Historical records matching Teobaldo I el Cantautor, rey de Navarra
Immediate Family
About Teobaldo I el Cantautor, rey de Navarra
Teobaldo I de Navarra De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teobaldo_I_de_Navarra
Teobaldo I, "el Trovador" (n. Troyes, 1201 - † Pamplona, 8 de julio de 1253), rey de Navarra (1234-1253) y conde de Champaña y Brie como Teobaldo IV (1201-1253).
Sobrino de Sancho VII el Fuerte e hijo de su hermana Blanca de Navarra y del conde Teobaldo III de Champaña.
Muerto Sancho VII, los navarros olvidaron la voluntad del rey, en la que hacía heredero suyo a Jaime I de Aragón y llamaron a Teobaldo, quien al mes de la muerte de su tío se presentó en Pamplona, donde juró los Fueros del reino, nutriendo a la corona de Navarra con una reconocida dinastía de adinerados vasallos del rey de Francia afincados en el norte del reino e instaurando la llamada "Casa de Champaña".
Selló pactos con Castilla, Aragón e Inglaterra, que le permitieron consolidarse en la corona. Gobernó ayudado por nobles de Champaña, quienes recibieron importantes cargos. Redujo la importancia de las tenencias como división territorial e implantó cuatro grandes distritos encomendados a merinos, a quienes atribuyó funciones fiscales y de orden público. Estableció sus leyes por escrito, elaborando un Cartulario Magno con todas ellas, e inició la compilación de las tradiciones jurídicas de la monarquía navarra conocida como "Fuero General".
Para lograr el apoyo de Castilla, pactó el matrimonio de su hija Blanca con Alfonso, el futuro Alfonso X el Sabio. En este pacto, Fernando III el Santo ofrecía a Teobaldo las tierras de Guipúzcoa mientras el navarro viviera, pero no las de Álava, como también pretendía Teobaldo; así el reino de Navarra tendría salida natural al mar Cantábrico. Este tratado, que no llegó a cumplirse, hubiera significado la incorporación de Navarra a Castilla. Parece ser que al año siguiente prometió a su hija Blanca con el conde de Bretaña.
En 1238 dirigió un ejército cruzado a Tierra Santa. A pesar de ser derrotado, las rencillas entre musulmanes le permitieron firmar la paz y obtener para los cristianos Jerusalén, Belén y Ascalón. Regresó de la cruzada a finales de 1240, pasando gran parte de su reinado viajando continuamente de Navarra a Champaña.
Mantuvo grandes diferencias con el obispo de Pamplona, Pedro Jiménez de Gazólaz, y se negó a responder ante los tribunales papales. Un concilio provincial celebrado en 1250 llegó a excomulgarle, pero el Papa le concedió un privilegio especial por el cual, sin el mandato de la Santa Sede, nadie podía excomulgar al rey.
Teobaldo es conocido con el sobrenombre de "el Trovador" por su fama de poeta, que ya tuvo en su época y que la historia ha confirmado.
Murió en Pamplona al regreso de uno de sus viajes a Champaña, siendo enterrado en la Catedral de Pamplona.
Teobaldo es conocido como el trovador aparte de porque le gustaba escribir, sus composiciones poeticas eran excepcionales, y aun antes de finalizar la cruzada de 1238-1240 ya estaba escribiendo. fue el primero que escribio los derechos y libertades del reino en el llamado fuero antiguo,las tradicionales y las nuevas las recopilo todas durante su reinado.
Theobald I (Thibaut IV) (30 May 1201 – 8 July 1253), called the Troubadour, the Chansonnier, and the Posthumous, was Count of Champagne (as Theobald IV) from birth and King of Navarre from 1234. He was the first Frenchman to rule Navarre.
Theobald married three times. He married Gertrude of Dagsburg in 1220, and divorced her two years later when he came of age. They had no children.
Secondly, in 1222, he married Agnes of Beaujeu, she was a daughter of Guichard IV, sire of Beaujeu and his wife, Sybille of Flanders.
The marriage produced at least one daughter:
- Blanche of Navarre (1226-1283), married to John I, Duke of Brittany and was mother of John II, Duke of Brittany.
