Immediate Family
About Symphoria of Hesbaye
Symphoria Von Hennegau of Hesbaye
- Daughter of REGINAR [I] "Langhals/Longneck" & ALBERADA
REGINAR [I] "Langhals/Longneck", son of GISELBERT [I] Graf van Maasgau & his wife --- of Lotharingia ([850]-Meerssen [25 Aug 915/19 Jan 916]). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. The Annales Hanoniæ name "Manicherius filius [Albonis]" (in a later passage clarified to be "Manicerius Registensis dominus") as "pater aut avunculus primi Ragineri" and "Raginerus dictus Longi-colli filius eius"[1493], which, as explained in the Introduction, must be incorrect. The Annales Hanoniæ name "Rignerius Montensis comes" (although the reference to his being Comte de Mons appears to be anachronistic) as the ally of "Francone episcopo Leodiensi" against the Vikings in 870, and in a later undated passage "Raginerus" fighting "cum Frissonibus in Walacria contra Rollonem"[1494], although it is unclear from the context whether these references are to "Raginerus dictus Longi-colli". Guillaume de Jumièges describes how "Rainier au long cou duc de Hasbaigne et du Hainaut et Radbold prince de Frise" fought the Viking Rollo but were forced back to their castles[1495]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois Fontaines also refers to "Rainerus Hainonensium comes et Hasbanii dux" fighting the Vikings, dated to 876[1496]. An agreement dated 14 Jun 877 of Emperor Charles II "le Chauve", presumably written with his own death in mind, names "Arnulfus comes, Gislebertus, Letardus, Matfridus, Widricus, Gotbertus, Adalbertus, Ingelgerus, Rainerus" as those willing to support the emperor's son if he travelled across the Meuse[1497], although it is curious that "Giselbertus…Rainerus" should both be included if one was the father of the other. The date when Reginar was installed as Comte de Hainaut is uncertain but was probably during the last quarter of the 9th century, certainly after the date of the 877 agreement for his county would then not have been "across the Meuse". "Ragenarius comes…et coniuge mea Hersenda" confirmed the donation of revenue from "Sathanacense atque Mousense" to Saint-Dagobert de Stenay made by "Carolus…Augustus Imperiali" by charter dated to after 886[1498]. The Annales Vedastini name "Balduinus…comes et Rodulfus frater eius necnon et Ragnerus" when recording that they joined Zwentibold of Lotharingia in 895[1499]. The Breve Chronicon Epternacense names “Reinerus” as abbot of Echternach from 897 to 915[1500]. Regino records that in 898 Zwentibold King of Lotharingia banished "Reginarium ducem…sibi fidissimum et unicum consiliarium" who went with "Odacro comite et quibusdam aliis, cum mulieribus et parvulis" to "Durfos" (near "Mosa fluvius") where they were besieged[1501]. The passage appears to be the only indication that Reginar was granted the title duke. Reginar was presumably rehabilitated after King Zweintibold was murdered, as shown by the following charter. Ludwig IV "das Kind" King of Germany confirmed an exchange of property between Kloster Stablo and "Reginarius comes" by charter dated 10 Sep 902[1502]. King Ludwig IV also confirmed an exchange of property involving "Reganarius comes" by charter dated 20 Oct 906[1503], and a donation of property "…in pago ac in comitatu Hainuense" to the church of Tongern at the request of "Kepehardus et Reginharius comites" by charter dated 18 Jan 908[1504]. "Raginarius comes" and the abbot of Stavelot granted property "in pago Hasbanio in locis Honavi, Versines et Serangio" to "quidam fidelium nostrorum Harduinus" by charter dated 911, signed by "Ragenarii comitis, Issaac comitis, Macineri comitis…"[1505]. Reginar was installed as marchio by Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 915. Lay-abbot of St Servatius at Maastricht before May 898, and of Stablo and Malmédy 900-902. Richer records the death of "Ragenerus vir consularis et nobilis cognomento Collo-Longus" at "apud Marsnam palatium"[1506]. married [firstly] HERSENDA, daughter of ---. "Ragenarius comes…et coniuge mea Hersenda" confirmed the donation of revenue from "Sathanacense atque Mousense" to Saint-Dagobert de Stenay made by "Carolus…Augustus Imperiali" by charter dated to after 886[1507].
married [secondly] ALBERADA, daughter of ---. Her marriage is confirmed by the charter dated 10 Feb 968 under which her daughter-in-law "Gerberga…Francorum regina" donated "alodo…Marsnam in comitatu Masaugo" to Reims Saint-Rémy, confirmed by "comitibus Emmone et Ansfrido", for the souls of "senioris nostri piæ memoriæ Gisleberti suique…patris…et matris Rageneri et Albradæ"[1508]. The estimated birth date of her son Giselbert suggests that Alberada may have been her husband´s second wife, assuming that the charter which names his other wife Hersenda can be dated to soon after 886 (see above). Another possibility is that both documents refer to the same person, one or other having incorrectly represented her name. Maybe heiress of Hainaut[1509]. Guillaume de Jumièges describes how the wife of "Rainier au long cou" returned captured prisoners to Rollo and paid him gold, silver and all the taxes of the duchy, but does not name her[1510].
