Thomas Lord, smith, embarked April 19, 1635, in the “Elizabeth and Ann,” at London, aged 50, with wife Dorothy, aged 46.-Ch.: Thomas (l6), Ann (14), William (12), John (10), Robert (9), Aymie (6), Dorothy (4), in same ship with Clement Chaplin, William Swayne, and others. He was an original proprietor at Hartford, and his home lot in 1639 was on the highway on the bank of the Little River, now Wells St. He m. ab. 1610, Dorothy. The time of his death is unknown. Mrs. Dorothy Lord d. in 1676, a. 87. Her will, executed Feb. 8, 1669-70, is sealed with the above coat of arms.1 -
The Lord family was from Towcester, Northamptonshire, England. There a a number of LORD entries in the Towcester Registers for the years 1561-1633, including baptisms, marriages and burials. Richard was born about 1585, the 2nd child of
Married Dorothy Bird (daughter of Robert and Amy (?) Bird) on 23 Feb 1610/11 in Towcester, Northamptonshire, England
1 These arms correspond exactly with those of ward, alias Lord, given in Burke's Armory.
"THOMAS LORD, who was born in England about 1585, was the American Founder of the Lord family, the records of which, in the mother country, are traceable upon the Hundred Rolls, and other documents back to the thirteenth century."
"Thomas Lord, the founder of the American branch of the famly to which attention is called in this article, sailed from London in 1635, accompanied by his wife Dorothy and his children, Thomas, Ann, William, John, Robert, Aymie and Dorothy. He first established himself at Newtown, as it was then called, but which afterwards became known as Cambridge, Mass, where his eldest son, Richard Lord, born in 1611, who preceded his father, had already settled as early as 1632."
"William Lord, the fourth child of Thomas Lord, was born in England in 1623, and was a lad of about twelve years of age when he came to this country with his parents."
"William Lord's elder sister, Ann, married Thomas Stanton, who, in the early history of New England, was Interpreter-General of the United Colonies." (3)
irth: 1585 Northamptonshire, England Death: May 17, 1678 Hartford Hartford County Connecticut, USA
~MY ANCESTOR~ The son of Richard & Jeane Lord of County Towchester, Northampton, England, he married first Dorothy Buckley, daughter of Edward Buckley & sister of Rev. Peter Buckley. After her death, he married Dorothy Bird 23 Feb 1610/1611 in Townschester. Thomas & his second wife came from England in The "Elizabeth and Ann" to Cambridge Mass, 1635; joined Rev. Thomas Hooker's party in founding Hartford, Conn 1636; Thomas was an original proprietor of Hartford, Conn. His name is on the Founder's Monument in the Ancient Cemetery where he is buried. Thomas & Dorothy (Bird) Lord were the parents of at least nine children all being born in England, one of which (WILLIAM LORD) was my ancestor.
Family links:
Richard Lord (1555 - 1610)
Dorothy Bird Lord (1588 - 1676)
Richard Lord (____ - 1662)*
Anna Lord Stanton (1614 - 1688)*
William Lord (1618 - 1678)*
Thomas Lord (1619 - 1662)*
Robert Lord (1625 - ____)*
Aymie Lord Gilbert (1626 - 1691)*
*Calculated relationship
Burial: Ancient Burying Ground Hartford Hartford County Connecticut, USA
Created by: Nareen, et al Record added: Jul 04, 2005 Find A Grave Memorial# 11290361
+++++++++++++++++++++++ Thomas Lord, smith, embarked April 19, 1635, in the “Elizabeth and Ann,” at London, aged 50, with wife Dorothy, aged 46.-Ch.: Thomas (l6), Ann (14), William (12), John (10), Robert (9), Aymie (6), Dorothy (4), in same ship with Clement Chaplin, William Swayne, and others. He was an original proprietor at Hartford, and his homelot in 1639 was on the highway on the bank of the Little River, now Wells St. He m. ab. 1610, Dorothy. The time of his death is unknown. Mrs. Dorothy Lord d. in 1676, a. 87. Her will, executed Feb. 8, 1669-70, is sealed with the above coat of arms.1 -
The Lord family was from Towcester, Northamptonshire, England. There a a number of LORD entries in the Towcester Registers for the years 1561-1633, including baptisims, marriages and burials. Richard was born about 1585, the 2nd child of
parents: Richard Lord born 1555 & Joane. Married
Dorothy Bird (daughter of Robert and Amy (?) Bird) on 23 Feb 1610/11 in Children
Richard, b. ab. 1611 Thomas, b. 1619 Ann, b. 1621 ; m. Thomas Stanton, of Hartford, afterward THE Lord ARMS. of Stonington, ab. 1637 ; d. in 1688 William, b. 1623; removed to that part of ancient Saybrook now called Lyme ; married; d. May 17, 1678 John, b. 1625 ; m. (1) Rebecca, dau. of Francis Bushnell, of Guilford, who d. before 1647; (2) May 15, 1648, Adrean Basey, of Hartford, prob. a sister of John Baysey; he abandoned his wife, and in September, 1651, the General Court ordered the Townsmen of Hartford to require of John Lord the wearing apparel of his wife and a bed "for her to lodge on." He probably had fled to Virginia; Porter (p. 11) prints a letter, dated at Apomatixe (Appomattox), Feb. 20, 1663-4, from him to his nephew, Richard Lord, promising to pay his debts if the next season was favorable to tobacco. Oct. 17, 1648, John Lord, Taylor, was bound over to good behavior, his brother, Thomas Lord, giving bonds for him. vi. Robert, b. 1627 ; he was a sea-captain, supposed to have been living in 1670, and to have d. abroad after that year univ. Amy, b. 1629 ; m. May 6, 1647, John Gilbert (q. v.), of Hartford; d. Jan. 8, 1691 Dorothy, b. 1631 ; m. ab. 1651, John Ingersoll, of Hartford, afterward of Northampton, where she d. January, 1657. 1 These arms correspond exactly with those of ward, alias Lord, given in Burke's Armory.
