public profile
He lived in "Ur of the Chaldees," where his son Haran died (leaving behind his son Lot). Terah then migrated with Abraham and Lot (his grandson), with their families, from Ur, intending to go with them to Canaan. However he stayed in Harran (with son Nahor), where he died at the age of two hundred and five years.
Terah once went away and left Abraham to mind the store. A woman came with a plateful of flour and asked Abraham to offer it to the idols. Abraham took a stick, broke the idols, and put the stick in the largest idol’s hand. When Terah returned, he demanded that Abraham explain what he had done. Abraham told Terah that the idols fought among themselves and the largest broke the others with the stick. “Why do you make sport of me?” Terah cried, “Do they have any knowledge?” Abraham replied, “Listen to what you are saying!” Terah then delivered Abraham to King Nimrod for punishment. (Midrash Genesis Rabbah 38:13.)
In several places the Quran depicts the story of Abraham; Ibrahim, And his father who is named Tarekh. The story is much similar to the Jewish tradition; Azar (Ibrahim's Uncle) is a wicked polytheist who's occupation is carving wooden Idols for worship.
Born 2122 BC. Chaldea was a nation in the southern portion of Babylonia, Lower Mesopotamia, lying chiefly on the right bank of the Euphrates. Emigrated with his family from his native mountains in the north to the plains of Mesopotamia. He migrated then with Abraham & Lot from Ur intending to go with them to Canann; but he tarried at Haran, where he spent the remainder of his days. Died 1917 BC ~ was 205 years old upon his death.
Verses, from the Book of Jubilees, that refer to Terah:
5.11. And the prince Mastêmâ sent ravens and birds to devour the seed which was sown in the land, in order to destroy the land, and rob the children of men of their labours. Before they could plough in the seed, the ravens picked (it) from the surface of the ground. 12. And for this reason he called his name Terah, because the ravens and the birds reduced them to destitution and devoured their seed. 5 13. And the years began to be barren, owing to the birds, and they devoured all the fruit of the trees from the trees: it was only with great effort that they could save a little of all the fruit of the earth in their days. 14. And in this thirty-ninth jubilee, in the second week in the first year, Terah took to himself a wife, and her name was ’Êdnâ, 1 the daughter of ’Abrâm 2 the daughter of his father's sister. 15. And in the seventh year of this week she bare him a son, and he called his name Abram, by the name of the father of his mother; for he had died before his daughter had conceived a son. 3
Y tomó Taré a Abram su hijo, y a Lot hijo de Harán, hijo de su hijo, y a Sarai su nuera, mujer de Abram su hijo, y salió con ellos de Ur de los caldeos, para ir a la tierra de Canaán; y vinieron hasta Harán, y se quedaron allí. (Gén. 11:31). Tenía ya 70 años cuando nacieron sus hijos Abraham, Nacor y Harán. Murió en Harán a la edad de 205 años.
-2056 |
UR Chaldea تل مقير, ناصرية, ذي قار محافظة, Iraq
-1962 |
Ur, Mesopotamia
-1882 |
Ur, Chaldea
24 Nacor vivió veintinueve años, y engendró a Taré. |
-1812 |
Ur, Chaldea, Mesopotamia
26 Taré vivió setenta años, y engendró a Abram, a Nacor y a Harán. 2123 AC / 2165 AC |
-1707 |
-1677 |
Age 204
Charran, Padam Aram, Turkey
32 Y fueron los días de Taré doscientos cinco años; y murió Taré en Harán. |
???? |
Ur, Chaldea