Immediate Family
About Saint Dode of Metz
Many historians reject her existence. She is said to be daughter of Arnoaldus, and Oda, a Suevian.
From Sewell Genealogy Site. Online http://www3.sympatico.ca/robert.sewell/sitemapweb.html
Female, (about 586 - )
Clothilde|b. a 586|p30536.htm|Arnoldus Bishop of Metz||p30525.htm||||Senator Ansbertus||p30526.htm|Blithilde Princess of Cologne||p30528.htm|||||||
Clothilde was born about 586 in Old Saxony.1 She was the daughter of Arnoldus Bishop of Metz.1
Clothilde was nick named "Dode."2,3
About 596 Clothilde married Saint Arnulf Mayor of the Palace and Bishop of Metz, son of Bodegisel II Governor of Aquitaine and Oda.2,1,3,4
Clothilde became a nun at Trèves in 612.2,1,3,5
Ancestry of Edward III
Children of Clothilde and Saint Arnulf Mayor of the Palace and Bishop of Metz
Saint Clodulf Bishop of Metz+ (596 - 690)2,1,3,4
Duke Ansgise Mayor of the Palace+ (602 - 685)2,1,3,4,5
Stuart, Roderick W. Royalty for Commoners, The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philippa. Fourth Edition. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2002.
Weis, Frederick Lewis. Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists Who Came to New England Between 1623 and 1650. Fifth Edition. Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1982.
Moriarty, G. Andrews. "The Origin of the Carolingians", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register volume XCVIII (October 1944).
Kelley, David H.. "Genealogical Research in England: A New Consideration of the Carolingians", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register volume CI (April 1947).
Dode (Ode) De Heristal
* Born: 586, Old Saxony
* Married: 602
* Died: 611
Marriage Information:
Dode married St Arnoul 'De heristal' Metz, son of Arnoldus of Saxony and Oda of Saxony, in 602. (St Arnoul 'De heristal' Metz was born on 13 Aug 582 in Heristal, Austrasia, France, died on 16 Aug 640 and was buried in Metz, Austrasia, France.)
St Arnoul 'De heristal' Metz
* Mayor Of Austrasia Ansigise+
* St Clodulphe Bishop of Metz+
Died : Eft 0612
I am going along with the idea that Dode here is represented as Dode de Treves (Trier), who is sister of St. Itta de Metz. This would mean that Ansegisel and Begga were first cousins when they married.
From the French Wikipedia page on St. Dode de Metz:
Sainte Dode, en latin Doda, est l'épouse de saint Arnoul, évêque de Metz de 614 à 629.
Issue d'une famille noble et fille probable d'Arnoald, évêque de Metz, elle épouse Arnulf et donne naissance à:
1. Clodulf († 697), évêque de Metz de 657 à 697.
2. Ansegisel († av.679), domestique et ancêtre des Carolingiens.
En 614, Arnulf est élu évêque de Metz et, comme un évêque ne peut être marié, Dode se retire dans un couvent de Trèves.
Les sources
La première Vita Arnulfi, composée au milieu du VIIe siècle, ne la nomme pas, se contentant de la qualifier de « très noble jeune fille ». Ce n'est qu'au Xe siècle qu'Ummo, auteur de la seconde Vita Arnulfi la nomme Doda et précise qu'elle se retire dans un monastère de Trèves après l'élection de son mari comme évêque de Metz. Au XIe siècle, la Vita Clodulfi reprend ce nom de Doda et précise qu'elle « n'était pas d'une souche moins noble et moins célèbre » que son mari[1].
Étude des sources
De nombreux historiens, dont Eduard Hlawitschka[2] ont rejeté cette information, estimant qu'elle résulte d'une confusion avec sainte Ode, la mère de saint Arnulf, et en raison de son caractère tardif[1].
Mais, à l'époque où Ummo rédige sa Vita, la généalogie de saint Arnulf communément acceptée est la Commemoratio genealogia domni Arnulfi episcopi et confessoris Christi qui fait d'Arnulf un fils d'Arnoald et qui mentionne une Doda parmi les grandes tantes d'Arnulf. Introduire ce nom comme celui de l'épouse d'Arnulf consiste à laisser entendre l'existence d'une parenté entre les époux, à un époque où l'Église est très préoccupée des empêchements au mariage pour consanguinité, serait plutôt de nature à desservir la réputation du saint que le contraire. Il n'y a donc pas de réelles raisons de rejeter cet élément tardif qui n'ajoute rien à la gloire de saint Arnulf et des Carolingiens.
Au cours des XIXe et XXe siècles, la critique historique moderne a remis en cause le bien fondé de la Commemoratio. Une étude critique a montré que saint Arnulf est probablement le gendre d'Arnoald[3]. Il en découle que Doda serait en fait la fille d'Arnoald, qu'elle tiendrait son nom de sa grande tante Doda, pour ensuite le transmettre à sa petite fille Chrothildis Doda, épouse du roi Thierry III[4].
Notes et références
1.↑ a et b Settipani 1993, p. 47
2.↑ Eduard Hlawitschka, Die Vorfahren Karls des Großen, éd. H Beumann, Düsseldorf, 1965, p. 73 note 1 .
3.↑ Jörg Jarnut, Agilofingerstudien. Untersuchungen zur Gesichte einer adlingen Familien im 6 und 7 Jahrhundert, Stuttgart, 1986 .
4.↑ Settipani 1993, p. 29-31 et 48
Pierre Riché, Les Carolingiens, une famille qui fit l'Europe, Hachette, coll. « Pluriel », Paris, 1983 (réimpr. 1997), 490 p. (ISBN 2-01-278851-3)
Christian Settipani, Les Ancêtres de Charlemagne, Paris, 1989, 170 p. (ISBN 2-906483-28-1), p. 47-8
Jean-Charles Volkmann, Bien connaître les généalogies des rois de France, Éditions Gisserot, 1999 (ISBN 2-877472086)
Michel Mourre, Le Petit Mourre. Dictionnaire d'Histoire universelle, Éditions Bordas, avril 2007 (ISBN 978-2-04-732194-2)
In English:
St Dode (Latin: Doda) is the wife of St. Arnulf, Bishop of Metz from 614 to 629.
