Immediate Family
half sister
half brother
half sister
About Sir Thomas de Baliol of Cavers
Alexander de Baliol of Cavers m. (c1270) Isabel de Chilham (b after 1245, d by 01.05.1292, dau of Richard de Dover of Chilham). Issue;
[Stirnet does not have an intervening Alexander son of Alexander generation seen elsewhere]
(A) Sir Thomas de Baliol of Cavers possibly father or grandfather of ...
- (i) Sir Thomas de Baliol of Cave
- (ii) Isabel de Baliol m. Ranald More
From Curt Hofeman
His estates in Kent, of which the chief was the castle and manor of Chilham, were held by him in right of his wife Isabella de Chilham, by whom he left a son of his own name. The date of his death is unknown, but as he was summoned to all the parliaments of Edward I between 1300 and 1307, and is not mentioned as summoned to any of Edward II, he probably died soon after the accession of that monarch. His son Alexander had a son, Thomas de Baliol of Clavers, who sold that estate to William, earl of Douglas, in 1368, and is the last of the Baliols who appears in the Scottish records.
From https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Famille_de_Bailleul
Alexandre († v. 1310), fils d'Henri, hérite de son frère Gui, la baronnie de Cavers, mais ne peut obtenir son héritage anglais avant 1266, car il soutient les barons rebelles4. Par mariage, il acquiert la baronnie de Chilham dans le Kent, et devient un important propriétaire terrien en Angleterre4. .... ,Son fils Thomas lui succède en 1310. Il aurait vendu ses possessions de Carvers à William Douglas, 1er comte de Douglas5.