Immediate Family
About Sir Robert de Quincy, Lord of Long Buckby
Son of Saher de Quincy and Mathilda se Senlis:
ROBERT de QUINCY ([1140]-after 1200). He went to Scotland and through his first marriage obtained lands in Fife, Perth and Lothian, and was granted the castle of Forfar by his cousin (through his mother) William "the Lion" King of Scotland. He accompanied Richard I King of England on crusade in 1190 and participated in the capture of Antioch in Jul 1191[20]. The Red Book of the Exchequer, listing scutage payments in [1194/95], records "in perdonis Roberto de Quency, xl s de scutagio suo de Bukkeby" in Northamptonshire and granted delay in payment per brevia in Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire[21]. "…Robertus de Quinci, Seierus de Quinci…" were the first two lay witnesses (signing before the members of the donors´ family) of the charter dated 1200 which records the foundation of Inchaffray Abbey by "Gilbertus filius Ferthead…comes de Stradern et…Matilidis filia Willelmi de Aubengni comitissa"[22]. The connection between the Quincy family and the earls of Strathearn has not yet been established.
m firstly ([1160/70], separated) as her first husband, ORABILIS, daughter of NES of Mar & his wife --- (-before 30 Jun 1203). "Nesius filius Willi et Orabile filia sua heres" donated "ecclesiam de Losresc" to St Andrew´s priory by undated charter[23]. Her first marriage is confirmed by the undated charter under which her son "Seherus de Quency comes Wintonie" donated "totam terram de Duglyn", held by "Nesus filius Willelmi avus meus" to Cambuskenneth priory[24].
- She married secondly [Morgund] Earl of Mar. Her second marriage is indicated by the undated charter under which "Orabilis comitissa de Mar filia Nesii filii Willi" confirmed the donation of "ecclesiam de Lochres" made by "pater meus Nesius filius Willi" to St Andrew´s priory, witnessed by "Duncano comite de Fif…"[25]. The question of the precise identity of Orabilis´s second husband is discussed in the document SCOTLAND MORMAERS, EARLS & LORDS.
- She married thirdly Adam of Fife. Her third marriage is indicated by the undated charter under which "Nesius filius Willelmi" donated "ecclesiam de Lochres" to St Andrew´s priory witnessed by "Dunecano comite de Fif…Adam filio Dunec et Horabili sponsa sua…"[26]. There seems little doubt that the witness was Orabilis, daughter of the donor, and her third husband as the name is so unusual.
- "Orabilis filia et heres Dñi Nesii" donated property to St Andrew´s priory by undated charter witnessed by "…Patricio filio Nesii, Dunc filio Elin…"[27]. "Orabilis filia et heres Dñi Nesii" donated "Davach ictar Hathyn" to St Andrew´s priory by undated charter witnessed by "…G. com de Mar…Patricio filio Nesii, Duncan filio Emelin…"[28].
- Pope Innocent III confirmed the possessions of Inchaffray Abbey, including the donation of land "in territorio de Gasgt" by "quondam Orable matris Seer de Quinci", by bull dated 30 Jun 1203[29].
- Orabilis presumably died before her first husband, given the undated charter under which her son "Seerus de Quinci" confirmed the donation of "Davac Icthar Hathyn" made by "matris mea" to St Andrew´s priory which was witnessed by "…Roberto de Quincy patre meo…"[30].
m secondly as her first husband, EVA, daughter of ---. "Eua quondam uxor Roberti de Quinci" donated property "de Edmundesten" to Melrose abbey, for the souls of "dominorum meorum Robti de Quinci et Walteri de Berkeley et Rolandi fratris mei et Johis filii mei et Christine sororis mee", to Melrose abbey by undated charter[31]. Eva was the sister of Christine, wife of William de Brus of Annandale (see the document SCOTLAND KINGS) and second wife of Patrick Earl of Dunbar (see SCOTLAND, MORMAERS, EARLS & LORDS). She married secondly Walter de Berkeley.
