Virginia Eriksdotter Vasa

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Virginia Eriksdotter Vasa (1559 - 1633)

Swedish: Virginia Eriksdotter Vasa (av Sverige), Finnish: Virginia Eerikintytär Vaasa
Birthplace: Kalmar Castle, Kalmar, Kalmar County, Småland, Sweden
Death: 1633 (73-74)
Barnarp and, Odensjö, Jönköping County, Småland, Sweden
Place of Burial: Odensjö gamla kyrka, Odensjö, Jönköping County, Småland, Sweden
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Erik XIV, King of Sweden and Agda Persdotter
Wife of Håkan Knutsson Hand
Mother of Arvid Håkansson (Hand); Catharina Håkansdotter Hand; Cav. Capt. Knut Håkansson Hand; Sofia Håkansdotter (Hand); Erik Håkansson Hand and 2 others
Sister of Constantia Eriksdotter Vasa and Lukretia Eriksdotter Vasa
Half sister of Birger Eriksson; Adam Eriksson; Margareta Eriksdotter; Princess Sigrid of Sweden; Gustav Eriksson Vasa and 4 others

Occupation: Erkänd dotter, Frillodotter till Erik XIV, Gift i Kalmar Slott 1856, Dotter Erik IVX
MTDNA: T2b+3278
Managed by: Sveneric Rosell
Last Updated:

About Virginia Eriksdotter Vasa

Virginia Eriksdotter Vaasa

  • Daughter of Erik XIV, King of Sweden and Agda "Caritas" Persdotter
  • Virginia Eriksdotter (1 January 1559 – 1633) was a Swedish noble. She was the recognized illegitimate daughter of King Erik XIV of Sweden and his official royal mistress Agda Persdotter.
  • Did not reach 74 years.
  • Letter where King Karl IX gave Virginia 5 Farms after the death of her father King Erik XIV of Sweden
  • Born: 01-01-1559 in Kalmar Castle, Kalmar, Kalmar County, Småland, Sweden
  • Death: 1633 in Barnarp and, Odensjö, Jönköping County, Småland, Sweden
  • Buried: Familjens gravkor, Odensjö gamla kyrka, Odensjö, Jönköping County, Småland, Sweden
  • Virginia Eriksdotter (Vasa). Ansedel Born 1559-01-01 in Kalmar Castle/H. died 1633 in Odensjö/G. Virginia was born as Frillobarn on 1 January 1559 at Kalmar Castle. When the mother married 1561, the custody of Princess Cecilia was taken over to 1564. 1565, Karin Månsdotter practiced oversight of Virginia became by her father Erik XIV, the incident to consort of Russian Grand Duke Ivan IV, (Ivan the Terrible). Giftemålet, however, this didn’t happen. She later married Håkan Knutsson Hand. Virginia received 7 May 1585 of King John III six farms in Västergötland and 14 April 1589 of Duke Charles Five homestead in Vadsbo, Skaraborg County. Virgina died after her husband Håkan Knutsson Hand in 1633 in Vret, Odensjö, where she was also buried. More information bout Frillobarn: Both Magnus Eriksson's national team from 1350 and Kristoffer's national team from 1442 regulate how frillobarn’s are to be brought up. The mother should take care of the child until it is three years old, then the father until it is seven. Both, however, had custody until the child was seven years old-when it was considered adult. Unlike "Horbarn," Frillobarn’s are to inherit the father’s inheritance. Frillobarnens special status among Oäktingarna did not disappear from the legislative text until 1734.


  • Married: Håkan Knutsson Hand, in 1586, son of Knut Håkansson (Hand) and Märta Arvidsdotter (Västbo-Drake)


  • 1. Catharina Håkansdotter Hand (född 1587, död 1645), Married 1615 with the governor Johan Henriksson Rytter .
  • 2. Knut Håkansson Hand (född 1588, död 1614), Envy murdered at the beginning of 1614 at Rugils in Russia.
  • 3. Sofia Håkansdotter Hand (född 1590), lived in 1634. Married to Lieutenant Baltsar von Neüman .
  • 4. Arvid Håkansson Hand (född 1592, död 1621), Dead unmarried 1621.
  • 5. Erik Håkansson Hand (född 1594, död 1632), Dead unmarried 1632-08-30 in Ingolstadt. Colonel.
  • 6. Johan Håkansson Hand (född 1596, död 1656), Circuit judge
  • 7. Elisabet Håkansdotter Hand (född 1598, död 1651-04-10), Married to the Lieutenant Colonel Per Joensson Gyllensvärd

Virginia Eriksdotter, by Wikipedia

Virginia was born at Kalmar Castle during her father's tenure as governor of Kalmar. In 1560, her father became King. She and her sister Constantia Eriksdotter (1560–1649) were removed from their mother's custody when she married in 1561. This was illegal, as according to the law the mother had sole custody until the children reached the age of three. They were placed under the responsibility of Princess Cecilia of Sweden and (after her marriage in 1564) Princess Elizabeth of Sweden or, more precisely, the head-lady-in-waiting Anna Hogenskild. The following year, Karin Månsdotter was included in their staff, and two years later, she became their stepmother.

