Sir John Seton (or De Seton), the eldest son, was in 1407 a hostage in the hands of the English for the return to captivity of Archibald, fourth Earl of Douglas. He is described by Bower as ' miles acerrimus, et Anglis, dum vixerat, infestus.' On 24 March 1410-11 he had from Robert, Duke of Albany, Governor of Scotland, a charter of confirmation of the baronies of Seton and Tranent, and the lands of Winchburgh. He was one of the Scottish Commissioners appointed to treat for the liberation of King James I., and he, or alternatively his son and heir, was afterwards nominated a hostage for the payment of the King's ransom, by the treaty of 4 December 1423. His annual income was then estimated at six hundred merks. He was appointed one of the conservators of the seven years' truce concluded 28 March 1424. He died before 1434, as Seton was in ward that year.
He married, before 8 March 1392-93, Catherine de SanctClar, said to have been daughter of Sir William Sinclair of Herdmanston. She survived her husband, and on 28 March 1450 had confirmation of a charter granted in her favour on 20 June 1449, by George, Lord of Seton and Langniddrie, Knight, grandson of her late husband.
Sir John had issue :
1. Sir William.
He is said to have had also two daughters :
2. Christian de Seton, a noble lady of the diocese of St. Andrews, who had from Pope Benedict XIII., September 1416, dispensation to marry Norman Leslie (of Rothes), notwithstanding consanguinity, fourth degree.
3. Janet, who was married to Robert, Master of Keith.
Source: "The Scots Peerage" Vol 8, page 573.
Source=Sir John Seton, 2nd Lord Seton
He was intended by his father to be wedded to the Heiress of Gordon, but secretly married Janet Dunbar, daughter to the Earl of March, much to his father’s displeasure, but which powerful alliance brought more influence into the Seton Household and which in the end, earned Sir John a place at the Royal table. By his wife, Janet, he had one son who predeceased him, and three daughters. Lord Seton was appointed Master of the Household by King James I., and was sent on a mission to France. He is described as a good fighter and a great hater of the English – Miles acerrimus et Anglis eimper infectus – and was taken prisoner at the battle of Homildon Hill, in 1402. He had several safe conducts to England between 1409 and 1421, and died about 1441, when he was buried in his mother’s chantry at Seton Church. His daughters were disposed of as follows: Christian married Norman Leslie of Rothes, by papal dispensation from the fourth degree of consanguinity, obtained in December, 1415; Janet married Sir Robert Keith, son of the Earl Marischal; Marian married Sir William Baillie of Laminton, in Lanarkshire.
Sir John’s son, William, Master of Seton, first appears in a charter which he witnessed in 1423, where he is described as “William Seton, son and heir of John, Lord Seton.” The Master of Seton was early on knighted, and later accompanied the Scotch Auxilliaries to the assistance of the French, and after sharing in the victory of Bauge was slain at the bloody battle of Verneuil, August 17, 1424. By his wife, whose name is not recorded, William, Master of Seton, left a son George, who succeeded his grandfather John and became 3rd Lord Seton, and two daughters; Catherine, who married Alan Stuart of Darnley, and was mother of the first Earl of Lennox; and Janet, who married John, second Lord Halyburton.
Sir John Seton’s brother, Alexander Seton duly then, married the Heiress of Gordon and became 1st Lord Gordon, and both played a significant part in the affairs of the Royal House of Stuart and were favorites of King James I of Scotland and were frequents in his court.
