public profile
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Hungary:
VULTWULF (Ostrogoth Generation 10)
Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[35].
VALARAVANS (Ostrogoth Generation 11)
Iordanes names "Valaravans" as the son of Vultwulf[36].
VINITHARIUS (Ostrogoth Generation 12)
Iordanes names "Vinitharius" as the son of Valaravans[37].
[35] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[36] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[37] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
From Jordanes' Getica (Iordanes' Getarum):
(79) Now the first of these heroes, as they themselves relate in their legends, was Gapt, who begat Hulmul. And Hulmul begat Augis; and Augis begat him who was called Amal, from whom the name of the Amali comes. This Amal begat Hisarnis. Hisarnis moreover begat Ostrogotha, and Ostrogotha begat Hunuil, and Hunuil likewise begat Athal. Athal begat Achiulf and Oduulf. Now Achiulf begat Ansila and Ediulf, Vultuulf and Hermanaric. And Vultuulf begat Valaravans and Valaravans begat Vinitharius. Vinitharius moreover begat Vandalarius;
(80) Vandalarius begat Thiudimer and Valamir and Vidimer; and Thiudimer begat Theodoric. Theodoric begat Amalasuentha; Amalasuentha bore Athalaric and Mathesuentha to her husband Eutharic, whose race was thus joined to hers in kinship.
(81) For the aforesaid Hermanaric, the son of Achiulf, begat Hunimund, and Hunimund begat Thorismud. Now Thorismud begat Beremud, Beremud begat Veteric, and Veteric likewise begat Eutharic, who married Amalasuentha and begat Athalaric and Mathesuentha. Athalaric died in the years of his childhood, and Mathesuentha married Vitiges, to whom she bore no child. Both of them were taken together by Belisarius to Constantinople. When Vitiges passed from human affairs, Germanus the patrician, a cousin of the Emperor Justinian, took Mathesuentha in marriage and made her a Patrician Ordinary. And of her he begat a son, also called Germanus. But upon the death of Germanus, she determined to remain a widow. Now how and in what wise the kingdom of the Amali was overthrown we shall keep to tell in its proper place, if the Lord help us.
From German Wikipedia (still looking for other sources to back this assertion up):
Amalaberga (* um 385 oder 400, † 443), Tochter von Walderavans (auch: Valeravans, Walaranvans) von Ostrogothien (vgl. Goten), verheiratet mit Wedelphe (auch: Wildelphe von Sachsen), Mutter von Basine (auch: Basina) von Sachsen; verheiratet mit dem Ost- und Westgotenkönig Theoderich (auch: Theoderid I), Mutter von Eurich I. und dem Ostgotenkönig Theoderich der Große
(In English - Amalaberga (c.385 or 400, d. 443), daughter of Walderavans (also: Valeravans, Walaranvans) of the Ostrogoths (Goths), married with Wedelphe (also Wildelphe of the Saxons), mother of Basine (also Basina) of the Saxons; marrried with Visigoth king Theodorich (also Theoderid I), mother of Eurich I and the Ostrogoth King Theodoric the Great.)
Wedelphe (auch: Wildelphe II.) von Sachsen; * um 410), verheiratet mit Chlodwig (auch: Ludwig) von Köln
Gerhard Köbler: Gotisches Wörterbuch. Brill, Leiden 1989, ISBN 90-04-09128-9
Ben M. Angel summary:
From Jordanes, Valaravans is established as a son of Vultwulf, who was brother of King Airmanareiks (Hermenrich) of the Goths. Valaravans would have likely faded into obscurity but for the rebellion of his son Vinitharius "The Just", a warlord who killed off the leadership of the Antes and prompted a response from Hun Emperor Bulümar "Sheke," or "Balamber". Vinitharius' death marked the end of Ostrogoth resistance to the Huns.
Valaravans is said by Gerhard Kobler to have fathered not only Vinitharius, but a woman named Almaberga, supposedly the first woman by that name, who married a Saxon king named Widelphe. Widelphe is supposed to have been the father of "Basina", the wife of Thuringian King Basin who ran of with Childeric of the Franks after the latter was taken in as a refugee for 8 years. No other source supports this assertion (certainly it is not published in FMG's Medlands). Verification of Kobler's source for this would be welcome.
B: 323, 330, 335
VULTWULF (Ostrogoth Generation 10)
Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[35].
VALARAVANS (Ostrogoth Generation 11)
Iordanes names "Valaravans" as the son of Vultwulf[36].
VINITHARIUS (Ostrogoth Generation 12)
Iordanes names "Vinitharius" as the son of Valaravans[37].