Robert & his first wife had one child:
a) SAHER [IV] de Quincy ([1165/70]-Damietta 3 Nov 1219, bur Acre). "…Robertus de Quinci, Seierus de Quinci…" were the first two lay witnesses of the charter dated 1200 which records the foundation of Inchaffray Abbey by "Gilbertus filius Ferthead…comes de Stradern et…Matilidis filia Willelmi de Aubengni comitissa"[32]. He was created Earl of Winchester before 10 Feb 1207.
NOTE from Pam Wilson, Curator: Some sources have made a connection between Maud de Clare (married Philip de Prendergast), daughter of Basilia de Clare--apparently an illegitimate daughter of Richard Strongbow de Clare--and name Richard de Quincy as Basilia's husband. Further research is needed to verify and confirm this.
accompanied Richard I King of England on crusade in 1190 and participated in the capture of Antioch in Jul 1191
Line from "Royal Ancestors of Magna Charta Baron s," Carr P. Collins (Dallas, 1959), pp.208-09. Robert appears as a witness in some of the charters of Malcolm IV. Cf. "Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants," Aileen Lewers Langston & J. Orton Buck, Jr., p. 49.
The Following was taken from Jim Stevens' website : http://www.gendex.com/users/jast/ Weis" "Ancestral Roots. . ." (53:27). H is older brother, Saher II, inherited the English estates from SAHER I. Robert started appearing in Scottish records around 1165. His career was doubtless a dvanced by his second cousins Malcolm and WILLIAM THE LION (RIN 1913), success ively kings of Scotland, and it was certainly KING WILLIAM who granted to him the site of the old castle of Forfar and a toft in Haddington. While his broth er Saher II was serving HENRY II as a justice in Normandy, Robert was acting a s Justiciar of Scotland, an office which he held from 1171 to 1178. Royal favo ur may also have brought about his marriage, at a date unknown, to a notable h eiress, ORABILE, daughter of NESS son of WILLIAM. Her father, a prominent but ill-documented figure, was apparently a first-generation Norman-Scot. ORABILE was heir to her father's lands, to the exclusion of his sons Constantine and Patrick, and thus brought to Robert estates at Gask and Deuglie, in Perthshire , at Leuchars, Lathrisk, Beath and elsewhere in Fife, and at Tranent, in Lothi an. This fortunate marriage helped to raise Robert in a short time to a level of importance in Scotland greater than the relatively minor position which his brother Saher II held in English society. Twelfth-century Scotland was a lan d of opportunity and a vigorous younger son such as Robert de Quincy could mak e there a name which might become known well beyond the bounds of the small no rthern kingdom. In 1190 Robert joined King Richard I on the Third Crusade, was constable of a force to take aid to Antioch in 1191 and in the same year was sent with HUGH III, DUKE OF BURGUNDY (RIN 3796) to Tyre to collect prisoners from PHILIP AUGUSTUS, KING OF FRANCE (RIN 3163). On his return from the crusad e, Robert took part in Richard I's campaigns in Normandy in 1194 and 1196. On the death of his nephew Saher III, before 1192, Robert succeeded to the Englis h estates of the family's main line and added these to his Scottish possession s. By the time of his death, which took place before Michaelmas, 1197, he had proved himself as a knight of wide experience and had established his position as an Anglo-Scottish baron of some prominence. The marriage of Robert and OR ABILE was apparently ended by a separation. She later married Gilchrist, earl of Mar, while Robert married a lady named Eve, who may possibly have been of t he family of the lords of Galloway. The matrimonial complexities of this situation have caused a controversy which need not be entered upon here.
