Historical records matching Sigurd I Magnusson "the Crusader" Jorsalfare, King of Norway
Immediate Family
About Sigurd I Magnusson "the Crusader" Jorsalfare, King of Norway
Sigurd I Magnusson
- Son of Magnus Barefoot, King of Norway and Tora NN
- Sigurd I Magnusson (1089[1] – 26 March 1130), also known as Sigurd the Crusader (Old Norse: Sigurðr Jórsalafari, Norwegian: Sigurd Jorsalfar), was King of Norway from 1103 to 1130. His rule, together with his half-brother Øystein (until Øystein died in 1123), has been regarded by historians as a golden age for the medieval Kingdom of Norway. He is otherwise famous for leading the Norwegian Crusade (1107–1110), earning the eponym "the Crusader", and was the first European king to personally participate in a crusade.
- Before leaving Constantinople, Sigurd gave all of his ships and many treasures away to Emperor Alexios. In return the emperor gave him many strong horses, for him and his fellow kinsmen. Sigurd planned to return to Norway over land, but many of his men stayed behind in Constantinople, to take up service for the emperor as part of his Varangian Guard. The trip took three years and he visited many countries en route. Sigurd traveled from Serbia and Bulgaria, through Hungary, Pannonia, Swabia and Bavaria where he met with the Emperor Lothar II of the Holy Roman Empire. He later arrived in Denmark where he was greeted by King Niels of Denmark, who eventually gave him a ship in which to sail to Norway.
Project MedLands Norway Kings
SIGURD ([1089/90]-Oslo 14 Aug 1130, bur Hallvardskyrka, Oslo). Snorre names Sigurd as son of King Magnus, when recording that his father installed as chief over the Orkney islands after expelling earls Paul and Erlend[395]. In a later passage, Snorre records that he was the son of Thora, and a year younger than his half-brother Eystein[396]. He succeeded his father in 1103 as SIGURD "Jorsalafare/the Crusader" Joint King of Norway jointly with his half-brothers Eystein I and Olav IV. Morkinskinna records that Sigurd “ruled the eastern part of the country and was entitled to official entertainment and revenue” after his father died[397]. Snorre records that his sons Eystein, Sigurd and Olav took the kingdom of Norway after their father's death, recording that Sigurd was 13 or 14 years old when he was chosen king[398]. Albert of Aix records that "frater regis de Nortwega, Magnus" arrived at the port of Ascalon and, in a later passage, that he helped besiege Sidon by sea[399]. Assuming that the reference to Norway is correct, "Magnus" is presumably an error for "Sigurd". Snorre recounts his journeys to Spain, Sicily, Jerusalem and Constantinople, stating that he was 20 years old when he returned to Norway and had been three years on his travels[400]. He died insane. Snorre records that King Sigurd suffered from delusions[401]. Snorre records the death of King Sigurd "the night before Mary's mass" and his burial "in Halvard's church"[402]. Morkinskinna records that King Sigurd was forty years old when he died[403]. Betrothed (1102) BIADMUNIA [Blathmin], daughter of MUIRCHERTACH MacTordelbach High King of Ireland & his wife --- ([1094/97]-). Snorre records that King Magnus "contracted in marriage his son Sigurd to Biadmynia, King Myrkjartan's daughter"[404]. Orkneyinga Saga records that Magnus "Barelegs" King of Norway “arranged the betrothal of Bjadmunja, daughter of King Myrkjartan of Connaught to his son Sigurd”, adding that she was five at the time and his son nine[405]. Snorre records that Sigurd left "the Irish king's daughter behind" when he left for Norway following