Sir Nicholas de Haye

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Sir Nicholas de Haye

Also Known As: "de Haye"
Birthplace: Castle Lochorwart, Gorebridge, Midlothian, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Death: before circa April 1333
Perth, Perthshire, Scotland (United Kingdom) (Battle of Dopplin Moor)
Immediate Family:

Son of Sir Gilbert de Haye, 5th Lord of Erroll and Idonea Comyn
Husband of Margaret de Haye
Father of John de Haye and Sir David de la Haye, 6th Lord of Erroll

Managed by: James Fred Patin, Jr.
Last Updated:

About Sir Nicholas de Haye

Nicholas De Haya, who, as son and apparent heir of Sir Gilbert, is mentioned in a demission granted bewteen 1305 and 1309 by his said father in favour of the Abbot and Convent of Coupar of the whole herbage and fishing of the pool or water of Ederpoles, and in 1324 witnessed charters of King Robert Bruce in 1325 and 1328. In the Exchequer accounts for 1328 and 1329 there is mention of a sum granted him by King Robert for the marriages of his daughter, and in those of 1331 of a debt due by him to the King. He is probably the Nicolas who is said in the Erroll obits to have fallen in some unnamed and undated battle. Boetius says a William Hay fell at the battle of Dupplin in 1332. At all events Nicholas seems to have predeceased his father.

[The Scots Peerage III:560]


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Sir Nicholas de Haye's Timeline

Castle Lochorwart, Gorebridge, Midlothian, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Errol, Perthshire, Scotland
April 1333
Age 48
Perth, Perthshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)