born: 1375BC or 1337BC
died: 1328BC or 1314BC c.1281BC
Tros van Acadia.
Namegiver of the city Troje.
Troy (Asia Minor), also Ilium (ancient Ilion), famous city of Greek legend, on the northwestern corner of Asia Minor, in present-day Turkey. The legendary founder of the city was Ilus, the son of Tros, from whom the name Troy was derived. The son and successor of Ilus was Laomedon, who was slain by the hero Hercules, when Hercules captured the city. It was during the reign of Laomedon's son Priam that the famous Trojan War occurred, which resulted in the capture and destruction of the city.
Spouse: Callirrhoe
Event: was a builder of Troy
Dates given here are Before Christ.
King of Dardania Tros of Greek Myth1
d. 1328 B.C.
King of Dardania Tros of Greek Myth|d. 1328 B.C.|p274.htm#i13409|King of Dardania Erichthonius of Greek Myth|d. 1368 B.C.|p275.htm#i13411|the Naiad Astyoche of Greek Myth||p240.htm#i27327|King of Dardania Dardanus of Greek Myth|d. 1414 B.C.|p275.htm#i27331|Bateia of Greek Myth||p113.htm#i13598|the River God Simois of Greek Myth||p240.htm#i27328||||
Father King of Dardania Erichthonius of Greek Myth2,3 d. 1368 B.C.
Mother the Naiad Astyoche of Greek Myth1,4
King of Dardania Tros of Greek Myth was the son of King of Dardania Erichthonius of Greek Myth and the Naiad Astyoche of Greek Myth.2,3,1,4 King of Dardania Tros of Greek Myth died 1328 B.C..5 He called the people of the land Trojans, after his own name, 1370 B.C..5 He was the father of King of Troy Ilos of Greek Myth; either as the brother of Erichthonius or (as I follow) as the son of Tros and grandson of Erichthonius.6 King of Dardania Tros of Greek Myth married the Naiad Callirrhoe of Greek Myth, daughter of the River God Scamander of Greek Myth and the Nymph Idaea of Greek Myth.1,7
Family the Naiad Callirrhoe of Greek Myth
Children King of Troy Ilos of Greek Myth+ d. 1279 B.C.5,3
King of Dardania Assaracus of Greek Myth+ 1
[S1332] Royal Houses of Mythical Greece, online http://www.timelessmyths.com/, Genealogy: House of Troy and Dardania.
[S278] DfAdam, online unknown url, The Line of Dardanus, 27.
[S286] Edith Hamilton, Mythology: Timelss Tales.
[S1333] Theoi Project, online www.theoi.com\index.htm, ASTYOKHE.
[S278] DfAdam, online unknown url, The Line of Dardanus, 28.
[S862] Various EB CD 2001, Ilos (Gr. myth.).
[S1333] Theoi Project, online www.theoi.com\index.htm, KALLIRRHOE.
Ilos is believed to be the founder of the capital city of Troy, Illiona. Archaologists spent a great deal of time searching for the city of Troy, and had about decided that it didn't really exist. They later descovered that the city was never named Troy, but Illiona, just as in Homer's Illiad. The city they found had been built, destroyed, and rebuilt several times over several hundred years by the Greeks, Romans, Persians, and Trojans. Much of the more realistic depictions of the battle as described in the Illiad have since been accepted as historically correct.
It is Tros from whom the Trojans derived their name; their land was called the kingdom of Troya (Troja).