his father's death[406]. According to Morkinskinna, King Magnus arranged the marriage of “his son Sigurdr” to “Malcolm king of the Scots…his daughter” when in Orkney[407]. This clearly refers to the same person as Biadmunia as Morkinskinna adds that the ages of the children as five and nine, as recorded in Orkneyinga Saga. However, the suggestion that her father was King Malcolm is clearly anachronistic in view of the king´s death in 1093. Morkinskinna records that Sigurd “left the daughter of King Malcolm of the Scots behind in the west and did not wish to be married to her” after his father died[408]. 'married firstly (divorced 1128) as her first husband, MALMFRID Mstislavna, daughter of MSTISLAV I "the Great" Grand Prince of Kiev & his first wife Christine of Sweden (-after 1137). Snorre records the marriage of King Sigurd and "Malmfrid, a daughter of King Harald Valdemarson, eastward in Novgorod"[409]. Fagrskinna names “Málfridr ok Ingibjörg” as daughters of “Harald konungr” & his wife “Kristinar, dóttur Inga konungs Steinkelssunar”, adding that Malmfrida married “Sigurdr konungr Jórsalafari” and secondly “Eirikr eimuni Danakonungr Eirikssunr”[410]. Morkinskinna records that Sigurd married “Malmfrídr, the daughter of Haraldr Valdimarsson from the east in Kiev…[and] Kristín, the daughter of King Ingi Steinkelsson king of the Swedes”[411]. Snorre records that King Sigurd divorced her[412]. She married secondly ([1130]%29 Erik Eriksson of Denmark, who succeeded in 1134 as Erik II "Emun" King of Denmark. Baumgarten records her second marriage but only cites one secondary source in support[413]. married secondly ([1128]) CECILIA, daughter of ---. Snorre records the marriage of King Sigurd and "Cecilia, who was a great man's daughter", overruling the objections of the bishops of Bergen and Stavanger[414]. Mistress (1): BORGHILD Olavsdatter, daughter of ---. Snorre names Borghild as the daughter of a "rich bonde called Olaf of D|al who dwelt in Great Dal in Aumord", recording that she had "conversations and intimacy with King Eystein" but that King Sigurd made her his concubine[415]. Morkinskinna names “Borghildr, the daughter of Óláfr of Dalr” as King Sigurd´s concubine[416].
King Sigurd & his first wife MALMFRID Mstislavna, had one child
- a) KRISTIN Sigurdsdatter ([1125]-1178). Snorre names "Christina, a daughter of King Sigurd the Crusader and Queen Malmfrid" as the wife of Erling[417]. Morkinskinna names “Kristín” as the daughter of “King Sigurdr jórsalafari and Queen Malmfrídr”[418]. This is confirmed by the Saga of King Sverre which records the marriage of "Ragnhild daughter of Earl Erling and Kristin Kings-daughter" and "Halkel son of Jon Hallkelsson"[419]. [She may have been the Mistress: of SIGURD Haraldsson Mund joint King of Norway, son of HARALD "Gille" King of Norway & his mistress Thora Guttormsdatter (-murdered 10 Jun 1155). Snorre names "Harald…who called himself a son of King Sigurd Haraldson and the princess Kristin, and a brother of King Magnus by the mother's side", when recording that he was captured by Nikolas "Kufung" who brought him to Bergen "into Earl Erling's hands", who ordered him to be taken to Nordnes where he was beheaded[420].] married (1155) ERLING Ormsen "Skakke/the Sharp" of Studla in South Hordaland, son of ORM Sveinsson & his wife Ragnhild Sveinkesdatter (-killed in battle near Nidaros [Trondheim] 18 or 19 Jun 1179, bur Trondheim Cathedral). Left for Palestine 1151 with Kali-Ragnvald Jarl of Orkney. Regent of Norway 1162 for his son King Magnus V. Jarl in Norway 1170. He was killed in battle against King Sverre.
