Sir Robert Throckmorton, of Coughton

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Robert Throckmorton, K.B. (1451 - 1518)

Also Known As: "Sir Robert of Coughton"
Birthplace: Coughton Court, Coughton, Warwickshire, England
Death: August 12, 1518 (62-71)
Mediterranean Sea (Died on board ship while on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land)
Place of Burial: Coughton, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom
Immediate Family:

Son of Sir Thomas Throckmorton of Coughton and Margaret Throckmorton
Husband of Elizabeth Throckmorton and Lady Catherine Throckmorton
Father of Ursula Giffard; Anne Throckmorton, the younger; Alice Throckmorton; Anne Griffin; Sir Richard Throckmorton, of Higham Ferrers and 11 others
Brother of Margery Throckmorton; Eleanor Middlemore; Dr. William Throckmorton; Goditha Throckmorton; Margaret Tracy and 3 others

Occupation: Knight
INFO: Died on Ship in Mediterranean Sea in Route to Holy Land on crusade
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Sir Robert Throckmorton, of Coughton

Robert THROCKMORTON of Coughton was born about 1451, Coughton, Warwickshire, England. He died on 12 Aug 1518/9, At Sea on Crusade to the Holy Land.

Buried: Memorial Tomb, Coughton Church, Coughton, Warwickshire, England

Father: Thomas THROCKMORTON (Sir) Mother: Margaret OLNEY

There is much confusion in secondary sources concerning the order of the Robert’s two marriages. His first wife, whom he married circa 1487, was Katherine Marowe (c.1459-1503), the daughter of William Marowe (c.1419?-1464/5), Lord Mayor of London and three times Master of the Grocers’ Company, and his second wife, Katherine Rich. Robert married secondly, Elizabeth (nee Baynham) Russell, the daughter of Thomas Baynham (b. c. 1422, d. 16 February 1500) and Alice Walwyn (d. 10 October 1518).

There is also confusion in secondary sources concerning Robert’s children. In his will Robert mentions his sons George, Anthony and Michael, and ‘my daughter, Mary Burdett’, ‘my 2 daughters, Dame Margaret and Joyce’, ‘my oldest daughter, Anne’ (still unmarried), and ‘my three youngest daughters, Alice, Ursula and Anne’.

From Robert’s will it appears that his daughters, Dame Margaret Throckmorton and Dame Joyce Throckmorton, were nuns, and that his daughter, Mary Throckmorton, married Thomas Burdett (d.1539/40) of Bramcote, Warwickshire.

It is also known that the Robert had another daughter, Elizabeth Throckmorton (d.1543), who married Sir Thomas Englefield (1488-1537).

It is said that Robert’s only child by his second wife, Elizabeth (nee Baynham) Russell Throckmorton, was his daughter, Ursula Throckmorton, who married, as his second wife, Sir Thomas Gifford of Chillington, Staffordshire. However since Robert refers in his will to his ‘three youngest daughters, Alice, Ursula and Anne’, it seems likely that all three were the daughters of Robert by his second wife, Elizabeth (nee Baynham) Russell Throckmorton.


Biographical notes

Son and heir, twenty-one years old at his father's death, Justice of the Peace for Warwickshire, from 2 R. III. till towards his death. Seneshal to the Duke of Lancaster. Privy councillor under Henry VII; Robert made the Park at Coughton, inclosing therewith a certain common ground called Wikewood, whereunto he afterwards added Samburneheath, and Spiney's Leys, lying within the said Lordship of Samburne; and the same year was a Commander in the King's army at the battle of Stoke. In 1494 he received summons, with divers other persons of quality, to appear before the King in person upon the feast day of All Saints the same year, to receive the order of Knighthood, upon advancement of Henry, the King's second son, to the Dukedom of York, and created him Knight of the Bath, in honour whereof these were to be made Knights of that order. That he was a man of singular piety, the sundry bequests, contained in his testament, do sufficiently manifest; and of no less devotion, as may seem by his pilgramage to the Holy Land, which in 1519 (having settled his estate) he undertook; but died beyond sea in that journey.

Added by Elwin C. Nickerson pertaining to this ancestor:

Proclomation by the King: Richard by the grace of God king of England, and duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, and count of Anjou, to all his subjects who are about to go by sea to Jerusalem, greeting. know that we, by the common counsel of upright men, have made the laws here given. Whoever slays a man on ship. board shall be bound to the dead man and thrown into the sea. But if he shall slay him on land, he shall be bound to the dead man and buried in the earth. If any one, moreover, shall be convicted through lawful witnesses of having drawn a knife to strike another, or of having struck him so as to draw blood, he shall lose his hand. But if he shall strike him with his fist without drawing blood, he shall be dipped three times in the sea. But if any one shall taunt or insult a comrade or charge him with hatred of God: as many times as he shall have insulted him, so many ounces of silver shall he pay. A robber, moreover, convicted of theft, shall be shorn like a hired fighter, and boiling tar shall be poured over his head, and feathers from a cushion shall be shaken out over his head,-so that he may be publicly known; and at the first land where the ships put in he shall be cast on shore. Under my own witness at Chinon.


