A magyar nyelvű cikkből
translated by Google Translator: Vazul is the grandson of Hungarian prince Taksony <sic) Lasonc> and son of Michael. Vazul repeatedly involved in conspiracies against the first Hungarian Christian King István I, Vazul was excluded from the line of descendants of the Hungarian royal throne because he was pagan. However Arpad dynasty survived precisely through the sons of Vazul. Vazul has two marriages both in Bulgarian princesses:
Vazul (Basil) (11th century – died 1037) was a Hungarian noble of the Árpád family, Duke between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hran or Gran). He was the grandson of Taksony. His father Michael (Mihály), Duke between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hron or Gran) (– ca 978 or bef. 997) and his mother was Michael's wife Adelajda of Poland (– aft. 997), daughter or sister of Mieszko I of Poland. His brother was Ladislaus the Bald. He was a cousin of Stephen I of Hungary. He took part in a conspiracy aimed at the murder of king Stephen, since he was excluded from the royal succession in favour of Pietro Orseolo. The assassination attempt failed. Vazul had his eyes gouged out and molten lead poured in his ears; his sons were exiled.
Of Vazul's three sons (with his wife from Tátony family or a woman who may (or may not) have been daughter of Tsar Samuel of the Bulgarians, Katun Anastazya) András (Andrew I), Béla and Levente, two would ascend the throne after the dynastic struggle following the death of Stephen I. The line of Árpád kings following Stephen is therefore referred to as the Vazul line.
Katun Anastazya
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vazul"
unknown Arpád
M, #221309
Last Edited=7 Mar 2007
Children of unknown Arpád
-1. Béla I Arpád, King of Hungary+ d. Dec 1063
-2. Andreas I Arpád, King of Hungary+ d. 1060 (1)
Forrás Source:
Vazul [szerkeszt%C3%A9s]
A Wikipédiából, a szabad enciklopédiából.
Ez a szócikk a magyar hercegről szól.
Vazul magyar herceg, Mihály herceg fia, Taksony fejedelem unokája.
A Vazul (Vanzul vagy Wacilo) név magyarosan ejtve Vászoly lehetett. Életének körülményei ismeretlenek.
I. István unokatestvére volt, aki I. István fiának, Imre hercegnek halála után a trónra is igényt tarthatott.
Három fia volt, András, Béla és Levente, Andrásból és Bélából később király lett (I. András, I. Béla.
A krónikák szerint volt egy testvére, Szár László, akinek volt egy fia, Bogyoszló.
Forrás / Source:
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Vazul (Basil) (11th century – died 1037) was a Hungarian noble of the Árpád family, Prince of Nitra, with realm between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hran or Gran). He was the grandson of Taksony. His father Michael (Mihály), Duke between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hron or Gran) (– ca 978 or bef. 997) and his mother was Michael's wife Adelajda of Poland (– aft. 997), daughter or sister of Mieszko I of Poland. His brother was Ladislaus the Bald. He was a cousin of Stephen I of Hungary. He took part in a conspiracy aimed at the murder of king Stephen, and as a result of the failed assassination attempt was excluded from the royal succession in favour of Pietro Orseolo. As punishment for his treason, Vazul had his eyes gouged out at Nitra Castle and molten lead poured in his ears and his sons were exiled. [1]
Of Vazul's three sons (with his wife from Tátony family or a woman who may (or may not) have been daughter of Tsar Samuel of the Bulgarians, Katun Anastazya) András (Andrew I), Béla and Levente, two would ascend the throne after the dynastic struggle following the death of Stephen I. The line of Árpád kings following Stephen is therefore referred to as the Vazul line.
[edit] Wives
Katun Anastazya
Forrás / Source:
Vazul of Hungary King of Poland (-1038) [Pedigree]
Son of Michael of Hungary Regent of Poland (-978)
Duke between March and Gran
Prince of Hungary
b. 976, Esztergom, Komarom-Esztrergom, Hungary
d. BY 1038
d. 1037
Married possibly dau. of the Tsar of Bulgaria
Bela I of Hungary King of Hungary (-1063) m. Ryksa (Rixa) of Poland (1018-1059)
Andrew I of Hungary King of Hungary (1001-)
References: [RGD],[AR7],[Theroff]
Forrás / Source:
VÁSZOLY [Vaz%C3%BAl], son of MIHÁLY of Hungary Duke between March and Gran & his wife Adelajda of Poland ([976/78]-early 1037). The Gesta Hungarorum names "Wazul et Zar Ladislaum" as the sons of "Mihal…frater Geichæ"[376]. The Kronika Węgiersko-Polska names "Stephanum, Mychl et Vanzul" as the three sons of "Geyza", adding that "Vanzul" was killed by "effosionem oculorem" by "reginam Gesla, consortem regis sancti Stephani"[377]. Duke between March and Gran. Representing the more conservative, traditional element of Hungarian society, he rebelled against King István I and his Catholic pro-western policies[378]. The Gesta Hungarorum records that, after the death of his son Imre, "rege Stephano" sent messengers to bring "Wazul filium sui patruelis" from his prison at "Nistriæ" to have him declared successor to the kingdom but that "Kysla regina" sent "comitem Sebus" to blind Vazúl and have moulten lead poured into his ears, after which Vazúl fled to Bohemia from where he was brought back to Hungary[379]. Bak dates this event to 1037, although this appears late if the events happened soon after Imre's death in 1031[380].
