Sancha Sánchez de Pamplona (?, 959), hija de Sancho Garcés I y Toda Aznar, contrajo matrimonio en tres ocasiones. El primero, con Ordoño II, enlace que supuso la máxima expresión de la alianza entre reyes cristianos y contribuyó a la derrota definitiva de los Banu Qasi. En su segundo matrimonio tomó por esposo al conde alavés Álvaro Herrameliz, que falleció en el 931. Al año siguiente se casó por última vez, en esta ocasión con el primer Conde de Castilla, Fernán González. Con éste último tuvo los siguientes descendientes:
Gonzalo Fernández.
Sancho Fernández.
García Fernández.
Urraca Fernández. Casada sucesivamente 940-5 con Ordoño III de León (940-945, repudiada), con Ordoño IV de León "el Malo" (956-958)y con Sancho II de Navarra, apodado Sancho Abarca.
Muniadona Fernández, casada con Gómez Díaz, hijo del conde Diego Muñoz de Saldaña.
Munio Fernández, fraile.
Fronilde Fernández, casada con Rodanio Díaz, Conde en Asturias de Santillana.
Los restos de Sancha fueron enterrados en el Monasterio de San Pedro de Arlanza y posteriormente trasladados en 1841 a la Colegiata de San Cosme y San Damián de Covarrubias junto con los de su esposo Fernán González.
Obtenido de "http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sancha_de_Pamplona"
The Codex of Roda gives Sancho and Toda six children:
* Oneca (d.931), married Alfonso IV the Monk of León in 926
* Sancha, married firstly Ordoño II of León, secondly Count Alvaro Herraméliz of Álava, and thirdly Fernán González, Count of Castile
* Urraca, married Ramiro II of León
* Velasquita (or Belasquita), married firstly Munio, count of Vizcaya, secondly Galindo, son of Bernard count of Ribagorza, and third, nobleman Fortún Galíndez.
* Orbita
* García, king of Pamplona, married firstly Andregota Galíndez and secondly Teresa
Sancho also had an illegitimate daughter:
* Lupa, mother of Raymond I, Count of Bigorre
Sancha de Pamplona
Sancha Sánchez de Pamplona (?, 959), daughter of Sancho I Garcés and Toda Aznar, married three times. The first, with Ordoño II, liaison representing the ultimate expression of the alliance between Christian kings and contributed to the final defeat of the Banu Qasi. In her second marriage by husband took andalusia Alavés Count Alvaro Herrameliz, who died in 931. The following year she married for the last time, this time with the first Count of Castile, Fernán González. With the latter had the following descendants:
Gonzalo Fernandez.
Sancho Fernandez.
García Fernández.
Urraca Fernández. Married with successively 940-5 Ordoño Leo III (940-945, divorced), with IV Ordoño Leon "the Poor" (956-958) and Sancho II of Navarre, nicknamed Sancho Abarca.
Muniadona Fernández, married to Diaz Gomez, son of Count Diego Muñoz de Saldaña.
Munio Fernandez friar.
Fronilde Fernández, married to Rodania Diaz, Count in Asturias de Santillana.
Sancha remains were buried in the Monastery of San Pedro de Arlanza and subsequently transferred in 1841 to the Collegiate Church of San Cosme y San Damián de Covarrubias along with her husband Fernán González.
* Gonzalo, who married Fronilde Gómez, suggested to have been granddaughter of count Diego Rodríguez Porcelos
* Sancho, named in a charter of his paternal grandmother
* Munio
* García, his eventual successor
* Urraca, successively queen of León and then Navarre
* Muniadona, wife of Gómez Díaz, count of Saldaña, of the powerful Beni Gómez clan
The Chronicon Burgense records the death in 970 of “comes Fernandus Gundisalvi”[178]. m firstly ([932]%29 as her third husband, SANCHA Sánchez de Navarra, widow firstly of ORDOÑO II King of León and secondly of ÁLVARO Herrameliz Conde de Álava, daughter of SANCHO I Garces King of Navarre & his second wife Toda Aznárez de Larraún (after 900-[9 Jun 952/29 Nov 955]). The Codex de Roda names "Garsea rex et domna Onneca et domna Sanzia et domna Urraca…domna Belasquita, necnon et domna Orbita" as the children of "Sanzio Garseanis" and his wife "Tota Asnari", stating that Sancha married "Ordonii imperatoris, postea…Albaro Harramelliz de Alaba, demumque…Fredenando comitis"[179]. "Fredenando Gundisalviz et uxor mea Sancia" donated property to the abbey of Silos by charter dated 3 Jun 919 (although this must be misdated), confirmed by "Munio Didace, Sarracine Scemonoz, Garcie Bençemaloçe, Frande Arguisso, Garcie Alvarez"[180]. “Muma Domna cometissa…cum filio meo Fredinando Gundisalviz…comes et uxor sua Domna Sanctia seu neptis meis Gundisalvo Frenandiz vel Sanctio Frenandiz” donated property in Valzalamio to San Pedro de Cardeñas by charter dated 5 Aug 935[181]. “Comes Fredinandus Gundisalviz cum uxore mea Sancia comitisa et cum filiis meis Gundisalvus Fredinandi et Garsea Fredinandi et Sancio Fredinandi et Munio Fredinandi et Domna Fronilde” donated the monastery of San Miguel de Xavilla to San Pedro de Cardeñas by charter dated 941, witnessed by "Sarracenus, Bermudo Fannez, Gundisalvo de Aza"[182]. "Fredinando comes…cum uxore mea…Sancia cometissa" donated property to the monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla by charter dated 944, confirmed by "…Gundissalvo Fernandez, Sancio Fernandez, Garcia Fernandez…"[183].
Father: Garcés, Sancho I, King of Pamplona, b. CIR 865 (who was also father of Sánchez, García I, King of Pamplona --http://www.hull.ac.uk/php/cssbct/cgi-bin/gedlkup.php/n=royal?royal0...; ... Urraca of Pamplona; Oneca of Pamplona; Velasquita Sáncez; y Orbita de Navarre).
Mother: de Aragon, Urraca Anzarez (Child 1: Sánchez, García I, King of Pamplona, b. 919; Child 2: , Sancha of Pamplona; Child 3: , Urraca of Pamplona; Child 4: , Oneca of Pamplona; Child 5: Sanchez, Velasquita; y Child 6: de Navarre, Orbita)
Married 1 MAR 923 to , Ordoño II of León, King of León
Married CIR 924 to de Alava, Alvaro, Cde de Alava
Married CIR 932 to González, Fernan, Cde de Lara
Child 1: Fernández, Gonzalo Child 2: Fernandez, Sancho Child 3: de Castile, Garcia I, Cde de Castile Child 4: de Castile, Nuno Fernandez, Priest Child 5: Fernandez, Munia Child 6: de Castile, Urraca Child 7: Fernandez, Fronilda
He married three times.
The first, with Ordoño II, link that supposed the maximum expression of the alliance between Christian kings and contributed to the definitive defeat of the Banu Qasi. In his second marriage he married the Count Alavés Álvaro Herrameliz, who died in 931. The following year he married for the last time, this time with the first Count of Castile, Fernán González. With this last had the following descendants: 1.Gonzalo Fernández. 2.Sancho Fernández. 3.García Fernández. 4.Urraca Fernández. Married successively 940-5 with Ordoño III of Le n (940-945, repudiated), with Ordoño IV of Leon "the Bad one" (956-958) and with Sancho II of Pamplona, nicknamed Sancho Abarca. 5.Muniadona Fernández, married to Gómez Díaz, Son of Count Diego Muñoz de Saldaña. 6.Munio Fernandez, friar. 7.Fronilde Fernández, married to Rodanio Díaz, Count in Asturias de Santillana. The remains of Sancha were buried in the Monastery of San Pedro de Arlanza and later transferred in 1841 to the Collegiate Church of San Cosme and San Damián de Covarrubias along with those of her husband Fernán González.
900 |
928 |
932 |
Castile and León, Spain
938 |
Burgos, Burgos, Castilla y León, Spain
940 |
952 |
June 9, 952
Age 52
???? | |||
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