King Sigurd had one illegitimate son by Mistress (1): BORGHILD Olavsdatter
- b) MAGNUS Sigurdsson ([1115]-murdered Holmengrå, Svinesund 12 Nov 1139, bur Oslo, Halvards Church). Snorre records the birth of Magnus son of King Sigurd and Borghild, stating that he "was sent immediately to Halogaland to be fostered at Bjarkey by Vidkun Jonson"[421]. Morkinskinna names “Magnus” as the son of King Sigurd and his concubine “Borghildr, the daughter of Óláfr of Dalr”, adding that he was “raised in his youth north on Bjarkey with Vidkunnr Jónsson”[422]. He succeeded his father in 1130 as MAGNUS "Blinde/the Blind" King of Norway, deposed 1135. Snorre records that Magnus was proclaimed king on the death of his father, commenting that he was "a great drinker, greedy of money, hard and obstinate", but that he was opposed by Harald "Gille" although an agreement was reached 3 Oct 1130 to divide the country between them[423]. Snorre records that King Magnus was taken prisoner by King Harald's forces, who later blinded him, cut off one of his feet and castrated him[424]. In a later passage, he recounts that Magnus "went north to Nidaros…went into the cloister on the holm and assumed the monk's dress"[425]. Snorre records that Sigurd "Slembidjakn", after murdering King Harald, took ex-king Magnus from his monastery "to make his cause appear better" but that, after his forces were defeated, Magnus fled "eastward to Gautland and then to Denmark" where he was well received by King Erik "Emun" who agreed to invade Norway[426]. Snorre describes how ex-king Magnus was killed at Hvalar, near Holm the Grey, the day after Martinmas[427]. married (1133, repudiated 1133) KIRSTIN Knudsdatter of Denmark, daughter of KNUT "Lavard" Duke of South Jutland/Sønderjylland [Schleswig] and King of the Obotriten & his wife Ingeborg Mstislavna of Kiev ([1118]-). Snorre refers to the wife of King Magnus as "a daughter of Knut Lavard…sister of the Danish King Valdemar" and records that her husband sent her back to Denmark[428]. Morkinskinna records that King Magnus married “Kirstín, the daughter of Knút lávardr and the sister of the Danish king Váldimarr” but adds that he sent her back to Denmark[429].
King Magnus III had [two] illegitimate sons by Mistress (3)
- 4. OLAV Magnusson ([1098/1100]-24 Dec 1115, bur Trondheim, Christ Church). Snorre names Olav, "much younger than [Eystein and Sigurd]", as son of King Magnus and "Sigrid, a daughter of Saxe of Vik"[430]. He succeeded his father in 1103 as OLAV IV Joint King of Norway jointly with his half-brothers Eystein I and Sigurd. Snorre records that his sons Eystein, Sigurd and Olav took the kingdom of Norway after their father's death, recording that Olav was then four or five years old[431]. Morkinskinna records that Olav “was no older than three years” when his father died, that his half-brothers acted as his regents, and that he did not “live more than twelve years after his father´s death”[432]. Snorre records the death of King Olav, when he was “17 years old…on 24 Dec", and his burial "in Christ Church in Nidaros" after the three brothers had been kings for twelve years[433].
- 5. KARE, Snorre names "Sigrid who was mother of King Olaf Magnsuson and of Kare the king's brother who married Borghild, a daughter of Dag Eilifson"[434]. It is not clear entirely clear from this passage whether Kare was a full brother or only uterine brother of King Olav. The latter appears more likely as there is no reference to Kare, or any of his descendants, having claimed the Norwegian throne during the civil wars between Kings Magnus, Harald and Sigurd. This appears supported by a later passage of Snorre which records that "Queen Ingerid had a son to Ivar Sneis…called Orm [surnamed]…King-brother", indicating that the term "king's brother" was also used for uterine brothers[435]. married BORGHILD, daughter of DAG Eilifson & his wife---.]
Kare & his wife BORGHILD had two sons
- a) SIGURD of Austrat, Snorre names "Kare the king's brother who married Borghild, a daughter of Dag Eilifson" and "their sons…Sigurd of Austrat and Dag"[436]. m ---. The name of Sigurd's wife is not known.
Sigurd of Austrat & his wife Borghild had three children
- i) JON of Austrat, Snorre names "Jon of Austrat, Thorstein and Andres the Deaf" as sons of "Sigurd of Austrat"[437]. m SIGURD, daughter of ---. Snorre names "Sigrid, a sister of King Inge and of Duke Skule" as wife of "Jon of Austrat"[438].
