Swanhilde of Saxony

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Schwanehilde Billung (950 - 1014)

German: Schwanehilde, Danish: Suanhilde (Schwanhild) Billung
Also Known As: "Suanehild", "Suanhild", "Swanhild", "Schwanhild", "Billung / Suanhilde (Schwanhild) Billung", "Suanhild;"
Birthplace: Wetigau (Present Kreis Lippe), (Present Nordrhein-Westfalen), Carolingian Empire (Present Germany)
Death: November 26, 1014 (59-68)
Jena, Thüringen, Heiliges Römisches Reich (Present Germany)
Place of Burial: Kloster Jena, transferred 1028 to Naumburg Georgskirche)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Hermann I, duke of Saxony
Wife of Dietmar I, margrave of the Ostmark and Eckhard I von Merseberg, Count of Merseberg, Margrave of Meissen
Mother of Gero II, Margrave of the Saxon Ostmark; Liutgard von Meißen; Hermann I, margrave of Meissen; Ekkehard II. Graf im Gau Chutizi und im Burgward Teuchen, Markgraf von der Lausitz; Eilward von Meißen, bishop and 3 others
Sister of Bernard I, duke of Saxony; Matilda of Saxony, countess of Flanders; Liudger von Sachsen, Graf von Lesum und Westfalen and Imma Von Billung, Abbess Hereford

Occupation: Margravine of Meissen, Gräfin der Ostmark (969/974-979), Gräfin von Meissen (980/990 - 1002)
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Swanhilde of Saxony

SCHWANEHILDE [Suanhild] ([945/50]-26 Nov 1014)
d/o HERMANN [Billung] (-973)
x THIETMAR [III] Markgraf [der Ostmark]

  • GERO

xx <1000 EKKEHARD [I] Markgraf von Meissen


HERMANN [Billung] ([905/10]-Quedlinburg 27 Mar 973, bur Lüneburg St Michael).

SCHWANEHILDE [Suanhild] ([945/50]-26 Nov 1014, bur Kloster Jena, transferred 1028 to Naumburg Georgskirche). The Annalista Saxo names "domna Suanehildis" as daughter of "Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh", names her brothers "Bennonis ducis et Bernhardus et Liudigeri comitis et Machtildis comitisse" and her two husbands[247]. Her birth date range is estimated on the basis of her sister being born in [942] and Schwanehilde herself giving birth to seven children by her second husband. Thietmar records the marriage of Ekkehard and "Swanhild widow of Count Thietmar and Duke Bernhard's sister"[248]. Thietmar records the death of Suanhild 26 Nov 1014[249].
m firstly THIETMAR [III] Markgraf [der Ostmark], son of CHRISTIAN Graf im Nordthüring- und Schwabengau & his wife Hidda [der Ostmark] (-3 Aug after 979, bur Kloster Nienburg an der Saale).
m secondly (before 1000) EKKEHARD [I] Markgraf von Meissen, son of GUNTHER Markgraf im Bischofstum Merseburg & his wife --- (-murdered Pöhlde 30 Apr 1002, bur Kloster Jena, transferred 1028 to Naumburg Georgskirche). https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Suanhildedied1014
Markgraf Thietmar [III] & his wife had one child:

a) GERO [II] ([970/75]-killed in battle Gau Diadesi 1 Sep 1015, bur Kloster Nienburg). "Geronem marchionem" is named in the Annalista Saxo, which also records his parentage[73]. A boy [puer] in 980, which provides the basis for estimating his birth date range. Graf im Hassegau 992. Markgraf [der Lausitz] 993. "…Gero comes…" was among the witnesses of the charter dated 1013 under which "Henricus…imperator augustus" renewed his 1007 judgment concerning a dispute between Willigis Archbishop of Mainz and Bernward Bishop of Hildesheim[74], although it is not certain that this is the same person as he is described as "comes" rather than "marchio". Thietmar records the death of "Markgraf Gero" in battle against the Poles, dated to 1015, and his burial at Nienburg[75]. m ADELHEID, daughter of ---. 1015. The Annalista Saxo names "Athelheidhe" as wife of "Thietmarus marchio", but does not give her origin[76]. Thietmar names Adelheid widow of Markgraf Gero at her husband's burial[77]. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/MEISSEN.htm#ThietmarIdiedafter979

