
- 1. GERBERGA ([905/10]-). The identity of her husband is unknown. The name of his son, Wichmann, suggests a close family relationship with the Billung family of dukes of Saxony. The connection appears confirmed by Widukind who records that Meinwerk Bishop of Paderborn was "materno a Wichmanno, Herimanni ducis nepote, propinquo Ottonis I"[713], the bishop's mother being corroborated in other sources as Adela, daughter of Wichmann [V]. There are so many uncertainties regarding the genealogy of the Billung family that detailed speculation on any precise relationship does not seem worthwhile. Gerberga's husband is shown as a possible son of Billung only for the purposes of making the hyperlink connection. m [---, son of BILLUNG & his wife ---]. One child:
- a) WICHMANN [V] ([930]-after 27 Sep 979). His parentage is confirmed by the Necrologium of Elten which records the death of "Meginhard, pater Gerberch, cuius filius Wichmannus comes fundator ecclesia"[714]. If Boer & Cordfunke are correct regarding the 938 meeting between Count Dirk I, Count Meginhard of Hamaland, and Count Arnulf I of Flanders, regarding the betrothal of their children (see above), Wichmann was the son of Meginhard, but as noted above it has not been possible to verify this against primary sources and it seems disproved by the necrology entry. His birth date is estimated from the estimated date of his marriage. Graaf van Hamaland. The Iohannis de Thilrode Chronicon records that Emperor Otto I built the dyke from the Schelde to the sea known as the "Ottingam" and installed "comitem Wicmannus" in the castle on the banks of the Leie which controlled the towns of "Hasnethe, Bocholt, Axle, Huleta cum tota Wasia"[715], probably dated to [950/52] judging by the following charter. "Otto…rex" confirmed the donation of property "in loco Dauindre…in pago…Hamalant in comitatu Vuigmanni" to St Moritz at Magdeburg by "nostra amita…Uota" by charter dated 30 Dec 952[716]. "Otto…rex" granted property "[in] Daventria…in comitatu Uuicmanni comitis…et villa…Tuncgurun in comitatu Everhardi comitis" to Magdeburg Moritzkirche by charter dated 2 Jul 956[717]. "Otto…rex" donated property "Dauantri…in pago…Hamalant in comitatu Wichmanni comitis…et in pago Velua…et in pago Salalant in comitatu Euerhardi comitis" to Magdeburg St Moritz by charter dated 28 Aug 960[718]. "Wicmannus…comes" donated "mei juris villam Thesla" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "coniugis mee defuncte Lietgardis", by charter dated 18 Oct 962, signed by "comitis Arnulfi patris supradicte Lietgardis comitisse, Theoderici comitis…"[719]. Wichmann acquired the abbey of St Bavo in Gent, and became Graaf van Gent as vassal of his father-in-law, but transferred this to Dirk II Count of Holland in [964/69] and returned to Hamaland. "Otto…imperator augustus" gave property "in territorio Vrek in pago Salo…in comitatu Nerdincklant…in comitatu Hamelant", all held by Wichmann, to Kloster Elten founded by "Wichmannus comes in litore Reni in comitatu Hamelant" by charter dated 29 Jun 968[720]. Count in the North Frisian counties: "Otto…imperator augustus" confirmed donations to Kloster Elten by "Wichmannus comes…in his quatuor comitatibus…Hunesca, Fivelga, Merime, Miclaga" by charter dated 3 Aug 970[721]. "Otto…imperator augustus" gave property "locum Pateleke…in pago Ambraga in comitatu Wichmanni comitis" to his wife Empress Theophanu by charter dated 27 Sep 979[722]. m ([after 10 Jul 953]) LIUTGARD de Flandre, daughter of ARNOUL I Count of Flanders & his [second] wife