ID: I62080
Name: Tros of Troy
Prefix: King
Given Name: Tros
Surname: of Troy
Sex: M
_UID: 8EC56BEF7ACD7C4797B1C9DBD514EAD24808
Change Date: 26 Nov 2005
Death: Y
Father: Erichthonius of Darania
Mother: Astyoche of Acadia
Marriage 1 Callirhoe
Ilus of Troy
Forrás / Source:
Father: King Erichthonius Illium [@ <^>v] de Dardania b: in 1420 BC in Troad, Asia Minor
Mother: Astyoche Illium [@ <^>v] de Arcadia b: in c 1420 BC in Arcadis, Greece
Marriage 1 Queen Callirhoe Illium [@ <^>v ] de Troy b: in c 1345 BC
1. Has Children King Illus [@ <^>v] de Troy b: in abt 1350 BC
2. Has Children Assarcacus [@ <^>v] de Troy b: in c 1350 BC
3. Has Children Hieromneme [@ <^>v[ de Troy b: in c 1350 BC
Marriage 2 Spouse Unknown
1. Has Children Themiste [@ <^>v] de Troy b: in c 1320 BC
In Greek mythology, Tros was a ruler of Troy and the son of Erichthonius or Ilus I, from whom he inherited the throne. Tros was the father of three sons: Ilus, Assaracus, and Ganymedes. He is the eponym of Troy, also named Ilion for his son Ilus. Tros's wife was said to be Callirrhoe, daughter of the River God Scamander, or Acallaris, daughter of Eumedes.
When Zeus abducted Ganymedes, Tros grieved for his son. Sympathetic, Zeus sent Hermes with two horses so swift they could run over water. Hermes also assured Tros that Ganymede was immortal and would be the cupbearer of the gods, a position of great distinction.
In variant versions Ganymede is son of Laomedon son of Ilus son of Tros.
It was from Tros that the Dardanians were called Trojans and the land named the Troad.
Troy (Asia Minor), also Ilium (ancient Ilion), famous city of Greek legend, on the northwestern corner of Asia Minor, in present-day Turkey. The legendary founder of the city was Ilus, the son of Tros, from whom the name Troy was derived. The son and successor of Ilus was Laomedon, who was slain by the hero Hercules, when Hercules captured the city. It was during the reign of Laomedon's son Priam that the famous Trojan War occurred, which resulted in the capture and destruction of the city.
Gen 91:
Tros of Acadia, King of Troy, son of Erichthonious and Astvocho, married Callirhoe.
Tros (????) succeeded his father Erichthonius to the throne. He gave his name to the land (Troad) and to the people living in the Troad (Trojans). Tros was married to Callirrhoë (Callirrhoe) and was the father of Ilus, Assarcacus and Ganymede.
His son, Ganymede was so beautiful, that Zeus fell in love with the youth. Zeus transformed himself into the form of an eagle, and abducted the youth, carrying Ganymede to Olympus in his talon. Ganymede became the cupbearer in Olympus. Zeus gave Tros a couple of immortal horses and vines made of gold, to compensate for abduction of the king's son.
In Greek mythology, Tros was a ruler of Troy and the son of Erichthonius or Ilus I, from whom he inherited the throne. Tros was the father of three sons: Ilus, Assaracus, and Ganymedes. He is the eponym of Troy, also named Ilion for his son Ilus. Tros's wife was said to be Callirrhoe, daughter of the River God Scamander, or Acallaris, daughter of Eumedes.
When Zeus abducted Ganymedes, Tros grieved for his son. Sympathetic, Zeus sent Hermes with two horses so swift they could run over water. Hermes also assured Tros that Ganymede was immortal and would be the cupbearer of the gods, a position of great distinction.
In variant versions Ganymede is son of Laomedon son of Ilus son of Tros.
It was from Tros that the Dardanians were called Trojans and the land named the Troad.[1]
Tros was the namesake of the city of "Troy". Either he or his son Ilus was the founder and first King of Troy.
Name: Tros OF TROY
Prefix: King
Given Name: Tros
Surname: of Troy
Sex: M 1
Death: 1328 BC
Father: Erichtonius OF DARDANIA
Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
Assaracus OF TROY
Abbrev: Stevens (1998) Dardanus
Title: The Line of Dardanus. In Descent from Adam.