Count Reginar [I] & his [second] wife ALBERADA had three children:
- 1. GISELBERT [II] ([885/900]-drowned in the Rhine, near Andernach 2 Oct 939). Richer records that "Gisleberto eius filio" succeeded on the death of "Ragenerus vir consularis et nobilis cognomento Collo-Longus"[1511]. The Miraculæ S. Maximi names "Gisilbertus admodum iuvenis dux", in a passage dated to the early 10th century[1512]. Abbot of Stablo 915/925. On the death of Giselbert's father in [915/16], Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks refused to install Giselbert as marchio[1513]. Giselbert rebelled against King Charles III in 918 and took refuge with Heinrich Duke of Saxony (later king of Germany). Flodoard records in 920, in relation to the dispute between "Hilduinum episcopum et Richarium abbatem" relating to “episcopatu Tungrensi”, that “Gisleberto” (who at first supported the appointment of “Hilduinum” as bishop) had left “Karolo rege” and been appointed “principi” by “plurimi Lotharienses”[1514]. The Breve Chronicon Epternacense records that “Giselbertus filius eius” succeeded “Reinerus” as abbot of Echternach in 924, although the dating of this passage appears faulty[1515]. King Charles III "le Simple" restored Kloster Susteren to the abbey of Prüm by charter dated 19 Jan 916 which names "fidelium nostrorum…Widricus comes palatii, Richuuinus comes, Gislebertus, Matfridus, Beringerius comites, Theodericus comes, Reinherus comes, Erleboldus"[1516]. Giselbert rebelled against King Charles III in 918, and sought help from Heinrich of Saxony (later king of Germany). He later opposed Heinrich after his accession in Germany, and maybe planned to install himself as independent ruler in Lotharingia in 920[1517]. Richer records that Giselbert was awarded the vacant properties "Traiectum, Iuppilam, Harstalium, Marsnam, Littam, Capræmontem" after he returned to favour[1518]. Widukind records that "Isilberhtum…adolescentem" was "nobili genere ac familia antiqua natus" when Heinrich I King of Germany betrothed his daughter to him, maybe dated to [925][1519]. Flodoard's Annals record that "Berengarius" captured "Giselbertum" and only freed him after receiving "filiis Ragenarii fratris ipsius Gisleberti" as hostages, after which Giselbert ravaged the lands of "Berengarii, Ragenariique fratris sui et Isaac comitis"[1520]. The king's forces under Eberhard [Konradiner] secured Lotharingia's submission to German overlordship in 925[1521]. Abbot of St Maximin at Trier 925/934. Created dux in 928 by Heinrich I King of Germany, effectively creating him GISELBERT Duke of Lotharingia. Liutprand names him "Gislebertum Lotharingorum ducem" when recording his marriage[1522]. "Gysalbertus dux rectorque S. Traiectenses ecclesie" donated property "Gulisam…in pago [Ardunensi] in comitatu Everhardi" to Trier by charter dated 928, subscribed by "Walgeri comitis, Thiedrici comitis, Cristiani comitis, Folcoldi comitis"[1523]. "Heinricus…rex" granted property to the canons of Crespin at the request of "Gisleberti ducis" by charter dated 24 Oct 931[1524]. He took part in a campaign of pillaging along the Rhine with Eberhard ex-Duke of Franconia and Heinrich, brother of Otto I King of Germany, and was drowned[1525]. Flodoard's Annals record that "Gislebertus…dux et Otho, Isaac atque Theodericus comites" offered the French crown to Louis IV "d'Outremer" King of the West Franks in 939[1526]. Regino records that "Gisalbertus" was drowned in the Rhine in 939[1527]. married ([928/929]%29 as her first husband, GERBERGA of Germany, daughter of HEINRICH I King of Germany & his second wife Mathilde [Immedinger] (Nordhausen [913/14]-Reims 5 May 984, bur Abbaye de Reims). Richer records the marriage of "Gisleberto eius filio [Rageneri%E2%80%A6Collo-Longus]" and "Heinrici Saxoniæ ducis filiæ Gerbergæ"[1528]. Liutprand states that the wife of "Gislebertum Lotharingorum ducem" was "regis sororem"[1529]. As her marriage to Giselbert coincided approximately with her husband being created dux, it is assumed that the marriage was arranged as part of the terms confirming Giselbert's submission to King Heinrich. Gerberga married secondly (end 939) Louis IV "d'Outremer" King of France. Flodoard names her "Gerbergam" when recording her second marriage[1530]. Her second husband gave her the Abbey of Notre-Dame de Laon in 951, taken from his mother on her second marriage. Abbess of Notre Dame de Soissons in 959[1531]. "Gerberga…Francorum regina" donated "alodo…Marsnam in comitatu Masaugo" to Reims Saint-Rémy, confirmed by "comitibus Emmone et Ansfrido", for the souls of "senioris nostri piæ memoriæ Gisleberti suique…patris…et matris Rageneri et Albradæ", by charter dated 10 Feb 968, signed by "Arnulfi comitis…Emmonis comitis, Ansfridi comitis…"[1532].
