Sir Robert Burton of Longnor

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Sir Robert Burton

Birthplace: Longnor, Shropshire, England (United Kingdom)
Death: after May 22, 1478
Longnor, Shropshire, England (United Kingdom)
Immediate Family:

Son of Sir John Burton, Kt. and Agnes de la Burton
Husband of Christian Burton
Father of Thomas Burton and Sir Edward Burton of Longnor
Brother of Sir Edward Burton of Longnor and Lady Isabell Burton
Half brother of Agnes Rivel and Jane Armstrong

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Sir Robert Burton of Longnor

Sir Edward, early in the 14th century, settled at Longnor, co. Salop, and his son, Sir Robert Burton, knt., had the first grant of arms May 22, 1473; he m. Christa Stapleton, daughter of sir John Stapleton, knt. and relict of Robert Cressett, of Upton Cressett, co. Salop


Robert Burton was the son of Sir Edward Burton, Knight Banneret.[1][2][3][4]

“Sir Edward Burton for his services to the House of York in 14 battles, had the singular honour of Knight banneret conferred upon him by Edward IV. In 1460 after the battle of St Albans. Sir Edward settled at Longner co Salop and from him descended his son, Sir Robert Burton, knt, had the first grant of arms May 23 1478; his son Edward m. Jocosa Coyney; he d. 1524; their eldest son John m. Elizabeth Poyner, and d.1543; Edward his eldest son m Anne Madock; he d. 1558 …”[1]


Christian Stapleton married first Robert Cressett of Upton Cressett, Shropshire, son and heir of Hugh Cressett; second (unknown) Eyton; and third Robert Burton.[5]


  • Edward Burton (d 1524)[1][2][3][4]


This Robert is the same as Sir Robert Burton of Longnor. Merge requested December 16, 2020. (Done)

Here is the actual words of his being given arms, note that it reveals the arms displayed in this profile to be incorrect:

To alle true and Xtian people these p sentes Ires hering seeyng or redyng I Johan Wrythe oderwyse called Norrey King of Armes of the Northe partyes of Ingland send due and humble recommen dacon in our Lord everlasting fforesoomoche as ther bee many personnes sette and disposed of their said noble and gentyll courage to exercise and use vertuous manes and nobles condicons by the which wt godd grace they shall more atteigne unto the perfeccons of grete honour of noblesse of which psones one there is in special named Robert Burton of the counte of Yorke which hath instantly desired and he craued to have to him and to his heires for evermore the tokings and markys of noblesse whtrfor 1 the said King of Armes not only by comun renoine and report of dyvers nobles personnes that the said Robert Burton halh long contynued wt the King our Souveraig Lord and comas of Guij in alle his warres and in the disciplyne of the actes of noblesse worthy to be reputed and amytted among oder noble men for the causes above said by power to myn office annexed and attributed have deuysed orderyd and assigned unto the fforesaid Robert Burton and unto the posterity of him with the dew difference as hit shall and apperteyn That is to saie a shild of azure and pourpll parted in pale a cross engrayled gold or bythwen foure rosses silver and to his tymbre a gauntellet sillver sette in a wrethe gold and azure de lapkyns of goules doublett silver as hit apperit in the margyn herof which armes he and his heires shall now use and enjoye for ever more wythoutyr any prejudice or empeachment In wyttnesse wherof I the said King of Armes to these pntes have sette my seall of armes and signed wt my hand Giveen at the cite of Yeorke the xxij day of May the xviij yeere of the reigne of our Souueraig Lord King Edward the Fourth 1478 Norroy Roy de Armes "

(A source for the aforementioned granting of arms is desired.)


Surname has also been reported to be Barton.

Date and place of birth have also been (erroneously?) reported to be 1450 in England.


  • Phillips, T. The History and Antiquities of Shrewsbury. Vol I, 1837, p 204 GoogleBooks
  • Burke, J esq. A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry or Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol IV, 1838 Burke of Longner pp 261-266 GoogleBooks
  • The Gentleman's and London Magazine. Feb 1791, p 77 GoogleBooks
  • The Peerage of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Vol III, The Peerage of Ireland. 1790, p 296 GoogleBooks
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Sir Robert Burton of Longnor's Timeline

Longnor, Shropshire, England (United Kingdom)
Longnor, Shropshire, England (United Kingdom)
May 22, 1478
Age 38
Longnor, Shropshire, England (United Kingdom)