Sir John Seton of Seton, as the eldest son, milis acorrimus, et anglis simper infestus, had a charter from King Robert III, of the lands of Barnes and Wintoun, and was taken at the Battle of Hamilton, 1402, John de Seton, miles, had a safe conduct to come into England as a hostage for the Earl of Douglas, 21 Septe,ber 1405, again 30 January and 3rd November 1406. Among the hostages nominated for the release of King James I by the treaty of 4th December 1423, was Johannes, Dominus de Setoun, miles, vel filius ejus et haeres, his annual revenue being estimated at 600 marks. Johannes Seton, Dominus de Seton, vel hacres suus, had a safe conduct to Durham, to meet the King 13th December, 1423, and Johannes Dominus de Seton was one of the guarantees of the treaty for his Majesty’s release, 28 March 1424, it is said that he was created a Lord of Parliament the same year, and that he died in 1441; but no authority is given. He married Lady Janet Dunbar, daughter of George, tenth Earl of Dunbar and March , and by her had a son, Sir William; - and two daughters-
Sir John Seton of Seton1 M, #29826, d. circa 1434
Sir John Seton of Seton|d. c 1434|p2983.htm#i29826|Sir William de Seton|d. c Mar 1409/10|p2983.htm#i29829|Janet Fleming||p2983.htm#i29830|Alan de Wyntoun||p26263.htm#i262622|Margaret de Seton||p26256.htm#i262558|Sir David Fleming||p2984.htm#i29831||||
Last Edited=29 Apr 2008
Sir John Seton of Seton was the son of Sir William de Seton and Janet Fleming.2 He married Katherine Sinclair, daughter of Sir William Sinclair of Herdmanston.2 He died circa 1434.2
On 24 March 1410/11 he had a charter of confirmation of the territorial Baronies of Seton and Tranent, and the lands of Winchburgh.2 In 1424 he was a hostage for King James I.2
Child of Sir John Seton of Seton
Marian Seton+ 1
Children of Sir John Seton of Seton and Katherine Sinclair
Sir William Seton of Seton+ d. 17 Aug 14242
Christian Seton+ 2
[S37] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 1, page 599. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edition.
[S37] Charles Mosley, Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edition, volume 1, page 1285.
Sir John Seton; had a charter of confirmation of the territorial Barony of Seton and Tranent and the lands of Winchburgh 24 March 1410/1; hostage for James I 1424. [Burke's Peerage]
Sir John Second Laird of Seton formerly Seton aka Knight Templar Born about 1370 in Seton, East Lothian, Scotlandmap Son of William (Seton) de Seton and Janet (Fleming) Baroness of Seton Brother of Alexander (Seton) First Lord Gordon and Janet (Seton) Dunbar Husband of Catherine (Sinclair) Seton — married about 1392 [location unknown] Father of William Seton, Christian (Seton) Leslie and Marion (Seton) Ogilvy Died about 1434 in Seton, East Lothian, Scotlandmap Profile manager: Jonathon Myers private message [send private message] Last modified 20 August 2015. This page has been accessed 1,112 times.
Categories: Battle of Homildon Hill | Clan Seton.
Preceded by Sir William de Seton Lord of Seton 1410-1434 Succeeded by George, 1st Lord Seton
Clan Seton tartan. John (Seton) Second Laird of Seton is a member of Clan Seton. If you are interested in this profile, please check out the Scottish Clans Project!
[hide] 1 Biography 1.1 Family 1.2 References 2 Sources 2.1 Acknowledgements Biography
Sir John Seton of Seton was the son of Sir William de Seton and Janet Fleming, daughter of Fleming of Biggar.[1][2] There are a number of inaccuracies in Maitland's work[3] and that source is generally discounted unless specific mention is required.
Some sources, Sir Bruce Gordon Seton amongst them, mentions that, at the battle of Homildon Hill, in 1402, John "appears to have been taken prisoner with him (Sir William), and there is no record of the date of their release". The source material, Bain's Calendar of Documents, provides "le Sieur de Seton" which could imply a son but mentions William as being at the Tower; there is only mention of one Seton and not two. It could be presumed this to be William. Thus the capture of John at that battle is discounted. However, mentioned by Sir Bruce Gordon Seton and noticed in Scotichronicon is a notice of "Monsieur Johan de Seton, fils" amongst the casualties.[4] It might be supposed he returned to Scotland after the battle. Both his father and his father-in-law were taken captive at the battle.
He was, however, shortly after the return of his father about 1407, a hostage for the return of Archibald Douglas, fourth Earl of Douglas then at the Tower and who had led the Scottish force to defeat at Homildon Hill, losing an eye at the engagement.[5] While there he is described by Bower,[6] and noted in Balfour Paul, as "miles acerrimus, et Anglis, dum vixerat, infestus" - a stalwart soldier, and English, while living is aggressive. He was clearly of age at this point, and "of a leading family".
On 4 March 1410, Archibald Douglas, Earl of Douglas, gave his "dearest cousin" John a charter of the lands of Altham in the barony of Roxburgh.
On 24 March 1411, he received, from Robert Stewart, Duke of Albany, Governor of Scotland, a charter of confirmation of the baronies of Seton and Tranent, and the lands of Winchburgh; thus raising to Lord of Seton. His father must have been dead prior to this date and this closely approximates the date supposed in that Profile.