In 1566, her father suggested that she marry Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich of Russia. This was at a point when her father forged an alliance between Sweden and Russia against Poland: otherconsiderations mentioned were the handover of Queen Dowager Catherine, Princess Sophia of Sweden and Princess Elizabeth of Sweden as hostages to Russia. Virginia was reportedly displeased when she was informed of the plans of her future marriage and refused. Concerning her age, a marriage would in any event not have been realized for years, and her father was deposed but two years after.

Despite her age, she as well as Karin Månsdotter were the object of the appeals from Martha Leijonhufvud, who asked them to appeal to the King for the mercy of Martha's spouse and sons prior to the Sture Murders, as Martha herself had been placed in house arrest. Martha suggested to Karin that she use "Miss Virginia" as messenger, if that would be the most effective method of success, but she did also appeal to Virginia personally.[3] In 1568, her father was deposed by her uncle, John III of Sweden.

On 7 May 1585, she was granted estates in Västergötland by her uncle King John III of Sweden, and the following year she herself chose to marry the noble Håkan Knutsson Hand, governor of Kronoberg Castle. In 1589, she was granted further estates by the future King Charles IX of Sweden in his Duchy of Södermanland. She had seven children during her marriage.


The wife had a family tree, which after some begging I was allowed to look at. It extended at least to the 7th century(!) and they treated it as a family secret. The wife's father had been a priest. The mother was the daughter of a wholesaler and descended from Virginia Eriksdotter ( ), illegitimate daughter of Erik XIV and a Stockholm beauty, whose name was Agda Persdotter. Carl Grimberg tells about her in The Wonderful Fates of the Swedish People. Virginia had to grow up at court and the new king hired a chambermaid to look after her. Her name was Karin Månsdotter and he eventually became more interested in her. The fact that the king was then deposed, imprisoned and perhaps murdered did not mean that Virginia lost her position. She was already recognized as Gustav Vasa's first grandchild, the only one he met, cousin with Sigismund, with Gustaf II Adolf, with his half-sister Katarina (who became Karl X Gustaf's mother) and with seven illegitimate children of Gustav Vasa's three sons from the second marriage. They were all named Gyllenhielm, among them Gustaf II Adolf's half-brother Carl Carlsson Gyllenhielm, councillor, field marshal and rear admiral. Of course, Virginia could marry anyone and Erik XIV proposed her to a Russian grand duke, Ivan IV Vasi Levich ( , Ivan the Terrible), but she instead chose the nobleman and governor of Kronoberg Håkan Knutsson Hand. The ancestors then made their way through the 17th century at high officer level and in the 18th century I want Katharina of Saxe-Lauenburg., depicted lying on the sarcophagus lid next to Gustav Vasa