Author: Stevens, Luke
Publication: Webpage: <http://www/geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/2444/Dardanus.htm>12/4/1998.
född i Dardanien, Phrygia, Västra Turkiet
Fortellingen om trojanerne begynte først i myter og legender. Gresk mytologi sier at trojanerne var de opprinnelige borgerne i byen Troja i Troas-regionen i Anatolia (nå Tyrkia). Troja ligger i Asia, men byen presenteres i legenden som del av den greske kulturen med bystater. Troja ble kjent for sine rikdommer som de fikk fra handel med øst og vest, fine klær, jernproduksjon og massive defensive murer.
Den trojanske kongefamilien startet med Elektra og Zevs, foreldrene til Dardanos. Dardanos var ifølge greske myter opprinnelig fra Arkadia, men ifølge romerske myter var han opprinnelig fra Italia, krysset over til Lille-Asia fra øya Samotrake hvor han møtte kong Teukros. Teukros var selv kolonist fra Attika og behandlet Dardanos med respekt. Til slutt giftet Dardanos seg med Teukros' døtre og grunnla Dardania som sener ble styrt av Aineias. Da Dardanos døde gikk kongedømmet videre til hans barnebarn Tros som kalte folket trojanere og landet Troas etter seg selv. Ilos, sønn av Tros, grunnla byen Ilium som han oppkalte etter seg selv. Zevs gav Ilos Palladium. Poseidon og Apollon bygget murene og befestningene rundt Troja for Laomedon, sønn av Ilos den yngre. Da Laomedon nektet å betale, oversvømmet Poseidon landet og krevde at Hesione skulle ofres til sjøuhyre. Pestilense kom og sjøuhyret tok menneskene på sletten.
En generasjon før Trojanerkrigen erobret Herakles Troja og drepte Laomedon og hans sønner, med unntak av den unge Priam. Priam ble senere konge. Under hans styre invaderte de mykenske grekerne og erobret Troja i Trojanerkrigen, tradisjonelt datert til 1193–1183 f.Kr. maksyanerne var en vestlig libyisk stamme som sa at de var etterkommere av mennene fra Troja, ifølge Herodot. De trojanske skipene forandret seg til najader som gledet seg over å se ødeleggelsen av Odyssevs' skip.
Trojansk styre i Lille-Asia ble erstattet av herakleide-dynastiet i Sardis som hersket i 505 år frem til Kandaules. jonerne, kimmererne, frygierne, miletene fra Sinope og lydierne flyttet inn i Lille-Asia. Persia invaderte i 546 f.Kr.
Fjellet Ida i Lille-Asia er stedet hvor Gamymede ble bortført av Zevs, Ankises ble forført av Afrodite, Afrodite fødte Aineias, Paris levde som hyrde, nymfene bodde, «dømmingen av Paris» fant sted, de greske gudene så på Trojanerkrigen, Hera distraherte Zevs med sin forførelse lenge nok til at akhaiene, hjulpet av Poseidon, kunne holde trojanerne borte fra sine skip og hvor Aineias og hans tilhengere hvilte og ventet til grekerne satte av gårde til Hellas. Alteret til Panomfean (kilden til alle orakler) ble dedikert til Jupiter (Tonatos) nær Troja. Buthrotos (eller Buthrotum) var en by i Epiros hvor Helenos, den trojanske seeren, bygget en kopi av Troja. Aineias landet der og Helenos forutså hans fremtid.
Den antika staden Troja (grekiska Troia eller Ilion,lat. Troia eller Ilium, turkiska Truva) är en arkeologisk plats i nordvästra Turkiet vid Dardanellerna vid Hisarlik nära staden Çanakkale.
Platsen upptogs på UNESCO:s världsarvslista 1998.
Innehåll [g%C3%B6m]
1 Historia
2 Staden
3 Se även
4 Extern länk
Historia [redigera]
Staden är känd från Homeros epos Iliaden och Odysséen.
