Chesney of Rudham and Horsford, Norfolk, England
The biography on William de Chesney, Sheriff on wikepedia gives this: Robert FitzWalter de Windsor, Sheriff of Norfolk and Sybil de Chesney, and a younger brother of John de Chesney.[2] Sybil was the daughter of Ralph de Chesney.[3] Robert fitzWalter was lord of Horsford in Norfolk,[2] which was originally held by Walter de Caen, Robert's father.
I am not sure but I feel that the information given linking him as being the son of Walter de Caen, Lord of Sibton is wrong - but this will keep the link viable just in case proof is found that this association is correct.and someone else has linke Walter de Cane and being the father of Ralph de Chesney (de Quesnay), l, Sir He is also listed as the Son of fitz Otho de Windsor, Duke de Windsor and Gwladus ap Conyn Beatrice Verch Rhiwallon Verch Rhiwallon
Ralph de Chesney (de Quesnay), l, Sir ] everything thus far I have found states that Ralph de Chesney (de Quesnay), l, Sir is unknown
= = = = = = = =
Birth place was also given as Estrées-la-Campagne, Calvados, Lower Normandy, France
Sussex Domesday Tenants. IV. The family of Chesney or Cheyne. by L. F. Salzlman, F.S.A. NOTE this is a Pdf file will take while to load.
Ralf de Caisned - was one of the first known pre-Cheynes. His descendents will become the Cheynes, Cheneys and Chesneys in England. His genealogical lineage is based on "Le Fief de Quesneto", by R. W. L. Chesney.
Ralph De CAINETO of Ling Died: 1086 Married: Maud De WATEVILLE
Ralph de Chesney (Quesnay)
Cheyne 1 : Caisneto or Chesney of Caisneto or Chesney, Chesney of Addington, Chesney of Horsford
This family probably originated in Quesnai, Normandy. In England the name was originally spelt de Chesney or de Chasney, being 'latinised' as de Caisneto, and later Cheyney or Cheney. In Scotland the name was commonly spelt Chen from the early 14th century and Cheyne from about 1600. Its progenitor, who came to England at the time of or shortly after the Conquest, was ...
Regarding the de Chesneys of Deddington, I have some preliminary information on them:
Ralph de Chesney (from le Quesnay in Seine-Inférieure, arrond. Neufchâtel, canton and commune Saint-Saens - Christopher Loyd, The Origins of Some Anglo-Norman Families, 1951) was under-tenant of William I de Warenne in Sussex and Norfolk Domesday time (c. 1086).
His son was William de Chesney in Norfolk 1148. He was knight of Bury St. Edmund temps. Henry I. He also held lands in Oxon. at King's Sutton temps. betw. Henry I-Henry II . William was listed in a document (1148) of the bishop of Norwich related to the canons of Rudham, in which it is said that he is a son of Ralph de Chesney, and that his daughter Margaret married Hugh de Cressy. His nephew, John de Chesney, was married to a Sybil. Other witnesses included a Peter de Chesney and Matthew de Chesney.
In a return of William (I) de Ferrers (de Ferrières) (d. 1190), William of Le Quesnay is listed as holding a Ferrers fief originally held by Walter le Bec (was this King's Sutton?).
Colvin provides further information (p.21):
The heirs of William de Chesney and the descent of 3 manors in Deddington included a Beatrice de Chesney
Beatrice de Chesney =Ralph de Murdac II
Ralph de Murdac III (d. circa 1198) =Eva de Grey
Beatrice de Murdac =Robert Mauduit
then the manors were held by de Dive(s) family (cf. above "Guy de Dive").
The "eldest line" of the de Quesnay/de Chesney family (acc. to Christopher Loyd) ended with Alice de Chesney (d. before 1199) who married Geoffrey de Say (d. 1214). But this contradicts Burke's Peerage (under Baron Saye and Seele) which claims that Geoffrey I de Say (b. circa 1135) married (1) Alice dau. of Hugh Maminot and (2) Alice, dau. of Aubrey de Vere (1st Earl of Oxford), and that Geoffrey I died 1214 leaving a son Geoffrey II de Say.
This "eldest line" perhaps descended from an older brother of William de Chesney.
Given the timing, it appears as if Beatrice was the daughter of William de Chesney, and sister of the Margaret who married Hugh de Cressy.
Perhaps Margaret inherited the estates at King's Sutton (my conjecture).
Robert Mauduit may be the member of the Mauduit family of Eston Mauduit (Northants.) who died 1222 and was called "the Wolf". His sister Isabel Mauduit married William de Beauchamp of Elmley (Worc.), and their child Isabel de Beauchamp married William le Blount (ancestor of John Blount of Deddington and the Kinlet Blounts).
There is probably some relation between this de Beauchamp of Worcester (the Earls of Warwick) and the John Beauchamp of Holt (in Worcester?) who was the first husband of Alice de la Bere, and who was represented in the stained glass of Deddington Church.
deddington online - Blount family
Ralph De Caineto av Norfolk
Ralph de Caineto kom til England med Vilhelm Erobreren,. Loyd sier at Chesney familien opprinnelse fra (Le Quesnayin) Seine-Maritime. Dette viser listen over skatter fra kong Philippe II av Frankrike (Geoffrey de Say hadde giftet sem med arvingen til Chesney)
Ralph I de Chesney. Et manuskript over donasjonene av land til Lewes kloster i Sussex gir "Radulfus vetus de Chaisneto" en gave for sjelen til kona "Mathildisuxoris eius" og "Radulfus junior de Chaisneto" for sjelen av sin kone "Emmæuxoris eius". Klostret hadde store eiendommer også i Norfolk
På hans tid var West Hoathly i følge Dommedagsboken i 1086, dekket av det av godsene i Ditchling og Plumpton i Sørøst. Prestegården og kirken var knyttet til Lewes kloster.
Ralph I og hans etterkommere er omtalt i en artikkel av J. H. Round som skriver at han er gift med Matilda datter av .... De hadde barna 1. Ralph 2. Roger 3. Sybil 4. Phillip 5. Walter ? William
http://www.tudorplace.com.ar/CHENEY.htm#Ralph De CAINETO of Ling1
1044 |
Le Quesnay, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France
1067 |
Hereford, Norfolk, England
1069 |
La Quesnay, Seine Inferieure, Normandy, France
1070 |
Rudham, Norfolk, England
1075 |
Addington, Surrey, England
1080 |
Rudham, Norfolk, England (United Kingdom)
1085 |
Horsford, Norfolk, England (United Kingdom)
1086 |
Age 42
Rudham, Norfolk, England
1095 |
Horsford, Norfolk, England