Sir Dugald Campbell, of Auchinbreck & Kilmichael

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Sir Dugald Campbell, of Auchinbreck & Kilmichael (1457 - 1497)

Also Known As: "Sir Dugald Campbell", "2nd Lord of Auchinbrech and Kilmichael", "1st Baronet of Auchinbreck 5th Lord of Auchinbreck"
Birthplace: Auchinbreck, Argyll, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Death: 1497 (39-40)
Auchenbreck, Argyle, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Immediate Family:

Son of Sir Duncan Campbell, of Kilmichael, 1st Lord of Auchinbreck and Anna McCowle
Husband of Agnes Campbell
Father of Sir Archibald Campbell of Auchinbreck; Gillespic Campbell and Sir Duncan Campbell
Brother of Cailen Campbell

Occupation: 2nd Lord of Auchinbreck, 2nd Auchenbreck; No. 327
Managed by: Ivor C-D
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Sir Dugald Campbell, of Auchinbreck & Kilmichael's Timeline

Auchinbreck, Argyll, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Taynuilt, Argyll and Bute, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Age 40
Auchenbreck, Argyle, Scotland (United Kingdom)