Troja var enligt den grekiska mytologin huvudstad i Dardanien som etablerades av kung Dardanus.
Senare forskning har kunnat knyta namnet Ilion till det historiska namnet Wilusa, och man antar idag att det är samma stat som avses. Wilusa är omnämnd i hettitiska texter. Man antar därför att det språk som ursprungligen talades i Troja var luviska snarare än grekiska. Söder om Troja låg under den sena bronsåldern landet Arzawa. Det är möjligt att Homeros skildring av det trojanska kriget har sin historiska bakgrund i de strider som förekom mellan staterna utmed den egeiska kusten omkring 1300-1200 f.Kr. vilka även drog in det historiska Troja (se Hettiterriket).
Staden [redigera]
Runt år 1865 återupptäcktes den antika staden av den brittiske arkeologen Frank Calvert som gjorde utgrävningar i ruinhögen vid Hisarlik. Identifieringen av Hisarlik som det homeriska Troja blev känd genom den tyska arkeologen Heinrich Schliemann, som trodde sig ha funnit Priamos skatt under sina grävningar där. Området visar spår från 9 olika byggperioder.
It is Tros from whom the Trojans derived their name; their land was called the kingdom of Troya (Troja).
From Wikipedia: In Greek mythology, Tros was a ruler of Troy and the son of Erichthonius by Astyoche (daughter of the river god Simoeis) or of Ilus I, from whom he inherited the throne.[1][2] Tros was the father of three sons: Ilus, Assaracus, and Ganymedes, and of a daughter Cleopatra.[3] He is the eponym of Troy, also named Ilion for his son Ilus. Tros's wife was said to be Callirrhoe, daughter of the River God Scamander[3], or Acallaris, daughter of Eumedes[4].
When Zeus abducted Ganymedes, Tros grieved for his son. Sympathetic, Zeus sent Hermes with two horses so swift they could run over water. Hermes also assured Tros that Ganymede was immortal and would be the cupbearer of the gods, a position of great distinction.[5][6]
In variant versions Ganymede is son of Laomedon son of Ilus son of Tros;[7] yet others call him son of Ilus[8], Erichthonius or Assaracus[9].
It was from Tros that the Dardanians were called Trojans and the land named the Troad.
''' King of TROY, aka Troeg (Tros)'''
Poss. Jullus i Roms 4-oldefar.
HM George I s 87-oldefar.
HRE Ferdinand I s 83-oldefar.
Osawatomie 'Browns 93-oldefar.
Kone / partner: Callirhoe (TEUCRI)
Børn: ILE'er (Ilyus) (King) i TROY , Assaracus (Ascaoracus) den DARDANIAN
Hans (evt.) en (+)-oldebørn: Anchisa , Anchises den DARDANIAN , Priamos Podarces (High King) i TROY , Tithonius af TROY , Hecuba (Hecabe) af Frygien , Mnestheus (General) af TROY
Fra http://fabpedigree.com/s016/f371548.htm
Kung Tros's förfäder är ICKE bevisade, utan existerar endast i den kristna tron, som ättlingar till Adam och Eva, Eden. Dessa finns med i släktträdet som ett "Roligt inslag"
died: 1328BC or 1314BC c.1281BC
Tros van Acadia.
Namegiver of the city Troje.
Troy (Asia Minor), also Ilium (ancient Ilion), famous city of Greek legend, on the northwestern corner of Asia Minor, in present-day Turkey. The legendary founder of the city was Ilus, the son of Tros, from whom the name Troy was derived. The son and successor of Ilus was Laomedon, who was slain by the hero Hercules, when Hercules captured the city. It was during the reign of Laomedon's son Priam that the famous Trojan War occurred, which resulted in the capture and destruction of the city. http://helenrowe.tripod.com/helen2adam/8953.htm
Spouse: Callirrhoe
Event: was a builder of Troy
Dates given here are Before Christ.