19 remember that they were mostly high officials and in the 19th century wholesalers for a few generations. All this was all the time well documented within the family and quite a few girls were named after Virginia, among them the relative's wife and a sister of hers. One of the wholesalers was not satisfied with this, but over a hundred years ago paid a small fortune to let Swedish and foreign genealogists and historians investigate Virginia's ancestry via her grandmother, Gustav Vasa's first wife Katharina of Saxe-Lauenburg. There have probably always been people who kept track of and wrote such things down. Examples from the Svalöv tract are the above-mentioned Johan Christopher Barfod ( , b. in Kvidinge) with Markvärdigheter relating to the Scanian nobility and Sophie Brahe ( , b. at Knutstorp, Tycho's sister) with a Slægtebog about her own family and the ancestry of many famous people at the time, among them Gustav I, king of Sweden when she was a child in Denmark. It turned out that the European princely houses were particularly intermarried and the paid genealogists found many tens of princes, grand dukes, electors and kings from Central and Eastern Europe. Now these are available online, the online newspaper Rötter has Erik XIV's ancestry for fourteen generations (more than records). The genealogists of a hundred years ago had only found a small part of them and after a few generations it is now seen that almost all of them were ancestors via several routes. It was a system to maintain political alliances and social heritage, just like my peasant ancestors. In the thirty-fifth line (from the family wife) I found the Frankish king Charlemagne ( , Charlemagne), he who gathered the remnants of the wrecked Western Roman Empire into a great empire from Hamburg to the Naples region. In 800 he was crowned emperor by the Pope and he is seen by many as the founder of Europe. His descendants divided the kingdom and thus arose France, Germany and Italy. Charlemagne's grandfather was called Karl Martell (the hammer, ca ) and was the Major domus of the Merovingians. He stopped the further advance of the Arabs in Europe by the Battle of Poitiers in 732. Before him there were further ancestors. The Merovingians were a Frankish royal family during the migration period, which since the 4th century gathered increasingly large areas under themselves within what is now France. I remember being particularly impressed with Charlemagne in the pedigree and probably the wholesaler was also pleased. But there are probably many hundreds of ways to connect Katharina of Saxe-Lauenburg with Charlemagne, the genealogists had found one. Europe's petty principalities arose through the repeated division of Charlemagne's empire. If you go backwards in the princely houses, you will probably always come across him, but the kinship becomes thin. There are probably millions of Europeans who are descendants of Charlemagne without knowing it. It was fun to see the pedigree. The fact that they kept it secret was probably because they didn't want to be suspected of flaunting it. I'm not sure how I would do it. I had had to accept them as ancestors, but social cohesion had been difficult to feel. As a genealogist, I would probably also have thought that my genealogy became a page. Virginia also has many living descendants, among them Roy Lantz, who began to tell about his finds in this magazine. If you Google Virginia Eriksdotter, you get over four thousand hits, mostly to Swedish genealogists. In Trehäradsbladet (Eslöv - Höör Släkt- och Folklivsforskare) a researcher (sign. IA) published about ten years ago his ancestry to her. Literature For those who are curious about the social heritage at a slightly higher level, I recommend JC Barfod: Märkvärdigheter rorende Skånska adeln. The work was originally published around 1790 as a series of newspaper stories and came in collected book form I also recommend Björn af Kleen: Jorden de ervde,

20 Family and Village 11: and 2011 Press office at Konsum station, later Press office Axel Pers bakery Gumman Bryggaresvängen, Lilla Folkskolan Photo: Mats Harder

Family Histories

Source - Complete History 1 in swedish for Carl Bengtsson Skantz and Nilla Mansdotter' -

Source- Complete History 1, Carl Bengtsson Skantz and Nilla Mansdotter from Sweden in English -

Source - Complete History 2 in swedish for Carl Bengtsson Skantz and Nilla Mansdotter-

Source- History 2 of Carl Bengtsson Skantz and Nilla Mansdotter and Family in English -



About Virginia Eerikintytär Vaasa (suomi)

Virginia Eriksdotter-

Eriksdtr-Vasa, Virginia »-

Suku Forum-

unigas Eerikin avioton tytär Virginia nai käskynhaltija Håkan Handin. Heidän tyttärensä Catharina Hand meni avioon Johan Henrikssonin kanssa, joka on edellisessä viestissäni mainitun Henrik Nilssonin poika.

Kaikki Johan Henriksson Reutterin (Rytter) jälkeläiset polveutuvat siis kuningas Erikistä.



Tegenborg Falkdalen, Karin, Vasadrottningen: en biografi över Katarina Stenbock 1535-1621, Historiska media, Lund, 2015

Övriga källor[redigera | redigera wikitext]Gustaf Elgenstierna, Den introducerade svenska adelns ättartavlor. 1925-36

Om Virginia Eriksdotter Vasa (svenska)

Virginia Eriksdotter-

Eriksdtr-Vasa, Virginia »-

Suku Forum-

Kunigas Eerikin avioton tytär Virginia nai käskynhaltija Håkan Handin. Heidän tyttärensä Catharina Hand meni avioon Johan Henrikssonin kanssa, joka on edellisessä viestissäni mainitun Henrik Nilssonin poika.

Kaikki Johan Henriksson Reutterin (Rytter) jälkeläiset polveutuvat siis kuningas Erikistä.

Virginia Eriksdotter, född 1559-01-01 på Kalmar slott, död 1633 efter mannen. Var naturlig dotter av konung Erik XIV och Agda Persdotter, Född som frillobarn.

Virginia föddes som frillobarn 1 januari 1559 klockan 7 på morgonen på Kalmar slott. När modern gifte sig 1561 övertogs vårdnaden av prinsessan Cecilia till 1564. 1565 fick Karin Månsdotter öva tillsyn över Virginia. Virginia blev av sin far Erik XIV, tillbuden till gemål åt ryska storfursten Ivan IV, (Ivan den förskräcklige). Giftemålet blev dock inte av. Virginia fick 7 maj 1585 av kung Johan III sex gårdar i Västergötland och 14 april 1589 av hertig Karl fem hemman i Vadsbo härad, Skaraborgs län. Hon valde att omkring 1586 gifta sig med den svenske frälsemannen Håkan Knutsson Hand, ståthållaren på Kronobergs slott. Hon var bosatt i Odensjö församling i Småland. Virgina dog efter maken 1633 i Vret, Odensjö, där hon också begravdes.


