A genealogical sketch of the early Lombards with verses
By A.E. Lombard
Excellent resource, provides documentation for multiple branches. Karrie Anderson Welborn
No. 55 Library of Cape Cod History and Genealogy, Eastham and Orleans Historical Papers by Josiah Paine of Harwich, C.W. Swift Publishers, Yarmouthport 1914
"Thomas Lumbert, the ancester came over early probably in the fleet of Gov. Winthrop and was admitted a freeman of the MA colony, May 18th 1631. At that time he must have been nearly fifty years of age, for his son Bernard was then 23, and it is not certain that he was the first born of the family."
More-public house, lots of acres, member of the church, etc.
The Wakefield article (see Bernard Lombard above) shows that Thomas Lombard was baptized at Thorncombe, Dorset, 2 February 1581/82, the son of Thomas Lombard. He had a brother, Bernard, baptized there 2 July 1580, but the Bernard found in New England records is Thomas's son. Thomas married more than once, perhaps three times, and had children by at least two wives. He probably came to New England on the Mary and John, settling at Dorchester, where he appears on Dorchester records, including the baptism of his son Jobaniah on 23 June 1639, and thus he arrived in Plymouth Colony several years after his son Bernard. On 3 December 1639 Thomas was licensed to keep an ordinary and sell wine at Barnstable for entertaining strangers, provided that he would keep order in the house (PCR 1:137). He was a surveyor of the highways for Barnstable on 6 June 1649 (PCR 2:139). The court ordered on 2 October 1660 that since Jedidiah, the son of Thomas Lombard, Sr., had acted stubbornly against his father, Jedidiah, with the consent of his father, could place himself with some other honest and godly family, if he could do so, but if he did not, then Mr. Hinckley would so dispose of him (PCR 3:201).
xxx On 7 March 1664/65 administration of the estate of Thomas Lombard was given to his widow, Joyce, and his sons Jedidiah and Caleb (PCR 4:81). [p.320] His will, dated 23 March 1662/63, inventory 8 February 1664/65, mentioned his wife; his sons Caleb, Jedidah, Benjamin, Bernard, and Joshua; his sons-in-law Joseph Benjamin and Edward Coleman; his daughters Margaret Coleman and Jemima; and his granddaughter Abigail Benjamin (MD 16:124). Three sons predeceased him: two sons named Thomas baptized at Thorncombe, one of whom must have died young. The other, who came to New England with him, appeared on the 1643 ATBA list, and died without known issue, before his father made his will; and Jobaniah, who died young. Son Joshua married Abigail Linnel; Jedidiah married Hannah Wing; Benjamin married (1) Jane Warren (2) Sarah Walker, and (3) widow Hannah Whetstone; and Caleb, whose wife's name is unknown. Daughter Margaret married Edward Coleman, and Jemima married Joseph Benjamin. Additional information on the Lombard family can be found in the Amos Otis Papers, which are not well documented.
Plymouth Colony, History and People
Bond's History of Watertown lists his name as "Lambert". Came to the colonies in 1630 on the "Mary and John". In 1639, Thomas was one of the first settlers of Barnstable, apparently there already when the Rev. John Lothrop arrived with the main group of settlers.
b. 02 Feb 1581, Tenterden, Trent, England , d. 07 Mar 1665, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA.
Thomas came to America prior to Oct 19, 1630 when his name appears in the list of the first 24 men of Dorchester who applied to become freemen. He became a freeman May 18, 1631. He was one of the first settlers of Dorchester. He probably came on the "Mary and John" that arrived at Nantasket on May 30, 1630. In 1639 he was one of the first settlers of Barnstable. Rev John Lothrop arrived earlier with the main group of settlers. Thomas was allowed to have an ordinary (an inn) to entertain passengers and to sell wine in Barnstable.
He was baptised on 2 Feb 1581/... read more Bond's History of Watertown lists his name as "Lambert". Came to the colonies in 1630 on the Mary and John. IN 1639, Thomas was one of the first settlers of Barnstable, apparently there already when the Rev. John Lothrop arrived with the main group of settlers. -------------------- b. 02 Feb 1581, Tenterden, Trent, England , d. 07 Mar 1665, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA. -------------------- Thomas came to America prior to Oct 19, 1630 when his name appears in the list of the first 24 men of Dorchester who applied to become freemen. He became a freeman May 18, 1631. He was one of the first settlers of Dorchester. He probably came on the "Mary and John" that arrived at Nantasket on May 30, 1630. In 1639 he was one of the first settlers of Barnstable. Rev John Lothrop arrived earlier with the main group of settlers. Thomas was allowed to have an ordinary (an inn) to entertain passengers and to sell wine in Barnstable. --------------------
was baptised on 2 Feb 1581/82 in England. He died in 1664 in Barnstable, Cape Cod, MA.
IMMIGRANT (prob. 1630 on "Mary and John") - "Thomas Lumbert was born in Thorncombe, Dorset, England, and baptized 2 Feb 1581. His second son, Bernard, was born about 1608 to his first wife. He probably had three wives, the last, Joyce, whom he married in New England, surviving him. Thomas was on the list of the first 24 men of Dorchester who applied to become freemen 19 Oct 1630, and it is this fact that leads researchers to believe he came on the 'Mary and John.' Bernard and his siblings are thought to have come at the same time (Wakefield, p. 137). ... The Rev. John White of Dorchester was the man who had assembled the Mary and John group. He was a moderate Puritan but not a separatist. It is said that 'he had absolute command of two things not easily controlled--his own passions and the purses of his parishioners.'... The nearby Massachusetts Bay settlements, however, were led by 'clergymen and officials of aristocratic tendencies. Their Governor, John Winthrop, had little sympathy with the common people.' ... Unhappy in this atmosphere, many of the Dorchester people moved to Connecticut in 1636, but Bernard had moved even earlier, first to Scituate in late 1634 or early 1635 (he was given a lot 6 Apr 1635 and with his wife joined Lothrop's church 19 Apr 1635) and then to Barnstable in the fall of 1639. ... Otis ... says that when the Lothrop group arrived in October 1639 Thomas had 'one of the largest and best houses in the plantation, fitted up and designed for an ordinary, or a public house, and which he was licensed by the Court to keep on the third of December following....In addition to his homestead...he owned six acres of planting land in the common field adjoining the Little pond, and a great lot of forty-five acres, bounded...westerly by Bernard Lumbert's great lot. His great lot included the whole of the Dead swamp, which was not included in the measurement. About the year 1656 he removed to his great lot, and built a house thereon. He had a good estate and was comparatively a wealthy man. He was not distinguished, and his name rarely occurs on the records.' John Lothrop wrote in his diary after he and his church people arrived in Barnstable in 1639: 'After praises to God in public were ended, as the day was cold, we divided into three companies, to feast together, some at Mr. Hull's, some at Mr. Mayo's amd some at brother Lombard, Sr's.' ... Thomas was made surveyor of the highways for Barnstable in 1639, but that appears to be the extent of his public service. He made his will 10 June 1663 and the inventory of his estate was taken 8 Feb 1664. ... the total value was over £210. Almost two-thirds was in land, buildings and livestock. A number of tools and household items were listed, as well as books..." (Bonnie Grant, Lumbert Chapter) He was married to (first wife) ? in England
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Added by Elwin Nickerson II, My Great Grandfather Arrived on the "MARY and JOHN" in 1630-Resided- Boston-Scituate-and Barnstable, Massachusetts.
Thomas Lombard is at the top of my family document labelled : "Births~~Lombard Genealogy" . All it says on that first line is " Barnstable, Mass~6 sons, 2 daughters. Married: December 1630" (or perhaps it says 1639?). No information on who his wife was, when he was born, when he died. The cursive handwriting for the date of marriage runs off into a black border so the 1639 or 1630 is not clear.
1581 |
February 2, 1581
Thorncombe, Dorset, England
February 2, 1581
Thorncombe, Dorset, England
1582 |
July 2, 1582
Age 1
Thorncombe, Dorset, England (United Kingdom)
1602 |
September 7, 1602
Thorncombe, Dorset, England, United Kingdom
1608 |
Thorncombe, Dorsetshire, England
1617 |
Thorncombe, Dorset, England (United Kingdom)
1623 |
Probably England
1630 |
Age 48
Dorchester, MA
1636 |
Plymouth Colony, Colonial America