Den hellige Magnus Erlendsson ble født ca 1076 på Orknøyene nord for Skottland og var av norsk ætt. Hans far het Erlend og han styrte Orknøyene sammen med sin tvillingbror Pål etter faren Torfinns død i 1064. Erlend hadde sønnene Erling og Magnus og tre døtre, mens Pål hadde sønnen Håkon og mange døtre. Erlend og Pål var venner og godt forlikte, og under deres styre var det en fredelig tid på Orknøyene.
Først ga han sin merkesmann Ofeig ordre om å drepe jarlen, men han nektet i stor vrede. Da truet Håkon kokken Lidolv til å være bøddel, og etter at Magnus hadde bedt for sine mordere og velsignet sverdet, drepte den gråtende kokken Magnus med to sverdhogg. Det var den 16. april 1115.
ERLEND Thorfinnsson (-in prison Trondheim [Nidaros] 1098, bur Trondheim).
Erlend & his wife had four children: (Cawley's Medlands)a) ERLING (-[Ulster [May] 1103]).
b) St MAGNUS Erlendsson (-murdered Egilsay 16 Apr [1117], bur Christchurch at Birsay, transferred to Kirkwall Cathedral). Orkneyinga Saga names “Erling and Magnus” as the two sons of “Earl Erlend Thorfinnson” and his wife “Thora, the daughter of Sumarlidi Ospaksson”[910]. He was installed as Jarl of ½ Orkney in Spring 1108 by Eistein I Magnusson Joint King of Norway. Orkneyinga Saga records that “Earl Magnus” was killed on the orders of his cousin Hakon “two days after St Tiburtius´ Mass…1091”, after ruling Orkney jointly for seven years, and was buried on “Mainland…at Christ Church”[911]. He was put to death by his cousin Hakon Paulsson Joint Jarl of Orkney, with whom he had quarrelled. Canonised.
m ---. Orkneyinga Saga records that “St Magnus Earl of Orkney” married “a girl from the noblest family there in Scotland” but that they lived together for ten years without consummating the marriage[912]. (Cawley's Medlands)
m (Spring 1099) KOL Kalisson, son of KALI of Agdir in Norway & his wife ---. Lenderman in Agder.
Erlend had one illegitimate child by an unknown mistress:
From Face of Orkney's St Magnus reconstructed By Steven McKenzie BBC Scotland Highlands and Islands reporter 8 February 2017
A facial reconstruction has been made of Orkney's St Magnus to help mark the 900th anniversary of his death. Forensic artist Hew Morrison's research included studies of photographs taken in the 1920s of what is said to be the skull of the 12th Century Norse earl.
Before sainthood, Magnus Erlendsson shared the earldom of Orkney with his cousin, Hakon. Hakon's jealousy of his cousin's popularity on the islands led to Magnus being put to death.
Although the date of his martyrdom is uncertain - they range from days in the years 1115 to 1118 - Orkney's annual St Magnus International Festival has chosen 2017 to mark the anniversary. University of Dundee graduate Mr Morrison, whose other reconstructions include that of a Bronze Age woman buried in the Highlands, hopes his work on St Magnus will be displayed during the festival.
1076 |
Orkney, Orkney Islands, UK
1115 |
April 16, 1115
Age 39
???? |
Kirkwall Cathedral, Orkenøyene