1. Catharina
2. Knut 3. Sofia 4. Arvid 5. Erik 6. Johan 7. Elisabet Håkansdotter Hand (född 1598, död 1651-04-10)

Om frillobarn:

Både Magnus Erikssons landslag från 1350 och Kristoffers landslag från 1442 reglerar hur frillobarn ska uppfostras. Modern ska ta hand om barnet tills det är tre år, och sedan fadern tills det är sju. Båda hade dock vårdnaden tills barnet var sju år - då det ansågs vuxet. Till skillnad från "horbarn" fick frillobarn vara med och ärva fadern. Frillobarnens särställning bland oäktingarna försvann inte ur lagtexten förrän 1734.


Gustaf Elgenstierna, Den introducerade svenska adelns ättartavlor. 1925-36

Erhöll 7/5 1585 sex gårdar i Västergötland av konung Johan.
!4/4 1589 fem hemma i Vadsbohärad (Skaraborg) från hertig Carl

Virginia Eriksdotter, född 1 januari 1559 på Kalmar slott, död 1633, var en frillodotter till kung Erik XIV.

Dotter till Erik och Agda Persdotter. Virginia blev år 1566 av sin far erbjuden till gemål åt ryska storfursten Ivan Ivanovitj, men hon valde att omkring 1586 gifta sig med den svenske frälsemannen Håkan Knutsson Hand, ståthållaren på Kronobergs slott. Hon var bosatt i Odensjö socken i Småland.

Virginia fick 7 maj 1585 av kung Johan sex gårdar i Västergötland, och 1589 av hertig Carl fem hemman i Vadsbo härad.

Källa: Gustaf Elgenstierna, Den introducerade svenska adelns ättartavlor. 1925-36

Både Magnus Erikssons landslag från 1350 och Kristoffers landslag från 1442 reglerar hur frillobarn ska uppfostras. Modern ska ta hand om barnet tills det är tre år, och sedan fadern tills det är sju. Båda hade dock vårdnaden tills barnet var sju år - då det ansågs vuxet. Till skillnad från "horbarn" fick frillobarn vara med och ärva fadern. Frillobarnens särställning bland oäktingarna försvann inte ur lagtexten förrän 1734. Virginia blev av sin far Konung Erik XIV, tillbuden till gemål åt ryska Storfursten Ivan Ivanovitj. Erhöll 1585-05-07 av Konung Johan III sex gårdar i Västergötland och 1589-04-14 av Hertig Karl fem hemman i Vadsbo härad Skarab.län. När modern gifte sig 1561 övertogs vårdnaden av Prinsessan Cecilia till 1564. 1565 fick Karin Månsdotter öva tillsyn över Virginia.


Håkan Knutsson Hand (son av Knut Håkansson, Tab. 3). Död 1633 på Vret. Gift omkring 1586 med Virginia Eriksdotter, naturlig dotter av konung Erik XIV och Agda Persdotter.


Catharina Hand. Gift 1615 med landshövdingen Johan Henriksson Rytter.

Knut Hand. Ogift mördad i början av är 1614 vid Rugils i Ryssland.

Sofia Hand, levde 1634. Gift med överstelöjtnanten Baltsar von Neüman.

Arvid Hand. Död ogift 1621.

Erik Hand. Död ogift 1632-08-30 i Ingolstadt. Överste.

Johan Hand. Häradshövding.

· Elisabet Hand, född 1598, död 1651-04-10. Gift med överstelöjtnanten Per Joensson Gyllensvärd.




Tegenborg Falkdalen, Karin, Vasadrottningen: en biografi över Katarina Stenbock 1535-1621, Historiska media, Lund, 2015

Övriga källor[redigera | redigera wikitext]Gustaf Elgenstierna, Den introducerade svenska adelns ättartavlor. 1925-36

view all 12

Virginia Eriksdotter Vasa's Timeline

January 1, 1559
Kalmar Castle, Kalmar, Kalmar County, Småland, Sweden
Odensjö, Småland, Sweden
July 29, 1585
Odensjö, Småland,, Sweden
Odensjö, Jönköping, Jönköping County, Småland, Sweden
Odensjö, Småland, Sweden
Alvesta, Alvesta, Kronobergs län, Sweden
April 10, 1598
Odensjö, Småland, Kronoberg county, Sweden
Age 74
Barnarp and, Odensjö, Jönköping County, Småland, Sweden

Vret, Odensjö (G) , à l'âge de 74 ans