  • Sir Robert Throckmorton1,2,3,4,5,6
  • M, #15295, b. 1453, d. 1519
  • Father Sir Thomas Throckmorton, Sheriff of Leicestershire & Warwickshire b. c 1412, d. 1472
  • Mother Margaret Olney d. 1493
  • Sir Robert Throckmorton Ursula from 2nd wife. He was born in 1453 at of Coughton, Warwickshire, England. He married Katherine Marrow, daughter of Sir William Marrow, Lord Mayor of London and Catherine Rich, circa 1475; His 2nd wife.2,3,5 Sir Robert Throckmorton married Elizabeth Baynham, daughter of Thomas Baynham, Esq. and Alice Walwyn, circa 1505. Sir Robert Throckmorton died in 1519 at on his way to Holy Land.
  • Family 1 Katherine Marrow
  • Children
    • Anthony Throckmorton d. 24 Feb 1525
    • Michael Throckmorton d. 1 Nov 1555
    • Mary Throckmorton
    • Elizabeth Throckmorton+
    • Margaret Throckmorton
    • Richard Throckmorton, Esq.+ d. 1547
    • Sir George Throckmorton, Sheriff of Warwickshire & Leicestershire, High Steward of Evesham Abbey+2,3,5 b. c 1489, d. 6 Aug 1552
  • Family 2 Elizabeth Baynham b. c 1471
  • Child
    • Ursula Throckmorton+4,6 b. c 1508, d. 1581
  • Citations
  • [S4066] Unknown author, Plantagenet Ancestry of 17th Century Colonists, by David Faris, p. 40; Burke's Peerage, 1938, p. 2416.
  • [S5] Douglas Richardson, Plantagenet Ancestry, p. 562.
  • [S16] Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. III, p. 291-292.
  • [S16] Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. IV, p. 363.
  • [S4] Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry, Vol. IV, p. 297.
  • [S4] Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry, Vol. V, p. 390.
  • From: ________________________
  • Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Throckmorton1
  • M, #146579, b. 1451, d. 1519
  • Last Edited=5 Nov 2015
  • Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Throckmorton was born in 1451.2 He was the son of Sir Thomas Throckmorton and Margaret Olney.1 He married, firstly, Catherine Marrow, daughter of Sir William Marrow.1 He married, secondly, Elizabeth Baynham, daughter of Thomas Baynham and Alice Walwyn, after 1502.1 He died in 1519, while on a pilgrimage to the Holy Lands.2,1
  • He was invested as a Knight, Order of the Bath (K.B.).1 He was invested as a Privy Councillor (P.C.).1
  • Child of Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Throckmorton and Elizabeth Baynham
    • Ursula Throckmorton1
  • Children of Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Throckmorton and Catherine Marrow
    • Richard Throckmorton1 d. 1547
    • Anthony Throckmorton1 d. 24 Feb 1525
    • Michael Throckmorton+1 d. bt 1 Nov 1554 - 1555
    • Elizabeth Throckmorton+1
    • Margaret Throckmorton1
    • Sir George Throckmorton+1 b. 1482, d. 6 Aug 1552
  • Citations
  • [S34] BP1970 page 2643. See link for full details for this source. Hereinafter cited as. [S34]
  • [S1281] Dr. Andrew Gray, "re: Sir Robert George Maxwell Throckmorton, 11th Bt.," e-mail message to Darryl Lundy, 28 February 2005. Hereinafter cited as "re: Robert George Maxwell Throckmorton."
  • From: ___________________
  • Robert THROCKMORTON of Coughton
  • Born: ABT 1451, Coughton, Warwickshire, England
  • Died: 12 Aug 1518/9, At Sea on Crusade to the Holy Land
  • Buried: Memorial Tomb, Coughton Church, Coughton, Warwickshire, England
  • Notes: son and heir, twenty-one years old at his father's death, Justice of the Peace for Warwickshire, from 2 R. III. till towards his death. Seneshal to the Duke of Lancaster. Privy councillor under Henry VII; Robert made the Park at Coughton, inclosing therewith a certain common ground called Wikewood, whereunto he afterwards added Samburneheath, and Spiney's Leys, lying within the said Lordship of Samburne; and the same year was a Commander in the King's army at the battle of Stoke. In 1494 he received summons, with divers other persons of quality, to appear before the King in person upon the feast day of All Saints the same year, to receive the order of Knighthood, upon advancement of Henry, the King's second son, to the Dukedom of York, and created him Knight of the Bath, in honour whereof these were to be made Knights of that order. That he was a man of singular piety, the sundry bequests, contained in his testament, do sufficiently manifest; and of no less devotion, as may seem by his pilgramage to the Holy Land, which in 1519 (having settled his estate) he undertook; but died beyond sea in that journey.