King of Dardania Tros of Greek Myth1
d. 1328 B.C.
King of Dardania Tros of Greek Myth|d. 1328 B.C.|p274.htm#i13409|King of Dardania Erichthonius of Greek Myth|d. 1368 B.C.|p275.htm#i13411|the Naiad Astyoche of Greek Myth||p240.htm#i27327|King of Dardania Dardanus of Greek Myth|d. 1414 B.C.|p275.htm#i27331|Bateia of Greek Myth||p113.htm#i13598|the River God Simois of Greek Myth||p240.htm#i27328||||
Father King of Dardania Erichthonius of Greek Myth2,3 d. 1368 B.C.
Mother the Naiad Astyoche of Greek Myth1,4
King of Dardania Tros of Greek Myth was the son of King of Dardania Erichthonius of Greek Myth and the Naiad Astyoche of Greek Myth.2,3,1,4 King of Dardania Tros of Greek Myth died 1328 B.C..5 He called the people of the land Trojans, after his own name, 1370 B.C..5 He was the father of King of Troy Ilos of Greek Myth; either as the brother of Erichthonius or (as I follow) as the son of Tros and grandson of Erichthonius.6 King of Dardania Tros of Greek Myth married the Naiad Callirrhoe of Greek Myth, daughter of the River God Scamander of Greek Myth and the Nymph Idaea of Greek Myth.1,7 Family the Naiad Callirrhoe of Greek Myth
Children King of Troy Ilos of Greek Myth+ d. 1279 B.C.5,3
King of Dardania Assaracus of Greek Myth+ 1
[S1332] Royal Houses of Mythical Greece, online http://www.timelessmyths.com/, Genealogy: House of Troy and Dardania.
[S278] DfAdam, online unknown url, The Line of Dardanus, 27.
[S286] Edith Hamilton, Mythology: Timelss Tales.
[S1333] Theoi Project, online www.theoi.com\index.htm, ASTYOKHE.
[S278] DfAdam, online unknown url, The Line of Dardanus, 28.
[S862] Various EB CD 2001, Ilos (Gr. myth.).
[S1333] Theoi Project, online www.theoi.com\index.htm, KALLIRRHOE.
Ilos is believed to be the founder of the capital city of Troy, Illiona. Archaologists spent a great deal of time searching for the city of Troy, and had about decided that it didn't really exist. They later descovered that the city was never named Troy, but Illiona, just as in Homer's Illiad. The city they found had been built, destroyed, and rebuilt several times over several hundred years by the Greeks, Romans, Persians, and Trojans. Much of the more realistic depictions of the battle as described in the Illiad have since been accepted as historically correct.
It is Tros from whom the Trojans derived their name; their land was called the kingdom of Troya (Troja).
ID: I62080
Name: Tros of Troy
Prefix: King
Given Name: Tros
Surname: of Troy
Sex: M
_UID: 8EC56BEF7ACD7C4797B1C9DBD514EAD24808
Change Date: 26 Nov 2005
Death: Y
Father: Erichthonius of Darania
Mother: Astyoche of Acadia
Marriage 1 Callirhoe
Ilus of Troy Forrás / Source:
ID: I170753 Name: King Tros [@ <^>v] de Dardania Sex: M Birth: in 1375 BC in Troy Death: in 1328 BC Father: King Erichthonius Illium [@ <^>v] de Dardania b: in 1420 BC in Troad, Asia Minor
Mother: Astyoche Illium [@ <^>v] de Arcadia b: in c 1420 BC in Arcadis, Greece
Marriage 1 Queen Callirhoe Illium [@ <^>v ] de Troy b: in c 1345 BC
1. Has Children King Illus [@ <^>v] de Troy b: in abt 1350 BC 2. Has Children Assarcacus [@ <^>v] de Troy b: in c 1350 BC 3. Has Children Hieromneme [@ <^>v[ de Troy b: in c 1350 BC Marriage 2 Spouse Unknown
1. Has Children Themiste [@ <^>v] de Troy b: in c 1320 BC source:
In Greek mythology, Tros was a ruler of Troy and the son of Erichthonius or Ilus I, from whom he inherited the throne. Tros was the father of three sons: Ilus, Assaracus, and Ganymedes. He is the eponym of Troy, also named Ilion for his son Ilus. Tros's wife was said to be Callirrhoe, daughter of the River God Scamander, or Acallaris, daughter of Eumedes.