- ii) THORSTEIN Snorre names "Jon of Austrat, Thorstein and Andres the Deaf" as sons of "Sigurd of Austrat"[439].
- iii) ANDRES "the Deaf Snorre names "Jon of Austrat, Thorstein and Andres the Deaf" as sons of Sigurd of Austrat[440].
- b) DAG Snorre names "Kare the king's brother who married Borghild, a daughter of Dag Eilifson" and "their sons…Sigurd of Austrat and Dag"[441].
King Magnus III had one illegitimate daughter by Mistress (4)
- 6. THORA Magnusdatter (-1175). Snorre names "Jon Loptson, a daughter's son of King Magnus Barefoot", recording that he was at Bergen in 1164 when King Magnus Erlingsson "and Jon's other relations acknowledged the relationship with him"[442]. married LOFT Sämundsson of Odde. Later a priest in Iceland.
King Magnus III had [one illegitimate son by Mistress (5)
- 7. HARALD Magnusson (-murdered Bergen 14 Dec 1136). Snorre records that "a man came…out of Ireland called Gillikrist" and met "Halkel Huk, a son of Jon Smiorbalte, who was lenderman in More" in the South Hebrides, that "his mother came with him and said his other name was Harald", claiming that King Magnus was his father, and that he was taken to Norway where King Sigurd "said he must tread over hot irons to prove his birth"[443]. He succeeded in 1130 as HARALD "Gille" King of Norway.
King Magnus III had one [possible illegitimate son by Mistress (6)
8. SIGURD "Slembidjakn (-killed in battle 12 Nov 1139, bur Aalborg, St Mary). Snorre names "Sigurd who was brought up in Norway and was called priest Adalbrikt's son", whose mother was "Thora, a daughter of Saxe of Vik, a sister of Sigrid who was mother of King Olaf Magnuson…". Morkinskinna records that “Thora” daughter of “Saxi in Vik” was the mother of “Sigurdr…slembidjákn” who was “later alleged to be Magnus´s son”[444]. Snorre says that Sigurd became a clerk and was consecrated a deacon, was called "Slembidjakn" because of "a haughty ungovernable spirit", but that he left Norway for Palestine when he heard that his mother claim that his father was king Magnus. After returning to Norway, he "applied himself to trading expeditions" and while in Denmark "submitted to the iron ordeal to confirm his paternal descent"[445]. He murdered [his half-brother] King Harald in 1136 and succeeded as king of part of Norway[446]. Snorre records that he sailed for Trondheim to seek support and took ex-king Magnus from his monastery "to make his cause appear better"[447]. He was captured after ex-king Magnus was killed, tortured and killed, his body being carried to "Alaborg and interred…in Mary church in that town"[448].] Mistress (1): AUDHILD Thorlufsdatter from Scotland. The primary source which confirms her relationship with Sigurd has not yet been identified.
Sigurd had one illegitimate daughter by Mistress (1): AUDHILD Thorlufsdatter
- a) INGEGERD The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. married HAAKON Havardsson "Klo/Claw" of Orkney, son of HAVARD Gunnison & his wife Bergljot.
King Sigurd 1 Magnusson Jorsalfare
King. Parents: King Magnus 3 Olavsson Berrføtt (1073–1103) and Tora. Married approx. 1116–1120 with Malmfrid Mstislavsdatter (c. 1100 – c. 1140). Half-brother of the kings Øystein 1 Magnusson (c. 1088–1123), Olav Magnusson (c. 1098–115) and Harald 4 Gille (c. 1102–1136) and of Sigurd Slembe ( d. 1139); father of King Magnus 4 Sigurdsson Blind (c. 1115–1139) and Kristin Sigurdsdatter (c. 1125–1178); father-in-law of Erling Skakke (d. 1179); grandfather of King Magnus 5 Erlingsson (1156–84).