[35] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[36] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[37] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
From Jordanes' Getica (Iordanes' Getarum):
(79) Now the first of these heroes, as they themselves relate in their legends, was Gapt, who begat Hulmul. And Hulmul begat Augis; and Augis begat him who was called Amal, from whom the name of the Amali comes. This Amal begat Hisarnis. Hisarnis moreover begat Ostrogotha, and Ostrogotha begat Hunuil, and Hunuil likewise begat Athal. Athal begat Achiulf and Oduulf. Now Achiulf begat Ansila and Ediulf, Vultuulf and Hermanaric. And Vultuulf begat Valaravans and Valaravans begat Vinitharius. Vinitharius moreover begat Vandalarius;
(80) Vandalarius begat Thiudimer and Valamir and Vidimer; and Thiudimer begat Theodoric. Theodoric begat Amalasuentha; Amalasuentha bore Athalaric and Mathesuentha to her husband Eutharic, whose race was thus joined to hers in kinship.
(81) For the aforesaid Hermanaric, the son of Achiulf, begat Hunimund, and Hunimund begat Thorismud. Now Thorismud begat Beremud, Beremud begat Veteric, and Veteric likewise begat Eutharic, who married Amalasuentha and begat Athalaric and Mathesuentha. Athalaric died in the years of his childhood, and Mathesuentha married Vitiges, to whom she bore no child. Both of them were taken together by Belisarius to Constantinople. When Vitiges passed from human affairs, Germanus the patrician, a cousin of the Emperor Justinian, took Mathesuentha in marriage and made her a Patrician Ordinary. And of her he begat a son, also called Germanus. But upon the death of Germanus, she determined to remain a widow. Now how and in what wise the kingdom of the Amali was overthrown we shall keep to tell in its proper place, if the Lord help us.
From German Wikipedia (still looking for other sources to back this assertion up):
Amalaberga (* um 385 oder 400, † 443), Tochter von Walderavans (auch: Valeravans, Walaranvans) von Ostrogothien (vgl. Goten), verheiratet mit Wedelphe (auch: Wildelphe von Sachsen), Mutter von Basine (auch: Basina) von Sachsen; verheiratet mit dem Ost- und Westgotenkönig Theoderich (auch: Theoderid I), Mutter von Eurich I. und dem Ostgotenkönig Theoderich der Große
(In English - Amalaberga (c.385 or 400, d. 443), daughter of Walderavans (also: Valeravans, Walaranvans) of the Ostrogoths (Goths), married with Wedelphe (also Wildelphe of the Saxons), mother of Basine (also Basina) of the Saxons; marrried with Visigoth king Theodorich (also Theoderid I), mother of Eurich I and the Ostrogoth King Theodoric the Great.)
Wedelphe (auch: Wildelphe II.) von Sachsen; * um 410), verheiratet mit Chlodwig (auch: Ludwig) von Köln
Gerhard Köbler: Gotisches Wörterbuch. Brill, Leiden 1989, ISBN 90-04-09128-9
Ben M. Angel summary:
From Jordanes, Valaravans is established as a son of Vultwulf, who was brother of King Airmanareiks (Hermenrich) of the Goths. Valaravans would have likely faded into obscurity but for the rebellion of his son Vinitharius "The Just", a warlord who killed off the leadership of the Antes and prompted a response from Hun Emperor Bulümar "Sheke," or "Balamber". Vinitharius' death marked the end of Ostrogoth resistance to the Huns.
Valaravans is said by Gerhard Kobler to have fathered not only Vinitharius, but a woman named Almaberga, supposedly the first woman by that name, who married a Saxon king named Widelphe. Widelphe is supposed to have been the father of "Basina", the wife of Thuringian King Basin who ran of with Childeric of the Franks after the latter was taken in as a refugee for 8 years. No other source supports this assertion (certainly it is not published in FMG's Medlands). Verification of Kobler's source for this would be welcome.
B: 323, 330, 335
VULTWULF (Ostrogoth Generation 10)
Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[35].
VALARAVANS (Ostrogoth Generation 11)
Iordanes names "Valaravans" as the son of Vultwulf[36].
VINITHARIUS (Ostrogoth Generation 12)
Iordanes names "Vinitharius" as the son of Valaravans[37].
[35] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[36] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[37] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
From Jordanes' Getica (Iordanes' Getarum):
(79) Now the first of these heroes, as they themselves relate in their legends, was Gapt, who begat Hulmul. And Hulmul begat Augis; and Augis begat him who was called Amal, from whom the name of the Amali comes. This Amal begat Hisarnis. Hisarnis moreover begat Ostrogotha, and Ostrogotha begat Hunuil, and Hunuil likewise begat Athal. Athal begat Achiulf and Oduulf. Now Achiulf begat Ansila and Ediulf, Vultuulf and Hermanaric. And Vultuulf begat Valaravans and Valaravans begat Vinitharius. Vinitharius moreover begat Vandalarius;
(80) Vandalarius begat Thiudimer and Valamir and Vidimer; and Thiudimer begat Theodoric. Theodoric begat Amalasuentha; Amalasuentha bore Athalaric and Mathesuentha to her husband Eutharic, whose race was thus joined to hers in kinship.
(81) For the aforesaid Hermanaric, the son of Achiulf, begat Hunimund, and Hunimund begat Thorismud. Now Thorismud begat Beremud, Beremud begat Veteric, and Veteric likewise begat Eutharic, who married Amalasuentha and begat Athalaric and Mathesuentha. Athalaric died in the years of his childhood, and Mathesuentha married Vitiges, to whom she bore no child. Both of them were taken together by Belisarius to Constantinople. When Vitiges passed from human affairs, Germanus the patrician, a cousin of the Emperor Justinian, took Mathesuentha in marriage and made her a Patrician Ordinary. And of her he begat a son, also called Germanus. But upon the death of Germanus, she determined to remain a widow. Now how and in what wise the kingdom of the Amali was overthrown we shall keep to tell in its proper place, if the Lord help us.
From German Wikipedia (still looking for other sources to back this assertion up):
Amalaberga (* um 385 oder 400, † 443), Tochter von Walderavans (auch: Valeravans, Walaranvans) von Ostrogothien (vgl. Goten), verheiratet mit Wedelphe (auch: Wildelphe von Sachsen), Mutter von Basine (auch: Basina) von Sachsen; verheiratet mit dem Ost- und Westgotenkönig Theoderich (auch: Theoderid I), Mutter von Eurich I. und dem Ostgotenkönig Theoderich der Große
(In English - Amalaberga (c.385 or 400, d. 443), daughter of Walderavans (also: Valeravans, Walaranvans) of the Ostrogoths (Goths), married with Wedelphe (also Wildelphe of the Saxons), mother of Basine (also Basina) of the Saxons; marrried with Visigoth king Theodorich (also Theoderid I), mother of Eurich I and the Ostrogoth King Theodoric the Great.)
Wedelphe (auch: Wildelphe II.) von Sachsen; * um 410), verheiratet mit Chlodwig (auch: Ludwig) von Köln
Gerhard Köbler: Gotisches Wörterbuch. Brill, Leiden 1989, ISBN 90-04-09128-9
Ben M. Angel summary:
From Jordanes, Valaravans is established as a son of Vultwulf, who was brother of King Airmanareiks (Hermenrich) of the Goths. Valaravans would have likely faded into obscurity but for the rebellion of his son Vinitharius "The Just", a warlord who killed off the leadership of the Antes and prompted a response from Hun Emperor Bulümar "Sheke," or "Balamber". Vinitharius' death marked the end of Ostrogoth resistance to the Huns.
Valaravans is said by Gerhard Kobler to have fathered not only Vinitharius, but a woman named Almaberga, supposedly the first woman by that name, who married a Saxon king named Widelphe. Widelphe is supposed to have been the father of "Basina", the wife of Thuringian King Basin who ran of with Childeric of the Franks after the latter was taken in as a refugee for 8 years. No other source supports this assertion (certainly it is not published in FMG's Medlands). Verification of Kobler's source for this would be welcome.
B: 323, 330, 335
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Hungary: http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/HUNGARY.htm#Theodemirdied474A
VULTWULF (Ostrogoth Generation 10)
Iordanes names "Ansila et Ediulf, Vultuulf et Hermenerig" as the sons of Achiulf[35].
VALARAVANS (Ostrogoth Generation 11)
Iordanes names "Valaravans" as the son of Vultwulf[36].
VINITHARIUS (Ostrogoth Generation 12)
Iordanes names "Vinitharius" as the son of Valaravans[37].
[35] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[36] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
[37] Iordanes Getarum, MGH Auct. ant. V.1, p. 77.
From Jordanes' Getica (Iordanes' Getarum):
(79) Now the first of these heroes, as they themselves relate in their legends, was Gapt, who begat Hulmul. And Hulmul begat Augis; and Augis begat him who was called Amal, from whom the name of the Amali comes. This Amal begat Hisarnis. Hisarnis moreover begat Ostrogotha, and Ostrogotha begat Hunuil, and Hunuil likewise begat Athal. Athal begat Achiulf and Oduulf. Now Achiulf begat Ansila and Ediulf, Vultuulf and Hermanaric. And Vultuulf begat Valaravans and Valaravans begat Vinitharius. Vinitharius moreover begat Vandalarius;
(80) Vandalarius begat Thiudimer and Valamir and Vidimer; and Thiudimer begat Theodoric. Theodoric begat Amalasuentha; Amalasuentha bore Athalaric and Mathesuentha to her husband Eutharic, whose race was thus joined to hers in kinship.
(81) For the aforesaid Hermanaric, the son of Achiulf, begat Hunimund, and Hunimund begat Thorismud. Now Thorismud begat Beremud, Beremud begat Veteric, and Veteric likewise begat Eutharic, who married Amalasuentha and begat Athalaric and Mathesuentha. Athalaric died in the years of his childhood, and Mathesuentha married Vitiges, to whom she bore no child. Both of them were taken together by Belisarius to Constantinople. When Vitiges passed from human affairs, Germanus the patrician, a cousin of the Emperor Justinian, took Mathesuentha in marriage and made her a Patrician Ordinary. And of her he begat a son, also called Germanus. But upon the death of Germanus, she determined to remain a widow. Now how and in what wise the kingdom of the Amali was overthrown we shall keep to tell in its proper place, if the Lord help us.
From German Wikipedia (still looking for other sources to back this assertion up):
Amalaberga (* um 385 oder 400, † 443), Tochter von Walderavans (auch: Valeravans, Walaranvans) von Ostrogothien (vgl. Goten), verheiratet mit Wedelphe (auch: Wildelphe von Sachsen), Mutter von Basine (auch: Basina) von Sachsen; verheiratet mit dem Ost- und Westgotenkönig Theoderich (auch: Theoderid I), Mutter von Eurich I. und dem Ostgotenkönig Theoderich der Große
(In English - Amalaberga (c.385 or 400, d. 443), daughter of Walderavans (also: Valeravans, Walaranvans) of the Ostrogoths (Goths), married with Wedelphe (also Wildelphe of the Saxons), mother of Basine (also Basina) of the Saxons; marrried with Visigoth king Theodorich (also Theoderid I), mother of Eurich I and the Ostrogoth King Theodoric the Great.)
Wedelphe (auch: Wildelphe II.) von Sachsen; * um 410), verheiratet mit Chlodwig (auch: Ludwig) von Köln
Gerhard Köbler: Gotisches Wörterbuch. Brill, Leiden 1989, ISBN 90-04-09128-9
Ben M. Angel summary:
From Jordanes, Valaravans is established as a son of Vultwulf, who was brother of King Airmanareiks (Hermenrich) of the Goths. Valaravans would have likely faded into obscurity but for the rebellion of his son Vinitharius "The Just", a warlord who killed off the leadership of the Antes and prompted a response from Hun Emperor Bulümar "Sheke," or "Balamber". Vinitharius' death marked the end of Ostrogoth resistance to the Huns.
Valaravans is said by Gerhard Kobler to have fathered not only Vinitharius, but a woman named Almaberga, supposedly the first woman by that name, who married a Saxon king named Widelphe. Widelphe is supposed to have been the father of "Basina", the wife of Thuringian King Basin who ran of with Childeric of the Franks after the latter was taken in as a refugee for 8 years. No other source supports this assertion (certainly it is not published in FMG's Medlands). Verification of Kobler's source for this would be welcome.
Valarvavans, prins av Østgotene
Jordanes skriver "Valaravans" var sønn av Vultwulf[. Han hadde sønnen Vinithar . ( Vinitharius "The Just"), krigsherren som med sin død markerte slutten på østgotisk motstand mot hunerne.
Gerhard Köbler sier at Valaravans var far til Vinitharius og en kvinne som het Almaberga, angivelig den første kvinnen med det navnet, som giftet seg med en angelsaksisk konge ved navn Widelphe., Widelphe skal ha vært far til "Basina", kona til Thüringer kongen Basin. Hun forlot sin ektemann og reiste med frankeren Childerik etter at sistnevnte hadde vært hos Basin som flyktning i 8 år.
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Scythia (Present Ukraine)
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Scythia (Present Ukraine)
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Reino, Benevento, Campania, Italy
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Age 79
Scythia (Present Ukraine)
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King of, Ostrogoths, came to, Italy
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King of, Ostrogoths, came to, Italy
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King of, Ostrogoths, came to, Italy
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