When Zeus abducted Ganymedes, Tros grieved for his son. Sympathetic, Zeus sent Hermes with two horses so swift they could run over water. Hermes also assured Tros that Ganymede was immortal and would be the cupbearer of the gods, a position of great distinction.
In variant versions Ganymede is son of Laomedon son of Ilus son of Tros.
It was from Tros that the Dardanians were called Trojans and the land named the Troad.
Troy (Asia Minor), also Ilium (ancient Ilion), famous city of Greek legend, on the northwestern corner of Asia Minor, in present-day Turkey. The legendary founder of the city was Ilus, the son of Tros, from whom the name Troy was derived. The son and successor of Ilus was Laomedon, who was slain by the hero Hercules, when Hercules captured the city. It was during the reign of Laomedon's son Priam that the famous Trojan War occurred, which resulted in the capture and destruction of the city.
Gen 91:
Tros of Acadia, King of Troy, son of Erichthonious and Astvocho, married Callirhoe.
Tros (????) succeeded his father Erichthonius to the throne. He gave his name to the land (Troad) and to the people living in the Troad (Trojans). Tros was married to Callirrhoë (Callirrhoe) and was the father of Ilus, Assarcacus and Ganymede.
His son, Ganymede was so beautiful, that Zeus fell in love with the youth. Zeus transformed himself into the form of an eagle, and abducted the youth, carrying Ganymede to Olympus in his talon. Ganymede became the cupbearer in Olympus. Zeus gave Tros a couple of immortal horses and vines made of gold, to compensate for abduction of the king's son.
In Greek mythology, Tros was a ruler of Troy and the son of Erichthonius or Ilus I, from whom he inherited the throne. Tros was the father of three sons: Ilus, Assaracus, and Ganymedes. He is the eponym of Troy, also named Ilion for his son Ilus. Tros's wife was said to be Callirrhoe, daughter of the River God Scamander, or Acallaris, daughter of Eumedes.
When Zeus abducted Ganymedes, Tros grieved for his son. Sympathetic, Zeus sent Hermes with two horses so swift they could run over water. Hermes also assured Tros that Ganymede was immortal and would be the cupbearer of the gods, a position of great distinction.
In variant versions Ganymede is son of Laomedon son of Ilus son of Tros.
It was from Tros that the Dardanians were called Trojans and the land named the Troad.[1]
Tros was the namesake of the city of "Troy". Either he or his son Ilus was the founder and first King of Troy.
Name: Tros OF TROY
Prefix: King
Given Name: Tros
Surname: of Troy
Sex: M 1
Death: 1328 BC
Father: Erichtonius OF DARDANIA
Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
Ilus OF TROY Assaracus OF TROY Sources:
Abbrev: Stevens (1998) Dardanus
Title: The Line of Dardanus. In Descent from Adam.
Author: Stevens, Luke
Publication: Webpage: <http://www/geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/2444/Dardanus.htm>12/4/1998.
född i Dardanien, Phrygia, Västra Turkiet Fortellingen om trojanerne begynte først i myter og legender. Gresk mytologi sier at trojanerne var de opprinnelige borgerne i byen Troja i Troas-regionen i Anatolia (nå Tyrkia). Troja ligger i Asia, men byen presenteres i legenden som del av den greske kulturen med bystater. Troja ble kjent for sine rikdommer som de fikk fra handel med øst og vest, fine klær, jernproduksjon og massive defensive murer.
Den trojanske kongefamilien startet med Elektra og Zevs, foreldrene til Dardanos. Dardanos var ifølge greske myter opprinnelig fra Arkadia, men ifølge romerske myter var han opprinnelig fra Italia, krysset over til Lille-Asia fra øya Samotrake hvor han møtte kong Teukros. Teukros var selv kolonist fra Attika og behandlet Dardanos med respekt. Til slutt giftet Dardanos seg med Teukros' døtre og grunnla Dardania som sener ble styrt av Aineias. Da Dardanos døde gikk kongedømmet videre til hans barnebarn Tros som kalte folket trojanere og landet Troas etter seg selv. Ilos, sønn av Tros, grunnla byen Ilium som han oppkalte etter seg selv. Zevs gav Ilos Palladium. Poseidon og Apollon bygget murene og befestningene rundt Troja for Laomedon, sønn av Ilos den yngre. Da Laomedon nektet å betale, oversvømmet Poseidon landet og krevde at Hesione skulle ofres til sjøuhyre. Pestilense kom og sjøuhyret tok menneskene på sletten.
En generasjon før Trojanerkrigen erobret Herakles Troja og drepte Laomedon og hans sønner, med unntak av den unge Priam. Priam ble senere konge. Under hans styre invaderte de mykenske grekerne og erobret Troja i Trojanerkrigen, tradisjonelt datert til 1193–1183 f.Kr. maksyanerne var en vestlig libyisk stamme som sa at de var etterkommere av mennene fra Troja, ifølge Herodot. De trojanske skipene forandret seg til najader som gledet seg over å se ødeleggelsen av Odyssevs' skip.
Trojansk styre i Lille-Asia ble erstattet av herakleide-dynastiet i Sardis som hersket i 505 år frem til Kandaules. jonerne, kimmererne, frygierne, miletene fra Sinope og lydierne flyttet inn i Lille-Asia. Persia invaderte i 546 f.Kr.
Fjellet Ida i Lille-Asia er stedet hvor Gamymede ble bortført av Zevs, Ankises ble forført av Afrodite, Afrodite fødte Aineias, Paris levde som hyrde, nymfene bodde, «dømmingen av Paris» fant sted, de greske gudene så på Trojanerkrigen, Hera distraherte Zevs med sin forførelse lenge nok til at akhaiene, hjulpet av Poseidon, kunne holde trojanerne borte fra sine skip og hvor Aineias og hans tilhengere hvilte og ventet til grekerne satte av gårde til Hellas. Alteret til Panomfean (kilden til alle orakler) ble dedikert til Jupiter (Tonatos) nær Troja. Buthrotos (eller Buthrotum) var en by i Epiros hvor Helenos, den trojanske seeren, bygget en kopi av Troja. Aineias landet der og Helenos forutså hans fremtid.
Den antika staden Troja (grekiska Troia eller Ilion,lat. Troia eller Ilium, turkiska Truva) är en arkeologisk plats i nordvästra Turkiet vid Dardanellerna vid Hisarlik nära staden Çanakkale.
Platsen upptogs på UNESCO:s världsarvslista 1998.
Innehåll [g%C3%B6m]
1 Historia
2 Staden
3 Se även
4 Extern länk
Historia [redigera] Staden är känd från Homeros epos Iliaden och Odysséen.
Troja var enligt den grekiska mytologin huvudstad i Dardanien som etablerades av kung Dardanus.
Senare forskning har kunnat knyta namnet Ilion till det historiska namnet Wilusa, och man antar idag att det är samma stat som avses. Wilusa är omnämnd i hettitiska texter. Man antar därför att det språk som ursprungligen talades i Troja var luviska snarare än grekiska. Söder om Troja låg under den sena bronsåldern landet Arzawa. Det är möjligt att Homeros skildring av det trojanska kriget har sin historiska bakgrund i de strider som förekom mellan staterna utmed den egeiska kusten omkring 1300-1200 f.Kr. vilka även drog in det historiska Troja (se Hettiterriket).