Sigurd Jorsalfare was king during a time of transition. His father was in many ways the last Viking king in Norway, and Sigurd's crusade to the Holy Land can in some sense be regarded as a Viking voyage. At the same time, the first three decades of the 1100s were an important period of consolidation and expansion for the Norwegian church and the Norwegian kingdom. Sigurd was also the last king in the long peace period before the civil wars.
Sigurd was the son of Magnus Berrføtt and a woman named Tora, whom we otherwise know nothing about. As a 12-13 year old, he was on his father's second North Sea train 1101 / 02–03. Irish yearbooks state that Sigurd then, as part of an agreement, married Biadmuin, daughter of the Irish king Muirkertach. Marriage was probably never completed, and Magnus' fall and the defeat of the Norwegians 1103 created a whole new situation which meant that there was no more talk about it.
At home in Norway Sigurd became king after his father, together with the half-brothers Øystein and Olav. The joint kingdom with Øystein lasted until the death of Øystein in 1123, while Olav lived no longer than until 1115. A joint kingdom like this was not uncommon and meant avoiding tearing up conflicts of faith. The Kingdom of the Congregation did not lead to any regular national division. The principle was that it was a shared authority that was shared, not the land. But Sigurd is said to have spent most of the following years in Eastern Norway.
The stories tell that the three kings - presumably when they took over the government - too well abolished various kinds of taxes to the king (among them a number of so-called "gifts"), which originated mainly from the Danish government in Norway 1030-35. The abolition is confirmed by a legal remedy ("legal improvement") reproduced in the Frosting Act. Some of the sagas say that the intention was to create goodwill among people for the crusade Sigurd started planning early, and which he prepared for several years before it was implemented.
Several sources shed light on Sigurd's age (Jorsal, northern Jerusalem), not only Norse (of which there are both sagas and squads), but also European. Sigurd was also the first European king to go on a crusade. According to the sagas, the fleet that sailed out 1108 must have consisted of 60 ships. The figure is confirmed by a contemporary French author, Fulcher by Chartres. The total crew strength may have been approx. 5000 people. The first winter outside the Norwegians stayed in England. From there, they traveled to Christian Galicia (Northern Spain) and further along the Moorish-controlled west coast of the Iberian Peninsula, through the Strait of Gibraltar (Norvasund saga) and into the Mediterranean.
Judging by the portrayals of the bald, the train behaved like the earlier Viking voyages: "The battle-happy king" and his "devoted crew" are praised for a series of victories - they counted by numbers - over opponents referred to as "pagan crowds", "devil's servants" The enemies, whose blood flowed in the stream, found the Norwegians partly on land (for example, at Lisbon and on the islands of Formentera, Ibiza and Menorca), and partly on Sarasan ships, which were fought in the sea. Formidable fortifications were also taken.
August 1110, Sigurd and his men reached the destination of the journey. When they landed, probably at Jaffa, they were received honorably by Balduin, the first king of the Crusader Empire of Jerusalem. He accompanied them into the land of Jerusalem and the river Jordan. The bald Einar Skulesson emphasizes that "the generous prince [Sigurd] - as a glorified act - bathed in the pure water of the Jordan River". After their stay in Jerusalem, they left for the coast, and the Norwegians helped Balduin take the city of Sidon (Saida). The return journey from the Holy Land set Sigurd and his men over Constantinople and beyond. They came home 1111.
The Jorsal world and the brilliance that followed it, the later writers of the saga used to contrast Sigurd and his brother Øystein: on the one hand the warrior king, who got a big name outside, on the other side the peaceful king, who had been sitting at home and built the country. This allowed them to be dramatically expressed in a so-called "man-equation", where the two brothers in a dialogue each highlight their merits. Whether this occurrence is historical is uncertain.
After the age of Sigurd, Sigurd reigned for 19 years, the first 12 together with Øystein. (The third brother, Olav, we hear nothing about.) Most of this time was peaceful, and it goes without saying that Sigurd and Øystein were together about a great deal of the expansion of the kingdom and not least the church institution that took place. It was quite extensive: cities were developed, also as kings' residences, monasteries founded, tithes introduced.
