Siegfried (died 3 December 937) was the Count and Margrave of Merseburg from an unknown date before 934 until his death. He does not appear with the title of Margrave in contemporary royal charters and diplomas, so the title was informal and never official.
Siegfried was probably the son of Thietmar, the tutor of Henry I of Germany. He was made procurator of the Duchy of Saxony in 936. Otto I put his younger brother Henry under the "protective custory" of Siegfried (or perhaps in Bavaria) during his coronation festivities.[1] At that time, Siegfried was "second after the king," according to Widukind of Corvey.
When Siegfried died, his march was disputed between Thankmar, his cousin (through their mothers) and the king's brother, and Gero, his own brother and the king's appointee.
Siegfried's first wife was Ermenburg (Irminburg), daughter of Otto I, Duke of Saxony, and Hathui. His second wife (936) was Guthia (Guhtiu), who as a widow became the foundress and first abbess of Gröningen.
Three wives, but apparently no children. His brother Gero inherited.
SIEGFRIED (-[3 Dec 936/941]). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. "Henricus…rex" granted property "in pago Friesonoueld [Friesenfeld] in comitatu Sigifridi…locis Osterhusa, Asendorf, Uuntea, Hoenpergi, Seorebininga, Sitechenbehque…[et] in pagis Altgeuue et Uuestgeuue…in comitatibus Meginuuarchi et Sigifridi loca Tennistat, Chirihbaringa, Uuoluesbaringa, Paringi, Bisenuuinida, Hursilagamundi, Asbah, Eckihartesleba, Asgari, Saltzaha, Durniloha et Germari" to Kloster Hersfeld by charter dated 1 Jun 932[7]. "Henricus…rex" granted property "in Triburi in pago Engilia in comitatu Megenwardi [et] in Istat in pago Nabelgowe in comitatu Meginwardi eiusdem et in Merseburc in pago Hosgowe in comitatu Sigifridi" to Kloster Fulda in exchange for property "in Abunheim in pago Warmazgowe in comitatu Chunradi" by charter dated 3 Jun 932[8]. "Heinricus…rex" granted land "in pago Sueuia…in comitatu Sigifridi…Groninga et Croppensteti et Emmundorp" to "Sigifrido…comiti nostro" by charter dated 25 Jun 934 at the request of "Heinrici…comitis nostri"[9]. He was appointed Procurator in Saxony by Otto I King of Germany in 936. The Annalista Saxo records that "huius frater [Gero marchionis] Sigefridus" donated part of his property to construct Kloster Gröningen ["Gronigge"] an Bode[10]. m firstly IRMINBURG, daughter of OTTO "der Erlauchte" Graf in Eichsfeld [Liudolfinger] & his wife Hedwig [Hathui] [Babenberg] (-before 936). Europäische Stammtafeln[11] names Irminburg as daughter of Otto & his wife, and records her marriage, but the primary source which confirms this statement has not yet been identified. m secondly GUTHIA, daughter of --- . 936. Jackman quotes a Memorial book list of Reichenau which names (in order) "…Sigefrid, Guhtiu…"[12]. The Annalista Saxo records that, after her husband's death, the monastery "in loco qui dicitur Gronigge" was founded and she was appointed abbess[13]. same person as…? SIEGFRIED . “Sigifridus comes” donated two families “Hiriswitherothe…alteram in Reginwerskinghusen” to Corvey monastery “pro uxore sua Weldrute”[14]. “Sigifridus comes” donated one family “in Lahheim” to Corvey monastery[15]. m WELDRUT, daughter of ---. “Sigifridus comes” donated two families “Hiriswitherothe…alteram in Reginwerskinghusen” to Corvey monastery “pro uxore sua Weldrute”[16]. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/MEISSEN.htm#HiddaMChristiandiedafte...
IRMINBURG (-before 936). Europäische Stammtafeln[190] names Irminburg as daughter of Otto & his wife, and records her marriage, but the primary source which confirms this has not so far been identified. m as his first wife, SIEGFRIED, son of THIETMAR [Ostmark] & his wife --- (-[3 Dec 936/941]).]http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#OttoErlauchtedied912
890 |
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December 3, 937
Age 47
Saxony, Germany
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