See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p383.htm#i18799 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm ) Robert de Chaucombe BIRTH 1175 Chacombe, South Northamptonshire Borough, Northamptonshire, England DEATH 1213 (aged 37–38) Chacombe, South Northamptonshire Borough, Northamptonshire, England BURIAL Chacombe Priory Chacombe, South Northamptonshire Borough, Northamptonshire, England MEMORIAL ID 88529788
Sir Robert de Chaucombe was the father of Amabil de Chaucombe and Milicent de Chaucombe. Amabil married Gilbert de Segrave and Roger de Somery. Milicent married Ralph Basset
Family Members Children Amabil de Chaucombe 1210–1281www.findagrave.com
Robert de Chaucombe
BIRTH 1175
Chacombe, South Northamptonshire Borough, Northamptonshire, England
DEATH 1213 (aged 37–38)
Chacombe, South Northamptonshire Borough, Northamptonshire, England
Chacombe Priory
Chacombe, South Northamptonshire Borough, Northamptonshire, England
MEMORIAL ID 88529788
Sir Robert de Chaucombe was the father of Amabil de Chaucombe and Milicent de Chaucombe. Amabil married Gilbert de Segrave and Roger de Somery. Milicent married Ralph Basset
Family Members
Amabil de Chaucombehttps://gw.geneanet.org/foullon?lang=en&n=de+chaucombe&oc=0&p=robert+sir+de+chaucombe
Robert (Sir; de) CHAUCOMBE,
Born about 1177
Hugh (de) CHACOMB , de Anesy'; (de CHAUCUMBE) De Chaucombe, born about 1149, deceased after 1200
Married to
Hodierne de LUCERNE, (Odierne) ou Janet Le Waleys , De Lucerne, born about 1153 - Northampts.
Spouses, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren
Married to Juliana de CORNHILL, Heiress de STRUBBY, De Cornhill (Parents : M William de CORNHILL , De Cornhill & F ? ?) with
F Amabil (de) CHAUCOMBE, ou Amabilia (Anabel Annabelle Annabil Annabilia) de CHAMCUNBIE, De Chaucombe ca 1210-ca 1282 Married to Gilbert (Sir; de) SEGRAVE, De Segrave ca 1204-1254 with
M Nicholas (Sir/Baron; de) SEGRAVE, (de SEDGRAVE) ,lord Segrave , De Segrave ca 1238-ca 1295 Married to Maud (Matilda; de) LUCY, De Lucy ca 1239 with :
M John (Seigneur) de SEGRAVE, ou John (Lord) SEGREVE, De Segrave ca 1258-1325
F Eleanor de SEGRAVE, De Segrave ca 1270-1314
Amabil (de) CHAUCOMBE, ou Amabilia (Anabel Annabelle Annabil Annabilia) de CHAMCUNBIE, De Chaucombe ca 1210-ca 1282 Married to sosa Roger de SOMERI, De Somery with
F Margaret de SOMERI, De Somery Married to sosa Ralph (de MEISNILHERMER) De Monthermer with :
M Ralph de MORTHERMER (MONTHERMER), Earl d' Hertford; (servant to Gilbert de Clare) De Monthermer ca 1262-ca 1326
M Roger (de) Somery (SOMERI) Seigneur de Dudley, De Somery ca 1245-1291/ Married to sosa Agnès (de Sulham) De Sulham ca 1255-ca 1308 with :
F Margaret (de) Somery, De Somery †ca 1354
F Margery du Somersetshire, De Somery ca 1290
F Millicent de CHAUCOMBE, ou Milisent de CHACOMB; De Chaucombe ca 1212 Married to sosa Ralph (de Sapcote) BASSET, Shérif de Lincolnshire, Basset ca 1210-1265 with
M Ralph (Seigneur/Lord de Sapcote) BASSET, (Simon) Basset ca 1235-ca 1295 Married to with :
M Ralph (Seigneur/Lord de Sapcote) BASSET, (Ralph Basset of Sapcote and Cheadle) Basset ca 1268-1322
On the side of Hodierne de LUCERNE, (Odierne) ou Janet Le Waleys , De Lucerne, born about 1153 - Northampts.
with Richard de WALENSIS (Wallace) ,Laird de RICCARTON; ou Richard WALSH (WALLENSE; le WALEYS; de Wormleighton) Wallace, born about 1150 - Wormleighton, Warwickshire, England, deceased about 1204 aged about 54 years old
M Richard WALAYS (WALLACE) ,(ou) Richard of Hackenrow & Auchincruive ,Laird d' Elderslie; (Henry) Wallace ca 1172-ca 1211 Married to sosa Margaret BUCKINGHAM , De Cathcart ca 1176
1175 |
Chacombe, Northamptonshire, England
1210 |
Chacombe, Northamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1212 |
Chacombe, Northamptonshire, England, United Kingdom
1213 |
Age 38
Chaucombe, Northamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1934 |
December 3, 1934
Age 38
1935 |
January 10, 1935
Age 38
???? | |||
???? |
Chacombe Priory, Chacomb, Northhamptonshire, England, UK