Between 1116 and 1120 Sigurd married Malmfrid. She came from Russia, but came from the Swedish royal house on her mother's side. Malmfrid and Sigurd had only one child, the daughter Kristin, who later became the mother of King Magnus Erlingsson. Sigurd had his son Magnus with a wife named Borghild, daughter of a certain Olav, who was a great farmer from Dal (now Storedal) in Skjeberg.
Towards the end of his life, according to Morkinskinna, Sigurd must have undergone - under ecclesiastical opposition - a morganatic marriage to a certain Cecilia, who is said to have been from Viken or Western Norway. But neither the author of Fagrskinna nor Snorre have included this episode - probably because they did not trust it.
In the sagas, it is said that Sigurd in his last years suffered from a periodic "instability", which could cause pure confusion of mind. His last years were also difficult because a group of great men stood behind Harald Gille, an alleged son of Magnus Berrføtt, whom they brought with him from Scotland. Sigurd allowed Harald to prove his descent by iron burden, but demanded that he relinquish his right to the throne for as long as Sigurd and Sigurd's son Magnus lived. But after Sigurd's death, Harald broke the promise.
Sigurd fell ill and died in the spring of 1130. The stories tell that he was buried in the church wall in Hallvard Church in Oslo. Here a young student in 1656, when the church was in great decline, managed to pull the skull of the dead king forward through a hole in the wall. After the shell was in Copenhagen for many years, it came to the University of Christiania in 1867. It was solemnly inaugurated in 1957 by the new royal burial chamber at Akershus.
Sigurd's life has in recent times been treated literarily by Bjørnstärn Bjørnson in the play Sigurd Jorsalfar (1872), for which Edvard Grieg made stage music, and in a novel by Asbjørn Øksendal (1970).
- Store norske leksikon
- The Peerage
- FMG.ac
- Geneall
- Miklaborg
- Riksarkivet
- Sigurd the Crusader by Wikipedia
- Sigurd the Crusader (1103-1130), and his Brothers, Eystein and Olaf - https://www.gutenberg.org/files/59531/59531-h/59531-h.htm#CHAPTER_XXII
- Morkinskinna, overs. by K. Flokenes, Stavanger 2001
- NFH, vol. 2, 1855, pp. 539–713
- AW Brøgger: "Sigurd Jorsalfarer's Tomb in Oslo Cathedral", in St. Hallvard, vol. 1, 1915, pp. 24–49
- H. Koht: "King Sigurd on Jorsal voyage", in HT, ed. 5, vol. 5, 1924, pp. 153–168
- ds: biography in NBL1, vol. 13, 1958
- B. Poet: Sigurd Jorsalfare. King of Norway in Acre, Acre 1970
- P. Holck: "Sigurd Jorsalfarer's Skull at Akershus", in Viking 46, 1983, pp. 112–123
- AO Johnsen: Sigurd Jorsalfar's stay in England (1108-1109), DNVA Avh. II New Series No. 19, 1984
- ANH, vol. 3, 1995
- Controversial Histories – Current Views on the Crusades: Engaging, edited by Felix Hinz, Johannes Meyer-Hamme - https://books.google.com/books?id=lGjnDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT30&lpg=PT30&dq=...
Sigurd Magnusson (1089 – 26 March 1130), also known as Sigurd the Crusader (Old Norse: Sigurðr Jórsalafari, Norwegian: Sigurd Jorsalfare), was King of Norway (being Sigurd I) from 1103 to 1130. His rule, together with his half-brother Øystein (until Øystein died in 1123), has been regarded by historians as a golden age for the medieval Kingdom of Norway. He is otherwise famous for leading the Norwegian Crusade (1107–1110), earning him the eponym "the Crusader", and was the first European king to participate in a crusade personally.
