Sir Alexander Luttrell, Kt.

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Sir Alexander Luttrell, Kt. (1236 - 1272)

Also Known As: "Knight of East Quontockhead"
Birthplace: East Quontockshead, Somerset, England
Death: 1272 (31-40)
Acre, Hazafon, Kingdom of Jerusalem (Died during Crusades)
Place of Burial: East Quantoxhead, Somerset, England
Immediate Family:

Son of Sir Andrew de Luttrell, 1st Baron of Irnham and Pernel Luttrell
Husband of Margery Fishbourne
Father of Sir Andrew Luttrell, of Chilton; Annora FitzUrse and John Luttrell
Brother of Geoffrey Luttrell, 2nd Baron Irnham and Robert Luttrell

Occupation: Knight of the 5th Crusade
Managed by: Charles Arthur Chester
Last Updated:

About Sir Alexander Luttrell, Kt.

In 1266, obtained from the King Henry III the custody of his elder brother, Sir Geoffrey, who had lost the use of his reason. Was among the first to assume the cross of the Crusaders, in company with the king's eldest son, Edward, and many others of the chief nobility. In 1270, he embarded for the Holy Land in the retinue of Prince Edward, leaving the management of his affairs at home in the hands of a neighbour, Sir Warin De Raleigh, whom he appointed his attorney for four years. It is very doubtful whether he returned from the Crusade. The fact of his death was known in Somerset at the beginning of Apr 1273, when the king's escheator took possession of his lands

Lyte, Sir H.C. Maxwell, K.C.B. A History of Dunster and of the Families of Mohun & Luttrell. The St. Catherine Press, London, 1909. p.65-

In 1266, obtained from the King Henry III the custody of his elder brother, Sir Geoffrey, who had lost the use of his reason. Was among the first to assume the cross of the Crusaders, in company with the king's eldest son, Edward, and many others of the chief nobility. In 1270, he embarded for the Holy Land in the retinue of Prince Edward, leaving the management of his affairs at home in the hands of a neighbour, Sir Warin De Raleigh, whom he appointed his attorney for four years. It is very doubtful whether he returned from the Crusade. The fact of his death was known in Somerset at the beginning of Apr 1273, when the king's escheator took possession of his lands. 104 De LUTTRELL (Sir Knight)1

Alexander De LUTTRELL (Sir Knight)

Born: 1236, East Quantoxhead, Somerset, England Died: 1272, Holy Land, Palestine

Buried: ABT 1273, West Quantoxhead, Somerset, England Notes: In 1266, obtained from the King Henry III the custody of his elder brother, Sir Geoffrey, who had lost the use of his reason. Was among the first to assume the cross of the Crusaders, in company with the king's eldest son, Edward, and many others of the chief nobility. In 1270, he embarded for the Holy Land in the retinue of Prince Edward, leaving the management of his affairs at home in the hands of a neighbour, Sir Warin De Raleigh, whom he appointed his attorney for four years. It is very doubtful whether he returned from the Crusade. The fact of his death was known in Somerset at the beginning of Apr 1273, when the king's escheator took possession of his lands.

Father: Andrew De LUTTRELL (1º B. Irnham)

Mother: Pernel De La MARE Married: Margery FITZWILLIAM

Children: 1. Andrew LUTTRELL (Sir Knight)


4. Annora LUTTRELL

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Sir Alexander Luttrell, Kt.'s Timeline

East Quontockshead, Somerset, England
Chilton, Devon, England
East Quantoxshead, Somerset, England
Age 36
Acre, Hazafon, Kingdom of Jerusalem
Age 37
East Quantoxhead, Somerset, England (United Kingdom)