Count Giselbert [II] & his wife GERBERGA had four children:
- a) ALBERADE ([929/30]-). "Mathilde et Alberada" are named as daughters of "Gerberga" in the Continuator of Flodoard, which specifies that Alberade was mother of Ermentrudis but does not name Alberada's husband[1533]. Two epitaphs in the church of Saint-Rémy, Marly relate to "Ragenolde" and "Albrada", although neither refers to each other[1534]. Bouchard highlights the absence of proof that the husband of Alberade of Lotharingia was Ragenold Comte de Roucy[1535]. The parentage of the couple's children is deduced by a combined reading of the different sources which refer to them. However, none of these sources name both parents, so the marriage of Alberade and Ragenold is not without all doubt. Alberade is named in a letter to Poppo of Stablo[1536]. married RAGENOLD Comte de Roucy, son of --- (-10 May 967, bur Saint-Rémy).
- b) HADUIDIS (before [934]-). The Liber Memoriales of Remiremont records a donation by "Dumnus Gislibertus dux…Dumna Girberga, Ainricus, Haduidis…", undated but dated to [934][1537], which suggests that the last two were children of the first two, although this is not without doubt. [married ?. As mentioned below, nothing is known about the possible husband of Haduidis.]
- i) [GUY (-after 991). The Acta Concilii Remensis ad Sanctum Basolum (dated to 991) quotes Bruno Bishop of Langres referring to "…meumque consobrinum comitem Guidonem"[1538]. This Comte Guy has not otherwise been identified. If "consobrinus" is used in its strict sense, he must have been the son of Bishop Bruno's maternal aunt. Of these, the sister of Lothaire King of France, uterine sister of bishop Bruno's mother, was Mathilde Queen of Burgundy, who is not known to have had a son named Guy, and in any case her sons would presumably not have been referred to as "comes". Guy is not one of the known sons of Gerberga Ctss de Vermandois, the bishop's maternal aunt of the full blood, and in any case it would presumably only have been Gerberga's oldest son Héribert who would have been called "comes". This leaves only Haduidis (or an otherwise unrecorded sister) as the possible mother of Guy. If this is correct, nothing is known of her marriage.]
- c) HENRI (before [934]-[943/45]). The Liber Memoriales of Remiremont records a donation by "Dumnus Gislibertus dux…Dumna Girberga, Ainricus, Haduidis…", undated but dated to [934][1539]. [Duke of Lotharingia 943]. Widukind records that "Conrado" was installed as Duke of Lotharingia after the deaths of "Oddone, Lothariorum præside, ac regis nepote Heinrico"[1540]. It is suggested that "regis nepote Heinrico" was the son of Giselbert Duke of Lotharingia, and so nephew of Otto I King of Germany. If this is correct, it appears from this passage that he was briefly installed as Duke of Lotharingia before dying soon afterwards.
- d) GERBERGA ([935]-after 7 Sep 978). Settipani names her as the wife of Comte Albert, and gives her parentage, but does not cite the primary source on which this is based. A list of members of the Cathedral of Paris lists (in order) "Albertus comes, Girberga comitissa, Harbertus, Otto, Lewultus, Girbertus, Gondrada, Ricardus, Harbertus comes…", the first four individuals named apparently being Comte Albert, his wife and three sons, and the last named maybe his brother or nephew[1541]. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage more precisely has not yet been identified. m ([949/54]%29 [as his second wife,] ALBERT [I] Comte de Vermandois, son of HERIBERT [II] Comte de Vermandois & his wife Adela [Capet] (-8 Sep 987).