On his second campaign, Magnus went to Man, and with a huge fleet attacked Dublin and attempted to bring the submission of Muircertach mac Toirrdelbach, the Ui Briain King of Munster. The campaign resulted in an alliance between the two kings, and the arranged marriage of Magnus' son Siguðr to Muircertach's daughter Bláthmin. The alliance mitigated the threat of Domnall mac Lochlainn, King of Ailech, bringing stability to the Irish Sea world, and security to Magnus' new Irish Sea "Empire." However, it all went wrong when Magnus was killed on his way back to Norway on a minor raid in Ulster. Much of Magnus' work lay in ruins.
Sigurd Magnusson (1089 – 26 March 1130), also known as Sigurd the Crusader (Old Norse: Sigurðr Jórsalafari, Norwegian: Sigurd Jorsalfare), was King of Norway (being Sigurd I) from 1103 to 1130. His rule, together with his half-brother Øystein (until Øystein died in 1123), has been regarded by historians as a golden age for the medieval Kingdom of Norway. He is otherwise famous for leading the Norwegian Crusade (1107–1110), earning him the eponym "the Crusader", and was the first European king to participate in a crusade personally.
On his second campaign, Magnus went to Man, and with a huge fleet attacked Dublin and attempted to bring the submission of Muircertach mac Toirrdelbach, the Ui Briain King of Munster. The campaign resulted in an alliance between the two kings, and the arranged marriage of Magnus' son Siguðr to Muircertach's daughter Bláthmin. The alliance mitigated the threat of Domnall mac Lochlainn, King of Ailech, bringing stability to the Irish Sea world, and security to Magnus' new Irish Sea "Empire." However, it all went wrong when Magnus was killed on his way back to Norway on a minor raid in Ulster. Much of Magnus' work lay in ruins.
Om Sigurd I Magnusson "the Crusader" Jorsalfare, King of Norway (svenska)
Sigurd I Magnusson
DIS-Norge Gravsted Akershus slottskirke Oslo: Kong Sigurd ble gravlagt i Hallvardskirken i Oslo. I ruinene av den ble hans hodeskalle funnet i 1656. Den ble brakt til Danmark og først levert tilbake til Norge i 1867. I 1957 ble hodeskallen bisatt i muren i krypten under slottskirken på Akershus, vis-a-vis Det Kongelige Mausoleum.
Sigurd I Magnusson (født 1090, død 26. mars 1130 i Oslo) var sønn av kong Magnus Berrføtt og regjerte riket fra 1103 sammen med sine brødre, Olav Magnusson (1099-1115) og Øystein I (1088-1123). Fra 1123 var han enekonge. Sigurd fikk hedersnavnet «Jorsalfare» etter at han hadde vært på kombinert korstog og pilegrimsferd til Jerusalem (som på norrønt ble kalt «Jórsalir» eller «Jórsalaborg»).
- Store norske leksikon
- The Peerage
- FMG.ac
- Geneall
- http://www.miklaborg.net/
- http://www.nad.riksarkivet.se/sbl/artikel/18235
Gift 2 gånger och hade en frilla. 1103-30 talet.
Sigurd var nest eldst av tre brødre, og moren hans var en av kongens friller, Tora. De tre brødrene hadde forskjellige mødre, men lik arverett til tronen. Sigurd fulgte faren Magnus på flere utenlandsreiser da han besøkte og befestet kolonier under sitt styre. Som 12–13-åring var Sigurd med på en slik tur, men han hadde blitt igjen på Orknøyene da faren falt i et bakholdsangrep i Irland i 1103.
Det var særlig de to brødrene Øystein og Sigurd som tok oppgavene som konge. Den yngste broren Olav var bare 3–4 år da faren Magnus døde, og han var sykelig og døde tidlig.
Det er ikke kjent hvorfor det var Sigurd som ble valgt ut til å lede ferden til Jorsal, men det kan skyldes at han var mer reisevant enn broren og rett og slett ønsket det. Begge deltok aktivt i forberedelsene, og reisen kan sees som et felles prosjekt. Da reisen startet var kong Sigurd kun 18 år, og broren Øystein ble igjen i Norge for å styre landet.