m (before [1012]%29 --- [of Bulgaria], daughter of [SAMUIL Tsar of the Bulgarians & his wife Agatha Chryselia]. The date of this marriage is estimated from the estimated birth date of the couple's eldest son. The primary source on which this marriage is based has not been identified. The Gesta Hungarorum reports claims that the three brothers Levente, András and Béla were "ex duce Wazul progenitos ex quadam virgine de genere Tatun [T%C3%A1tony]" rather than legitimate[381].
Duke Vászoly had three sons:
1. ANDRÁS ([1014]-Zirc Autumn 1060, bur Tihany, Benedictine Abbey of St Anian).
2. BÉLA (1016-Kanisza creek Dec 1063, bur Szekszárd Abbey).
3. LEVENTE (-1047, bur Taksony).
Forrás / Source:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vazul (Basil) (11th century – died 1037) was a Hungarian noble of the Árpád family, Duke between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hran or Gran). He was the grandson of Taksony by his father Michael (Mihály), Duke between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hron or Gran) (– ca 978 or bef. 997) by his wife Adelajda of Poland (– aft. 997), daughter or sister of Mieszko I of Poland. His brother was Ladislaus the Bald. He was a cousin of Stephen I of Hungary. He took part in a conspiracy aimed at the murder of king Stephen, since he was excluded from the royal succession in favour of Pietro Orseolo. The assassination attempt failed. Vazul had his eyes gouged out and molten lead poured in his ears; his sons were exiled.
Of Vazul's three sons (with his wife from Tátony family or a woman who may (or may not) have been daughter of Tsar Samuel of the Bulgarians, Katun Anastazya) András (Andrew I), Béla and Levente, two would ascend the throne after the dynastic struggle following the death of Stephen I. The line of Árpád kings following Stephen is therefore referred to as the Vazul line.
Katun Anastazya
Vazul was een Hongaarse edele uit de Árpád-familie. Hij was de kleinzoon van Taksony, zijn vader was Michael. Zijn broer was Ladislaus de Kale. Hij was een neef van koning Stefan I van Hongarije. Hij nam deel aan een samenzwering met als doel Stefan I te vermoorden, aangezien hij uitgesloten was van troonopvolging ten gunste van Peter Orseolo. De moordpoging mislukte. Vazul werd blind gemaakt en zijn zoons werden verbannen.
Van Vazuls drie zonen, Andreas, Béla en Levente, zouden er twee de troon bestijgen na de dynastieke strijd na de dood van Stefan I. De lijn van Arpaden na koning Stefan wordt daarom de Vazul-lijn genoemd.
Vazul (Basil) (11th century – died 1037) was a Hungarian noble of the Árpád family, Prince of Nitra, with realm between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hran or Gran). He was the grandson of Taksony. His father Michael (Mihály), Duke between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hron or Gran) (– ca 978 or bef. 997) and his mother was Michael's wife Adelajda of Poland (– aft. 997), daughter or sister of Mieszko I of Poland. His brother was Ladislaus the Bald. He was a cousin of Stephen I of Hungary. He took part in a conspiracy aimed at the murder of king Stephen, and as a result of the failed assassination attempt was excluded from the royal succession in favour of Pietro Orseolo. As punishment for his treason, Vazul had his eyes gouged out at Nitra Castle and molten lead poured in his ears and his sons were exiled. [1]
Of Vazul's three sons (with his wife from Tátony family or a woman who may (or may not) have been daughter of Tsar Samuel of the Bulgarians, Katun Anastazya) András (Andrew I), Béla and Levente, two would ascend the throne after the dynastic struggle following the death of Stephen I. The line of Árpád kings following Stephen is therefore referred to as the Vazul line.
