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князь псковский (1213),князь новгородский (1218-1221),князь смоленский (ок.1238—?) 45. ВСЕВОЛОД БОРИСОВИЧ († после 1225) ........................................... ........................... 34
Между 1203-1206 гг занял княжеский престол в земгальському княжестве Герсике [%D0%95%D1%80%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B5]. Не надеясь на помощь полочан, обратился к литовцам. Союз с ними был скреплен браком Всеволода с дочерью князя Довгирда [Daougueroute]. У1208 г. должен стать вассалом рижского епископа. Пробовал в союзе с литовцами отстоять княжество. В 1215 г. вся территория Герсике была занята крестоносцами. Князь Всеволод продолжал борьбу до 1225 г., когда он в последний раз упомянут в источниках (49, с. 127-128, 164).
Всеволод (Василько ?) Борисович (ум. после 1225), князь Герсикский ? — после 1225; жена: N, дочь Даугеруте, литовского князя
ROMAN Rostislavich, son of ROSTISLAV Mstislavich Grand Prince of Kiev & his wife --- (-14 Jun 1180). Prince of Smolensk 1159-1172, 1177-1180. He succeeded as ROMAN Grand Prince of Kiev 1172-1174, 1175-1177. Prince of Novgorod 1154, 1178-1179.
m (9 Jan 1149) as her first husband, MARIA Sviatoslavna, daughter of SVIATOSLAV NIKOLAI Olegovich Prince of Chernigov & his second wife Maria [Ekaterina] of Novgorod. She married secondly Roman Glebovich Prince of Riazan.
Grand Prince Roman & his wife had three children (all of whom, along with their descendants shown below, are named by Baumgarten with primary sources[541]):
1. IAROPOLK Romanovich (-after 1176). Prince of Smolensk 1172-1174. m ---. The name of Iaropolk´s wife is not known. Iaroolk & his wife had one child:
a) [VISLAVA Iaropolkovna . Baumgarten quotes an early secondary source which names "Wislawa fil. Jarolphi Principis Russiæ" as the wife of Duke Bogislaw, suggesting that "Jarolphi" is a corruption of "Jaropolk", and suggests three possible contemporary Princes Iaropolk[542]. He dismisses Iaropolk Prince of Buzsk on the basis that any of his daughters would have been too old, and Iaropolk of Suzdal on the basis that his branch contracted no known western marriages as they had orientated themselves towards Byzantium, leaving only Iaropolk Romanovich Prince of Smolensk. m as his first wife, BOGISLAW II Duke of Pomerania, son of BOGISLAW I Duke of Pomerania & his second wife Anastasia of Poland (-24 Jan 1220).]
2. --- Romanovna. m VSESLAV II Vasilkovich Prince of Polotsk, son of VASILKO Sviatoslavich Prince of Polotsk & his wife --- (-1186]).
3. MSTISLAV Romanovich "Dobriy/the Good" (-killed in battle Kalka River 30 May 1223). Prince of Pskov 1178-1195. Prince of Smolensk 1197-1213. He succeeded in 1214 as MSTISLAV Grand Prince of Kiev. He was captured and killed by the Mongols during their first wave of invasions into Rus territory. m --- Vasilkovna, daughter of VASILKO Bryacheslavich Prince of Vitebsk & his wife --- Davidovna of Novgorod and Smolensk. Mstislav & his wife had seven children:
a) SVIATOSLAV Mstislavich. Prince of Novgorod 1218-1219. Prince of Polotsk 1222-1232. Prince of Smolensk 1232-1239. SVIATOSLAV Grand Prince of Kiev 1235.
b) IZIASLAV Mstislavich. IZIASLAV IV Grand Prince of Kiev 1235. Prince of Smolensk 1239.
c) VSEVOLOD Mstislavich (-[1238/39]). Prince of Pskov 1214. Prince of Novgorod 1219-1221. Prince of Smolensk 1238.
d) ROSTISLAV Mstislavich. He claimed the vacant throne of Kiev after Mikhail Vsevolodich fled to Hungary in the face of the Mongol invasion, succeeding in 1239 as ROSTISLAV III Grand Prince of Kiev. He was expelled in his turn by Daniil Romanovich Prince of Volynia[543].
e) ANDREI Mstislavich (-killed in battle 1245).
f) --- Mstislavna. m ANDREI Prince of --- (-killed in battle 1223).
g) --- Mstislavna (-24 Jan 1221 or [1222]). m (15 Oct 1195) KONSTANTIN Vsevolodich Grand Prince of Vladimir, son of VSEVOLOD Iurievich "Balshoe Gniezdo/Big Nest" Prince of Vladimir & his first wife Maria of Ossetia (-2 Feb 1218).
1195 |
Smolensk, Gorod Smolensk, Smolensk Oblast, Russia (Russian Federation)
1238 |
February 11, 1238
Age 43
1248 |
Smolensk, Smolensk Oblast, Russia (Russian Federation)
1275 |
Смоленск, Смоленское Княжество