Navn Sigurd Magnusson Regjeringstid 1103–1130 Født 1090 Død 26. mars 1130 Oslo Foreldre Magnus Berrføtt Tora (frille) Ektefelle Malmfrid, datter av Mstislav I av Kiev Cecilia Barn Magnus (1115–1139) Kristin (ca. 1125–1178)
Født: ca 1090 Ekteskap: dronning Malmfrid Haraldsdatter Død: ca 1130 i en alder av omkring 40 år Et annet navn for Sigurd var Sigurd Jorsalfar. Han var Norges konge fra 1103 til han døde i 1130. Han regjerte sammen med sine brødre, Øystein og Olav, så lenge disse levde. Etter at Sigurd døde i 1130, ble hans sønn, Magnus 4. Sigurdson Blinde (konge 1130-35) tvunget til å samregjere med Harald 4. Gille, som hevdet at han var sønn til Magnus Berrføtt. Sigurd giftet seg med dronning Malmfrid Haraldsdatter.
Bilden:Gerhard Munthe: Kong Sigurd og Kong Baldvine rir frå Jorsalaborg til elva Jordan.
Sigurd Jorsalafarare, eller Sigurd I Magnusson cirka 1090-1130, kung av Norge från 1103. Son till Magnus III Barfot. Hans drottning hette Malmfrid.
Efter faderns död samregerade Sigurd några år med sina halvbröder Olav Magnusson och Øystein I Magnusson. Efter dessas död (1115 resp. 1123) var han ensam kung. Sitt binamn fick han efter ett kors- och pilgrimståg till Jerusalem 1107-1111. Legenden säger att han tog med sig ett relikskrin från Jerusalem, som innehöll en flisa från Kristi kors och att han gav till staden Konghelle (Kungahälla). Kungahälla ska enligt Snorre Sturlasson under Sigurds regenttid ha växt till att bli en av de viktigaste norska städerna. Skrinet med reliken ska ha plundrats när venderna anföll och brände staden 1135.
Enligt traditionen gjorde Sigurd även korståg till Sverige i 1123 mot de hedniska smålänningarna där.
Efter Sigurds död delades regerandet mellan sonen Magnus, och hans fars påstådde irländske son Harald.
Magnus IV Sigurdsson (utomäktenskaplig).
Kristin, mor till Magnus V Erlingsson.
Sigurd was the second oldest of three brothers, and his mother was one of the king's saviors, Tora. The three brothers had different mothers, but equal inheritance to the throne. Sigurd followed his father Magnus on several trips abroad when he visited and fortified colonies under his rule. As a 12-13 year old, Sigurd was on such a trip, but he had left the Orkney when his father fell into an ambush in Ireland in 1103. It was especially the two brothers Øystein and Sigurd who took the tasks as king. The youngest brother Olav was only 3-4 years old when his father Magnus died, and he was sickly and died early.
It is not known why it was Sigurd who was chosen to lead the journey to Jorsal, but it may be because he was more travel-savvy than the brother and simply wanted it. Both participated actively in the preparations, and the journey can be seen as a joint project. When the journey started King Sigurd was only 18 years old, and his brother Øystein remained in Norway to rule the country.
Name Sigurd Magnusson Government time 1103–1130 Born 1090 Death March 26, 1130 Oslo Parents Magnus Berrføtt Tora (frize) Spouse Malmfrid, daughter of Mstislav I of Kiev Cecilia Child Magnus (1115–1139) Kristin (approx. 1125–1178)
Sigurd I Magnusson "the Crusader" Jorsalfare, King of Norway's Timeline
1090 |
Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway
1115 |
Norway - son of Sigurd I
1124 |
Folkingberg, Eidberg, Østford, Norge (Norway)
1130 |
March 26, 1130
Age 40
Oslo, Akershus, Norway
Age 40
Hallvardskirken, Oslo, Norway
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