Markgraf Ekkehard I & his wife had seven children:

i) LIUTGARD (-13 Nov [1012], bur Walbeck Monastery). Thietmar names Liutgard as first born child of Ekkehard and his wife Swanhild[141]. "Liutgardem" is also named in the Annalista Saxo, which records her parentage[142]. Thietmar describes Liutgard as "on the one side…my niece and on the other my cousin's wife" when recording her death[143], although she was rather remotely related to Thietmar to be described as his niece. Thietmar records the betrothal of Werner and Liutgard daughter of Ekkehard after Werner abducted her from the fortress of Quedlinburg, and in a later passage their eventual marriage in January of the first year of the reign of King Heinrich II (1003)[144]. Thietmar records her death on 13 Nov, in a passage dated to 1012, and her burial at Walbeck monastery[145]. m (Jan 1003) WERNER Markgraf der Nordmark, son of LOTHAR I Markgraf der Nordmark [Walbeck] & his wife Godila [von Rothenburg] (-murdered Allerstedt 11 Nov 1014, bur Walbeck Monastery).
ii) HERMANN (-1038). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Herimannum et Ekkihardum et Gunterum" as sons of "Suanehildis comitissa" and her second husband "Ekkihardo marchione"[146]. Wipo names "Guntherus archiepiscopus, frater Ekehardi et Herimanni comitem"[147]. Graf in Bautzen 1007. He was installed as HERMANN Markgraf [von Meissen] in 1009 after his uncle was deposed[148]. Graf im Hassegau und im Gau Chutizi 1028. m ([1002 after 30 Apr/1003]) REGELINDA of Poland, daughter of BOŁESLAW I "Chrobry" Prince [King in 1025] of Poland & his [fourth/fifth] wife Emnilda --- (989-after 21 Mar 1016). Thietmar refers to the three (unnamed) daughters of Boleslaw & his wife Emnilde, specifying (in order) that "one was an abbess, the second married Count Hermann and the third the son of King Vladimir"[149]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified.
iii) EKKEHARD (-24 Jan 1046, bur Naumburg). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Herimannum et Ekkihardum et Gunterum" as sons of "Suanehildis comitissa" and her second husband "Ekkihardo marchione"[150]. Wipo names "Guntherus archiepiscopus, frater Ekehardi et Herimanni comitem"[151]. Graf im Gau Chutizi und in Burgward Teuchen. He succeeded in 1032 as EKKEHARD II Markgraf [von Meissen].
iv) GÜNTHER (-1 Nov 1025). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Herimannum et Ekkihardum et Gunterum" as sons of "Suanehildis comitissa" and her second husband "Ekkihardo marchione"[152]. Chaplain at the royal court before 1001. Imperial chancellor 1009. Archbishop of Salzburg 1024. Wipo names "Guntherus archiepiscopus, frater Ekehardi et Herimanni comitem", describing him as a "gentle and good before God and men"[153].
v) EILWARD (-24 Nov 1023, bur Meissen Cathedral). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Chaplain at the royal court. Bishop of Meissen 1016.
vi) MATHILDE . The Chronicon Montis Serreni names "Machtildem" as daughter of "Ekkehardo marchioni" & his wife and names her husband "Tidericus comes"[154]. m DIETRICH Graf in Eilenburg, son of DEDO I Graf von Merseburg [Wettin] & his wife Thietburga [von Haldensleben] (-murdered 19 Nov 1034). Graf im Hassegau und Siusli in 1021.
vii) ODA (-1025). Thietmar records the marriage of "Oda, Markgraf Ekkehard's daughter" and Boleslav in Zützen in 1018 "after septuagesima" (2 Feb)[155]. The chronicler adds the comment "until now she has lived outside the law of matrimony and thus in a manner worthy only of a marriage such as this one", which suggests a reputation for moral dissolution. m (Burg Cziczani 3 Feb 1018) as his [fifth/sixth] wife, BOŁESLAW I "Chrobry" Prince of Poland, son of MIESZKO I Prince of Poland & his [eighth] wife Dobrava [Dobroslawa] of Bohemia ([967]-17 Jun 1025). He declared himself King of Poland in 1024.


Ben M. Angel's summary on Schwanehilde, Gräfin von Meissen:



  • Hermann Billung (905/910 - 973) Dux in Sachsen
  • Either (1) Oda or (2) Hildesuit


1. Bernhard I, Herzog in Sachsen (d. 1011)

2. Liutger (d. 1011) husband of Emma

3. Mechtild/Mathilda von Sachsen (942-1008), wife of Baudouin III de Flandres and Godefroi Comte de Verdun.

5. Imma, nun at Herford

Spouses and their children:


Husband 1. Thietmar III Markgraf der Ostmark (d. 3 August after 979)

Child by Thietmar:

1. Gero II (970/975 - 1015), Graf im Hassegau and Markgraf der Lausitz who died in battle against the Poles.


Husband 2. Ekkehard I Markgraf von Meissen (d. 30 April 1002)

Children by Ekkehard:

1. Liutgard (d. 1012) wife of Werner, Markgraf der Nordmark (d. 1014)

2. Hermann (d. 1038), Graf in Bautzen, Markgraf von Meissen, Graf im Hassegau, Graf im Gau Chutizi, husband of Regelinda of Poland (989-1016)