Marriage: Unknown
General Notes:
He was blinded in 1038.
Noted events in his life were:
• He was a Prince of Hungary.
Vazul (Basil) (11th century – died 1037) was a Hungarian noble of the Árpád family, Duke between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hran or Gran). He was the grandson of Taksony . His father Michael (Mihály), Duke between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hron or Gran) (– ca 978 or bef. 997) and his mother was Michael's wife Adelajda of Poland (– aft. 997), daughter or sister of Mieszko I of Poland . His brother was Ladislaus the Bald. He was a cousin of Stephen I of Hungary. He took part in a conspiracy aimed at the murder of king Stephen, and as a result of the failed assassination attempt was excluded from the royal succession in favour of Pietro Orseolo. As punishment for his treason, Vazul had his eyes gouged out and molten lead poured in his ears and his sons were exiled.
Of Vazul's three sons (with his wife from Tátony family or a woman who may (or may not) have been daughter of Tsar Samuel of the Bulgarians, Katun Anastazya) András (Andrew I), Béla and Levente, two would ascend the throne after the dynastic struggle following the death of Stephen I. The line of Árpád kings following Stephen is therefore referred to as the Vazul line.
Katun Anastazya
Vazul (Basil) (11th century – died 1037) was a Hungarian noble of the Árpád family, Duke between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hran or Gran). He was the grandson of Taksony. His father Michael (Mihály), Duke between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hron or Gran) (– ca 978 or bef. 997) and his mother was Michael's wife Adelajda of Poland (– aft. 997), daughter or sister of Mieszko I of Poland. His brother was Ladislaus the Bald. He was a cousin of Stephen I of Hungary. He took part in a conspiracy aimed at the murder of king Stephen, since he was excluded from the royal succession in favour of Pietro Orseolo. The assassination attempt failed. Vazul had his eyes gouged out and molten lead poured in his ears; his sons were exiled.
Of Vazul's three sons (with his wife from Tátony family or a woman who may (or may not) have been daughter of Tsar Samuel of the Bulgarians, Katun Anastazya) András (Andrew I), Béla and Levente, two would ascend the throne after the dynastic struggle following the death of Stephen I. The line of Árpád kings following Stephen is therefore referred to as the Vazul line.
Vazul (Basil) (11th century – died 1037) was a Hungarian noble of the Árpád family, Prince of Nitra, with realm between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hran or Gran). He was the grandson of Taksony. His father Michael (Mihály), Duke between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hron or Gran) (– ca 978 or bef. 997) and his mother was Michael's wife Adelajda of Poland (– aft. 997), daughter or sister of Mieszko I of Poland. His brother was Ladislaus the Bald. He was a cousin of Stephen I of Hungary. He took part in a conspiracy aimed at the murder of king Stephen, and as a result of the failed assassination attempt was excluded from the royal succession in favour of Pietro Orseolo. As punishment for his treason, Vazul had his eyes gouged out at Nitra Castle and molten lead poured in his ears and his sons were exiled.
Of Vazul's three sons (with his wife from Tátony family or a woman who may (or may not) have been daughter of Tsar Samuel of the Bulgarians, Katun Anastazya) András (Andrew I), Béla and Levente, two would ascend the throne after the dynastic struggle following the death of Stephen I. The line of Árpád kings following Stephen is therefore referred to as the Vazul line.
Katun Anastazya
Vazul (Basil) (11th century – died 1037) was a Hungarian noble of the Árpád family, Duke between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hran or Gran). He was the grandson of Taksony . His father Michael (Mihály), Duke between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hron or Gran) (– ca 978 or bef. 997) and his mother was Michael's wife Adelajda of Poland (– aft. 997), daughter or sister of Mieszko I of Poland . His brother was Ladislaus the Bald. He was a cousin of Stephen I of Hungary. He took part in a conspiracy aimed at the murder of king Stephen, and as a result of the failed assassination attempt was excluded from the royal succession in favour of Pietro Orseolo. As punishment for his treason, Vazul had his eyes gouged out and molten lead poured in his ears and his sons were exiled.
Of Vazul's three sons (with his wife from Tátony family or a woman who may (or may not) have been daughter of Tsar Samuel of the Bulgarians, Katun Anastazya) András (Andrew I), Béla and Levente, two would ascend the throne after the dynastic struggle following the death of Stephen I. The line of Árpád kings following Stephen is therefore referred to as the Vazul line.
