Immediate Family
About Solvar Solvasson av Solør
Solvar Solvesson (Sölvar Sölvasson)
King in Solør (Norway)
Kong Solve fra Solør
Solve den gamle var den første som ryddet i Solør. Hans sønn var Solvar som var far til Solve. Solve var far til Halvdan Gulltann, hvis datter, Solva eller Solveig, ble gift med Olav Tretegja fra Svitjod (Olof Trätälja, "trehogger", dvs. skogrydder, ifølge Snorres Ynglingesaga ryddet han jord i Värmland). Slove, sønn av Halvdan Gulltann og bror til Slova, oppfostret Halvdan Kvitbein hos seg. Helt uventet ble Solør angrepet av sveare som var kommet til Värmland pga. fredløstet for kong Ivar i Svitjod. Overbefolkning i Värmland drev dem vidre til Eidskogene og Solør hvor de drepte kong Solve, fanget Halvdan Kvitbein og tok han til høvding over seg og gav ham kongsnavn.
Solvi "The Old" Von Solor
Birth: About 595 in , Solor, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway 1 2
Death: , Solor, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway 1 2
Sex: M
LDS Baptism: Done
LDS Endowment: Done
Changed: 23 Jul 2002 01:00
Spouses & Children
Solvi "The Old" Von Solor (Wife) b. About 599 in (, Soleyum, Stockholm, Sweden)
1 2
Marriage: Abt 619 in (, Soleyum, Stockholm, Sweden) 6 Nov 2004 14:29
Solvi Solvarsson King In Sweden b. About 620 in (, Soleyum, Stockholm, Sweden)
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REFN: HWS125305
Custom Field:<_FA#> Recheck for AF#13 Mar 2002Open0
(Research):DEADEND:CHAN23 Jul 2002
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Title: "Pedigree Resource File - CD-Rom"
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Publication: 12 Feb 2001
Text: Alternate Title: Family History Resource File
Page: Compact Disc #36 Pin #960005
Quality: 3
Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"
Author: Larson, Kirk
Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Desce
ndants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library
When Olaf, King Ingjald's son, heard of his father's end, he went
with the men who chose to follow him to Nerike; for all the
Swedish community rose with one accord to drive out Ingjald's
family and all his friends. Now, when the Swedes got
intelligence of him he could not remain there, but went on
westwards, through the forest, to a river which comes from the
north and falls into the Venner lake, and is called Klar river.
There they sat themselves down, turned to and cleared the woods,
burnt, and then settled there. Soon there were great districts;
which altogether were called Vermeland; and a good living was to
be made there. Now when it was told of Olaf, in Sweden, that he
was clearing the forests, they laughed at his proceedings, and
called him the Tree-feller. Olaf got a wife called Solva, or
Solveig, a daughter of Halfdan Guldtand, westward in Soleyar.
Halfdan was a son of Solve Solvarson, who was a son of Solve the
Old, who first settled on these islands. Olaf Tree-feller's
mother was called Gauthild, and her mother was Alov, daughter of
Olaf the Sharp-sighted, king in Nerike. Olaf and Solva had two
sons: Ingjald and Halfdan. Halfdan was brought up in Soleyar, in
the house of his mother's brother Solve, and was called Halfdan
There were a great many people who fled the country from Sweden,
on account of King Ivar; and when they heard that King Olaf had
got good lands in Vermeland, so great a number came there to him
that the land could not support them. Then there came dear times
and famine, which they ascribed to their king; as the Swedes used
always to reckon good or bad crops for or against their kings.
The Swedes took it amiss that Olaf was sparing in his sacrifices,
and believed the dear times must proceed from this cause. The
Swedes therefore gathered together troops, made an expedition
against King Olaf, surrounded his house and burnt him in it,
giving him to Odin as a sacrifice for good crops. This happened
at the Venner lake. Thus tells Thjodolf of it: --
"The temple wolf, by the lake shores,
The corpse of Olaf now devours.
The clearer of the forests died
At Odin's shrine by the lake side.
The glowing flames stripped to the skin
The royal robes from the Swedes' king.
Thus Olaf, famed in days of yore,
Vanished from earth at Venner's shore."
- *********************
Events in the life of _Oláfr Trételgju Ingjaldsson
event 1 .
·went with the men who chose to follow him, when heard of his father's end, to Nerike; for all the Swedish community rose with one accord to drive out Ingjald's family and all his friends
† death 1 .
·Then there came dear times and famine, which they ascribed to their king; as the Swedes used always to reckon good or bad crops for or against their kings. The Swedes took it amiss that Olaf was sparing in his sacrifices, and believed the dear times must proceed from this cause. The Swedes therefore gathered together troops, made an expedition against King Olaf, surrounded his house and burnt him in it, giving him to Odin as a sacrifice for good crops. This happened at the Venner lake. Thus tells Thjodolf of it: -- "The temple wolf, by the lake shores, The corpse of Olaf now devours. The clearer of the forests died At Odin's shrine by the lake side. The glowing flames stripped to the skin The royal robes from the Swedes' king. Thus Olaf, famed in days of yore, Vanished from earth at Venner's shore."
event 1 .
·attracted a great many of his countrymen, who were fleeing Sweden on account of Ivar, and they settled in the bountiful Varmeland, but in so great a number that the land could no longer support them, and they blamed him
·is said to have sacrificed his own people in time of famine
event 1 .
·raised in the care of his foster-father Bove, in West Gotland, where he was brought up along with Saxe, Bove's son, who had the surname of Flette
event 1 .
·forced to leave Nerike, when the Swedes heard he was there, and he went on westwards, through the forest, to a river which comes from the north and falls into the Venner lake, and is called Klar river. There they sat themselves down, turned to and cleared the woods, burnt, and then settled there, and soon there were great districts, and altogether they were called Vermeland
event 1 .
·given the name "Tree Feller" by the Swedes who laughed at his proceedings, that he was clearing forests instead of ruling,
Solvar Solvasson av Solør's Timeline
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Solør, Hedmark, Norway
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Solør, Hedmark, Norway
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Solør, Hedmark, Norway
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