3. Ekkehard (d. 1046), Graf im Gau Chutizi, Graf in Burgward Teuchen, Markgraf von Meissen

4. Gunther (d. 1025), Imperial Chancellor, Archbishop of Salzburg

5. Eilward (d. 1023), Bishop of Meissen

6. Mathilde, wife of Dietrich, Graf in Eilenburg, Graf in Hassegau und Siusli

7. Oda (d. 1025) 4th/5th wife of Boleslaw I "Chobry", Self-styled King of Poland ("until now she has lived outside the law of matrimony and thus in a manner worthy only of a marriage such as this one")

Basic information and justifications:

Birth: 945/950 (FMG) - Wetigau (Present Kreis Lippe, Nordrhein-Westfalen) from her father's occupation 940-955

Wedding 1: Before 970/975 to Thietmar III, Markgraf der Ostmark - from date of their child

Wedding 2: Before 1000 (FMG cites, but probably closer to 980, given that they had 7 children and he dies in 1002, when she was 52-57 years of age) to Ekkehard I, Markgraf von Meissen

Death: 26 November 1014 (FMG) - probably Kloster Jena (given that her original burial was there)

Burial: in 1014 at Kloster Jena, then in 1028 at Naumburg Georgskirche

Occupation: Gräfin der Ostmark (969/974-979), Gräfin von Meissen (980/990 - 1002)

Alternate names: Suanhild

From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Saxony (covering her birth family): http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Suanhildedied1014

HERMANN [Billung] ([905/10]-Quedlinburg 27 Mar 973, bur Lüneburg St Michael).

The Cronica Principum Saxonie names "Bilingus…filium Hermannum"[200]. His birth date range is estimated on the assumption that he was adult when appointed military commander in 936.

He was given military command in Saxony ("princeps militiæ") by Otto I King of Germany in 936, which triggered the revolt of his brother Wichmann[201].

Graf in Wetigau 940.

Procurator of the king in Saxony 953, 961 and 966.

"Otto…rex" granted property "Ozmina marcam…et Tarata marcam cum castello Grodista" to "vassallo Billing" by charter dated 26 Jun 952[202]. "Otto…rex" granted property to the church of St Moritz, Magdeburg by charter dated 953, which names "Billingus…noster miles"[203].

Graf in dem Gauen Tilithi und Marstem 955.

Markgraf 956: "Otto…rex" granted rights to salt duties to Lüneburg St Mikhael at the request of "Herimanni marchionis" by charter dated 13 Aug 956[204]. "Otto…rex" gave property "in pago Usiti in comitatu comitis Willihelmi" to "nostro fideli vasallo comitique Billinc" by charter dated 2 Dec 958[205], which may refer to Hermann Billung although he is not titled Markgraf in the document. "Otto…rex" granted property "in locis Vurmerstat, Otunpach, Gozarstat, Haholtestat…in pago Usiti in comitatu comitis Uuillihelmi" to "vasallo comitisque…Billinc" by charter dated 2 Dec 958[206]. "Otto…rex" granted property "Asundorf marcam et Dornsteti marcam Liubissa…in pago Hassigeuui in comitatu comitis Sigiuuridi…loco Biscopstat…in pago Altgeuui in comitatu comitis Uuillihelmi" to "vassallo Billing" by charter dated 23 Apr 961[207]. "Otto…imperator augustus" granted property "in pago Neletici in comitatu Billingi comitis" to Magdeburg St Moritz by charter dated 28 Jul 965[208].

Dux in Saxony 965.

He founded St Michaeliskloster at Lüneburg.

The necrology of Fulda records the death in 973 of "Heriman dux"[209]. Thietmar records the death of Duke Hermann, father of Bernhard, at Quedlinburg on 1 Apr, the transportation of his body to Lüneburg, and the refusal by Bruno Bishop of Verden (maybe his nephew) to allow his burial in church because of his prior excommunication[210]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "27 Mar" of "Herimannus dux"[211].

m firstly ODA, daughter of --- (-15 Mar ----).

The primary source which confirms the name of Hermann's first wife has not so far been identified.

m secondly HILDESUIT, daughter of ---.

The primary source which confirms the name of Hermann's second wife has not so far been identified. "Otto…imperator augustus" confirmed the donation of property "aliquando Bilingo nostro comiti…in Neletici…quitquid coniunx sua hereditarii iuris habere" to Magdaburg St Moritz by charter dated 28 Jul 966[212].