Adela de Vermandois (935-962, before 18 Oct). Boer and Cordfunke refer to a 938 meeting, between Count Dirk I, Count Meginhard of Hamaland, and Count Arnulf I of Flanders and his wife Adela, to arrange the betrothals of Hildegard of Flanders and Count Dirk II (son of Count Dirk I), and of her sister Liutgard and Wichmann of Hamaland (son of Count Meginhard)[723]. The meeting is alleged to be recorded in the Verbrüderungsbuch der Abtei Reichenau, but no trace of this has been found in the copy consulted[724]. "Arnulfus Flandrie comes et marchisus" granted use of property "Snellenghem in pago Flandrensi" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for "uxore mea…Adala atque…filio meo Balduino et filia mea Lietgardis" and for deceased "Balduino genitore meo et Elstrudis genetrice mea atque Heeberto filio meo", by charter dated 10 Jul 953[725]. This document suggests that Liutgard was not married at the time. The Iohannis de Thilrode Chronicon records the donation dated 962 by "Wicmannus comes…pro remedio anima coniugis mea Lietgardis…Arnulphi marchisi Flandrie patris" of "villam Thessela…Desselbergine" to "monasterio Sancti Petri in Blandino"[726]. "Wicmannus…comes" donated "mei juris villam Thesla" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "coniugis mee defuncte Lietgardis", by charter dated 18 Oct 962, signed by "comitis Arnulfi patris supradicte Lietgardis comitisse, Theoderici comitis…"[727]. The Annales Blandinienses record the deaths in 962 of "Baldwinus, filius Arnulfi marchisi, et soror eius Liutgardis"[728].] Wichmann [V] & his wife had two children:
- i) LIUTGARD (-997). "Otto…imperator augustus" confirmed the privileges of Kloster Elten naming "Wichmannus comes [et] eius filia Lutgarda…abbatissæ…Heltnon" by charter dated 14 Dec 973[729]. Alpertus names "Liutgardam sororem [=uxoris Baldericus] abbatissam Eltuensis montis", a later paragraph recording her death[730]. Abbess of Elten before Dec 973.
- ii) ADELA ([955/60]-22 Mar [1014/16]). The Vita Meinwerci names "uxorem de terra Saxoniæ, Athelam nomine" as wife of Immed[731]. Widukind records that Meinwerk Bishop of Paderborn was "materno a Wichmanno, Herimanni ducis nepote, propinquo Ottonis I"[732]. Alpertus names "Adela sorori domnæ Liutgardæ", commenting that Adela was "clamosa in voce, lasciva in verbis, veste composite, animo dissoluta", the subsequent paragraph recording that, after her sister died, Adela took all her property which she had intended for the church before "vidua lasciva" married Baldric as her second husband[733]. Her birth date range is estimated from her giving birth to five known children by her first husband, who died in early 983. "Otto…Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed the rights and privileges of Kloster Elten naming "filiam Lutgardam…abbatissam [et] filia Adela…[et] Baldericus…maritus Adele" by charter dated 18 Dec 996[734]. Alpertus records that the wife of "Baldericus" was the daughter of "Wicmanni, cuius maiores magnam partem Germaniæ et maxime circa littoral oceani imperia tenebant"[735]. Heribert Archbishop of Köln donated property "ecclesiam…in villa…Sethone…in pago…Betuam", donated by "Baldericus cum uxore Adela", to Kloster Deutz by charter dated 17 Jul 1015, witnessed by "…Cristiani comitis…Bilisonis comitis…"[736]. Heribert Archbishop of Köln donated serfs to Kloster Deutz by charter dated 1 May 1015, witnessed by "…Arnoldi comitis, Gerardi comitis"[737]. Thietmar records that the wife of Baldric encouraged her husband to arrange for the murder of "Count Wichmann" in 1016[738]. "Baldricus comes" donated property to Kloster Ziflick, with the consent of "contectalis mee Athalæ", by undated charter dated to [1014/20][739]. Alpertus names her "Adelæ uxoris Baldrici" in a later (undated) passage recording her death aged 60[740]. The work of Thiodericus names "Ida comitissa eius [=Baldricus] coniunx" ("Ida" presumably being an error for "Adela") and records her death "XI Kal Apr" without specifying the year[741]. m firstly IMMED, son of --- (-27 Jan 983). m secondly (before 18 Dec 996) BALDRIC Graaf van Drenthe, son of --- (-Burg Heimbach 5 Jun 1021). The Vita Meinwerci records a donation to Paderborn by "Baldericus comes" with the consent of "suæ contectalis Athelæ", in the presence of "Meinwerco episcopo…Heinrici imperatoris…Bernhardi ducis, Liudolfi, Thiederici, Wicmanni comitum"[742]. "Henricus…rex" donated property "in pago Thrient…in comitatu Baldrici" to the church of Utrecht by charter dated 24 Apr 1006[743]. "Henricus…rex" granted property "inter flumina…Nitæ…Thila…Wauerwald in comitatu Gotizonis comitis qui Antwerk dicitur situm" to "nostrum bestiarum Baldrico sanctæ Leodicensis ecclesiæ presul nec non Baldrico comiti" by charter dated 12 Sep 1008[744]. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" donated property to Kloster Boppard "quod Paldricus comes in Pochpartun nobis tradidit" by charter dated 1021[745]. The work of Thiodericus names "Baldricus comes de Oplathe vel Houberch" and records his death "Non Iun" without specifying the year[746]. Thietmar records that "Berthold, Liuthar's son" killed Baldric "a most excellent vassal of Count Wichmann" at Burg Monreberg in [1 Apr] 1017[747], although it is not clear that this is the same Baldric given the contrast with Thietmar's early uncomplimentary descriptions of Baldric, husband of Adela.
- titel bevestigd door de graaf van Vlaanderen Arnoul "de Oude" Per E. Pattou
From Dutch Wikipedia
Wichman IV van Hamaland
Wichman IV (ca. 920 - Mönchengladbach, 20 juli na 974) was graaf van Hamaland en de Veluwe, burggraaf van Gent, en graaf van het Gooi (Naardingerland). Hij stamde waarschijnlijk uit het geslacht der Billungen, en was een zoon van Meginhard IV van Hamaland.
Wichman werd in 936 voor het eerst genoemd als graaf. In 955 trouwde hij met Liutgard (936 - 29 september 964), dochter van Arnulf I van Vlaanderen. Daarbij werd hij burggraaf van Gent en de gebieden ten noorden daarvan, tot aan de Schelde, als vazal van Arnulf. Samen met Arnulf stichtte hij de Sint-Baafsabdij van Gent opnieuw, die door de Vikingen was verwoest. Wichman werd voogd van de Sint-Baafsabdij en werd in 956 ook voogd voor de goederen die de abdijen van Sint Omaars en Maagdenburg bij Deventer bezaten.
In 966 overleed zijn enige zoon. Wichman was toen al weduwnaar en het wegvallen van zijn opvolger moet een grote slag voor hem zijn geweest. Hij droeg zijn Vlaamse lenen over aan zijn neef en zwager Dirk II van Holland en hij stichtte het Sticht Elten. Zijn jongste dochter Liutgard werd er abdis en Wichman schonk twee derde deel van zijn persoonlijke bezittingen aan het klooster en droeg alle grafelijke rechten op het klooster over. Zijn oudste dochter Adela, die alleen een derde deel van de persoonlijke bezittingen zou krijgen, weigerde dat te accepteren. Daarom liet Wichman de schenkingen bevestigen door de keizer. Adela heeft tot in 996 tot aan het keizerlijke hof procedures gevoerd, uiteindelijk kreeg ze de helft van de persoonlijke bezittingen en van de grafelijke rechten van haar vader toegewezen.
