Immediate Family
About Waltrude d'Orléans
ARNOUL[Arnulf], son of [ARNOLD & his wife ---] ([580/85]-Remiremont 18 Jul [640], bur Remiremont, later transferred to Metz, basilique de Saint-Arnoul).
m DODA?, daughter of --- (-after [640]). The Vita Sancti Arnulfi records that Arnulf married "inclitam et nobilissimam...puellam" but gives no further details about her[63]. The 11th century Vita Chlodulfi Episcopi names “mater…Chlodulfi Doda”[64]. Settipani suggests that this source is “de médiocre valeur”[65]. Sigebert's late 11th century Chronica records that "Doda mater...Clodulfi" retired to Trier as a nun, based on the same source[66].
Arnulf & his wife had [three] children:
1. CHLODULF ([610]-8 May [697], bur Metz, basilique de Saint-Arnoul).
2. ANSEGISEL ([612]-killed [655/65]).
3. WALACHO [Walchisus] . The Domus Carolingiæ Genealogia names (in order) "Flodulfum, Walchisum et Anschisum" as sons of "Arnulfum episcopum", specifying that Walchisus was father of "Wandregisilum confessorem Domini"[107]. The Vita S. Wandregisili records that “Walchisus” was “consobrinus…Pippini…Principis Francorum”[108]. Monlezun suggests that Walacho and Walchisus were the same person. The primary source which confirms that this is correct has not yet been identified. In any case, the chronology appears to be too extended, particularly in light of the death of his supposed son-in-law Eudes Duke of Aquitaine, for Walacho to have been the son of Arnoul. Until further information comes to light, this connection should be viewed with caution.] m ---. The name of Walacho/Walchisus’s wife is not known. Walacho/Walchisus & his wife had [two] children:a) WANDREGISEL [Wandrille] (-21 Apr 665). The Vita S. Wandregisili names “Walchisus…consobrinus…Pippini…Principis Francorum” as father of “Wandregisilus cognomento Wando”[109]. The Gesta Abbatum Fontanellensium names "Wandregisilus" as the first abbot of Fontanelle and in a later passage specifies that he was son of "Walchisus…patruus Pippini ducis Francorum filii Anchisi"[110]. The Vita Ansberti names "princeps Pipinus Ansegisili filius" as "consobrinus…beati patris Wandragisili"[111]. The Annales Xantenses record the death in 665 of "Sanctus Wandregisilus"[112]. The Vita S. Wandregisili records the death “menso quarto, die primo et vicesimo…annus…665” aged 96 of “Beatus Wandregisilus”[113], although his age must be considerably exaggerated if his parentage is correctly shown here.
b) WALTRUDE? . The charter of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks dated 30 Jan 845 (probably spurious, as explained in the document AQUITAINE DUKES) names "Valtruda, Valchigisi ducis de nostra progenie filia" as wife of "Eudo Aquitanie dux"[114]. m EUDES Duke of Aquitaine, son of [BOGGIS Duke of Aquitaine & his wife Oda ---] (-[735]).]
Waltrude d'Orléans's Timeline
649 |
Austrasia, Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine, France
675 |
Age 26
Aquitaine, France
705 |
Aquitaine, France
???? |