Although clearly not a poor man (although Sir Bruce Gordon Seton states he was; he could afford easily the 600 merks annual payment in ransom just 5 years later) his name appears in 1417 in the Account Book of the Teutonic Order, among a list of Scottish Nobility and gentry who owed them money. His account is included among bad debts.
On 28 November 1421, John de Annand resigned to his "reverend and superior Lord John Lord Settone" the lands of Mylles; and on 30th November 1423, Sir John granted to James of Dundas anew the lands of Dundas, on his father's resignation. These Dundas lands had been granted to Sir Alexander Seton by Robert Bruce in 1322 (although Sir Bruce Gordon Seton mentions the year as 1422 this is clearly a transcription error).
He was one of the Scottish Commissioners appointed to treat for the liberation of King James I., and he, or alternatively his son and heir, was afterwards nominated a hostage for the payment of the King's ransom, by the treaty of 4 December 1423. His estate at that point was estimated at 600 merks annually.
In March 1424 he was appointed one of the Conservators of the Seven Years Truce concluded at that time. King James I appointed him Master of the Household, an office which was held by several of his kinsmen and successors.
Maitland suggests that Sir John was sent to France in March 1436 in the train of the infant Princess Margaret but this is however incorrect.
He must have died prior to 1434 as the estates of Seton were in ward in 1434. Maitland, while also getting the date wrong, says he was buried in Seton Church "in the yle foundit be his moder". This is incorrect, as the "yle" was built by his wife, and for him after his death.
He married, before 8 March 1393, Catherine de Sanct Clar, said to have been a daughter of Sir William Sinclair of Herdmanston. She survived him, and on 28 March 1450, had confirmation of a charter granted in her favour on 20 June 1449, by George, Lord of Seton and Langniddrie, Knight, grandson of her late husband, in which she is styled "Domina Katerine de Setoun relicte quondam Domini Johannis de Setoun". Catherine is noted as having added considerably to the Seton church and was a major benefactor of the church.
With Catherine he had three children:
Sir William Seton; he will inherit the titles. Christian Seton; stated to have been a noble lady of the diocese of St. Andrews, in a dispensation from Pope Benedict XIII., 2 September 1416, to marry Norman Leslie (of Rothes), notwithstanding consanguinity of the fourth degree. Their son George was created first Earl of Rothes in March 1458. Janet Seton; who was married to Robert Keith, Master of Keith who died in his father's life time. She survived him, leaving a daughter, Janet, who married Andrew Gray, second Lord Gray.
Child of Sir John Seton of Seton
Marian Seton [7]
↑ #S-1 Balfour Paul; Vol 8, page 573 ↑ #S-2 Sir Bruce Gordon Seton; page 107 ↑ #S-3 Sir Richard Maitland, page 31 ↑ Scotichronicon, Goodall's ed., 1759, ii. 337 Note. ↑ Bain's; CaL of Docs., iv. 729, 736. ↑ Scotichronicon, Goodall's ed., 1759, ii. 337 n., citing Liber Cuprensis. ↑ Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 1, page 599. Sources
Source S-1 Balfour Paul. The Scots peerage : founded on Wood's ed. of Sir Robert Douglas's Peerage of Scotland; containing an historical and genealogical account of the nobility of that kingdom. Edinburgh: Douglas, 1904. archive.org Source S-2 Sir Bruce Gordon Seton. The House of Seton. A study of lost causes. Edinburgh: unknown, 1939. archive.org Source S-3 Sir Richard Maitland. The History of the House of Seytoun to 1559 by Sir Richard Maitland of Lethington continued by Alexander Viscount Kingston. Glasgow: Hutchinson and Brrokman, 1829. archive.org Acknowledgements
Thanks to Jonathon Dale Walter Myers for starting this profile. Click the Changes tab for the details of contributions by Jonathon Dale Walter and others.
1370 |
January 1370
Seton Castle, Seton, East Lothian, Scotland
1395 |
Whitehill, Perthshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1400 |
Barony of Seton (Present East Lothian), Scotland
1403 |
Seton, East Lothian, Scotland
1441 |
Age 71
Seton, East Lothian, Scotland
???? |
Seton, East Lothian, Scotland
???? | |||
???? |
Tranent, East Lothian, Scotland