Duke Hermann & his [first/second] wife had five children:

a) BERNHARD (-Corvey 9 Feb 1011, bur Lüneburg St Michael). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Bennonis ducis, qui et Bernhardus et Liudigeri comitis et Machtildis comitisse" as brothers and sister of "domna Suanehildis [filia] Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh"[213]. He succeeded as BERNHARD I Herzog in Sachsen.

b) LIUTGER (-26 Feb 1011, bur Lüneburg St Michael). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Bennonis ducis, qui et Bernhardus et Liudigeri comitis et Machtildis comitisse" as brothers and sister of "domna Suanehildis [filia] Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh"[214]. "Otto…Romanorum imperator augustus" gave property "Stipenlo in comitatu ipsius Liutgeri comitis et in pago Westfalon" to "Liutgero comiti" by charter dated 27 Apr 1001 on the petition of "Berenhardi nostri ducis et…capellani nostri"[215]. The Vita Meinwerci records the death "IV Kal Apr" of "frater…ducis Bernhardi, comes Liutderus"[216]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "26 Feb" of "Liudger com"[217]. m EMMA, daughter of IMMED [III] & his wife Agnes --- (-3 Dec 1038, bur Bremen Cathedral). The Vita Meinwerci names "Emma" as wife of "comes Liutderus", but does not give her origin[218]. Her parentage is confirmed by Adam of Bremen who names "Emma" as wife of "Liudgerus frater [Benno dux Saxonum]" when recording her husband's death in 1011, calling her "Emma…soror Meginwerki episcopi Padarburnensis" when recording her death and her burial in Bremen Cathedral[219]. Liutger & his wife had two children: Immed, Bishop of Paderborn (d. 3 Feb 1076); and Emma.

c) MECHTILD of Saxony ([942]-Gent 25 May 1008, bur Gent St Peter). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Bennonis ducis, qui et Bernhardus et Liudigeri comitis et Machtildis comitisse" as brothers and sister of "domna Suanehildis [filia] Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh", recording the names of Mechtild's two husbands[220]. The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names "Mathildis, filiam principis Herimanni" as wife of "Balduinum [filius comitis Arnulfi]", specifying that it was hoped that the couple would have many children[221]. This suggests that their marriage date may have been some years earlier than 961 considering that the Genealogia was supposedly compiled in [951/59], probably during the earlier part of this date range considering which children of Louis IV King of the West Franks are named in the document[222]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Mathildis comitissa Saxonie" as wife of "Godefridi Ardennensis"[223]. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed the rights and property of Kloster Mouzon donated by (among others) "dux Fredericus pro anima Ottonis…[et] Godefridus comes et coniux sua Mathildis pro anima sui fratris Adalberonis archiepiscopi" by charter dated 1023[224]. The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 1008 of "Mathildis comitissa"[225]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "25 May" of "Mattild com"[226]. m firstly ([951/59]%29 BAUDOUIN III joint Count of Flanders, son of ARNOUL I "le Grand" Count of Flanders & his second wife Adela de Vermandois [Carolingian] ([940]-1 Jan 962). m secondly ([963]) GODEFROI Comte de Verdun, son of comte GOZELON [Wigeriche] & his wife Uda --- [Matfriede] (-3 Sep 995, bur Gent St Peter).


d) SCHWANEHILDE [Suanhild] ([945/50]-26 Nov 1014, bur Kloster Jena, transferred 1028 to Naumburg Georgskirche).

The Annalista Saxo names "domna Suanehildis" as daughter of "Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh", names her brothers "Bennonis ducis et Bernhardus et Liudigeri comitis et Machtildis comitisse" and her two husbands[227]. Her birth date range is estimated on the basis of her sister being born in [942] and Schwanehilde herself giving birth to seven children by her second husband.

Thietmar records the marriage of Ekkehard and "Swanhild widow of Count Thietmar and Duke Bernhard's sister"[228].

Thietmar records the death of Suanhild 26 Nov 1014[229].

m firstly THIETMAR [III] Markgraf [der Ostmark], son of CHRISTIAN Graf im Nordthüring- und Schwabengau & his wife Hidda [der Ostmark] (-3 Aug after 979, bur Kloster Nienburg an der Saale).

m secondly (before 1000) EKKEHARD [I] Markgraf von Meissen, son of GUNTHER Markgraf im Bischofstum Merseburg & his wife --- (-murdered Pöhlde 30 Apr 1002, bur Kloster Jena, transferred 1028 to Naumburg Georgskirche).


e) IMMA . The primary source which confirms her parentage has not so far been identified. Nun at Herford. 995.