Became a "Soldier of the Cross." [The Roll of Battle Abbey]
!First of the de Quincys to settle in Scotland. Was a Northamptonshire gentleman who attached himself to William the Lion, or his predecessor. Married Arabella, daughter of Nes, by whom on her father's death, he obtained Leuchers in Fife, and Duglyn among the Ochils. Died about 1190. Appears as a witness in some of the charters of Malcolm IV. [The Bruces and the Cumyns, p. 519]
Lord of Buckley and of Fawside; Crusader; m. Orabella, dau. of Ness; father of Saher de Quincy, b. 1155; d. c. 1198. [Ancestral Roots, p. 58]
Son of Saher de Quincy and Maud de St. Liz/Senlis; m. Orbillus/Orbella de Nessius of Leuchars; father of Saher IV de Quincy. [GRS 3.03, Automated Archives, CD#100]
Son of Saher I de Quincy; m. Orable/Orabilis of Leuchars, Scotland; father of Sir Saier IV de Quincey; had grant from Henry II of the manor of Buchby or Bushby, Northamptonshire; obtained much land
thru 1st wife, Orable; enjoyed high favor with Richard the Lionhearted and was with him on Crusade of 1190/2; d. bef Michaelmas 1197. [Charlemagne & Others, Chart 2932]
Robert De Quincy
Son Of Saher De Quincy, Maud De Quincy and Saher De Quincy
Husband Of Orabilis Leuchars
Father Of Saher IV de Quincy, 1st Earl of Winchester
Living false
Birth Date 1138
Death Date 1198
Death Year 1198
First Name Robert
Last Name De Quincy
Gender Male
Birth Location Long Buckley, Northamptonshire, England
Death Location ON, Return Clanmalier, Kildare, Ireland
Manager Donna Howse
The family of de Quincy had arrived in England after the Norman Conquest, and took their name from Cuinchy in the Arrondissement of Béthune; the personal name "Saer" was used by them over several generations. Both names are variously spelled in primary sources and older modern works, the first name being sometimes rendered Saher or Seer, and the surname as Quency or Quenci.
The first recorded Saer de Quincy (known to historians as "Saer I") was lord of the manor of Long Buckby in Northamptonshire in the earlier twelfth century, and second husband of Matilda of St Liz, stepdaughter of King David I of Scotland. This marriage produced two sons, Saer II and Robert de Quincy. It was Robert, the younger son, who was the father of the Saer de Quincy who eventually became Earl of Winchester. By her first husband Robert Fitz Richard, Matilda was also the paternal grandmother of Earl Saer's close ally, Robert Fitzwalter.
Robert de Quincy seems to have inherited no English lands from his father, and pursued a knightly career in Scotland, where he is recorded from around 1160 as a close companion of his cousin, King William the Lion. By 1170 he had married Orabilis, heiress of the Scottish lordship of Leuchars and, through her, he became lord of an extensive complex of estates north of the border which included lands in Fife, Strathearn and Lothian.
Saer de Quincy, the son of Robert de Quincy and Orabilis of Leuchars, was raised largely in Scotland. His absence from English records for the first decades of his life has led some modern historians and genealogists to confuse him with his uncle, Saer II, who took part in the rebellion of Henry the Young King in 1173, when the future Earl of Winchester can have been no more than a toddler. Saer II's line ended without direct heirs, and his nephew and namesake would eventually inherit his estate, uniting his primary Scottish holdings with the family's Northamptonshire patrimony, and possibly some lands in France.
Robert de Quency Basile de Clare, daughter of Richard "Strongbow" fitz Gilbert, Earl of Pembroke and Buckingham.
Robert was a "soldier of the cross" and one of the companions in arms of Richard Coeur de Lion.
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p374.htm#i6970 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps07/ps07_216.htm
Line from "Royal Ancestors of Magna Charta Barons," Carr P. Collins (Dallas, 1959), pp.208-09. Robert appears as a witness in some of the charters of Malcolm IV. Cf. "Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants," Aileen Lewers Langston & J. Orton Buck, Jr., p. 49.
He was granted the manor of Buchby or Bushby, in Northamptonshire by
King Henry II.
References: [AR7],[RoyalAAF],[MCS4],[ES]
Robert De Quincey was born on 1125 in Winchester, Hampshire, England to Saher I De Quincey and Maud De St. Liz De Quincey. Robert married (1.) Orabilis De Mar and had a child: Sir Saher De Quincey, Earl of Winchester. Robert married (2.) Basile De Clare on 1172 and had a child: Maud De Quincey. He passed away on 1173.
Robert De Quincey is my 28th great uncle.
Sir Robert de Quincy, Lord of Long Buckby's Timeline
1140 |
Long Buckby, Northamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1155 |
Winchester, Hampshire, England
1200 |
Age 60
Manor Bushley, Northamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1934 |
November 26, 1934
Age 60
November 26, 1934
Age 60
November 26, 1934
Age 60
November 26, 1934
Age 60
November 26, 1934
Age 60