Katun Anastazya
Vazul (Basil) (11th century – died 1037) was a Hungarian noble of the Árpád family, Duke between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hran or Gran). He was the grandson of Taksony . His father Michael (Mihály), Duke between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hron or Gran) (– ca 978 or bef. 997) and his mother was Michael's wife Adelajda of Poland (– aft. 997), daughter or sister of Mieszko I of Poland . His brother was Ladislaus the Bald. He was a cousin of Stephen I of Hungary. He took part in a conspiracy aimed at the murder of king Stephen, and as a result of the failed assassination attempt was excluded from the royal succession in favour of Pietro Orseolo. As punishment for his treason, Vazul had his eyes gouged out and molten lead poured in his ears and his sons were exiled.
Of Vazul's three sons (with his wife from Tátony family or a woman who may (or may not) have been daughter of Tsar Samuel of the Bulgarians, Katun Anastazya) András (Andrew I), Béla and Levente, two would ascend the throne after the dynastic struggle following the death of Stephen I. The line of Árpád kings following Stephen is therefore referred to as the Vazul line.
Katun Anastazya
Vazul (Basil) (11th century – died 1037) was a Hungarian noble of the Árpád family, Duke between March and Gran or Prince of Nitra, with realm between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hran or Gran).
He was the grandson of Taksony. His father Michael (Mihály), Duke between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hron or Gran) (– ca 978 or bef. 997) and his mother was Michael's wife Adelajda of Poland (– aft. 997), daughter or sister of Mieszko I of Poland. His brother was Ladislaus the Bald. He was a cousin of Stephen I of Hungary. He took part in a conspiracy aimed at the murder of king Stephen, and as a result of the failed assassination attempt was excluded from the royal succession in favour of Pietro Orseolo. As punishment for his treason, Vazul had his eyes gouged out at Nitra Castle and molten lead poured in his ears and his sons were exiled.[1]
Of Vazul's three sons (with his wife N from Tátony family or a woman who may (or may not) have been daughter of Tsar Samuel of Bulgaria, Katun Anastazya) András (Andrew I), Béla and Levente, two would ascend the throne after the dynastic struggle following the death of Stephen I. The line of Árpád kings following Stephen is therefore referred to as the Vazul line.
Katun Anastazya
^ Denis Sinor, History of Hungary (London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1959) 41.
Vazull var en ungarsk fyrste som ble blindet i 1038.
Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 160. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 19.
Vazul (Basil) (11th century – died 1037) was a Hungarian noble of the Árpád family, Duke between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hran or Gran). He was the grandson of Taksony. His father Michael (Mihály), Duke between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hron or Gran) (– ca 978 or bef. 997) and his mother was Michael's wife Adelajda of Poland (– aft. 997), daughter or sister of Mieszko I of Poland. His brother was Ladislaus the Bald. He was a cousin of Stephen I of Hungary. He took part in a conspiracy aimed at the murder of king Stephen, since he was excluded from the royal succession in favour of Pietro Orseolo. The assassination attempt failed. Vazul had his eyes gouged out and molten lead poured in his ears; his sons were exiled.
Of Vazul's three sons (with his wife from Tátony family or a woman who may (or may not) have been daughter of Tsar Samuel of the Bulgarians, Katun Anastazya) András (Andrew I), Béla and Levente, two would ascend the throne after the dynastic struggle following the death of Stephen I. The line of Árpád kings following Stephen is therefore referred to as the Vazul line.
Translation: Vazul is the grandson of Hungarian prince Taksony <sic) Lasonc> and son of Michael. Vazul repeatedly involved in conspiracies against the first Hungarian Christian King István I, Vazul was excluded from the line of descendants of the Hungarian royal throne because he was pagan. However Arpad dynasty survived precisely through the sons of Vazul. Vazul has two marriages both in Bulgarian princesses:
VAZUL - przedstawiciel dynastii Arpadów . Był bratankiem pierwszego historycznego władcy Węgier , księcia Gejzy . Zabiegi Vazula o tron węgierski doprowadziły do zawiązania spisku przeciwko jego kuzynowi , królowi Stefanowi I Świętemu . Zamach na króla nie powiódł się i Vazul i inni spiskowcy zostali oślepieni . Vazul , Gejza i Stefan uważani są za potomków półlegendarnego władcy , Arpada , którego ród był pochodzenia najprawdopodobniej tureckiego .
TAKSONY 955-970 ... m (947) ---, from the Kumans. Prince Taksony had [three] children:
Ladislas (Ladislau Ladislaw) The Bald' of HUNGARY
aka Ladislaus Calvus; av UNGERN
Born: abt. 982 Died: abt. 1038
HM George I's 17-Great Uncle. HRE Ferdinand I's 15-Great Uncle. HRE Charles VI's 18-Great Uncle. U.S. President's 23-Great Uncle. HM Margrethe II's 24-Great Uncle. Poss. Agnes Harris's 23-Great Uncle. Osawatomie' Brown's 26-Great Uncle.