[200] Cronica Principum Saxonie, MGH SS XXV, p. 472. [201] Reuter, T. (1991) Germany in the early middle ages c.800-1056 (Longman), p. 152. [202] D O I 152, p. 231. [203] D O I 165, p. 246. [204] D O I 183, p. 266. [205] D O I 198, p. 278. [206] D O I 198, p. 278. [207] D O I 223, p. 307. [208] D O I 303, p. 418. [209] Annales Necrologici Fuldenses, MGH SS XIII, p. 123. [210] Thietmar 2.31, p. 115, footnote 121 commenting that the date is mistaken for 27 Mar. [211] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg. [212] D O I 329, p. 443. [213] Annalista Saxo 1002. [214] Annalista Saxo 1002. [215] D O III 401, p. 834. [216] Vita Meinwerci Episcopi Paderbornensis 14, MGH SS XI, p. 114. [217] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg. [218] Vita Meinwerci Episcopi Paderbornensis 14, MGH SS XI, p. 114. [219] Adami, Gesta Hammenburgensis Ecclesiæ Pontificum II.44 and II.76, MGH SS VII, pp. 321 and 333. [220] Annalista Saxo 1002. [221] Genealogiæ Comitum Flandriæ, Witgeri Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis MGH SS IX, p. 304. [222] MGH SS IX, p. 302, Introduction to Witgeri Genealogia Arnulfi Comitis. [223] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1005, MGH SS XXIII, p. 778. [224] D H II 492, p. 626. [225] Annales Blandinienses 1008, MGH SS V, p. 25. [226] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg. [227] Annalista Saxo 1002. [228] Thietmar 4.39, p. 179. [229] Thietmar 7.7, p. 312.

From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Meissen (covering her first marriage): http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/MEISSEN.htm#ThietmarIdiedafter979

THIETMAR [III] ([925/30]-3 Aug after 979, bur Kloster Nienburg an der Saale).

The Annalista Saxo records "Thietmarum marchionem et Geronem Coloniensem archiepiscopum" as sons of "Soror eorum [Gero marchiorum et Sigefridus] Hidda nominee", and their joint construction of an abbey "in predio suo [Hidda] iuxta Salam fluvium"[58]. His birth date range is estimated from his first mention as count in 951.

Graf im Gau Serimunt 951: "Otto…rex" confirmed the donation by his son Liudolf of property "in pago Serimunt in comitatu Thetmari comitis" on the intervention of "marchionis Geronis" to the church of Magdeburg by charter dated 28 Jul 951[59].

Graf im Schwabengau 951/978. "Otto…imperator augustus" granted property "in pago Derlingon in comitatu Thiatmari comitis" to Magdeburg St Moritz by undated charter, placed in the compilation with other charters dated mid-965[60]. "Otto…imperator augustus" gave property "in villa Drogobuli quæ Salam et Fonam fluvios interiacet in comitatu eiusdem comitis Thietmari" to "comiti nostro Thietmaro" by charter dated 29 Nov 965[61]. "Otto…imperator augustus" donated property "in pago Hardegouue et in comitatu Thiatmari" to Magdeburg St Moritz by charter dated 23 Sep 967[62].

Graf der Mark Merseburg und der Mark Meissen [Ostmark] 976.


The death and place of burial of "Thietmarus marchio frater Geronis Coloniensis archiepiscopi" is recorded in the Annalista Saxo[63]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "3 Aug" of "Thietmarus marchio"[64].

m as her first husband, SCHWANEHILDE [Suanhild], daughter of HERMANN Billung Duke in Saxony & his [first/second] wife --- ([945/50]-26 Nov 1014, bur Kloster Jena, transferred 1028 to Naumburg Georgskirche).

The Annalista Saxo records "filiam Herimanni ducis nominee Suanehildam" as wife of "Thietmarus marchio frater Geronis Coloniens is archiepiscopi", and in another passage that "domna Suanehildis" was daughter of "Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh", naming her five brothers and two husbands[65]. Her birth date range is estimated on the basis of her sister being born in [942] and Schwanehilde herself giving birth to seven children by her second husband.

She married secondly Ekkehard I Markgraf von Meissen. Thietmar records the marriage of Ekkehard and "Swanhild widow of Count Thietmar and Duke Bernhard's sister"[66].

Thietmar records the death of Suanhild 26 Nov 1014[67].

Markgraf Thietmar [III] & his wife had one child:

a) GERO [II] ([970/75]-killed in battle Gau Diadesi 1 Sep 1015, bur Kloster Nienburg).

"Geronem marchionem" is named in the Annalista Saxo, which also records his parentage[68].  A boy [puer] in 980, which provides the basis for estimating his birth date range.   Graf im Hassegau 992.   Markgraf [der Lausitz] 993.   "…Gero comes…" was among the witnesses of the charter dated 1013 under which "Henricus…imperator augustus" renewed his 1007 judgment concerning a dispute between Willigis Archbishop of Mainz and Bernward Bishop of Hildesheim[69], although it is not certain that this is the same person as he is described as "comes" rather than "marchio".   Thietmar records the death of "Markgraf Gero" in battle against the Poles, dated to 1015, and his burial at Nienburg[70].   m ADELHEID, daughter of ---.  1015.   The Annalista Saxo names "Athelheidhe" as wife of "Thietmarus marchio", but does not give her origin[71].  Thietmar names Adelheid widow of Markgraf Gero at her husband's burial[72].   Markgraf Gero [II] & his wife had one child: Thietmar IV (d. 10 Jan 1030), Graf im Schwaben- und Nordthüringgau and Markgraf der Ostmark. 