Wichman werd in 974 lekenbroeder in het klooster te Mönchengladbach. Hij overleed daar op 20 juli van een jaar (kort?) ná 974. Wichman is begraven te Hoog-Elten. Zijn stoffelijk overschot is niet teruggevonden bij de opgravingen van 1964-1965. Het is waarschijnlijk bijgezet in een afzonderlijke kapel waarin ook het Gangulf-altaar stond en die zich iets ten zuidoosten van de familiebegraafplaats moet hebben bevonden. Bij de opgravingen in Hoog-Elten is het graf van zijn vrouw Liutgard wel gevonden. Aan haar skelet ontbrak één hand met het polsgewricht, terwijl haar gebeente daar tekenen van botvliesontsteking vertoonde. Zij is dus overleden aan de gevolgen van een ernstig ongeval of een geweldsincident.
Wichman was een zoon van Meginhard IV. Wichman en Liutgard van Vlaanderen (dochter van Arnulf van Vlaanderen en Aleidis van Vermandois) kregen de volgende kinderen:
Wichman V (ca. 957 - 1 augustus 965 of uiterlijk 966, begraven te Elten Adela van Hamaland (ca. 950 - ca. 1025). Liutgard van Elten, eerste abdis van het sticht Elten (ca. 953 - ca. 1000)
Google machine translation
Wichman IV (c. 920 - Mönchengladbach, July 20 after 974) was count of Hamaland and the Veluwe, viscount of Ghent, and count of the Gooi (Naardingerland). He probably descended from the family of the Billungen, and was a son of Meginhard IV of Hamaland. Wichman was first mentioned as a count in 936. In 955 he married Liutgard (936 - September 29, 964), daughter of Arnulf I of Flanders. In doing so he became viscount of Ghent and the areas north of it, up to the Scheldt, as a vassal of Arnulf.
Together with Arnulf, he re-founded the Saint Bavo Abbey of Ghent, which had been destroyed by the Vikings. Wichman became guardian of St. Bavo's Abbey and in 956 also became guardian of the property owned by the abbeys of St. Omaars and Magdeburg near Deventer. His only son died in 966. Wichman was then already a widower and the loss of his successor must have been a major blow to him. He handed over his Flemish fiefs to his nephew and brother-in-law Dirk II of Holland and founded the Sticht Elten.
His youngest daughter Liutgard became abbess and Wichman donated two thirds of his personal belongings to the monastery and transferred all the rights of the count to the monastery. His eldest daughter Adela, who would receive only a third of the personal belongings, refused to accept it. That is why Wichman had the donations confirmed by the emperor.
Adela went to the imperial court in 996, eventually receiving half of her father's personal property and count's rights. Wichman became a lay brother in the monastery at Mönchengladbach in 974. He died there on July 20 of a year (shortly?)
After 974 Wichman is buried in Hoog-Elten. His remains were not found during the excavations of 1964-1965. It was probably interred in a separate chapel that also housed the Gangulf Shrine, which must have been a little southeast of the family cemetery. The grave of his wife Liutgard was found during the excavations in Hoog-Elten. One hand with the wrist joint was missing from her skeleton, while her bones showed signs of periostitis there. She therefore died as a result of a serious accident or an incident of violence. Wichman was the son of Meginhard IV.
Wichman and Liutgard van Vlaanderen (daughter of Arnulf van Vlaanderen and Aleidis van Vermandois) had the following children:
Wichman V (ca. 957 - 1 August 965 or 966 at the latest, buried in Elten Adela of Hamaland (c. 950 - c. 1025). Liutgard van Elten, first abbess of the Elten foundation (c. 953 - c. 1000)
Wichmann IV (V) van Hamaland, graaf van Gent en Hamaland's Timeline
925 |
Gendt, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands
943 |
Gand, Flanders, Belgium
979 |
September 27, 979
Age 54
Monastery of St. Vitus, Mönchengladbach, Noordrijn-Westfalen, Duitsland
1991 |
October 24, 1991
Age 54
October 24, 1991
Age 54
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