She was born into a noble family and a daughter likely of Arnoald, Bishop of Metz. (If so, then she is already partly represented as a relative of St. Begga, who would have married her cousin, Ansegisel.)
She married Arnulf and gave birth to:
1. Clodulf (d. 697), Bishop of Metz from 657 to 697.
2. Ansegisel (d. 679), ancestor of the Carolingians
In 614, Arnulf was elected Bishop of Metz. Since a bishop could not be married, Dode was compelled to retire to a convent in Trier.
The Vita Amulfi, composed in the middle of the 7th century, does not name her, but merely describes her as a "noble maiden." Only in the 10th century does Ummo, author of the second Vita Amulfi, call her Doda and says that she withdrew to a monastery in Trier after her husband's election as Bishop of Metz. In the 11th century, the Vita Clodulfi names her Doda and says that she was of a strain 'not less noble nor less famous' than her husband's.
Study Sources:
Many historians, including Eduard Hlawitschka, reject her existence, saying that she resulted from confusion with St. Oda, mother of St. Arnulf, and noting that her being named came late.
But when Ummo wrote his Vita Arnulfi, the genealogy of St. Arnulf had been commonly accepted, as indicated by the Commemoratio Genealogia domni Arnulfi episcopi and Confessori Christi, which notes Arnulf as a son of Arnoald and mentions Doda among the great aunts of Arnulf. Insert this name as the wife of Arnulf indicates a kinship between the spouses at a time when the church was very concerned about the impediments to marriage for inbreeding, would be more likely to serve the reputation of the saints than the opposite. There is no reason to dismiss this marriage as being late as it adds nothing to the glory of St. Arnulf and the Carolingians.
During the 19th and 20th centuries, modern historical criticism questioned the merits of the Commemoratio. A critical study showed that St. Arnulf is probably the son of Arnoald. It follows that if Doda is in fact the daughter of Arnoald, she would have taken her name from her great aunt Doda, and then passed it to her granddaughter Chrothildis Doda, wife of King Thierry III.
According to the Dictionary of Saintly Women:
St. Doda is the ancestor of Charlemagne. Wife of St. Arnaulf of Metz, a great patron saint of the French.
She was a woman of noble birth, and great wealth and piety. She was married in 609 to Arnulf, who held positions of the highest importance and trust under Theodebert II and Clothaire. Arnulf and Doda had two sons, Clodulfus (one of many Saints Cloud), Bishop of Metz, and Ansigisilus, who married St. Begga, daughter of Pepin of Landen.
Soon after the birth of her second son, Doda became a nun at Treves. Arnulf wished to join St. Romaric and become a nun, but the king and the people could not dispense with his services. About 612, the bishopric of Metz was forced upon him, although he was a laymen, but was still retained as the king's chief advisor and minister. He died a monk about 640.
Many years after their separation, Arnulf and Doda had to meet to settle some of their affairs. She was so afraid that her presence might revive his mundane affections that she shaved her head; her precaution was successful - he was horrified at the sight of her.
At July 18, Bosch the Bollandist gives two lives of St. Arnulf, the earliest of which is by a contemporary author. He also gives an inscription in which she is called "St. Doda Herezogin von Schbbeina St. Arnulphen Gemachel."
But he does not seem to attach much credit to this last. Doda is commorated with her son St. Cloud, in Greven and Usuard. Clarns, Die Heilige Mathilde. Butler. Baillet. Smith and Wace.
According to the English Wikipedia page on Arnoald, her father:
Scholars looking to replace the traditions that would make Arnulf of Metz the son of Arnould have proposed alternative relationships between Arnoald and the Carolingians. Proposed solutions would make him father of one of the following:
Dode or Doda, who became a nun in 612 at Treves becoming called also Clothilde of Treves, born ca 584, married ca 596 to Arnulf of Metz.
According to the Wikipedia page on Arnulf of Metz, her husband:
Arnulf was married ca 596 to a woman whom later sources give the name of Dode or Doda, (born ca 584), and had children. Chlodulf of Metz was his oldest son, but more important is his second son Ansegisel, who married Begga daughter of Pepin I, Pippin of Landen. Arnulf is thus the male-line grandfather of Charles Martel and great-great grandfather of Charlemagne.
According to the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Merovingian Nobility:
[DODA], daughter of ---. The 11th century life of her son Chlodulf names “mater…Chlodulfi Doda”[52]. Settipani states that this is the only source which names Arnulf´s wife, and inevitably casts doubt on the accuracy of the source written several centuries after she lived[53].
Arnulf & his wife had [three] children:
1. Chlodulf (610-8 May 697)
2. Ansegisel (612-662 Murdered)
3. Walacho (Unproven)
English Wikipedia Entry on St. Arnulf of Metz (Retrieved 1-22-2009)
Saint Arnulf of Metz was born of an important Frankish family at an uncertain date around 582. In his younger years he was called to the Merovingian court to serve king Theudebert II (595-612) of Austrasia and as dux at the Schelde. Later he became bishop of Metz. During his life he was attracted to religious life and he retired as a monk. After his death he was canonized as a saint. In the French language he is also known as Arnoul or Arnoulf.
Arnulf gave distinguished service at the Austrasian court under Theudebert II After the death of Theudebert in 612 he was made bishop of Metz. The rule of Austrasia came into the hands of Brunhilda, the grandmother of Theudebert, who ruled also in Burgundy in the name of her great-grandchildren. In 613 Arnulf joined his politics with Pippin of Landen and led the opposition of Frankish nobles against Queen Brunhilda. The revolt led to her overthrow, torture, and eventual execution, and the subsequent reunification of Frankish lands under Chlothachar II.
Chlothachar later made his son Dagobert I king of Austrasia and he ruled with the help of his advisor Arnulf. Not satisfied with his position, as a bishop he was involved in the murder of Chrodoald in 624, an important leader of the Frankish Agilolfings family and a protégé of Dagobert.