"THOMAS LORD, who was born in England about 1585, was the American Founder of the Lord family, the records of which, in the mother country, are traceable upon the Hundred Rolls, and other documents back to the thirteenth century."
"Thomas Lord, the founder of the American branch of the famly to which attention is called in this article, sailed from London in 1635, accompanied by his wife Dorothy and his children, Thomas, Ann, William, John, Robert, Aymie and Dorothy. He first established himself at Newtown, as it was then called, but which afterwards became known as Cambridge, Mass, where his eldest son, Richard Lord, born in 1611, who preceded his father, had already settled as early as 1632."
"William Lord, the fourth child of Thomas Lord, was born in England in 1623, and was a lad of about twelve years of age when he came to this country with his parents."
"William Lord's elder sister, Ann, married Thomas Stanton, who, in the early history of New England, was Interpreter-General of the United Colonies." (3)
Founders of Hartford Findagrave Prominent Families of New York page 372 Links
Thomas Lord Memorial
Birth: Apr. 29, 1585 Towcester South Northamptonshire Borough Northamptonshire, England Death: May 17, 1678 Hartford Hartford County Connecticut, USA
~MY ANCESTOR~ The son of Richard & Jeane Lord of County Towchester, Northampton, England, he married first Dorothy Buckley, daughter of Edward Buckley & sister of Rev. Peter Buckley. After her death, he married Dorothy Bird 23 Feb 1610/1611 in Townschester. Thomas & his second wife came from England in The "Elizabeth and Ann" to Cambridge Mass, 1635; joined Rev. Thomas Hooker's party in founding Hartford, Conn 1636; Thomas was an original proprietor of Hartford, Conn. His name is on the Founder's Monument in the Ancient Cemetery where he is buried. Thomas & Dorothy (Bird) Lord were the parents of at least nine children all being born in England, one of which (WILLIAM LORD) was my ancestor.
Family links:
Richard Lord (1555 - 1610)
Dorothy Bird Lord (1588 - 1676)
Richard Lord (____ - 1662)*
Anna Lord Stanton (1614 - 1688)*
William Lord (1618 - 1678)*
Thomas Lord (1619 - 1662)*
Robert Lord (1625 - 1678)*
Aymie Lord Gilbert (1626 - 1691)*
Dorothy Lord Ingersoll (1631 - 1657)*
*Calculated relationship
Burial: Ancient Burying Ground Hartford Hartford County Connecticut, USA
Created by: Nareen, et al Record added: Jul 04, 2005 Find A Grave Memorial# 11290361
https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/LTGC-F2R Thomas was a man of means, position and influence. From Hatten's Original List we learn that on April 29, 1635 Thomas age 50 and his wife Dorothy 45, and their 7 children were registered from the Port of London to New England on the ship Elizabeth Ann in 1636. Thomas and his family joined the party of Rev. Thomas Hooker and 100 others which departed from Newtown which later became Cambridge to form a new settlement on the Connecticut River. Thomas and Robert Lord became an original proprietor and one of the first settlers of Hartford Connecticut.
From Find-A-Grave:
In the early part of the seventeenth century, there were four "Lords" who settled in this country: Nathan Lord landed in Kittery, Me; Thomas Lord, who landed in Boston, Mass.; William Lord who landed in Salem, Mass.' and Robert Lord who landed at Ipswich, Mass. They were not brothers, but they were probably descended from the same "Lord" family back in history.
The name, Lord, was derived with the Anglo-Saxon Ord or Ored, a governor, with the prefix L' or Le, denoting the person or place. The Gaelic ar. lord--high, lofty, the prime chief, superior.
"The Descendants of Thomas For, an original proprietor an founder of Hartford, Conn. in 1636" ____________________________________ The son of Richard & Jeane Lord of County Towchester, Northampton, England, he married first Dorothy Buckley, daughter of Edward Buckley & sister of Rev. Peter Buckley. After her death, he married Dorothy Bird 23 Feb 1610/1611 in Townschester.
Thomas Lord aged 50, Dorothy Lord aged 46 (his second wife), son Thomas aged 16, Ann aged 14, William aged 12, John aged 10, Robert aged 9, Aymie aged 6, and Dorothy aged 4, came from England on The "Elizabeth Ann" to Cambridge Mass, 1635. [Hotten's "Original Lists"] The oldest son, Richard had come to America in advance to find a place to settle.
