Historical records matching Sargent Alexander Rankin, I
Immediate Family
About Sargent Alexander Rankin, I
NOT SARGENT possibly Sergeant
Alexander Rankin (abt. 1621 - 1703)
Alexander Rankin
Born about 1621 in Ayrshire, Scotland
Son of James Rankin and Marion (Steadman) Rankin
Brother of Andrew Rankin [half]
Husband of Maria (Reid) Rankin — married 1659 in Scotland
Father of Martha Rankin, Alexander Rankin, John Rankin, William Rankin, Unknown Rankin and Hugh Rankin
Died 12 Feb 1703 at about age 82 in Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Profile last modified 18 Dec 2023 | Created 11 Jun 2010
This person was created on 11 June 2010 through the import of ged22.ged. This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.
Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page.
research notes
This family tree FamilySearch Person: KZ41-7LN has many sourced records for his children. Some basic data varies, such as birth year (1635). Please verify before using. Thank you.
WikiTree profile Rankin-497 created through the import of Rankin-Ridgdill Family Tree.ged on Oct 4, 2011 by Elizabeth Rankin. See the Changes page for the details of edits by Elizabeth and others.
Source: S-2052917492 Repository: #R-2139398877 Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=21058954&pid...
Repository: R-2139398877 Name: Ancestry.com Address: http://www.Ancestry.com
Alexander was part of the Rankin sect of Clan MacLean from Duart Castle on the Isle of Mull.
Alexander Rankin, his son William and grandson Adam migrated to Ireland when Adam was only one year old, Adam having been born in Sterlingshire, Scotland. The Rankins took part in the siege of Londonderry in 1690, and with other various families, defended that city when it was besieged by James II. This siege lasted for 105 days, and was finally relieved by William of Orange.
1. ALEXANDER1 RANKIN was born 1628 in Ayrshire, Scotland, and died February 12, 1703 in Chester, Chester County, Pennsylvania. He married MARIA 1659 in Scotland. She was born 1633 in Turriff, Aderdeenshire, Scotland, and died 1659 in Turriff, Aderdeenshire, Scotland.
Children of ALEXANDER RANKIN and MARIA are:
i. MARTHA2 RANKIN, b. 1650, Londonderry, Londonderry, Ireland; d. 1695, Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts.
ii. ALEXANDER JR. RANKIN, b. May 19, 1651; d. 1689, Scotland.
iii. JOHN RANKIN, b. 1653, Scotland; d. 1740, Scotland. 2. iv. WILLIAM RANKIN, b. 1658, Scotland; d. 1730, Chester, Chester County, Pennsylvania.
Alexander Rankin (abt. 1621 - 1703)
Alexander Rankin
Born about 1621 in Ayrshire, Scotlandmap
ANCESTORS ancestors
Son of James Rankin and Marion (Steadman) Rankin
Brother of Andrew Rankin [half]
Husband of Maria (Reid) Rankin — married 1659 in Scotlandmap
DESCENDANTS descendants
Father of Martha Rankin, Alexander Rankin, John Rankin, William Rankin, Unknown Rankin and Hugh Rankin
Died 12 Feb 1703 at about age 82 in Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvaniamap
PROBLEMS/QUESTIONSProfile managers: Rolinda Cathey private message [send private message] and Amy Hamilton private message [send private message]
Profile last modified 18 Dec 2023 | Created 11 Jun 2010
This page has been accessed 3,607 times.
This person was created on 11 June 2010 through the import of ged22.ged. This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.
Please edit, add, or delete anything in this text, including this note. Be bold and experiment! If you make a mistake you can always see the previous version of the text on the Changes page.
research notes
This family tree FamilySearch Person: KZ41-7LN has many sourced records for his children. Some basic data varies, such as birth year (1635). Please verify before using. Thank you.
WikiTree profile Rankin-497 created through the import of Rankin-Ridgdill Family Tree.ged on Oct 4, 2011 by Elizabeth Rankin. See the Changes page for the details of edits by Elizabeth and others.
Source: S-2052917492 Repository: #R-2139398877 Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Page: Ancestry Family Trees Note: Data: Text: http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=21058954&pid...
Repository: R-2139398877 Name: Ancestry.com Address: http://www.Ancestry.com
- Residence: Lochdon, Argyllshire, Scotland, United Kingdom - 1625–1651
- Residence: Ayrshire, Scotland, United Kingdom - 1653–1687
- Reference: FamilySearch Genealogy - SmartCopy: Mar 2 2019, 21:42:03 UTC
- Reference: FamilySearch Genealogy - SmartCopy: Mar 2 2019, 21:42:03 UTC
- Reference: FamilySearch Genealogy - SmartCopy: Aug 14 2019, 13:13:59 UTC
Sargent Alexander Rankin, I's Timeline
1628 |
Ayrshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1651 |
Ayrshire, Scotland
1652 |
January 10, 1652
St Madoes Perth Scotland
1653 |
Donegal, County Donegal, County Donegal, Ireland
Durat Castle
1658 |
Alloa, Clackmannanshire, Scotland, United Kingdom
1660 |
Londonderry, Derry, Northern Ireland, Ireland
Ayrshire, Scotland
1666 |
Scotland, United Kingdom