Staden [redigera] Runt år 1865 återupptäcktes den antika staden av den brittiske arkeologen Frank Calvert som gjorde utgrävningar i ruinhögen vid Hisarlik. Identifieringen av Hisarlik som det homeriska Troja blev känd genom den tyska arkeologen Heinrich Schliemann, som trodde sig ha funnit Priamos skatt under sina grävningar där. Området visar spår från 9 olika byggperioder.
It is Tros from whom the Trojans derived their name; their land was called the kingdom of Troya (Troja).
When Zeus abducted Ganymedes, Tros grieved for his son. Sympathetic, Zeus sent Hermes with two horses so swift they could run over water. Hermes also assured Tros that Ganymede was immortal and would be the cupbearer of the gods, a position of great distinction.[5][6]
In variant versions Ganymede is son of Laomedon son of Ilus son of Tros;[7] yet others call him son of Ilus[8], Erichthonius or Assaracus[9].
It was from Tros that the Dardanians were called Trojans and the land named the Troad.
King of TROY, aka Troeg (Tros) Poss. Jullus i Roms 4-oldefar.
HM George I s 87-oldefar. HRE Ferdinand I s 83-oldefar.
Osawatomie 'Browns 93-oldefar.
Kone / partner: Callirhoe (TEUCRI) Børn: ILE'er (Ilyus) (King) i TROY , Assaracus (Ascaoracus) den DARDANIAN
Hans (evt.) en (+)-oldebørn: Anchisa , Anchises den DARDANIAN , Priamos Podarces (High King) i TROY , Tithonius af TROY , Hecuba (Hecabe) af Frygien , Mnestheus (General) af TROY
Fra http://fabpedigree.com/s016/f371548.htm
Kung Tros's förfäder är ICKE bevisade, utan existerar endast i den kristna tron, som ättlingar till Adam och Eva, Eden. Dessa finns med i släktträdet som ett "Roligt inslag"
Acallaris, b. 1310 B.C., Troy (present day Turkey) Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Yes, date unknown Children
1. Ilus, King of Troy, b. 1260 B.C., Troy (present day Turkey) Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Yes, date unknown
2. Assaracus, King of the Dardanians, b. 1255 B.C., Troy (present day Turkey) Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Yes, date unknown
3. Ganymede, b. 1250 B.C., Troy (present day Turkey) Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Yes, date unknown
[S000048] Ferguson-1998, Ferguson, June, (14 Jun 1998). Kinship of Families, Chart compiled by Archibald F. Bennett, M.A. for. Gen. 10:24; 11; 14-17; Num. 24:24; Luke 3:35. 1 Chr. 1:18-19.
[S000062] Fettes-2001, Fettes, Ian, (Feb 2001: Australia). Jeanie. Gendex link. (geniehere@aol.com). File #4 william.ged & e-mail update, Nov 1997.
[S000092] Universe-2001, (1995-1999, 2000 The Regents of the University of Michigan; 2000-01 University Corporation for Atmospheric).
[S000116] Stuart-2002, Stuart, Roderick W, (Genealogical Publishing Co: 2002 4th Edition), p 160.
[S000062] Fettes-2001, Fettes, Ian, (Feb 2001: Australia).
-1375 |
Troy, Turkey (Anatolia)
-1340 |
Troy (present day Turkey)
-1328 |
Age 46
Dardania,Troad,Phrygia,Asia Minor
Age 46
Escynthia, Ancient Turkey, Troy, Black Sea Region, Turkey
-1315 |
Dardania , Asia Minor, Phrygia
-1300 |
-1250 |
(Troy, Phrygia, Asia Minor), Troy, Turkey
???? | |||
???? |
Troy, Turkey