Knight of Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, of Ellenhall, Sharehill and Little Saredon, Staffordshire, of Bosworth, Leicestershire. Steward of Oxford University, Sheriff of Leicestershire and Warwickshire, Knight of the Shire for Oxfordshire and Berkshire. Constable of Vernon in Normandy.
Son and heir to Sir Thomas Harcourt and Jane Fraunceys. Grandson of Sir Thomas Harcourt and Maud Grey, Sir Robert Fraunceys and Isabel Pershale.
Husband of Margaret Byron, daughter of Sir John Bryon and Margaret Booth, widow of Sir William Atherton. They were married in or before 1440 and had four sons and one daughter; John, Robert, Thomas, George and Margaret.
Sir Robert was sent to France in 1445 to receive Margaret of Anjou and escort her to England to become the Queen of King Henry VI.
Sir Robert and the Stafford began a feud in 1448 by the killing of Richard Stafford at Coventry. "and when they met to gyder, they fell in handes togyder, and [Sir Robert] smot hym a grette st[r]oke on the hed with hys sord, and Richard with hys dagger hastely went toward hym. And as he stombled, on of Harcourts men smot hum in the bak with a knyfe; men wotte not ho hyt was reddely." May 28th 1448, from the Paston Letters.
Sir Robert was pardoned for the event in 1450, still in favor of the Lancastrian government in 1457 but denounced as a Yorkist in 1459. He was granted an annuity of £300 for life by the king for services during the siege at Alnwick, and pension of £20 for life for resisting traitors in Oxfordshire.
Find A Grave - https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/106778842/robert-harcourt
As the Wars of the Roses was breaking, Sir Robert Harcourt's sympathies were decidedly Lancastrian. He was a member of the entourage that escorted Margaret of Anjou to England for her wedding with Henry VI.
His loyalty to the crown slowly came under scrutiny, however. Almost certainly this was precipitated by the death Richard Stafford, eldest son of Sir Humphrey Stafford of Grafton, on May 22, 1448. While their retinues passed on the road outside Coventry, Richard and Harcourt exchanged words, and then blows, all of which was followed by a general melee between their retainers. Sir Humphrey was unhorsed that day and Sir Robert was indicted for murder the day following. (This launched a near four decade feud between the families. Robert was murdered at the hands of William Stafford's bastard.) Robert's ties to the queen and William de la Pole served him well, as he was absolved of the crime.
As events unfolded, the Harcourts did indeed take up the standard of York; however, the short but troubled reign of Richard III found the family siding again with the House of Lancaster. Harcourt's grandson, Richard, was Henry VII's standard-bearer at Bosworth Field. Stafford's son, Humphrey, backed Richard, and being unreconciled to events, was hanged at Tyburn. Thus ended the feud.
Proof of age for Robert son of Thomas Harecourt, Chevalier, 4 February 1432.
Robert was born at Ellenhall, baptised in the church there, and was 21 years of age on 20 September last [b. 1410].
Oct 19. Westminster 1440
Licence, for 10l. paid in the hanaper, for Robert Harecourt, knight, to enfeoff Robert Longley and Roger Bothe and their heirs of two parts of the manor of Staunton Harecourt, held of the king in chief, and for them to grant the premises to the said Robert Harecourt and Margaret, late the wife of William Athirton, knight, for life, with successive remainders to the heirs male of his body, to Richard Harecourt, his brother, and the heirs male of his body, to John Harecourt, his brother, and the heirs male of his body, to William Harecourt, his brother, and the heirs male of his body, to Richard Harecourt, uncle of the said Robert, and the heirs male of his body, and to the said Robert's right heirs.
Source: Calendar of the patent rolls, preserved in the Public Record Office : Henry VI, Vol. III, 1436-1441, p. 470
Sir Robert Harcourt of Stanton Harcort, ect. was Steward of Oxford University, Sheriff of Leiecstershire and Warwickshire, and of Berkshire and Oxfordshire, Knight of the Shire for Oxfordshire and Berkshire and Constable of Vernon in Normandy.
Robert's feud with the Staffords began in 1448 by the killing of Richrd Stafford at Coventry. He was pardoned for this in 1450. In 1457 he was in favour with the Lancastrian Government but was denounced as a Yorkist by 1459. In 1464 he was grantewd an annuity of 300 pounds for life by the king for his services at the seige of Alnwick. He wnet to France in 1467 on embassy to King Louis XI at Rouen. In 1468 he was granted a pension of 20 pounds for life for resisting traitors in Oxfordshire. Robert married in or before 1440 to Margaret Byron, widow of Sir William Atherton and daughter of Sir John Byron of Clayton, Lancashire.
Knight of the Order of the Garter
Stewart of Oxford University, Sheriff of Leicestershire & Warwickshire, & of Berkshire & Oxfordshire, Knight of the Shire of Oxfordshire & Berkshire & Constable of Vernon in Normandy. Slain by adherants of the Staffords of the Lancastrian party.
Robert harcourt ,Knight K>G>..of Stantonharcourt,co.Oxfore,Ellenhall,Shareshill.and Little Saredon(in Shareshill) coStafford and Bosworth.co.leicester.
Sheriff of Leicestershire andWarwickshire. and of Berkshire and Oxfordshire.
Knight of the Shire for Oxfordshire and for Berkshire.
Constable of vernon in Normandy, son an heir.Born in Ellenhall.coStafford on 20 Sept. 1410.
He married on or before 1440 margaret bryon ,widow of William Atherton, and daughter of Sir John Bryon Knt of Clayton.co.Lancaster and margaret Booth.
1441 they had a papal indult fot a portable altar.
1445 he was one of those sent to france to receive Margaret Anjou and escort her to England.
In 1448 he killed Richard Stafford of coventry thus starting his feud with the Staffords. he was pardoned for his part in the affair in 1450.1459 he was denouces as a Yorkist. 1464 he was granted the annuity of 300 pounds fot life by the king for hid service at the seige of Alnwick. 1467 he went to France embassy to King Louis XI at Rouen. 1468 he was granted a pension of 20 pounds for life fir resisting traitors o Oxfordshire.
He wa slaine by adherent of the Staffords of the Lancastrian party 14 Nov 1470/ He was buried at Stanton Harcourt/ His Widow Margaret died 1486.
Family History Treasures - http://www.familyhistorytreasures.com/page6.html
1410 |
September 20, 1410
Ellenhall, Staffordshire, England, United Kingdom
1440 |
Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, England
1443 |
Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, England
1444 |
Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, England
1445 |
Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, England
1447 |
Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, England
1448 |
Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, England
1450 |
Probably Stanton Harco, Oxfordshire, England
Denshauger, Northampton, England