Historical records matching Sir John de Gras, lord of Studley
Immediate Family
About Sir John de Gras, lord of Studley
(Sir) John le GRAS, Lord of Studley, Knight, father of Isabel. Known as John le Gras of Gembling, parish of Foston near Driffield, later Studley, married Isabella de Aleman, heiress of Studley.
From http://cybergata.com/roots/8406.htm
• Background Information. 734
John le Gras, the son of John le Gras and Isabella le Aleman, married Paulina, said to be an Alington of Cambridgeshire, who inherited the manors of Wimpole, Armington, Eversdon and Ickleton in that county, and of Stanford Rivers in Essex. Sir John le Gras was dead in 8 Edward III, leaving only one child, Isabella, who married Sir Thomas de Bourne. ~A History of the Parish of Barwick-in-Elmet, in the County of York, pg. 163
"William son of Simon de St. Barbara of Esseby grants to John le Gras of Gemeling four bovates of land within and without the vill of Gemeling for which he was impleaded by the said John before the justices itinerant of the king at Beverley in the year 8 Edward I For this grant John le Gras gave him in his great need 40s. (in magna necessitate mea).
"William son of Jordan de St. Barbara released to John le Graas knt all claim and right in four bovates he impleaded the said Sir John in the court of Sir William de Melton then provost of the provostry (præpositura) of Berverley by the king's writ of entry. At Beverley, 14 September 1311, 5 Edward II.
"John de Retham son of Richer de Refham citizen of London grants to Sir John de Gras knt and Paulina his wife and heirs, etc. all the manor of Stamford Rivers, etc. in the county of Essex with the advowson of the Church of Stamford Rivers, and if they have no heirs of the body the manor etc shall remain to Walter Reginald Archbishop of Canterbury. Witnesses: Humprey de Waldene, John de Suttone of Theyden knts. At Stamford Rivers the Sunday in Feast of St. Giles the Abbot in the month of September 8 Ed. II. (i Sep 1314)
"John son of John de Rivers releases to Paulina formerly wife of John de Gras knight all right in the manor of Stamford Rivers, Westwode, Grenstede, Marden and Bollingworth which John de Refham citizen of London by his charter granted to John de Gras and Paulina his wife. Witnesses: - thomas Tracy, James de Welde, Milo de Mounteneye, John de Mounteneye. At Stamford Rivers, Wednesday in the Feast of St. Clement the Pope, 8 Edw. III (23 Nov 1334)" ~A History of the Parish of Barwick-in-Elmet, in the County of York, pp. 165-168
• Background Information. 838 Sir John le Gras, knight, lord of Studley, in 1310 presented Simon le Gras, then an acolyte, to his mediety of Fountain. In 1316, William le Gras to the same benefice. In the will of Sir William Vavasour of Hazlewood, dated "die Jovis prox' post festum Sancti Gregorii Papæ, 1311," is a bequest of a gold ring to his wife paulina le Gras. he was concerned in the murder of Peter de Graveston, and had a pardon for his share in it that was dated 16 Oct 1313 [Rymer's Fædera]. On 18 Dec 1317, he did homage to the Archbishop of York for his lands at Ripon [Kirkby's Inquest, 411].
Sir John de Gras, lord of Studley's Timeline
1284 |
Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, England (United Kingdom)
1334 |
Age 50
Studley, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
???? |
Studley, Ripon, Yorkshire , England