They joined Rev. Thomas Hooker's party leaving Newtown and traveling though wilderness and rough terrain for nearly a fortnight purchasing land from the leader of the Suckiage Indians, Chief Sequassen where they founded Hartford, Conn. in 1636.
Thomas was an original proprietor of Hartford, Conn. His name is on the Founder's Monument in the Ancient Cemetery where he is buried. He and his family lived on the north side of the highway on the bank of the Little River (later Wells Street) near Gov. Haynes, Rev. Hooker, Mr. Goodwin and Gov. Wyllys. His sons, Richard and Thomas had the lots next to him. Thomas & Dorothy (Bird) Lord were the parents of at least nine children all being born in England.
Name • 6 Sources • Thomas Lord Sex • 2 Sources • Male Birth • 3 Sources • 29 April 1585 Towcester, South Northamptonshire Borough, Northamptonshire, England Christening • 0 Sources • about 1585 Towcester, Northamptonshire, England Death • 3 Sources • 17 May 1678 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States Burial • 1 Source • 1678 Ancient Cemetery, Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States
Emigration 13 April 1635-14 May 1635 England Custom Event • Medical 30 June 1652 The Court in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States Description 1st physician licensed in the New England Colonies Custom Event • Will 1667 Occupation • Blacksmith, Farmer, Doctor, Physician, founder and proprietor in Hartford, Connecticut, United States
Thomas Lord, smith, embarked April 19, 1635, in the “Elizabeth and Ann,” at London, aged 50, with wife Dorothy, aged 46.-Ch.: Thomas (l6), Ann (14), William (12), John (10), Robert (9), Aymie (6), Dorothy (4), in same ship with Clement Chaplin, William Swayne, and others. He was an original proprietor at Hartford, and his home lot in 1639 was on the highway on the bank of the Little River, now Wells St. He m. ab. 1610, Dorothy.
First Settlers of the Colony.
Lord, Thomas, came to Hartford from Cambridge, Mass., in 1636. His ancestor was John Lord, and was in the division of lands at Hartford in '39. His children were, Thomas, Richard, William, Dorothy, Robert, John and Amy. He is the ancestor of the Lord family of this State.
He was an original proprietor at Hartford, and his home lot in 1639 was on the highway on the bank of the Little River, now Wells St.
He came from Towchester, Northants, Hartford, England and went first to Cambridge, Mass., then on to Hartford, Conn. His ship was the “Elizabeth and Ann’ Roger Coepor, Master. They sailed in mid May and arrived in Boston in mid summer. 102 passengers (Public Records Office) MSS.
He was 50 years old when he emigrated and brought with him his wife and seven younger children.
First Settlers of the Colony. Lord, Thomas, Jr., Hartford. In 1652 was a surgeon and physician, and thought of leaving Hartford; to prevent which the General Court contracted with him, that if he would remain in Hartford one year, and use his best skill with the inhabitants of the towns upon the river, both for setting bones and in the practice of physic, that the Court would pay him a salary of £15; and that he should in addition receive for visiting at any house in Hartford, 12 pence as reasonable pay; any house in Windsor, 5 shillings; any house in Wethersfield, 3 shillings; any in Farmington, 6 shillings, and in Mattabeseck, (Middletown,) 8 shillings. Dr. Lord informed the Court he required no more. A law was therefore enacted to this effect, confirming the contract. The Doctor was also by the law freed from watching, warding and training, but not from finding arms. He was the first physician mentioned upon the record, and was probably the first regular bred surgeon in the colony, or he would not have been thus by the General Court solicited to remain in Hartford upon a salary paid by the public. Some of the Lord family settled at Haddam, Saybrook and New London. The next surgeon employed by the public was Daniel Porter. In 1655 the General Court ordered him to be paid out of the public treasury, a salary of £6, and 6 shillings a journey to each town on the River, to exercise his art of Chirurgery (surgery.) View Full Context Source Link: https://www.geni.com/documents/view?doc_id=6000000175875792844label=@S185@ Source Link: https://www.geni.com/documents/view?doc_id=6000000175875792846label=@S412@ Source Link: https://www.geni.com/documents/view?doc_id=6000000175875792827label=@S53@
1 _UPD 7 NOV 2017 08:09:15 GMT -0600 2 ADDR 3 ADR1 Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, United States
Potential Parents:
Richard Thomas Lord 1555–1610 LJRS-M3D
Marriage: about 1582 Towcester, Northamptonshire, England
Joan Bird 1561–1610 MB28-RZ9
1585 |
Towcester, Northamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
Edlesborough, Buckinghamshire, England
Towcester, Northamptonshire, England, United Kingdom
1610 |
November 15, 1610
Towcester, Northamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1614 |
September 18, 1614
Towcester, Northamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1616 |
November 15, 1616
Towcester, Northamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1618 |
December 27, 1618
Towcester, Northamptonshire, England
December 27, 1618
Age 33
1620 |
May 12, 1620
Towcester, Northamptonshire, England