[58] Annalista Saxo 965. [59] D O I 134, p. 214. [60] D O I 305, p. 420. [61] D O I 311, p. 425. [62] D O I 345, p. 471. [63] Annalista Saxo 978. [64] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg. [65] Annalista Saxo 978 and 1002. [66] Thietmar 4.39, p. 179. [67] Thietmar 7.7, p. 312. [68] Annalista Saxo 978 and 1002. [69] D H II 255, p. 293. [70] Thietmar 7.21 and 22, pp. 320-1, footnote 41 citing the Necrology of Merseburg which records his death on Sep 1. [71] Annalista Saxo 1029. [72] Thietmar 7.22, p. 322.

From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Meissen (covering her second marriage): http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/MEISSEN.htm#EkkehardIMeissendied1002

EKKEHARD (-murdered Pöhlde 30 Apr 1002, bur Kloster Jena, transferred 1028 to Naumburg Georgskirche).

The Annalista Saxo records that "Ekkihardus Guntharii filius" succeeded Ricdag in 985 as EKKEHARD I Markgraf [von Meissen][126]. "Otto…rex" donated property "Vvalbisci in comitatu Karoli comitis" to Quedlinburg by charter dated 6 Jan 992, which names as present "Bernhardi ducis, Egberti comitis, Eggihardi marchionis, Herimanni palatini comitis, Huodonis marchionis, Deoderici palatini comitis eiusque fratris Sigeberti comitis, Herimanni comitis"[127]. Thietmar also names Ekkehard as son of Gunther, referring to him as "ex nobilissimis Thuringiæ australis natalibus huius genealogiæ ortum ducens"[128].

He was one of the candidates for the imperial throne in 1002 after the death of Emperor Otto III but was killed by Saxon rivals[129]. He was murdered by (among others) Heinrich [III] von Stade, his brother Udo, and Siegfried [II] von Northeim[130].

The necrology of Fulda records the death in 1002 of "Egihhart com occisus"[131]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "30 Apr" of "Ekgihardus marchio"[132].

m as her second husband, SCHWANEHILDE [Suanhild], widow of THIETMAR [III] Markgraf [der Ostmark], daughter of HERMANN Billung Duke in Saxony & his [first/second] wife --- ([945/50]-26 Nov 1014, bur Kloster Jena, transferred 1028 to Naumburg Georgskirche).

The Annalista Saxo names "domna Suanehildis" as daughter of "Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh", names her brothers "Bennonis ducis et Bernhardus et Liudigeri comitis et Machtildis comitisse" and her two husbands[133]. Her birth date range is estimated on the basis of her sister being born in [942] and Schwanehilde herself giving birth to seven children by her second husband.

Thietmar records the marriage of Ekkehard and "Swanhild widow of Count Thietmar and Duke Bernhard's sister"[134].

Thietmar records the death of Suanhild 26 Nov 1014[135].

Markgraf Ekkehard I & his wife had seven children:

i) LIUTGARD (-13 Nov [1012], bur Walbeck Monastery). Thietmar names Liutgard as first born child of Ekkehard and his wife Swanhild[136]. "Liutgardem" is also named in the Annalista Saxo, which records her parentage[137]. Thietmar describes Liutgard as "on the one side…my niece and on the other my cousin's wife" when recording her death[138], although she was rather remotely related to Thietmar to be described as his niece. Thietmar records the betrothal of Werner and Liutgard daughter of Ekkehard after Werner abducted her from the fortress of Quedlinburg, and in a later passage their eventual marriage in January of the first year of the reign of King Heinrich II (1003)[139]. Thietmar records her death on 13 Nov, in a passage dated to 1012, and her burial at Walbeck monastery[140]. m (Jan 1003) WERNER Markgraf der Nordmark, son of LOTHAR I Markgraf der Nordmark [Walbeck] & his wife Godila [von Rothenburg] (-murdered Allerstedt 11 Nov 1014, bur Walbeck Monastery).

ii) HERMANN (-1038). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Herimannum et Ekkihardum et Gunterum" as sons of "Suanehildis comitissa" and her second husband "Ekkihardo marchione"[141]. Wipo names "Guntherus archiepiscopus, frater Ekehardi et Herimanni comitem"[142]. Graf in Bautzen 1007. He was installed as HERMANN Markgraf [von Meissen] in 1009 after his uncle was deposed[143]. Graf im Hassegau und im Gau Chutizi 1028. m ([1002 after 30 Apr/1003]) REGELINDA of Poland, daughter of BOŁESLAW I "Chrobry" Prince [King in 1025] of Poland & his third wife Emnilde --- (989-after 21 Mar 1016). Thietmar refers to the three (unnamed) daughters of Boleslaw & his wife Emnilde, specifying (in order) that "one was an abbess, the second married Count Hermann and the third the son of King Vladimir"[144]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified.

iii) EKKEHARD (-24 Jan 1046, bur Naumburg). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Herimannum et Ekkihardum et Gunterum" as sons of "Suanehildis comitissa" and her second husband "Ekkihardo marchione"[145]. Wipo names "Guntherus archiepiscopus, frater Ekehardi et Herimanni comitem"[146]. Graf im Gau Chutizi und in Burgward Teuchen. He succeeded in 1032 as EKKEHARD II Markgraf [von Meissen].

iv) GÜNTHER (-1 Nov 1025). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Herimannum et Ekkihardum et Gunterum" as sons of "Suanehildis comitissa" and her second husband "Ekkihardo marchione"[147]. Chaplain at the royal court before 1001. Imperial chancellor 1009. Archbishop of Salzburg 1024. Wipo names "Guntherus archiepiscopus, frater Ekehardi et Herimanni comitem", describing him as a "gentle and good before God and men"[148].

v) EILWARD (-24 Nov 1023, bur Meissen Cathedral). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Chaplain at the royal court. Bishop of Meissen 1016.

vi) MATHILDE . The Chronicon Montis Serreni names "Machtildem" as daughter of "Ekkehardo marchioni" & his wife and names her husband "Tidericus comes"[149]. m DIETRICH Graf in Eilenburg, son of DEDO I Graf von Merseburg [Wettin] & his wife Thietburga [von Haldensleben] (-murdered 19 Nov 1034). Graf im Hassegau und Siusli in 1021.

vii) ODA (-1025). Thietmar records the marriage of "Oda, Markgraf Ekkehard's daughter" and Boleslav in Zützen in 1018 "after septuagesima" (2 Feb)[150]. The chronicler adds the comment "until now she has lived outside the law of matrimony and thus in a manner worthy only of a marriage such as this one", which suggests a reputation for moral dissolution. m (Burg Cziczani 3 Feb 1018) as his [fourth/fifth] wife, BOŁESLAW I "Chrobry" Prince of Poland, son of MIESZKO I Prince of Poland & his second wife Dobrava [Dobroslawa] of Bohemia ([967]-17 Jun 1025). He declared himself King of Poland in 1024.


[126] Annalista Saxo 985. [127] D O III 81, p. 489. [128] Thietmar 4.39, p. 179. [129] Reuter, T. (1991) Germany in the early middle ages c.800-1056 (Longman), pp. 186-7. . [130] Annalista Saxo 1056 and 1057. [131] Annales Necrologici Fuldenses, MGH SS XIII, p. 123. [132] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg. [133] Annalista Saxo 1002. [134] Thietmar 4.39, p. 179. [135] Thietmar 7.7, p. 312. [136] Thietmar 4.39, p. 179. [137] Annalista Saxo 1029. [138] Thietmar 1.13, pp. 77-8. [139] Thietmar 4.40-4.42, pp. 180-1, and 6.86, p. 294. [140] Thietmar 6.84 and 6.85, pp. 293 and 293. [141] Annalista Saxo 1002. [142] Wiponis Vita Chunradi II Imperatoris 1, MGH SS XI, p. 257. [143] Thietmar 6.55, p. 276. [144] Thietmar 4.58, p. 193. [145] Annalista Saxo 1002. [146] Wiponis Vita Chunradi II Imperatoris 1, MGH SS XI, p. 257. [147] Annalista Saxo 1002. [148] Wiponis Vita Chunradi II Imperatoris 1, MGH SS XI, p. 257. [149] Chronicon Montis Serreni 1171, MGH SS XXIII, p. 155. [150] Thietmar 8.1, p. 361.

From Darryl Lundy's Peerage page on Swanhilde Billung (Forrás / Source): http://www.thepeerage.com/p891.htm#i8908

Swanhilde Billung

F, #8908 Last Edited=17 Jan 2003

Swanhilde Billung is the daughter of Herzog Hermann Billung, von Sachsen.

Child of Swanhilde Billung and Eckard I Markgraf von Meißen

-1. Mathilde von Meißen+

(No references cited)

From the Wikipedia entry on her father, Hermann Billung: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herman_Billung

Suanhilde (born between 945 and 955, died 28 November 1014, buried in the monastery of Jena, reburied after 1028 in the Georgskirche of Naumburg in Saale, married 1st in 970 Thietmar I (died after 979) Margrave of Meissen, married (2) before 1000 Ekkehard I (murdered 30 April 1002 in Pöhlde); in 992 Margrave of Meissen, buried in the monastery of Jena, reburied after 1028 in the Church of Georg Naumburg (Saale)


And from the Wikipedia entry on her last husband, Ekkehard I: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ekkehard_I,_Markgrave_of_Meissen

Eckard I (Ekkehard;[1] died 30 April 1002) was the Margrave of Meissen from 985 until his death. He was the first margrave of the Ekkehardinger family that dominated Meissen until 1046.

He was of noble east Thuringian stock, the eldest son of Gunther, Margrave of Merseburg, and he was appointed to succeed Ricdag in Meissen in 985, following severe Saxon setbacks against the Wends. He was later elected Duke of Thuringia by the magnates of the region, an event which has been taken as evidence of the principle of tribal ducal election.[2]

Eckard was high in the favour of the Emperor Otto III, who rewarded him handsomely by converting many of his benefices (fiefs) into proprietas (allods).[3] Eckard's military responsibilities as holder of the Meissen march consisted primarily of containment of the Polish and Bohemian duchies. He had to restore Thiadric, Bishop of Prague, to his see after his expulsion by Boleslaus II of Bohemia.[4]

In March 1002, following the death of the Otto III, the nobles of the Duchy of Saxony met at Frohse to elect a king because they opposed Henry IV, Duke of Bavaria, who was the preeminent candidate. Eckard was at that time the most obvious Saxon candidate, but the nobles were opposed to him.[5] They only agreed to meet again at Werla and to support no candidate before then. The Werla meeting took place in April and Henry, through his cousins, Sophia I of Gandersheim and Adelheid I of Quedlinburg, the sisters of the deceased Otto, succeeded in having his election confirmed, at least in part by hereditary right. Nevertheless, Eckard received enough support to commandeer the closing banquet of the Werla assembly and dine in state with Bernard I, Duke of Saxony, and Arnulf, Bishop of Halberstadt. He was subsequently honoured as royalty by Bishop Bernward when he arrived at Hildesheim.

Within days, however, he had been assassinated by agents of his Saxon opposition in Pöhlde.[6] Among these rivals were Henry III of Stade, his brother Udo, and Siegfried II of Northeim.

He was initially buried in the monastery of Jena, but his remains were transferred to the church of Saint George in Naumburg in 1028. He was remembered by Thietmar, Bishop of Merseburg, as decus regni, solatium patriae, comes suis, terror inimicis et per omnia perfectissimus.[7]

Eckard left behind his wife Schwanehilde (Suanhild), daughter of Herman, Duke of Saxony. She died on 26 November 1014, having given him seven children, though he was her second husband, she being the widow of Thietmar, Margrave of the Ostmark.

Meissen fell into dispute on his death. Boleslaus I of Poland, who had supported Eckard for the throne, laid claim to it as his relative by marriage.[8] Henry, now king, alloted to Boleslaus the March of Lusatia (which had been attached to Meissen), but Meissen itself was granted to Gunzelin, Eckard's brother.[9]

Schwanehilde Billung

  • Geburtstag und -ort: zwischen 945 und 955 Wetigau (Present Kreis Lippe), (Present Nordrhein-Westfalen), Carolingian Empire (Present Germany) Deutschland
  • Verstorben: November 28, 1014 (58-69) Jena, Thüringen, Heiliges Römisches Reich (Present Germany) Deutschland
  • Bestattungsort: Stiftskirche Naumberg (present location of the Naumburg Cathedral), Naumburg-am-Saale, Mark Zeitz (Present Sachsen-Anhalt), Heiliges Römisches Reich (Present Germany) Deutschland
  • Beruf: Margravine von Meißen, Gräfin der Ostmark
  • Tochter von Hermann I, Herzog von Sachsen und Hildegard von Westerburg
  • Ehefrau von Dietmar I, Markgraf von der Ostmark und Ekkehard I. von Merseburg, Graf von Merseburg, Markgraf von Meißen
  • Mutter von Gero, Markgraf der Lausitz; Liutgard von Meißen; Hermann I, margrave of Meissen; Ekkehard II. (Ekkehardiner) Graf im Gau Chutizi und im Burgward Teuchen, Markgraf von der Lausitz, Markgraf von Meißen; Gunther von Salzburg, Archbishop; Eilward von Meißen, bishop; Oda von Meißen von Meissen und Mathilde von Meißen
  • Schwester von Mathilde von Sachsen, gräfin von Flandern; Bernhard, herzog von Sachsen und Liudger von Sachsen, Graf von Lesum und Westfalen
  • Halbschwester von Imma Von Billung, Abbess Hereford

view all 13

Swanhilde of Saxony's Timeline

Wetigau (Present Kreis Lippe), (Present Nordrhein-Westfalen), Carolingian Empire (Present Germany)
Niederlausitz, Germany
Meissen, Germany
Meissen, Germany
Meissen, Germany
Meissen, Germany
Meissen, Germany
Meissen, Dresden, Saxony, Germany
Meissen, Germany
November 26, 1014
Age 64
Jena, Thüringen, Heiliges Römisches Reich (Present Germany)