Vladislav Kotromanić

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Vladislav Kotromanić (1295 - 1354)

Also Known As: "Ladislav Kotromanić"
Birthplace: Jajce, Federacija Bosna i Hercegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Death: 1354 (54-64)
Bobovac, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Place of Burial: Bobovac, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Immediate Family:

Son of Stephen I Kotromanić, Ban of Bosnia and Elizabeth of Serbia, Baness-Consort of Bosnia
Husband of Jelena Kotromanić
Ex-partner of N.N.
Father of Stjepan Dabiša Stjepanović; Marija von Helfenstein; Kralj Stjepan Tvrtko I Kotromanić; Stjepan Vuk Kotromanić and Stanislava Kotromanić
Brother of Stephan II Kotromanic, the Great Ban of Bosnia; Ninoslav Prijezdić and Katarina Radoslavić

Occupation: Knez Bosne
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Vladislav Kotromanić


VLADISLAV Kotromanić, son of STJEPAN Kotroman Ban of Bosnia & his wife Jelisaveta of Serbia (-1354). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not been identified. Co-Regent of Bosnia [1323-1331]. Regent of Bosnia end 1353-early 1354. It is not known why his son succeeded as Ban of Bosnia in 1353 instead of Vladislav[56].

m (Klis 1338 before 17 Aug) JELENA Subić, daughter of JURAJ [II] Subić Count of Bribir & his wife --- (-after 10 Apr 1378). The primary source which confirms her parentage has not been identified. "Tvrtko banus Bosnæ…cum…iuvene Vuk fratre…ac…domina Helena genetrice" confirmed the privileges of Ragusa by charter dated 1 Sep 1355[57]. "Laurentius Celsi dux Venetiarum" declared "Tvrtkum totius Bossine banum comitem Wolf eius fratrem et Helenam eorum genetricem" as citizens of Venice by charter dated 7 Sep 1364[58]. Pope Gregory IX confirmed the donation by "Tuertko banus Boznen…cum…Stephano eius fratre iuniore bano Boznen nec non…Helena ipsorum banorum genetrice" to "ecclesiæ cathedrali sanctorum Petri et Pauli" by bull dated 31 Oct 1374[59]. “Stephanus Tvrtko, Bosnæ rex…cum matre Helena et coniuge Dorothea” confirmed the privileges granted previously to the Ragusans by “Bosnæ et Serbiæ regibus” by charter dated 10 Apr 1378[60].

Vladislav & his wife had three children:

1. STJEPAN Tvrtko ([1338]-10 Mar 1391). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not been identified. He succeeded his uncle in 1353 as Ban of Bosnia. "Tvrtko banus Bosnæ…cum…iuvene Vuk fratre…ac…domina Helena genetrice" confirmed the privileges of Ragusa by charter dated 1 Sep 1355[61]. He was crowned STJEPAN TVRTKO I King [Kralj] of Bosnia.

- see below.

2. STJEPAN Vuk (-after 31 Oct 1374). "Tvrtko banus Bosnæ…cum…iuvene Vuk fratre…ac…domina Helena genetrice" confirmed the privileges of Ragusa by charter dated 1 Sep 1355[62]. Knez [1353-1369]. "Laurentius Celsi dux Venetiarum" declared "Tvrtkum totius Bossine banum comitem Wolf eius fratrem et Helenam eorum genetricem" as citizens of Venice by charter dated 7 Sep 1364[63]. He was installed as Ban of Bosnia in 1366 in place of his older brother after a rebellion by the nobility, but made peace with his brother in 1367 and surrendered the Banate in return for being confirmed in his own holdings. He went into exile later in the year, unsuccessfully sought outside help to regain his position, and eventually concluded a more permanent peace in 1374[64]. He converted to Roman Catholicism in 1367[65]. Pope Urban V requested Lajos King of Hungary to protect "Stephanum banum Bosnæ iuniorem", persecuted by "frater, senior banus", by letter dated 14 Dec 1369[66]. Pope Gregory IX confirmed the donation by "Tuertko banus Boznen…cum…Stephano eius fratre iuniore bano Boznen nec non…Helena ipsorum banorum genetrice" to "ecclesiæ cathedrali sanctorum Petri et Pauli" by bull dated 31 Oct 1374[67].

3. KATARINA . The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not been identified. 1377/96. Her son, Herman [II] Count of Celje, inherited the kingdom of Bosnia by treaty 2 Sep 1427[68]. m (1362) HERMAN [I] Count of Celje [Cilly], son of FREDERIC [I] Count of Celje [Cilly] & his wife Diemut von Wallsee (-21 Mar 1385).

Sources: https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/BOSNIA.htm#VladislavKotromanicdied...

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Vladislav Kotromanić's Timeline

Jajce, Federacija Bosna i Hercegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
August 5, 1338
Srebrenik, Tuzla Canton, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bobovac ili Srebrenik, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Age 59
Bobovac, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Age 59
Bobovačka kapela, Bobovac, Bosnia and Herzegovina