Sir Joseph Paxton

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Sir Joseph Paxton (1803 - 1865)

Birthplace: Milton Bryan, Bedfordshire, England (United Kingdom)
Death: June 08, 1865 (61)
Rockhills, Sydenham, Kent, England (United Kingdom)
Immediate Family:

Son of William Paxton; William Paxton; Anne Paxton and Ann Paxton
Husband of Dame Sarah Paxton
Father of Emily Stokes; William Paxton; Blanche Ridgeway; Victoria Allcard; George Paxton and 3 others
Brother of William Paxton

Managed by: Erin Ishimoticha
Last Updated:

About Sir Joseph Paxton

Sir Joseph Paxton (3 August 1803 – 8 June 1865) was an English gardener and architect, best known for designing The Crystal Palace.

Wife: Sarah Bown

Child: Rosa Paxton

Paxton was born in 1803, the seventh son of a farming family, at Milton Bryan, Bedfordshire. Some references, incorrectly, list his birth year as 1801. This is, as he admitted in later life, a result of misinformation he provided in his teens, which enabled him to enrol at Chiswick Gardens.

He became a garden boy at the age of fifteen for Sir Gregory Osborne Page-Turner at Battlesden Park, near Woburn. After several moves, he obtained a position in 1823 at the Horticultural Society's Chiswick Gardens. These were close to the gardens of William Cavendish, 6th Duke of Devonshire at Chiswick House. The Duke frequently met the young gardener as he strolled in his gardens and became impressed with his skill and enthusiasm. The Duke offered the 20-year-old Paxton the position of Head Gardener at Chatsworth, which was considered one of the finest landscaped gardens of the time. In 1832, Paxton developed an interest in green houses at Chatsworth where he designed a series of buildings with "forcing frames" for espalier trees. Generally considered a landscape gardener, Paxton's superiority in conservatory design earned him recognition as an innovative architect. His position in the House of Commons as Member of Parliament for the Coventry allowed Paxton to dedicate his later years to urban planning projects.

At the time the principles of using glass houses was in its infancy and those at Chatsworth were dilapidated. After some experimentation, he designed a ridge and furrow roof which would be at right angles to the morning and evening sun, with an ingenious frame design which would admit maximum light - the forerunner of the modern greenhouse.


Joseph Paxton (1803 - 1865) Noted gardener, architect and creator of the Crystal Palace; sat for the Liberals for a decade.

Sir Joseph Paxton, designer of the famous Crystal Palace, was, at the height of his fame, an MP for over a decade. He was the seventh son of a farming family at Milton Bryan

Notable references -

..................... Two trees in the public domain on Ancestry - 1 - Owner - williesbaby - Ontario; Sir Joseph Paxton Family Tree 2 - Owner - nickdowns_1 - Gravesend, Kent; downs1 tree ...................

BIOGRAPHY & GENEALOGY MASTER INDEX (BGMI) Name: Joseph Paxton Birth - Death: 1803-1865 Source Citation: A Dictionary of Architecture. By James Stevens Curl. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1999. (DcArch)

A Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. Second edition. By James Stevens Curl. First edition published as A Dictionary of Architecture. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. (DcArchLA)

Dictionary of Design & Decoration. New York: Viking Press, 1973. (DcD&D)

Encyclopedia of Modern Architecture. Edited by Wolfgang Pehnt. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1964. Biographies begin on page 28. (EncMA)

Encyclopedia of the Victorian Era. Four volumes. Edited by James Eli Adams. Danbury, CT: Grolier Academic Reference, 2004. (EncVE)

Macmillan Encyclopedia of Architects. Four volumes. Edited by Adolf K. Placzek. London: Collier Macmillan Publishers, . Use the 'Index of Names,' which begins on page 533 of Volume 4, to locate biographies. (MacEA)

Victorian Britain. An encyclopedia. Edited by Sally Mitchell. New York: Garland Publishing, 1988. (VicBrit) ..................................
....................................... The Works of Sir Joseph Paxton

1803-1865 George F. Chadwick

Publication Information: Book Title: The Works of Sir Joseph Paxton, 1803-1865. Contributors: George F. Chadwick - author. Publisher: Architectural Press. Place of Publication: London. Publication Year: 1961. Page Number: 3.


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Sir Joseph Paxton's Timeline

August 3, 1803
Milton Bryan, Bedfordshire, England (United Kingdom)
Matlock, Derbyshire, England (United Kingdom)
April 9, 1831
Bakewell, Derbyshire, England (United Kingdom)
Chatsworth, Derbyshire, England (United Kingdom)
July 1, 1840
Edensor, Derbyshire, England (United Kingdom)
June 8, 1865
Age 61
Rockhills, Sydenham, Kent, England (United Kingdom)