Wife/Partner: Prbemieslawa WLADIMIROWNA
Child: Andrew I (King) of HUNGARY [alt ped]
______ ______ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ___ ___
/ -- Almos (Chief Prince) of the MAGYARS + ====> [ 182 ,,V,&]
/ | OR: Almos II of the MAGYARS [alt ped] + ====> [ 180 ,,x,&]
/ -- Arpad (Arpa Arpadius) (Duke) of HUNGARY
/ \ -- (Miss) av UNGERN
/ -- Zoltan (Zsolt) MAGYAR (Duke) of HUNGARY
/ -- Takson (Taksony Toxus) MAGYAR (Grand Prince) of HUNGARY
| \ / -- Maroth (Mariot) von/av BIKAR
/ \ -- Maen (Men; Khayar) von/av BIKAR (BIHAR)
/ -- Michael (Mihaily; Mihaly) (Duke) of HUNGARY
/ \ -- (Miss) von KUMANIEN (932 - 972?)
- Ladislas (Ladislau Ladislaw) The Bald' of HUNGARY
\ / -- Ziemowit av PIAST of POLAND + ====> [ 1]
| / -- Leszek (Lestek Lestko) PIAST (Duke/King) of POLAND
| / -- Ziemonislaw PIAST (Duke/King) of POLAND
| / -- Mieszko (Burislaf ?) I PIAST (Duke/Prince) of POLAND
| | \ | (skip this generation?)
| / \ -- Gorka
\ -- Adelaide (Adelajda) the White' PIAST of POLAND
\ / -- Benno von HALDENSLEBEN + ====> [ 190 ,,pt,&]
| / -- Dietrich (Lord) of (the) HALDENSLEBEN (? - 985)
\ -- poss. Oda von HALDENSLEBEN
| OR: poss. Dubrawka (Princess) of BOHEMIA + ====> [ 197 ,g,&]
His (poss.) Great Grandchildren: Maurice (Mauritz) DRUMMOND ; Judith (Judita I) PRZEMYSLIDE of BOHEMIA ; Ludmilla (Princess) of BOHEMIA ; Adelajada von POLEN ; Sophia of HUNGARY
Вазул е внук на унгарския княз Лашонц и син на Михай. Вазул на няколко пъти участва в съзаклятия против първия унгарски християнски крал Ищван I и като езичник е изключен от него от линията на наследниците на унгарския кралски престол. Въпреки това династията на Арпадите оцелява именно през синовете на Вазул. Вазул има два брака и двата с български принцеси: Катун Анастасия, дъщеря на цар Самуил Каталина, внучка на цар Иван Владислав От първия си брак той има трима сина - унгарските крале
Вазул Арпад (? – † 1037) e унгарски благородник от династията на Арпадите, управлявал през 11 век унгарските земи между река Морава (река в Средна Европа) и град Естергом. Вазул е внук на унгарския княз Лашонц и син на Михай. Вазул на няколко пъти участва в съзаклятия против първия унгарски християнски крал Ищван I и като езичник е изключен от него от линията на наследниците на унгарския кралски престол. Въпреки това династията на Арпадите оцелява именно през синовете на Вазул. Вазул има два брака и двата с български принцеси: Катун Анастасия, дъщеря на цар Самуил; и Каталина, внучка на цар Иван Владислав. От първия си брак той има трима сина - унгарските крале Андраш I и Бела I и брат им Лебедий.
Вазул е внук на унгарския княз Лашонц и син на Михай. Вазул на няколко пъти участва в съзаклятия против първия унгарски християнски крал Ищван I и като езичник е изключен от него от линията на наследниците на унгарския кралски престол. Въпреки това династията на Арпадите оцелява именно през синовете на Вазул. Вазул има два брака и двата с български принцеси: Катун Анастасия, дъщеря на цар Самуил Каталина, внучка на цар Иван Владислав От първия си брак той има трима сина - унгарските крале
Князь Венгерский из рода Арпадов
976 |
Esztergom, Komárom-Esztergom, Hungary
1001 |
1010 |
Kingdom of Hungary
Esztergom, Esztergom Megye, Hungary
1015 |
Esztergom, Komárom-Esztergom, Hungary
1016 |
Esztergom, Komárom-Esztergom, Hungary
1031 |
Age 55
Frehjar, Poland
1035 |
Age 59