Frederich Both was his Step-father., not his biological father. His biological father was Ferdinandus Appel.
What is the ydna of F Both ?
Do we know ydna disprove J Cornelisz as father ?
🙏 correct locked incorrect information here !
Did not exist ! 🙏 correct this please
Although Friedrich Both is shown here as his adoptive father he is only his de facto father. Geni's functionality to differentiate between biological and adoptive/foster is utilised here to show his relationship to his biolocical and de facto parents
Theunis Botha, b bef 15 April 1686. Called Botha after his mother, Maria Kickers' , 1700 divorce from Jan Cornelisz (who is shown as his father on the birth certificate). At which time she said her 7 children were Frederich Botha's.
However, a recent DNA study by the University of Pretoria reveal him to have been the biological son of Ferdinandus Appel.
Onder andere:
‘Onbeqwaamd’ in die bed Die meeste mense is onbewus van die Botha-familie se kleurryke ontstaan. In die eerste 17 jaar van die Cornelitz-huwelik skenk Maria geboorte aan sewe kinders en van almal buiten een is die doop-inskrywing bewaar. In al ses die inskrywings word Jan Cornelitz as pa van die kinders aangegee. Tuis was alles egter nie pluis nie. In Mei 1689 getuig twee vroue voor die hof Maria het hulle vertel Frederik Botha is eintlik haar tweede kind se pa. Frederik het saam met Maria se man om ’n deel geboer en die saak was waarskynlik ’n poging om Maria in toom te probeer hou. Die vroue het ook gesê Maria het hulle vertel haar eerste kind, Theunis, is eintlik Ferdinandus Appel s’n. Ten tyde van die vermeende owerspel was Ferdinandus Appel ’n ongetroude man van 20. Maar in 1700 spat die vonke rêrig toe Jan om ’n egskeiding vra. Voor die hof het Jan Cornelitz beweer Frederik Botha is die vader van ál Maria se kinders en dat hy swak in sy eie huis behandel is. Maria het nie die beweerde vaderskap van haar kinders ontken nie, maar gesê Jan was “onbeqwaamd” en hy het haar selfs aangemoedig. (sic)
1.1 Theunis Botha - no descendants on GENi
1.2 Christoffel Botha1.2.1 Maria Magdalena Botha
1.2.2 Theunis Botha
1.2.3 Johanna Christina Botha
1.2.4 Pieter Barend Botha
1.2.5 Christoffel Botha
1.2.6 Jacobus Botha
1.2.7 Philip Rudolph Botha
1.2.8 Maria Catharina Botha
1.2.9 Theunis Christoffel Botha
1.2.10 Margaretha Louisa Botha
1.2.11 Susanna Elizabeth Botha
1.2.12 Agatha Geertruy Botha
1.2.13 Johanna Christina Botha1.3 Margaretha Botha - descendants are Meyer
1.4 Jacobus Theunisz Botha1.4.1 Maria Catharina Botha
1.4.2 Margaretha Isabella Botha
1.4.3 Jacobus Johannes Botha
1.4.4 Theunis Botha
1.4.5 Hester Magdalena Botha
1.4.6 Theunis Botha
1.4.7 Amerentia Botha
1.4.8 Theunis Jacobus Botha
1.4.9 Frederik Botha
1.4.10 Christoffel Botha
1.4.11 Johanna Elisabeth Botha
1.4.12 Philippus Rudolphus Botha
1.4.13 Johannes Botha
1.4.14 Maria Magdalena Botha1.5 Maria Botha - descendants are Holtzhausen
1.6 Philippus Botha - no descendants on GENi
1.7 Philippus Rudolphus Botha1.7.1 Theunis Botha
1.7.2 Philip Rudolph Botha
1.7.3 Maria Magdalena Botha
1.7.4 Christoffel Johannes Francois Botha
1.7.5 Margaretha Aletta Botha
1.7. 6 Jacobus Lodewyk Botha
1.7. 7 David Hercules Botha
1.7. 8 Frederik Johannes Botha
1.7. 9 David Hercules Botha
1.7.10 Rudolph Philippus Botha
1686 |
April 15, 1686
Stellenbosch, Cape Winelands, South Africa
April 15, 1686
Cape Town, South Africa
April 15, 1686
April 15, 1686
Nk, Cape Town, Cape, South Africa
April 15, 1686
Nk, Cape Town, Cape, South Africa
April 15, 1686
Cape Town-Nk
April 15, 1686
Cape Town
April 15, 1686
April 15, 1686
April 15, 1686
Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa