Historical records matching Thomas Hurdus Dixon
Immediate Family
About Thomas Hurdus Dixon
Thomas Hurdus Dixon was born at Rothwell in Yorkshire, England on 5 August 1828. It is not yet known when he arrived in New Zealand. He joined the Armed Constabulary (Division 2) on 7 February 1868. Thomas died in Tauranga on 24 February 1870, aged 40. He was buried in Tauranga Mission Cemetery (Ōtamataha Pā). His ground plaque reads: Thos. H. Dixon died 24th Feb. 1870, aged 40 years, Member of the A. C. Force. Note: Thomas Dixon shares a ground plaque with John Cady. Text and photograph by Debbie McCauley (22 November 2016).
West Yorkshire, England, Church of England Births and Baptisms, 1813-1910
Name Thomas Hurdus Dixon
Age 0
Record Type Baptism
Birth Date 5 Aug. 1828
Baptism Date 27 Oct. 1828
Baptism Place Rothwell, Holy Trinity, Yorkshire, England
Parish as it Appears Rothwell, Holy Trinity
Father William Dixon
Mother Rachel Dixon
Thomas Hurdus Dixon's Timeline
1828 |
August 5, 1828
Rothwell, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
West Yorkshire, England, Church of England Births and Baptisms, 1813-1910
October 27, 1828
Holy Trinity, Rothwell, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
1870 |
February 24, 1870
Age 41
Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand
February 24, 1870
Age 41
Mission Cemetery | Ōtamataha Pā, [Plot 67.], Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand