Sophie Amalie of Brunswick-Lüneburg

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Sophie Amalie of of Brunswick-Lunenburg (Guelph), Queen Consort of Denmark and Norway (1628 - 1685)

Danish: Sophie Amalie af Braunschweig-Lüneburg (Welf) Dronning til Danmark og Norge
Birthplace: Herzberg, Braunschweig, Deutschland(HRR)
Death: February 20, 1685 (56)
Sofie Amalienborg, København, Danmark (Denmark)
Place of Burial: Roskilde, Danmark
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Georg, Herzog von Braunschweig-Lüneburg and Anna Eleonore, Duchess of Brunswick-Lüneburg
Wife of Frederick III king of Denmark and Norway
Mother of Christian V king of Denmark and Norway; Anna Sophie Oldenburg, Kurfürstin zu Sachsen; Princess Frederica Amalia of Denmark; Princess Wilhelmina Ernestine of Denmark; Frederik af Danmark og Norge and 5 others
Sister of Magdalene von Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Prinzessin; Prince William of Prussia; Christian Louis, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg; Georg II Wilhelm, Herzog von Braunschweig-Lüneburg; Johann Friedrich Herzog von Braunschweig-Calenberg and 3 others

Occupation: Queen Consort of Denmark & Norway, Queen Consort of Denmark and Norway, ..of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Dronning
Managed by: Günther Kipp
Last Updated:

About Sophie Amalie of Brunswick-Lüneburg

Sophie Amalie Princess(Prinzessin) von Braunschweig-Lüneburg.

Her married name became Oldenburg Princess of Brunswick-Lüneburg.

Queen(Dronning) of Denmark and Norway from 1648

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Sophie Amalie of Brunswick-Lüneburg's Timeline

April 24, 1628
Herzberg, Braunschweig, Deutschland(HRR)
April 15, 1646
Flensborghus, Flensburg, Schleswig, Danmark (Denmark)
September 1, 1647
Flensburg, Schleswig, Danmark (Denmark)
April 11, 1649
København, Danmark (Denmark)
June 20, 1650
København, Danmark (Denmark)
October 11, 1651
April 21, 1653
København, Danmark (Denmark)
September 11, 1656
København, Danmark (Denmark)
November 16, 1657
København, Danmark (Denmark)