From 623 (with Pippin of Landen, then the Mayor of the Palace), Arnulf was an adviser to Dagobert I. He retired around 628 to a hermitage at a mountain site in the Vosges, to realize his lifelong resolution to become a monk and a hermit. His friend Romaric, whose parents were killed by Brunhilda, had preceded him to the mountains and together with Amatus had already established Remiremont Abbey there. Arnulf settled there, and remained there until his death twelve years later.
Arnulf was canonized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church. In iconography, he is portrayed with a rake in his hand and is often confused in legend with Arnold of Soissons, who is a patron saint of brewing.
Shortly after 800, most likely in Metz, a brief genealogy of the Carolingians was compiled, modelled in style after the genealogy of Jesus in the New Testament. According to this source, Arnulf's father was a certain Arnoald, who in turn was the son of a nobilissimus Ansbert and Blithilt (or Blithilde), an alleged and otherwise unattested daughter of Chlothar I. This late attribution of royal Merovingian descent at a time when the Carolingian dynasty was at the peak of its power contrasts clearly with the contemporary Vita Sancti Arnulfi's failure to mention any such a connection: The Vita, written shortly after the saint's death, merely states that he was of Frankish ancestry, from "sufficiently elevated and noble parentage, and very rich in worldly goods"[1], without making any claims to royal blood. While modern historians generally dismiss the later Carolingian genealogy as spurious[2], it constitutes an important link in Christian Settipani's suggested line of descent from antiquity via Flavius Afranius Syagrius.
Arnulf was married ca 596 to a woman who later sources give the name of Dode or Doda, (born ca 584), and had children. Chlodulf of Metz was his oldest son, but more important is his second son Ansegisel, who married Begga daughter of Pepin I, Pippin of Landen.
1. ^ Vita Arnulfi c. 1, MG. SS. rer. Merov. 2, p. 432.
2. ^ Cf. R. Schieffer, Die Karolinger, Verlag W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Berlin / Köln, 2nd ed., 1997.
- Alban Butler's Lives of the Saints, edited, revised and supplemented by Thurston and Attwater. Christian Classics, Westminster, Maryland.
- Christian Settipani - La Préhistoire des Capétiens, Première Partie.
See also
- Descent from antiquity
External links
Sister project Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Arnoul de Metz
- Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Arnulf of Metz
Also at Saint Dode of Metz
Blev nunna 612
Blev nunna 612.
Doda was also referred to as Clothilde. We have no documentation on her parents.
Dode or Doda, also called Dode of Metz, Dode of Old Saxony, or Doda the Saxon, became a nun in 612 at Treves She was also called Clothilde of Treves, born ca 584, married ca 596 to Arnulf of Metz
Ging naar een klooster toen haar man bisschop verkozen werd.
Sainte Dode
aka Clothilde of TREVES; Dode (Dodo) Clothilde de SAXE
Anmärkning: Hon blev nunna i 612 i Treves .
Arnulf was married ca 596 to a woman whom later sources give the name of Dode or Doda, (born ca 584), and had children. Chlodulf of Metz was his oldest son, but more important is his second son Ansegisel, who married Begga daughter of Pepin I, Pippin of Landen. Arnulf is thus the male-line grandfather of Charles Martel and great-great grandfather of Charlemagne.
Became a nun at Treves in 612.
More About Dode and St. Arnulf: Marriage: Abt. 596
Many historians reject her existence. She is said to be daughter of Arnoaldus, and Oda, a Suevian.
From Sewell Genealogy Site. Online http://www3.sympatico.ca/robert.sewell/sitemapweb.html
Female, (about 586 - )
Clothilde|b. a 586|p30536.htm|Arnoldus Bishop of Metz||p30525.htm||||Senator Ansbertus||p30526.htm|Blithilde Princess of Cologne||p30528.htm|||||||
Clothilde was born about 586 in Old Saxony.1 She was the daughter of Arnoldus Bishop of Metz.1
Clothilde was nick named "Dode."2,3
About 596 Clothilde married Saint Arnulf Mayor of the Palace and Bishop of Metz, son of Bodegisel II Governor of Aquitaine and Oda.2,1,3,4
Clothilde became a nun at Trèves in 612.2,1,3,5
Ancestry of Edward III
Children of Clothilde and Saint Arnulf Mayor of the Palace and Bishop of Metz
Saint Clodulf Bishop of Metz+ (596 - 690)2,1,3,4
Duke Ansgise Mayor of the Palace+ (602 - 685)2,1,3,4,5
Stuart, Roderick W. Royalty for Commoners, The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philippa. Fourth Edition. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2002.
Weis, Frederick Lewis. Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists Who Came to New England Between 1623 and 1650. Fifth Edition. Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1982.
Moriarty, G. Andrews. "The Origin of the Carolingians", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register volume XCVIII (October 1944).
Kelley, David H.. "Genealogical Research in England: A New Consideration of the Carolingians", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register volume CI (April 1947).
Dode (Ode) De Heristal
- Born: 586, Old Saxony
- Married: 602
- Died: 611 Marriage Information:
Dode married St Arnoul 'De heristal' Metz, son of Arnoldus of Saxony and Oda of Saxony, in 602. (St Arnoul 'De heristal' Metz was born on 13 Aug 582 in Heristal, Austrasia, France, died on 16 Aug 640 and was buried in Metz, Austrasia, France.)
St Arnoul 'De heristal' Metz
- Mayor Of Austrasia Ansigise+
- St Clodulphe Bishop of Metz+
Died : Eft 0612
I am going along with the idea that Dode here is represented as Dode de Treves (Trier), who is sister of St. Itta de Metz. This would mean that Ansegisel and Begga were first cousins when they married.
From the French Wikipedia page on St. Dode de Metz:
Sainte Dode, en latin Doda, est l'épouse de saint Arnoul, évêque de Metz de 614 à 629.
Issue d'une famille noble et fille probable d'Arnoald, évêque de Metz, elle épouse Arnulf et donne naissance à:
1. Clodulf († 697), évêque de Metz de 657 à 697.
2. Ansegisel († av.679), domestique et ancêtre des Carolingiens.
En 614, Arnulf est élu évêque de Metz et, comme un évêque ne peut être marié, Dode se retire dans un couvent de Trèves.
Les sources
La première Vita Arnulfi, composée au milieu du VIIe siècle, ne la nomme pas, se contentant de la qualifier de « très noble jeune fille ». Ce n'est qu'au Xe siècle qu'Ummo, auteur de la seconde Vita Arnulfi la nomme Doda et précise qu'elle se retire dans un monastère de Trèves après l'élection de son mari comme évêque de Metz. Au XIe siècle, la Vita Clodulfi reprend ce nom de Doda et précise qu'elle « n'était pas d'une souche moins noble et moins célèbre » que son mari[1].
Étude des sources
De nombreux historiens, dont Eduard Hlawitschka[2] ont rejeté cette information, estimant qu'elle résulte d'une confusion avec sainte Ode, la mère de saint Arnulf, et en raison de son caractère tardif[1].
Mais, à l'époque où Ummo rédige sa Vita, la généalogie de saint Arnulf communément acceptée est la Commemoratio genealogia domni Arnulfi episcopi et confessoris Christi qui fait d'Arnulf un fils d'Arnoald et qui mentionne une Doda parmi les grandes tantes d'Arnulf. Introduire ce nom comme celui de l'épouse d'Arnulf consiste à laisser entendre l'existence d'une parenté entre les époux, à un époque où l'Église est très préoccupée des empêchements au mariage pour consanguinité, serait plutôt de nature à desservir la réputation du saint que le contraire. Il n'y a donc pas de réelles raisons de rejeter cet élément tardif qui n'ajoute rien à la gloire de saint Arnulf et des Carolingiens.
Au cours des XIXe et XXe siècles, la critique historique moderne a remis en cause le bien fondé de la Commemoratio. Une étude critique a montré que saint Arnulf est probablement le gendre d'Arnoald[3]. Il en découle que Doda serait en fait la fille d'Arnoald, qu'elle tiendrait son nom de sa grande tante Doda, pour ensuite le transmettre à sa petite fille Chrothildis Doda, épouse du roi Thierry III[4].
Notes et références
1.↑ a et b Settipani 1993, p. 47
2.↑ Eduard Hlawitschka, Die Vorfahren Karls des Großen, éd. H Beumann, Düsseldorf, 1965, p. 73 note 1 .
3.↑ Jörg Jarnut, Agilofingerstudien. Untersuchungen zur Gesichte einer adlingen Familien im 6 und 7 Jahrhundert, Stuttgart, 1986 .
4.↑ Settipani 1993, p. 29-31 et 48
Pierre Riché, Les Carolingiens, une famille qui fit l'Europe, Hachette, coll. « Pluriel », Paris, 1983 (réimpr. 1997), 490 p. (ISBN 2-01-278851-3)
Christian Settipani, Les Ancêtres de Charlemagne, Paris, 1989, 170 p. (ISBN 2-906483-28-1), p. 47-8
Jean-Charles Volkmann, Bien connaître les généalogies des rois de France, Éditions Gisserot, 1999 (ISBN 2-877472086)
Michel Mourre, Le Petit Mourre. Dictionnaire d'Histoire universelle, Éditions Bordas, avril 2007 (ISBN 978-2-04-732194-2)
In English:
St Dode (Latin: Doda) is the wife of St. Arnulf, Bishop of Metz from 614 to 629.
She was born into a noble family and a daughter likely of Arnoald, Bishop of Metz. (If so, then she is already partly represented as a relative of St. Begga, who would have married her cousin, Ansegisel.)
She married Arnulf and gave birth to:
1. Clodulf (d. 697), Bishop of Metz from 657 to 697.
2. Ansegisel (d. 679), ancestor of the Carolingians
In 614, Arnulf was elected Bishop of Metz. Since a bishop could not be married, Dode was compelled to retire to a convent in Trier.
The Vita Amulfi, composed in the middle of the 7th century, does not name her, but merely describes her as a "noble maiden." Only in the 10th century does Ummo, author of the second Vita Amulfi, call her Doda and says that she withdrew to a monastery in Trier after her husband's election as Bishop of Metz. In the 11th century, the Vita Clodulfi names her Doda and says that she was of a strain 'not less noble nor less famous' than her husband's.
Study Sources:
Many historians, including Eduard Hlawitschka, reject her existence, saying that she resulted from confusion with St. Oda, mother of St. Arnulf, and noting that her being named came late.
But when Ummo wrote his Vita Arnulfi, the genealogy of St. Arnulf had been commonly accepted, as indicated by the Commemoratio Genealogia domni Arnulfi episcopi and Confessori Christi, which notes Arnulf as a son of Arnoald and mentions Doda among the great aunts of Arnulf. Insert this name as the wife of Arnulf indicates a kinship between the spouses at a time when the church was very concerned about the impediments to marriage for inbreeding, would be more likely to serve the reputation of the saints than the opposite. There is no reason to dismiss this marriage as being late as it adds nothing to the glory of St. Arnulf and the Carolingians.
During the 19th and 20th centuries, modern historical criticism questioned the merits of the Commemoratio. A critical study showed that St. Arnulf is probably the son of Arnoald. It follows that if Doda is in fact the daughter of Arnoald, she would have taken her name from her great aunt Doda, and then passed it to her granddaughter Chrothildis Doda, wife of King Thierry III.
According to the Dictionary of Saintly Women:
St. Doda is the ancestor of Charlemagne. Wife of St. Arnaulf of Metz, a great patron saint of the French.
She was a woman of noble birth, and great wealth and piety. She was married in 609 to Arnulf, who held positions of the highest importance and trust under Theodebert II and Clothaire. Arnulf and Doda had two sons, Clodulfus (one of many Saints Cloud), Bishop of Metz, and Ansigisilus, who married St. Begga, daughter of Pepin of Landen.
Soon after the birth of her second son, Doda became a nun at Treves. Arnulf wished to join St. Romaric and become a nun, but the king and the people could not dispense with his services. About 612, the bishopric of Metz was forced upon him, although he was a laymen, but was still retained as the king's chief advisor and minister. He died a monk about 640.
Many years after their separation, Arnulf and Doda had to meet to settle some of their affairs. She was so afraid that her presence might revive his mundane affections that she shaved her head; her precaution was successful - he was horrified at the sight of her.
At July 18, Bosch the Bollandist gives two lives of St. Arnulf, the earliest of which is by a contemporary author. He also gives an inscription in which she is called "St. Doda Herezogin von Schbbeina St. Arnulphen Gemachel."
But he does not seem to attach much credit to this last. Doda is commorated with her son St. Cloud, in Greven and Usuard. Clarns, Die Heilige Mathilde. Butler. Baillet. Smith and Wace.
According to the English Wikipedia page on Arnoald, her father:
Scholars looking to replace the traditions that would make Arnulf of Metz the son of Arnould have proposed alternative relationships between Arnoald and the Carolingians. Proposed solutions would make him father of one of the following:
Dode or Doda, who became a nun in 612 at Treves becoming called also Clothilde of Treves, born ca 584, married ca 596 to Arnulf of Metz.
According to the Wikipedia page on Arnulf of Metz, her husband:
Arnulf was married ca 596 to a woman whom later sources give the name of Dode or Doda, (born ca 584), and had children. Chlodulf of Metz was his oldest son, but more important is his second son Ansegisel, who married Begga daughter of Pepin I, Pippin of Landen. Arnulf is thus the male-line grandfather of Charles Martel and great-great grandfather of Charlemagne.
According to the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Merovingian Nobility:
[DODA], daughter of ---. The 11th century life of her son Chlodulf names “mater…Chlodulfi Doda”[52]. Settipani states that this is the only source which names Arnulf´s wife, and inevitably casts doubt on the accuracy of the source written several centuries after she lived[53].
Arnulf & his wife had [three] children:
1. Chlodulf (610-8 May 697)
2. Ansegisel (612-662 Murdered)
3. Walacho (Unproven)
English Wikipedia Entry on St. Arnulf of Metz (Retrieved 1-22-2009)
Saint Arnulf of Metz was born of an important Frankish family at an uncertain date around 582. In his younger years he was called to the Merovingian court to serve king Theudebert II (595-612) of Austrasia and as dux at the Schelde. Later he became bishop of Metz. During his life he was attracted to religious life and he retired as a monk. After his death he was canonized as a saint. In the French language he is also known as Arnoul or Arnoulf.
Arnulf gave distinguished service at the Austrasian court under Theudebert II After the death of Theudebert in 612 he was made bishop of Metz. The rule of Austrasia came into the hands of Brunhilda, the grandmother of Theudebert, who ruled also in Burgundy in the name of her great-grandchildren. In 613 Arnulf joined his politics with Pippin of Landen and led the opposition of Frankish nobles against Queen Brunhilda. The revolt led to her overthrow, torture, and eventual execution, and the subsequent reunification of Frankish lands under Chlothachar II.
Chlothachar later made his son Dagobert I king of Austrasia and he ruled with the help of his advisor Arnulf. Not satisfied with his position, as a bishop he was involved in the murder of Chrodoald in 624, an important leader of the Frankish Agilolfings family and a protégé of Dagobert.
From 623 (with Pippin of Landen, then the Mayor of the Palace), Arnulf was an adviser to Dagobert I. He retired around 628 to a hermitage at a mountain site in the Vosges, to realize his lifelong resolution to become a monk and a hermit. His friend Romaric, whose parents were killed by Brunhilda, had preceded him to the mountains and together with Amatus had already established Remiremont Abbey there. Arnulf settled there, and remained there until his death twelve years later.
Arnulf was canonized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church. In iconography, he is portrayed with a rake in his hand and is often confused in legend with Arnold of Soissons, who is a patron saint of brewing.
Shortly after 800, most likely in Metz, a brief genealogy of the Carolingians was compiled, modelled in style after the genealogy of Jesus in the New Testament. According to this source, Arnulf's father was a certain Arnoald, who in turn was the son of a nobilissimus Ansbert and Blithilt (or Blithilde), an alleged and otherwise unattested daughter of Chlothar I. This late attribution of royal Merovingian descent at a time when the Carolingian dynasty was at the peak of its power contrasts clearly with the contemporary Vita Sancti Arnulfi's failure to mention any such a connection: The Vita, written shortly after the saint's death, merely states that he was of Frankish ancestry, from "sufficiently elevated and noble parentage, and very rich in worldly goods"[1], without making any claims to royal blood. While modern historians generally dismiss the later Carolingian genealogy as spurious[2], it constitutes an important link in Christian Settipani's suggested line of descent from antiquity via Flavius Afranius Syagrius.
Arnulf was married ca 596 to a woman who later sources give the name of Dode or Doda, (born ca 584), and had children. Chlodulf of Metz was his oldest son, but more important is his second son Ansegisel, who married Begga daughter of Pepin I, Pippin of Landen.
1. ^ Vita Arnulfi c. 1, MG. SS. rer. Merov. 2, p. 432.
2. ^ Cf. R. Schieffer, Die Karolinger, Verlag W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Berlin / Köln, 2nd ed., 1997.
Alban Butler's Lives of the Saints, edited, revised and supplemented by Thurston and Attwater. Christian Classics, Westminster, Maryland. Christian Settipani - La Préhistoire des Capétiens, Première Partie. See also
Descent from antiquity External links
Sister project Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Arnoul de Metz
Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Arnulf of Metz
Also at Saint Dode of Metz
Blev nunna 612
Blev nunna 612.
Doda was also referred to as Clothilde. We have no documentation on her parents.
Dode or Doda, also called Dode of Metz, Dode of Old Saxony, or Doda the Saxon, became a nun in 612 at Treves She was also called Clothilde of Treves, born ca 584, married ca 596 to Arnulf of Metz
Ging naar een klooster toen haar man bisschop verkozen werd.
Sainte Dode
aka Clothilde of TREVES; Dode (Dodo) Clothilde de SAXE -------------------- Anmärkning: Hon blev nunna i 612 i Treves .
Arnulf was married ca 596 to a woman whom later sources give the name of Dode or Doda, (born ca 584), and had children. Chlodulf of Metz was his oldest son, but more important is his second son Ansegisel, who married Begga daughter of Pepin I, Pippin of Landen. Arnulf is thus the male-line grandfather of Charles Martel and great-great grandfather of Charlemagne.
Became a nun at Treves in 612.
More About Dode and St. Arnulf: Marriage: Abt. 596 -------------------- http://www.our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p336.h...
read more
Many historians reject her existence. She is said to be daughter of Arnoaldus, and Oda, a Suevian.
From Sewell Genealogy Site. Online http://www3.sympatico.ca/robert.sewell/sitemapweb.html
Female, (about 586 - )
Clothilde|b. a 586|p30536.htm|Arnoldus Bishop of Metz||p30525.htm||||Senator Ansbertus||p30526.htm|Blithilde Princess of Cologne||p30528.htm|||||||
Clothilde was born about 586 in Old Saxony.1 She was the daughter of Arnoldus Bishop of Metz.1
Clothilde was nick named "Dode."2,3
About 596 Clothilde married Saint Arnulf Mayor of the Palace and Bishop of Metz, son of Bodegisel II Governor of Aquitaine and Oda.2,1,3,4
Clothilde became a nun at Trèves in 612.2,1,3,5
Ancestry of Edward III
Children of Clothilde and Saint Arnulf Mayor of the Palace and Bishop of Metz
Saint Clodulf Bishop of Metz+ (596 - 690)2,1,3,4
Duke Ansgise Mayor of the Palace+ (602 - 685)2,1,3,4,5
Stuart, Roderick W. Royalty for Commoners, The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philippa. Fourth Edition. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2002.
Weis, Frederick Lewis. Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists Who Came to New England Between 1623 and 1650. Fifth Edition. Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1982.
Moriarty, G. Andrews. "The Origin of the Carolingians", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register volume XCVIII (October 1944).
Kelley, David H.. "Genealogical Research in England: A New Consideration of the Carolingians", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register volume CI (April 1947).
Dode (Ode) De Heristal
- Born: 586, Old Saxony
- Married: 602
- Died: 611 Marriage Information:
Dode married St Arnoul 'De heristal' Metz, son of Arnoldus of Saxony and Oda of Saxony, in 602. (St Arnoul 'De heristal' Metz was born on 13 Aug 582 in Heristal, Austrasia, France, died on 16 Aug 640 and was buried in Metz, Austrasia, France.)
St Arnoul 'De heristal' Metz
- Mayor Of Austrasia Ansigise+
- St Clodulphe Bishop of Metz+
Died : Eft 0612
I am going along with the idea that Dode here is represented as Dode de Treves (Trier), who is sister of St. Itta de Metz. This would mean that Ansegisel and Begga were first cousins when they married.
From the French Wikipedia page on St. Dode de Metz:
Sainte Dode, en latin Doda, est l'épouse de saint Arnoul, évêque de Metz de 614 à 629.
Issue d'une famille noble et fille probable d'Arnoald, évêque de Metz, elle épouse Arnulf et donne naissance à:
1. Clodulf († 697), évêque de Metz de 657 à 697.
2. Ansegisel († av.679), domestique et ancêtre des Carolingiens.
En 614, Arnulf est élu évêque de Metz et, comme un évêque ne peut être marié, Dode se retire dans un couvent de Trèves.
Les sources
La première Vita Arnulfi, composée au milieu du VIIe siècle, ne la nomme pas, se contentant de la qualifier de « très noble jeune fille ». Ce n'est qu'au Xe siècle qu'Ummo, auteur de la seconde Vita Arnulfi la nomme Doda et précise qu'elle se retire dans un monastère de Trèves après l'élection de son mari comme évêque de Metz. Au XIe siècle, la Vita Clodulfi reprend ce nom de Doda et précise qu'elle « n'était pas d'une souche moins noble et moins célèbre » que son mari[1].
Étude des sources
De nombreux historiens, dont Eduard Hlawitschka[2] ont rejeté cette information, estimant qu'elle résulte d'une confusion avec sainte Ode, la mère de saint Arnulf, et en raison de son caractère tardif[1].
Mais, à l'époque où Ummo rédige sa Vita, la généalogie de saint Arnulf communément acceptée est la Commemoratio genealogia domni Arnulfi episcopi et confessoris Christi qui fait d'Arnulf un fils d'Arnoald et qui mentionne une Doda parmi les grandes tantes d'Arnulf. Introduire ce nom comme celui de l'épouse d'Arnulf consiste à laisser entendre l'existence d'une parenté entre les époux, à un époque où l'Église est très préoccupée des empêchements au mariage pour consanguinité, serait plutôt de nature à desservir la réputation du saint que le contraire. Il n'y a donc pas de réelles raisons de rejeter cet élément tardif qui n'ajoute rien à la gloire de saint Arnulf et des Carolingiens.
Au cours des XIXe et XXe siècles, la critique historique moderne a remis en cause le bien fondé de la Commemoratio. Une étude critique a montré que saint Arnulf est probablement le gendre d'Arnoald[3]. Il en découle que Doda serait en fait la fille d'Arnoald, qu'elle tiendrait son nom de sa grande tante Doda, pour ensuite le transmettre à sa petite fille Chrothildis Doda, épouse du roi Thierry III[4].
Notes et références
1.↑ a et b Settipani 1993, p. 47
2.↑ Eduard Hlawitschka, Die Vorfahren Karls des Großen, éd. H Beumann, Düsseldorf, 1965, p. 73 note 1 .
3.↑ Jörg Jarnut, Agilofingerstudien. Untersuchungen zur Gesichte einer adlingen Familien im 6 und 7 Jahrhundert, Stuttgart, 1986 .
4.↑ Settipani 1993, p. 29-31 et 48
Pierre Riché, Les Carolingiens, une famille qui fit l'Europe, Hachette, coll. « Pluriel », Paris, 1983 (réimpr. 1997), 490 p. (ISBN 2-01-278851-3)
Christian Settipani, Les Ancêtres de Charlemagne, Paris, 1989, 170 p. (ISBN 2-906483-28-1), p. 47-8
Jean-Charles Volkmann, Bien connaître les généalogies des rois de France, Éditions Gisserot, 1999 (ISBN 2-877472086)
Michel Mourre, Le Petit Mourre. Dictionnaire d'Histoire universelle, Éditions Bordas, avril 2007 (ISBN 978-2-04-732194-2)
In English:
St Dode (Latin: Doda) is the wife of St. Arnulf, Bishop of Metz from 614 to 629.
She was born into a noble family and a daughter likely of Arnoald, Bishop of Metz. (If so, then she is already partly represented as a relative of St. Begga, who would have married her cousin, Ansegisel.)
She married Arnulf and gave birth to:
1. Clodulf (d. 697), Bishop of Metz from 657 to 697.
2. Ansegisel (d. 679), ancestor of the Carolingians
In 614, Arnulf was elected Bishop of Metz. Since a bishop could not be married, Dode was compelled to retire to a convent in Trier.
The Vita Amulfi, composed in the middle of the 7th century, does not name her, but merely describes her as a "noble maiden." Only in the 10th century does Ummo, author of the second Vita Amulfi, call her Doda and says that she withdrew to a monastery in Trier after her husband's election as Bishop of Metz. In the 11th century, the Vita Clodulfi names her Doda and says that she was of a strain 'not less noble nor less famous' than her husband's.
Study Sources:
Many historians, including Eduard Hlawitschka, reject her existence, saying that she resulted from confusion with St. Oda, mother of St. Arnulf, and noting that her being named came late.
But when Ummo wrote his Vita Arnulfi, the genealogy of St. Arnulf had been commonly accepted, as indicated by the Commemoratio Genealogia domni Arnulfi episcopi and Confessori Christi, which notes Arnulf as a son of Arnoald and mentions Doda among the great aunts of Arnulf. Insert this name as the wife of Arnulf indicates a kinship between the spouses at a time when the church was very concerned about the impediments to marriage for inbreeding, would be more likely to serve the reputation of the saints than the opposite. There is no reason to dismiss this marriage as being late as it adds nothing to the glory of St. Arnulf and the Carolingians.
During the 19th and 20th centuries, modern historical criticism questioned the merits of the Commemoratio. A critical study showed that St. Arnulf is probably the son of Arnoald. It follows that if Doda is in fact the daughter of Arnoald, she would have taken her name from her great aunt Doda, and then passed it to her granddaughter Chrothildis Doda, wife of King Thierry III.
According to the Dictionary of Saintly Women:
St. Doda is the ancestor of Charlemagne. Wife of St. Arnaulf of Metz, a great patron saint of the French.
She was a woman of noble birth, and great wealth and piety. She was married in 609 to Arnulf, who held positions of the highest importance and trust under Theodebert II and Clothaire. Arnulf and Doda had two sons, Clodulfus (one of many Saints Cloud), Bishop of Metz, and Ansigisilus, who married St. Begga, daughter of Pepin of Landen.
Soon after the birth of her second son, Doda became a nun at Treves. Arnulf wished to join St. Romaric and become a nun, but the king and the people could not dispense with his services. About 612, the bishopric of Metz was forced upon him, although he was a laymen, but was still retained as the king's chief advisor and minister. He died a monk about 640.
Many years after their separation, Arnulf and Doda had to meet to settle some of their affairs. She was so afraid that her presence might revive his mundane affections that she shaved her head; her precaution was successful - he was horrified at the sight of her.
At July 18, Bosch the Bollandist gives two lives of St. Arnulf, the earliest of which is by a contemporary author. He also gives an inscription in which she is called "St. Doda Herezogin von Schbbeina St. Arnulphen Gemachel."
But he does not seem to attach much credit to this last. Doda is commorated with her son St. Cloud, in Greven and Usuard. Clarns, Die Heilige Mathilde. Butler. Baillet. Smith and Wace.
According to the English Wikipedia page on Arnoald, her father:
Scholars looking to replace the traditions that would make Arnulf of Metz the son of Arnould have proposed alternative relationships between Arnoald and the Carolingians. Proposed solutions would make him father of one of the following:
Dode or Doda, who became a nun in 612 at Treves becoming called also Clothilde of Treves, born ca 584, married ca 596 to Arnulf of Metz.
According to the Wikipedia page on Arnulf of Metz, her husband:
Arnulf was married ca 596 to a woman whom later sources give the name of Dode or Doda, (born ca 584), and had children. Chlodulf of Metz was his oldest son, but more important is his second son Ansegisel, who married Begga daughter of Pepin I, Pippin of Landen. Arnulf is thus the male-line grandfather of Charles Martel and great-great grandfather of Charlemagne.
According to the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Merovingian Nobility:
[DODA], daughter of ---. The 11th century life of her son Chlodulf names “mater…Chlodulfi Doda”[52]. Settipani states that this is the only source which names Arnulf´s wife, and inevitably casts doubt on the accuracy of the source written several centuries after she lived[53].
Arnulf & his wife had [three] children:
1. Chlodulf (610-8 May 697)
2. Ansegisel (612-662 Murdered)
3. Walacho (Unproven)
English Wikipedia Entry on St. Arnulf of Metz (Retrieved 1-22-2009)
Saint Arnulf of Metz was born of an important Frankish family at an uncertain date around 582. In his younger years he was called to the Merovingian court to serve king Theudebert II (595-612) of Austrasia and as dux at the Schelde. Later he became bishop of Metz. During his life he was attracted to religious life and he retired as a monk. After his death he was canonized as a saint. In the French language he is also known as Arnoul or Arnoulf.
Arnulf gave distinguished service at the Austrasian court under Theudebert II After the death of Theudebert in 612 he was made bishop of Metz. The rule of Austrasia came into the hands of Brunhilda, the grandmother of Theudebert, who ruled also in Burgundy in the name of her great-grandchildren. In 613 Arnulf joined his politics with Pippin of Landen and led the opposition of Frankish nobles against Queen Brunhilda. The revolt led to her overthrow, torture, and eventual execution, and the subsequent reunification of Frankish lands under Chlothachar II.
Chlothachar later made his son Dagobert I king of Austrasia and he ruled with the help of his advisor Arnulf. Not satisfied with his position, as a bishop he was involved in the murder of Chrodoald in 624, an important leader of the Frankish Agilolfings family and a protégé of Dagobert.
From 623 (with Pippin of Landen, then the Mayor of the Palace), Arnulf was an adviser to Dagobert I. He retired around 628 to a hermitage at a mountain site in the Vosges, to realize his lifelong resolution to become a monk and a hermit. His friend Romaric, whose parents were killed by Brunhilda, had preceded him to the mountains and together with Amatus had already established Remiremont Abbey there. Arnulf settled there, and remained there until his death twelve years later.
Arnulf was canonized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church. In iconography, he is portrayed with a rake in his hand and is often confused in legend with Arnold of Soissons, who is a patron saint of brewing.
Shortly after 800, most likely in Metz, a brief genealogy of the Carolingians was compiled, modelled in style after the genealogy of Jesus in the New Testament. According to this source, Arnulf's father was a certain Arnoald, who in turn was the son of a nobilissimus Ansbert and Blithilt (or Blithilde), an alleged and otherwise unattested daughter of Chlothar I. This late attribution of royal Merovingian descent at a time when the Carolingian dynasty was at the peak of its power contrasts clearly with the contemporary Vita Sancti Arnulfi's failure to mention any such a connection: The Vita, written shortly after the saint's death, merely states that he was of Frankish ancestry, from "sufficiently elevated and noble parentage, and very rich in worldly goods"[1], without making any claims to royal blood. While modern historians generally dismiss the later Carolingian genealogy as spurious[2], it constitutes an important link in Christian Settipani's suggested line of descent from antiquity via Flavius Afranius Syagrius.
Arnulf was married ca 596 to a woman who later sources give the name of Dode or Doda, (born ca 584), and had children. Chlodulf of Metz was his oldest son, but more important is his second son Ansegisel, who married Begga daughter of Pepin I, Pippin of Landen.
1. ^ Vita Arnulfi c. 1, MG. SS. rer. Merov. 2, p. 432.
2. ^ Cf. R. Schieffer, Die Karolinger, Verlag W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Berlin / Köln, 2nd ed., 1997.
Alban Butler's Lives of the Saints, edited, revised and supplemented by Thurston and Attwater. Christian Classics, Westminster, Maryland. Christian Settipani - La Préhistoire des Capétiens, Première Partie. See also
Descent from antiquity External links
Sister project Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Arnoul de Metz
Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Arnulf of Metz
Also at Saint Dode of Metz
Blev nunna 612
Blev nunna 612.
Doda was also referred to as Clothilde. We have no documentation on her parents.
Dode or Doda, also called Dode of Metz, Dode of Old Saxony, or Doda the Saxon, became a nun in 612 at Treves She was also called Clothilde of Treves, born ca 584, married ca 596 to Arnulf of Metz
Ging naar een klooster toen haar man bisschop verkozen werd.
Sainte Dode
aka Clothilde of TREVES; Dode (Dodo) Clothilde de SAXE -------------------- Anmärkning: Hon blev nunna i 612 i Treves .
Arnulf was married ca 596 to a woman whom later sources give the name of Dode or Doda, (born ca 584), and had children. Chlodulf of Metz was his oldest son, but more important is his second son Ansegisel, who married Begga daughter of Pepin I, Pippin of Landen. Arnulf is thus the male-line grandfather of Charles Martel and great-great grandfather of Charlemagne.
Became a nun at Treves in 612.
More About Dode and St. Arnulf: Marriage: Abt. 596 -------------------- http://www.our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p336.h...
St. Doda (2), ancestor of Charlemagne. Wife of St. Arnulf of Metz, a great patron saint of the French. She was a woman of noble birth, and great wealth and piety. She was married in 609 to Arnulf, who held positions of the highest importance and trust under Theodebert II. and Clothaire. Arnulf and Doda had two sons, Clodulfus (one of the many SS. Cloud), bishop of Metz, and Ansigisilus, who married ST. BEGGA, daughter of Pepin of Landen. Soon after the birth of her second son, Doda became a nun at Treves. Arnulf wished to join St. Romaric and became a monk, but the king and the people could not dispense with his services. About 612 the bishopric of Metz was forced upon him, although he was a layman, but he was still retained as the king’s chief adviser and minister. He died a monk about 640. Many years after their separation, Arnulf and Doda had to meet to settle some of their affairs. She was so afraid that her presence might revive his mundane affections that she shaved her head ; her precaution was successful, — he was horrified at the sight of her. At July 18, Bosch the Bollandist gives two lives of St. Arnulf, the earliest of which is by a contemporary author. He also gives an inscription in which she is called “St. Doda Herezogin von Schbbeina St. Arnulphen Gemachel.” But he does not seem to attach much credit to this last. Doda is commemorated with her son St. Cloud, in Greven and Usuard. Clarus, Die Heilige Mathilde. Butler. Baillet. Smith and Wace.
Saint Dode of Metz's Timeline
583 |
605 |
Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France
610 |
611 |
Age 28
612 |
Age 29
Became a nun in Treves
Age 29
Became a nun at Treves
614 |
Verdun, Département Meuse, Grand Est, France
1923 |
July 5, 1923
Age 28
???? |