  • Father: Thomas THROCKMORTON (Sir)
  • Mother: Margaret OLNEY
  • Married 1: Catherine MARROW (b. ABT 1459 - d. ABT 1503) (dau. of William Marrow and Catherine Rich)
  • Children:
    • 1. George THROCKMORTON of Coughton (Sir Knight)
    • 2. Ursula THROCKMORTON
    • 3. Elizabeth THROCKMORTON
    • 4. Nicholas THROCKMORTON
    • 5. Anthony THROCKMORTON
    • 6. Mary THROCKMORTON
    • 7. Richard THROCKMORTON of Higham Ferrars
  • Married 2: Elizabeth RUSSELL AFT 1503
  • Children:
    • 8. Michael THROCKMORTON
    • 9. Robert THROCKMORTON (b. 9 Nov 1519/20)
    • 10. Elizabeth THROCKMORTON (b. 9 Nov 1519/20)
    • 11. John THROCKMORTON
  • From: THROCKMORTON of Coughton1 _______________
  • Robert Throckmorton
  • Birth: 1451 Warwickshire, England
  • Death: 1518, Italy
  • Justice of the Peace for Warwickshire. Robert was on Crusade to the Holy Land when he died at sea. There is a memorial tomb to him inside Coughton Church beside his wife's tomb. Top photo is the Throckmorton family home in Coughton.
  • Family links:
  • Parents:
  • Thomas Throckmorton (1412 - 1472)
  • Spouse:
  • Catherine Marrow Throckmorton (1450 - ____)
  • Children:
    • George Throckmorton (____ - 1552)*
    • Ursula Throckmorton Giffard (____ - 1581)*
  • Siblings:
  • Goditha Throckmorton Peyto (____ - 1530)*
  • Margery Throckmorton Middlemore (____ - 1530)*
  • Robert Throckmorton (1451 - 1518)
  • Burial: Coughton, St Peter Churchyard, Coughton, Stratford-on-Avon District, Warwickshire, England
  • Plot: Memorial tomb inside church
  • Find A Grave Memorial# 48363522
  • From: _________________
  • THROCKMORTON, Sir George (by 1489-1552), of Coughton, Warws.
  • b. by 1489, 1st s. of Sir Robert Throckmorton of Coughton by Catherine, da. of William Marrow of London. educ. M. Temple, adm. 1 May 1505. m. by 1512, Catherine, da. of Sir Nicholas Vaux, 1st Lord Vaux of Harrowden, 8s. inc. Anthony†, Clement, George, John I, Kenelm, Nicholas and Robert 11da. suc. fa. 1519. Kntd. 1523.1
  • .... etc.
  • From: __________________
  • Links
  •,_Nicholas_(DNB00) Justice of the Peace for Warwickshire. Robert was on Crusade to the Holy Land when he died at sea. There is a memorial tomb to him inside Coughton Church beside his wife's tomb. Top photo is the Throckmorton family home in Coughton. Thank you to anonymous findagrave contributor for the following information:"Dugdale gives an engraving of his tomb in the church at Coughton, 'betwist two pillars on the north side of the chancel,' and described it as follows: 'This faire monument of gray marble standing in ye midst of the church whereon there is neither Armes nor Epitaph was made for Sir Robert Throckmorton, Knt., who dyed in his Pilgrimage to the Holy Land.'" From _A genealogical and historical account of the Throckmorton family in England and the United States with brief notes on some of the allied families_, p. 93


Lord of Coughton Warwickshire and of Weston, Underwood, County Bucks. Privy councillor to King Henry VII; will dated 1518. Commander of the King's Army at the Battle of Stoke; Knight of the Bath, 10 Henry VII;

The Magna charta barons and their American descendants with the pedigrees of the founders of the Order of Runnemede deduced from the sureties for the enforcement of the statutes of the Magna charta of King John by Browning, Charles Henry Page 199.

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Sir Robert Throckmorton, of Coughton's Timeline

Coughton Court, Coughton, Warwickshire, England
Alcester, Warwickshire, England (United Kingdom)
Coughton, Warwickshire, England
Coughton, Warwickshire, England
Coughton, Warwickshire, England (United Kingdom)
Throckmorton, Coughton, Warwickshire, England
Coughton Court, Warwickshire, , England
Worcester, Worcestershire, , England
August 12, 1518
Age 67
Mediterranean Sea