Agnes died in 1231. Theobald married thirdly to Margaret of Bourbon. Theobald and Margaret had six children:
- Eleanor of Navarre (1233 -?), Died young
- Peter of Navarre (died young)
- Margaret of Navarre in 1255 married to Frederick III, Duke of Lorraine (1238-1303)
- Theobald II of Navarre (1238-1270) married in 1255 to Isabelle of France
- Beatrix of Navarre (1242-1295), married in 1258 to Hugh IV, Duke of Burgundy (1212-1272)
- Henry I of Navarre married Blanche of Artois in 1269
Chapter 3. KINGS of NAVARRE 1234-1305 (CHAMPAGNE)
THIBAUT de Champagne, son of THIBAUT III Comte de Champagne & his wife Infanta doña Blanca de Navarra (Pamplona 3 May 1201-Pamplona 8 Jul 1253, bur Pamplona). Villehardouin records that the wife of Comte Thibaut "had borne him a little daughter and was about to bear a son" when her husband died[615]. He succeeded his father in 1201 as THIBAUT IV Comte de Champagne et de Brie. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that "comes Campaniensis Theobaldus" joined his [maternal] uncle in Navarre in 1225[616]. He succeeded his maternal uncle in 1234 as TEOBALDO I "le Grand" King of Navarre. He answered the call of Pope Gregory IX for a Crusade in 1239, and led a French contingent which landed at Acre 1 Sep 1239. He marched south to attack the Egyptian outposts of Ascalon and Gaza, where they were defeated. He returned to Europe in Sep 1240[617]. The necrology of Sens cathedral records the death "Kal Mai" of "Theobaldus illustris rex Navarre et comes Campanie"[618]. The necrology of Saint-Etienne, Troyes records the death "11 Jul" of "Theobaldus rex Navarre, Campanie et Brie comes palatinus"[619]. The "Corónicas" Navarras record the death "Id Iul…apud Pampilonam" in 1253 of "Teobaldus…rex Navarre et comes palatinus Campanie atque Brie" and his burial in Pamplona[620].
[621]Betrothed (1219) MARGARET of Scotland, daughter of WILLIAM I "the Lion" King of Scotland & his wife Ermengarde de Beaumont (1193-1259, bur Church of the Black Friars, London).
m firstly (mid-May 1220, repudiated 1222) as her second husband, GERTRUD von Dagsburg, widow of THIBAUT I Duke of Lorraine, daughter of ALBERT II Graf von Dagsburg & his wife Gertrud von Baden ([May 1205/mid-1206]-before 19 Mar 1225). she was repudiated for “sterility” by her second husband. She married thirdly (1224 before Sep) Simon von Leiningen.
m secondly (1222) AGNES de Beaujeu, daughter of GUICHARD [V] “le Grand” Sire de Beaujeu & his wife Sibylle de Hainaut [Flanders] (-11 Jul 1231, bur Clairvaux).
[626]Betrothed ([1231/32]) to YOLANDE de Bretagne, daughter of PIERRE Duke of Brittany & his first wife Alix de Thouars (in Brittany end 1218-château de Bouteville 10 Oct 1272, bur Villeneuve-les-Nantes, église abbatiale de Notre Dame).
m thirdly (contract Mar 1232, 22 Sep 1232) MARGUERITE de Bourbon, daughter of ARCHAMBAUD [VIII] "le Grand" Sire de Bourbon [Dampierre] & his wife [Beatrix de Montluçon] (-Provins, Brie 12 Apr 1256, bur Clairval).
Comte Thibaut IV & his second wife had one child:
- 1. BLANCHE de Champagne (before 19 Jan 1225-Château de Hédé, Ille-et-Vilaine 11 Aug 1283, bur Hennebont, Morbihan, Abbaye cistercienne de Notre Dame de la Joie). Betrothed (19 Jan 1225) to OTTO de Bourgogne, son of OTTO I Duke of Merano, Comte Palatin de Bourgogne [Andechs] & his first wife Beatrix de Bourgogne-Comté (-Burg Niesten 19 Jun 1248, bur Langheim). He succeeded his father in 1234 as Comte Palatin de Bourgogne, Duke of Merano. m (contract Château-Thierry, Aisne 16 Jan 1236) JEAN de Bretagne, son of PIERRE I "Mauclerc" Duke of Brittany, Earl of Richmond & his first wife Alix de Thouars Dss of Brittany (1217-Château de l'Isle, Férel, Morbihan 8 Oct 1286, bur Prières, église abbatiale de Notre Dame).
King Teobaldo I & his third wife had six children:
- 2. ELEONORE de Champagne ([1233]-young).
- 3. THIBAUT de Champagne, Infante don TEOBALDO de Navarra (1239-Trapani, Sicily 4 Dec 1270, bur Provins, église des Cordeliers). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records the birth in 1239 of "regi Navarre filius" but does not name him[641]. He succeeded his father in 1253 as THIBAUT V Comte de Champagne et de Brie, TEOBALDO II "el Joven" King of Navarre. m (Melun, Seine-et-Marne 6 Apr 1258) ISABELLE de France, daughter of LOUIS IX King of France & his wife Marguerite de Provence (2 or 18 Mar 1242-Hyères near Marseille 27 Apr 1271, bur Provins, église des Cordeliers). Mistress (1): MARQUESA Gil de Rada, daughter of ---.] She died on returning from the crusade in Tunis. King Teobaldo II had [one illegitimate child by Mistress (1)]:
- 4. MARGUERITE de Champagne, Infanta doña MARGARETA de Navarra ([1240]-3 Oct 1307, bur église des Précheresses, Nancy). She founded the convent of the Clarissans at Neufchâteau in 1297. m (contract 6 Jun 1249, 10 Jul 1255) FERRY III Duke of Lorraine, son of MATHIEU II Duke of Lorraine & his wife Catherine van Limburg (early 1240-31 Dec 1302, bur Beaupré Abbey).
- 5. PIERRE de Champagne, Infante don PEDRO de Navarra (-22 May 1265). Señor de Muruzábal. The necrology of the Chapelle Saint-Blaise, Provins records the death on 22 May of "Petrus filius regis Navarre"[653].
- 6. BEATRICE de Champagne, Infanta doña BEATRIZ de Navarra ([1242]-Château de Villaines-en-Duesmois, Côtes d'Or 1295 after Jul). m (contract Nov 1258) as his second wife, HUGUES IV Duke of Burgundy, son of EUDES III Duke of Burgundy & his second wife Alix Dame de Vergy (9 Mar 1213-château de VillaInés-en-Duesmois, Côtes d'Or 27 or 30 Oct 1272, bur Abbaye de Cîteaux).
- 7. HENRI de Champagne, Infante don ENRIQUE de Navarra (-Pamplona 22 Jul 1274, bur Pamplona). He succeeded his brother in 1270 as HENRI III Comte de Champagne et de Brie, ENRIQUE I King of Navarre. m (Melun, Seine-et-Marne 1269) as her first husband, BLANCHE d'Artois, daughter of ROBERT I Comte d’Artois [Capet] & his wife Mathilde [Mahaut] de Brabant (1248-Paris 2 May 1302). She married secondly (27 Jul/29 Oct 1276) Edmund “Crouchback” of England Earl of Lancaster, who was also Regent of Champagne and Navarre 1275-1283.
King Teobaldo I had four illegitimate children by unknown mistresses:
- 8. ELIDA de Navarra (-[1238/42]). The marriage contract of "Petrus Ferrandus dominus civitatis S. Mariæ de Alvarracin…filium meum Alvar Petriz" (substituting "secundum filium meum Petrum Ferrandi…tertium filium meum…Garciam Ortiz") and "domino Th…Navarræ, Campaniæ et Briæ comite palatino…Ælidis filiæ eiusdem…regis Navarræ" is dated Mar 1237[664]. Betrothed (contract Mar 1237) ÁLVARO Pérez de Azagra Señor de Albarracín, son of PEDRO Fernández de Azagra & his wife ---.
- 9. INES de Navarra . Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by a charter dated 15 Jul 1243 under which "D. Alvar Periz" donated the pueblo of Santa Olalla to "mi muger doña Ignis filla del rey de Navarra", confirmed by "D. Pedro Ferrandez Dazagra vasaillo de Sancta Maria é seinnor de Albarracin"[665]. m (before 15 Jul 1243) as his second wife, ÁLVARO Pérez de Azagra Señor de Albarracín, son of PEDRO Fernández de Azagra & his wife --- .
- 10. GUILLERMO de Navarra ([1225 or after]-30 Dec before 1267). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that "comes Campaniensis Theobaldus" had "filium nomine Guillelmum bastardum", dating the event to "quo tempore rex"[666]. As the same passage records the arrival of Thibaut in Navarre to join his uncle in 1225, it is assumed that "quo tempore rex" is intended to mean "during the time his uncle was king" rather than "while he [Thibaut] was king". The marriage dates of the illegitimate daughters of Thibaut indicate that they must have been born before his accession, which also suggests that this interpretation of the phrase in the Chronicle is correct. The Chronicle also adds in the same passage that "episcopus Pampelone" was "frater uterinus eiusdem bastardi", giving a clue to the identity of the mother of Guillermo. A priest.
- 11. BERENGUELA de Navarra . Prioress of San Pedro de Ribas.
- Sources: Setton, Kenneth M. (general editor) A History of the Crusades: Volume II — The Later Crusades, 1189 – 1311. Robert Lee Wolff and Harry W. Hazard, editors. University of Wisconsin Press: Milwaukee, 1969.
- http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~cousin/html/p396.htm#i5791
- Mi nuevo libro, LA SORPRENDENTE GENEALOGÍA DE MIS TATARABUELOS está ya disponible en: amazon.com barnesandnoble.com palibrio.com. En el libro encontrarán muchos de sus ancestros y un resumen biográfico de cada uno, ya que tenemos varias ramas en común. Les será de mucha utilidad y diversión. Ramón Rionda
- My new book, LA SORPRENDENTE GENEALOGÍA DE MIS TATARABUELOS is now available at: amazon.com barnesandnoble.com palibrio.com. You will find there many of your ancestors and a biography summary of each of them. We have several branches in common. Check it up, it’s worth it. Ramón Rionda
About Teobaldo I el Cantautor, rey de Navarra (Ελληνικά)
О Teobaldo I el Cantautor, rey de Navarra (русский)
Teobaldo I el Cantautor, rey de Navarra's Timeline
1201 |
May 30, 1201
Pamplona, Navarre, Navarre, España (Spain)
1220 |
1225 |
January 19, 1225
1233 |
1238 |