Immediate Family
About Warin II, count in Thurgau and Lobdegau
Warin II, count in Thurgau and Lobdegau
- Son of Ruthard der Ältere van Alemannien, de Altere and Odilia (Haildis) Von Elsass Welfen, von Elsass
- Warin († May 20, 774 [1] ) was a Frankish nobleman who left many traces in the history of Alemannia in the middle of the 8th century .
Warin (Thurgau) Count in Alemannia
After the Alemannic duchy had been smashed by the Carolingians and by the blood court of Cannstatt (746), along with Ruthard, he was one of those Franks who enforced Franconian rule in Alemannia as "administratores Alamanniae" [2] , who organized the Franconian county constitution and the fiscal estate . [3] He was primarily south of Lake Constance active while Ruthard rather north worked the lake.
Warin has been recorded as a count in Thurgau since 754 [4] . In 759, it was he and Ruthard who persecuted the founder of the monastery, Otmar von St. Gallen , took prisoner, accused him and had him tried. [5] This action was triggered by tensions between the monastery and the Bishop of Constance, who wanted to make St. Gallen subordinate to his diocese. [4] Ruthard and Warin received goods from St. Gallen's property as gifts for their support, which Ruthard only partially incorporated into the treasury. [6] In his last years, probably similar to Ruthard's after Charlemagne's accession to the throneits influence declined without it being possible to speak of a fall. His son Isanbard was apparently able to take over the office of count from him, at least in Thurgau, and tried to come to an understanding with the St. Gallen monastery, but without burdening his father.
That was done by King Konrad I , who visited the St. Gallen monastery in December 911, only one month after his election, and promised an annual donation to Otmar's grave because he was the "son of those executioners" (meaning Ruthard and Warin) and thus obliged to atonement.
Warin was married to Hadellind , [1] both are the founders of the Buchau monastery around 770 . Hadellind is given as the daughter of Hildebrand, Duke of Spoleto , and the Regarde, who in turn is said to have been a sister of the Bavarian Duke Odilo , [7] even if the Buchau founding legend Hildebrand as the Swabian Duke and Regarde as the Bavarian Duchess and sister of Hildegard, the wife of Charlemagne, and Hadellind officiated as the first abbess until around 809. [8th]
The sons of Warin and Hadellind are:
- Isanbard, Count in Thurgau, was born about 750. He died about 806.
- Swabo
The chronicler Ekkehard IV apparently considers Warin (and Ruthard) to be Guelphs . Hans Jänichen, who sees two people in Ruthard, Ruthard the elder and Ruthard the younger, father and son, sees in Warin the son of one and the brother of the other, without contradicting Ekkehard IV. Jänichen's view is controversial [9] . Josef Fleckenstein in turn suspects a member of the Widonen family in Warin .
- http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/c/a/u/Jack-Causer/GENE1-...
- http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/c/z/e/Paul-Czerner/WEBSI....
- History of the Canton of Thurgau - https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geschichte_des_Kantons_Thurgau
- Ekkehard IV .: St. Gallen monastery stories (= selected sources on German history in the Middle Ages. Vol. 10). Translated by Hans F. Haefele. 5th edition, bibliographically updated and extended by a supplement. With an addendum by Steffen Patzold . Scientific Book Society, Darmstadt 2013, ISBN 978-3-534-26033-1 .
- Hans Jänichen : Warin, Ruthard and Scrot. Property historical considerations on the early history of Buchau Abbey. In: Journal for Württemberg State History . Vol. 14, 1955, pp. 372-384.
- Josef Fleckenstein : About the origin of the Guelphs and their beginnings in southern Germany. In: Gerd Tellenbach (Ed.): Studies and preliminary work on the history of the Greater Franconian and early German nobility (= research on the history of the Upper Rhine region. Vol. 4, ISSN 0532-2197 ). Albert, Freiburg (Breisgau) 1957, pp. 71-136.
- Michael Borgolte : The Counts of Alemannia in Merovingian and Carolingian times. A prosopography (= archeology and history. Vol. 2). Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1986, ISBN 3-7995-7351-8 (also: Freiburg (Breisgau), university, habilitation paper, 1981/1982).
- Rudolf Schieffer : The Karolinger (= Kohlhammer Urban pocket books. 411). Kohlhammer, Stuttgart et al. 1992, ISBN 3-17-010759-3 .
- Andreas Thiele : Narrative genealogical family tables on European history. Volume 1: German imperial, royal, ducal and count houses. Volume 1. 2., revised and expanded edition. RG Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 1993, ISBN 3-89406-965-1 , plate 27.
- Warin . In: Lexicon of the Middle Ages (LexMA). Volume 8, LexMA-Verlag, Munich 1997, ISBN 3-89659-908-9 , Sp. 2049.
- Alois Niederstätter , Welfish tracks south of Lake Constance and in Raetia In: Karl-Ludwig Ay , Joachim Jahn , Lorenz Maier (eds.): Die Welfen. Regional historical aspects of their rule (= Forum Suevicum. Contributions to the history of East Swabia and the neighboring regions. Vol. 2) UVK - Universitätsverlag Konstanz, Konstanz 1998, ISBN 3-87940-598-0 , pp. 97-115.
Über Warin II, Graf im Thurgau und im Lobdegau (Deutsch)
Warin (Thurgau)
Warin († 20. Mai 774[1]) war ein fränkischer Adliger, der in der Mitte des 8. Jahrhunderts vielfältige Spuren in der Geschichte Alemanniens hinterlassen hat.
Leben[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
Er war nach der Zerschlagung des alemannischen Herzogtums durch die Karolinger und durch das Blutgericht zu Cannstatt (746) neben Ruthard einer derjenigen Franken, die in Alemannien die fränkische Herrschaft als „administratores Alamanniae“[2] durchsetzten, die fränkische Grafschaftsverfassung und das und Fiskalgut organisierten.[3] Er war dabei vor allem südlich des Bodensees aktiv, während Ruthard eher nördlich des Sees arbeitete.
Als Graf im Thurgau ist Warin seit dem Jahr 754 nachgewiesen[4]. 759 waren es dann er und Ruthard, die den Klostergründer Otmar von St. Gallen verfolgen, gefangen nehmen, anklagen und aburteilen ließen.[5] Auslöser dieser Aktion waren Spannungen zwischen dem Kloster und dem Bischof von Konstanz, der St. Gallen seinem Bistum unterstellen wollte.[4] Ruthard und Warin erhielten für ihre Unterstützung Güter aus dem Besitz St. Gallens geschenkt, die zumindest Ruthard nur zum Teil in den Fiskus eingliederte.[6] In seinen letzten Jahren, wohl ähnlich wie bei Ruthard ab der Thronbesteigung Karls des Großen ging sein Einfluss zurück, ohne dass man von einem Sturz sprechen kann. Sein Sohn Isanbard konnte offenbar das Amt als Graf zumindest im Thurgau von ihm übernehmen, bemühte sich auch um eine Verständigung mit dem Kloster St. Gallen, ohne allerdings seinen Vater dabei zu belasten.
Das besorgte dann König Konrad I., der bereits im Dezember 911, also nur einen Monat nach seiner Wahl, das Kloster St. Gallen besuchte und eine jährliche Gabe an das Grab Otmars zusagte, weil er der „Sohn jener Henker“ (gemeint sind Ruthard und Warin) und damit zur Sühne verpflichtet sei.
Familie[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
Warin war mit Hadellind verheiratet,[1] beide sind um 770 die Gründer des Klosters Buchau. Hadellind wird als Tochter des Hildebrand, Herzog von Spoleto, und der Regarde angegeben, die wiederum eine Schwester des bayerischen Herzogs Odilo gewesen sein soll,[7] auch wenn die Buchauer Gründungslegende Hildebrand als schwäbischen Herzog und Regarde als bayerische Herzogin und Schwester von Hildegard, der Ehefrau Karls des Großen, bezeichnet, sowie Hadellind als erste Äbtissin bis in die Zeit um 809 amtieren lässt.[8]
Söhne Warins und Hadellinds sind:[1] Isanbard, Graf im Thurgau Swabo
Der Chronist Ekkehard IV. hält Warin (und Ruthard) offenbar für Welfen. Hans Jänichen, der in Ruthard zwei Personen sieht, Ruthard den Älteren und Ruthard den Jüngeren, Vater und Sohn, sieht in Warin den Sohn des einen und den Bruder des anderen, ohne damit Ekkehard IV. zu widersprechen. Die Auffassung Jänichens ist umstritten[9]. Josef Fleckenstein wiederum vermutet in Warin einen Angehörigen der Familie der Widonen.
Siehe auch[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Geschichte des Kantons Thurgau Herzogtum Schwaben
In French, Thurgovie. In German, Thurgau.
Warin Des Franken-75992 [Parents] died in 790. He married Adellinde (Hadelinda) von Spoleto-75130.
Adellinde (Hadelinda) von Spoleto-75130 [Parents] was born in 735. She married Warin Des Franken-75992.
Other marriages:
- Des Franken, Warin
They had the following children:
- 1. M i Isanbart Des Franken Count von Thurgau-79216 was born about 750. He died about 806.
Child of Robert Hesbaye and Williswinda is:
2561961099776 i. Guerin Count in the Thurgovie, born Abt. 720 in Hesbaye,Liege,Belgium; died 20 May 772; married Adelindis.
In French, Thurgovie. In German, Thurgau.
Warin Des Franken-75992 [Parents] died in 790. He married Adellinde (Hadelinda) von Spoleto-75130.
Adellinde (Hadelinda) von Spoleto-75130 [Parents] was born in 735. She married Warin Des Franken-75992.
Other marriages:
Des Franken, Warin They had the following children:
1. M i Isanbart Des Franken Count von Thurgau-79216 was born about 750. He died about 806.
Child of Robert Hesbaye and Williswinda is:
2561961099776 i. Guerin Count in the Thurgovie, born Abt. 720 in Hesbaye,Liege,Belgium; died 20 May 772; married Adelindis.
About Guerin II, comte de Thurgovie et de Logdegau (Français)
In French, Thurgovie. In German, Thurgau.
Warin Des Franken-75992 [Parents] died in 790. He married Adellinde (Hadelinda) von Spoleto-75130.
Adellinde (Hadelinda) von Spoleto-75130 [Parents] was born in 735. She married Warin Des Franken-75992.
Other marriages:
- Des Franken, Warin
They had the following children:
- 1. M i Isanbart Des Franken Count von Thurgau-79216 was born about 750. He died about 806.
Child of Robert Hesbaye and Williswinda is:
2561961099776 i. Guerin Count in the Thurgovie, born Abt. 720 in Hesbaye,Liege,Belgium; died 20 May 772; married Adelindis.
In French, Thurgovie. In German, Thurgau.
Warin Des Franken-75992 [Parents] died in 790. He married Adellinde (Hadelinda) von Spoleto-75130.
Adellinde (Hadelinda) von Spoleto-75130 [Parents] was born in 735. She married Warin Des Franken-75992.
Other marriages:
Des Franken, Warin They had the following children:
1. M i Isanbart Des Franken Count von Thurgau-79216 was born about 750. He died about 806.
Om Warin II, count in Thurgau and Lobdegau (Norsk)
Warin II, greve i Thurgau og Lobdegau
Etter at det Alemaniske hertugdømme ble slått av karolingerne hadde han gjennom blodsband retten til Cannstatt (nå Stuttgart) i 746 sammen med Ruthard i Mainz, en av de sveitsiske frankerne, De var av frankisk herrefolk (slekt) som "administratores Alamanniae» og organiserte finanspolitikken godt, Han arbeidet hovedsakelig sør for Bodensjøen, mens Ruthard og hans sønn Ruthard jobbet nord for innsjøen. Warin er kjent som greve av Thurgau i 754.
I 759 fanget Warion og Ruthard presten Otmar grunnleggeren av klosteret i St, Gallen tok ut tiltale dømte han. Det som utløste denne handlingen var spenningene mellom klosteret og biskopen i Konstanz, som ville plassere St. Gallen i sitt bispedømme. For dette fikk Ruthard og Warin gaver av klosteret St. Gallens, og det var årsaken til at Ruthard kom i kongens tjeneste.
Warin og Ruthard mistet noe av sin innflytelse da Karl den store besteg tronen, uten at man kan snakke om et fall. Sønnen Isanbard overtok embetet som greve i Thurgau etter faren, Isambart søkte og fikk en avtale med klosteret i St. Gallen. dette deltok ikke Warin ikke i.
Warin var gift med Hadellind, begge er grunnleggerne av klosteret Buchau 770. Hadellind er datter av Hildebrand, hertug av Spoleto.
De fikk 6 barn kjenner som en en til. En av dem var Isanbard, greve i Thurgau
Warin II, count in Thurgau and Lobdegau's Timeline
725 |
Altdorf, Herzogtum Bayern, Frankish Empire
740 |
745 |
Narbonne, Aude, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
Altdorf bei Nürnberg, Middle Franconia, Bavaria, Germany
750 |
Languedoc-Roussillon,, Narbonne, Aude, Occitanie, France
790 |
Age 65
Frankish Empire
???? |
Istria, Croatia
???? | |||
???? |