- 2. REGINAR [II] ([885/900]-932 or after). The Annales Hanoniæ name "Raginerus" as son of "Raginerus dictus Longi-colli"[1542]. The primary source which confirms that Reginar [II] was Comte de Hainaut has not yet been identified, but this is probably correct.
- a) REGINAR [III] (920-973). The Annales Hanoniæ name "Raginerus" as son of "Raginerus [filius Ragineri dicti Longi-colli]"[1543]. "Otto…rex" confirmed the possession of Kloster Süsteren by Prüm abbey by charter dated 1 Jun 949, signed by "Cuonradus dux, Herimannus dux, Hezzo comes, Godefridus comes, Rudolfus comes, Reginherus comes"[1544]. He succeeded his father as Comte de Hainaut, although the date he took control of the county is not known.
- b) RUDOLF (-after 24 Jan 966). His parentage is confirmed by Flodoard recording, in 944, that "Hugo dux" requested "Herimann[us]…qui missus erat…" to besiege "castella Ragnarii ac Rodulfi fratrum, Ludowici regis fidelium"[1545], on the assumption that "Ragnarii" refers to Count Reginar [III] (see above). "Otto…rex" confirmed the possession of Kloster Süsteren by Prüm abbey by charter dated 1 Jun 949, signed by "Cuonradus dux, Herimannus dux, Hezzo comes, Godefridus comes, Rudolfus comes, Reginherus comes"[1546], the order of subscribers' names suggesting that Rudolf may have been considered senior to Reginar although it is not certain that this inevitably means that he was older. Graf von Maasgau: "Otto…rex" granted property "Cassallo…in pago Masalant in comitatu Ruodolfi" to "vassallo nostro Ansfrid" at the request of "nostri fidelis Conradis ducis" by charter dated 7 Oct 950[1547]. Comte de Hesbaie: "Otto…rex" granted Kloster Alden-Eyck "in pago Huste in comitatu Ruodulphi" to the bishopric of Liège by charter dated 4 Jul 952[1548]. "Otto…imperator augustus" confirmed the donations to the convent of Nivelles by "Regenarius comes" of property "in pago Ardenna super fluvia Aisna in comitatu Waudricia in villa Villaro" and by "predicti Regenarii filius nomine Liechardus in pago Hasbanensi in villa Gingolonham" and by "Rodolphus comes villa Lentlo" by charter dated 24 Jan 966[1549]. The charter dated 17 Jan 966, under which "Otto…imperator augustus" granted property "curtem Galmina…que quondam Rudolfi erat…n pago Haspengewe in comitatu Werenherii qua postmodum fideli nostro comiti Immoni condonavimus" to the Marienkapelle, Aachen[1550], describes that Rudolf's property was confiscated, presumably at the same time as his brother Reginar [III] was banished.
- c) other children: COMTES de HAINAUT.
- 3. daughter. Flodoard's Annals refers to the wife of "Berengarius" as "sororem [Gislebertum]" but does not name her[1551]. married BERENGAR Comte de Namur, son of --- (-before 946).
Reginar Longneck, by Wikipedia
Reginar Longneck or Reginar I (c. 850 – 915), Latin: Rainerus or Ragenerus Longicollus, was a leading nobleman in the kingdom of Lotharingia, variously described in contemporary sources with the titles of count, margrave, missus dominicus and duke. He stands at the head of a Lotharingian dynasty known to modern scholarship as the Reginarids, because of their frequent use of the name "Reginar".
By his wife Alberada, who predeceased him and was probably a second wife, Reginar left the following children:
- Gilbert, Duke of Lorraine
- Reginar II, Count of Hainaut
- NN daughter, who married Berengar, Count of Namur
- https://de.zxc.wiki/wiki/Reginar_II.
- https://de.zxc.wiki/wiki/Berengar_(Namur)
- https://de.zxc.wiki/wiki/Unruochinger
- MGH DD LK , p. 181, no. 55 and p. 183, no. 57
- Camillus Wampach: Document and source book on the history of the old Luxembourg territories up to the Burgundian period , I (1935), p. 170, no. 146
- Flodoard von Reims , Annales, chronica et historiae aevi Saxonici , ed. by Georg Heinrich Pertz in MGH SS 3 (1839), p. 373
- Vita Gerardi abbatis Broniensis ; ed. Lothar von Heinemann in MGH SS 15.2 (1881), p. 656
Symphoria of Hesbaye's Timeline
900 |
920 |
January 1, 920
922 |
Namur, Province of Namur, Wallonia, Belgium
952 |
Age 52
???? | |||
???? |