Historical records matching Ursula Craft
Immediate Family
About Ursula Craft
Ursula Adams was christened on July 19, 1619 in Barton St. David, Somersetshire, England.
She married four times, all in Massachusetts:
- Stephen Streeter, October 5, 1640 in Dorchester, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
- Samuel Hosier, October 13, 1657 in Charlestown, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
- William Robinson, August 21, 1666 in Charlestown, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
- Griffin Craft, July 15, 1673, Charlestown, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
She died on February 20, 1679 in Roxbury, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts and was buried there.
Disputed Origins
Henry Adams of Braintree & Edith Fussell are seen as the parents of the many times married Ursula Craft.
“Ursula was the daughter of Henry Adams of Braintree, MA born 1/21/1583 Somerset, England died 10/6/1646 Massachusetts Bay Colony. Henry was the father of the Adams family which produced two USA presidents, John and John Quincy Adams.”
“I believe Samuel Streeter's father's name is also Stephen Streeter, born Dec 9 1641; his mother was Deborah Smith born 1642 and died 1689. He is the son of Stephen Streeter, born 1600 who was married to Ursula Adams born 1619, who is the daughter of Henry Adams, the Gr Gr Grandfather of President John Adams.”
Note: according to Ullman (and others), the specific birth (or baptism) date may not be genuine, but Anderson reports she was the daughter of Henry Adams (see Research Notes).
While Streeter claimed that this record was unlikely to be a forgery, it seems for several reasons that it probably was. First, the monetary reward would of course have been tempting. Secondly, if Goodwin was somewhat familiar with the genealogical literature, he would surely have recognized the enormous importance of the book and would have bought it himself. Thirdly, most Bibles do not contain such early records. Fourthly, in the 67 years since publication of the article the Bible itself has not appeared. And, finally, no corroborating baptismal dates for Ursula’s four husbands extracted from English parish records appear in the IGI (with the possible exception of Wiffiam Robinson).
Contributed by MILFORD B. STREETER of Brooklyn, N. Y.
In the Streeter genealogy, compiled by the contributor of this article and published in 1896,* it was stated (page 4) that Ursula, wife of Stephen Streeter, the immigrant ancestor of the New England family of this surname, "is said to have been the daughter of Henry Adams of Braintree," Mass., who was the immigrant ancestor of the Adams family which has given to the United States two Presidents, a minister to Great Britain, a Secretary of the Navy, and many other men distinguished in letters, science, public affairs, business, and finance. Since, however, it might possibly be inferred from the will of Henry Adams, made in 1646, that his daughter Ursula was then living at home with him, apparently unmarried, "a shadow of doubt," in the words of the Streeter genealogy, seemed to have been thrown around the statement that the wife of Stephen Streeter was Ursula Adams.
In 1927, however, there was printed, at the expense of the late Edward Dean Adams of New York City, a little book, compiled for him by the late J. Gardner Bartlett, a well-known authority on the English ancestry of the early settlers of New England, and entitled "Henry Adams of Somersetshire, England, and Braintree, Mass.," in which the Sornersetshire ancestry of Henry Adams was clearly set forth and much information was given about the early generations of the family in New England. In this book the Adams ancestry of the descendants of Stephen Streeter, through his wife Ursula, was accepted as proved, and in the REGISTER for October 1929 (vol. 83, p. 512) the present writer called attention to the statement of the new Adams genealogy about the parentage of Ursula Adams and her marriage to Stephen Streeter, and gave a list of their children. ....
- https://archive.org/stream/genealogicalhist00instre#page/n53/mode/1up
- Excerpts from the Ullman article (NEGHR 153:213-14) and the article on the "Streeter Bible" (NEHGR 85:382-85) http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~ankeny/folklore/NEHGR/Streeter-Adams...
- https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Adams-56
Ursula Craft's Timeline
1619 |
July 19, 1619
Barton St. David, Somerset, England (United Kingdom)
July 19, 1619
Barton, David, Somerset, England
July 19, 1619
Barton, David, Somerset, England
July 19, 1619
Barton, David, Somerset, England
July 19, 1619
Barton, St David, Somerset, England
July 19, 1619
Barton, David, Somerset, England
July 19, 1619
Barton, David, Somerset, England
1637 |
Age 17
Dorchester, MA
1641 |
December 9, 1641
Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts