Bror til Ragnvald Mørejarl, som ga han jarledømmet på Orkney. Brother of Ragnvald Mørajarl
Oversikt over Orkneyjarlene (Earls of Orkney):
Orkneysagaen (Jarlesoga) på norsk (in Norwegian):
From The Saga of Harald Hårfagri (Fairhair), Snorri Sturluson:
"In this war fell Ivar, a son of Ragnvald, Earl of More; and King Harald gave Ragnvald, as a compensation for the loss, the Orkney and Shetland isles, when he sailed from the West; but Ragnvald immediately gave both these countries to his brother Sigurd, who remained behind them; and King Harald, before sailing eastward, gave Sigurd the earldom of them. Thorstein the Red, a son of Olaf the White and of Aud the Wealthy, entered into partnership with him; and after plundering in Scotland, they subdued Caithness and Sutherland, as far as Ekkjalsbakke (Kyle of Sutherland). Earl Sigurd killed Melbridge Tooth, a Scotch earl, and hung his head to his stirrup-leather; but the calf of his leg were scratched by the teeth, which were sticking out from the head, and the wound caused inflammation in his leg, of which the earl died, and he was laid in a mound at Ekkjalsbakke. His son Guthorm ruled over these countries for about a year thereafter, and died without children. Many vikings, both Danes and Northmen, set themselves down then in those countries."
Full text, English, norsk:
Died of blood poisoning
832 |
Vestfold or Sunnmøre, Norway
870 |
Norse Orkney
874 |
Age 42
Orkney, Orkney Islands, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Age 42
Ekkialsbakki, Sydero, Dornoch Firth
875 |
- 892
Age 43
Orkney, Orkney Islands
1937 |
November 27, 1937
Age 42
November 27, 1937
Age 42
November 27, 1937
Age 42
November 27, 1937
Age 42
1938 |
January 20, 1938
Age 42