Rogvolod, prince of Polotsk

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prince Rogvolod of Polotsk (of West Gotland)

Polish: kn. Rogwołod Połocki (Rogwołod Połocki), Russian: князь Рогволод Полоцкий
Also Known As: "Ragnvald"
Birthplace: Västergötland, Västergötland, Sweden
Death: 978 (53-62)
Полотеск, Ruthenia, Duchy of Polotsk
Immediate Family:

Father of Rogneda of Polotsk

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Rogvolod, prince of Polotsk

Rogvolod, Prince of Polotsk

  • Rogvolod (Belarusian: Рагвалод, Rahvałod) (c. 920 – 978) was first chronicled prince of Polatsk (945–978). In the Rus Primary Chronicle, he is known as Рогъволодъ, probably a slavicized version of the Old Norse name Ragnvald. He came from overseas (i.e., from Scandinavia or Southern Baltic) and established himself at Polatsk in the mid-10th century. According to the Rus Primary Chronicle, Vladimir the Great sought an alliance with him in 980 by marrying his daughter Rogneda, but she insultingly refused, prompting Vladimir to attack Rogvolod and his sons and kill them, after which he forcibly took Rogneda as his wife.
  • RAGNVALD, son of --- (-[978/80]). The Primary Chronicle records that he arrived "from overseas" and installed himself on the Western Dvina at Polotsk, where he was known as ROGVOLOD and enjoyed princely status[546]. He and his two sons were killed by Vladimir, later Grand Prince of Kiev, after he refused the latter's offer to marry his daughter Rogned[547].


  • Married: The name of Rogvolod´s wife is not known.

Rogvolod & his wife had three children

  • 1. son (-[978/80]). The Primary Chronicle records that Vladimir, later Grand Prince of Kiev, killed Rogvolod and his two unnamed sons[548].
  • 2. son (-[978/80]). The Primary Chronicle records that Vladimir, later Grand Prince of Kiev, killed Rogvolod and his two unnamed sons[549].
  • 3. ROGNED ([956]-[998/1000]). The Primary Chronicle names Rogned, daughter of Rogvolod Prince of Polotsk, recording that she at first refused to marry Vladimir, preferring his half-brother Iaropolk[550]. She became a nun in [989]. The Primary Chronicle records the death of Rogned in [998/1000][551]. m firstly --- Jarl in Sweden (-before [977]). m secondly ([977], divorced 986) as his first wife, VLADIMIR Prince of Novgorod, son of SVIATOSLAV I Grand Prince of Kiev & his mistress Malusha [Malfred] ([960]-Berestov 15 Jul 1015). After her father refused his offer to marry Rogneda, Prince Vladimir killed him and his two sons and married Rogneda anyway540. He succeeded in [980] as VLADIMIR I "Velikiy/the Great" Grand Prince of Kiev.

Source -,%20Rurik.htm#Rognedadied1002 Projects MedLands Russia


The principality of Polotsk was situated to the west of Smolensk and to the north of Turov. It was independent from Kiev during the 11th and 12th centuries, having been inherited by Iziaslav, the oldest son of Vladimir I Grand Prince of Kiev, whose descendants were passed over in the succession to Kiev and never bore the title Grand Prince. After enjoying a period of strength during the 11th century under Prince Briacheslav and his son Prince Vseslav, after the death of the latter in 1101 it fragmented into different districts assigned to their descendants. The Lithuanians attacked Polotsk from [1240/45], and by the early 1250s the western part of Polotsk was recognised as Lithuanian territory under the terms of a truce concluded by Vaišvilkas, son of Mingaudas Grand Duke of Lithuania[544]. Very little information has been found about the Rurikid Princes of Polotsk. Baumgarten names the members of the family


  • Oleg Łatyszonek, Ales’ Bely. On the Scandinavian origin of Rahvalod // Annus Albaruthenicus/Год беларускі №6. 2005 -
  • List of rape victims from ancient history and mythology -
  • Алексеев Л. В. Полоцкая земля // Древнерусские княжества Х—XIII вв. — М., 1975., pp. 202—239.
  • Богуславский В. В. Славянская энциклопедия. Киевская Русь — Московия: в 2 т. — М.: Олма-Пресс, 2001.
  • Данилович В. Е. Очерк истории Полоцкой земли до конца XIV столетия. — К., 1896. p. 731
  • Martin, Janet, Medieval Russia, 980-1584, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995
  • Рыжов К. Все монархи мира. Россия. — Москва, Вече, 1998.

О Рогволоде, кне. Полоцком (русский)

Rogvolod (Belarusian: Рагвалод, Rahvałod) (c. 920 – 978) was first chronicled prince of Polatsk (945–978). In the Rus Primary Chronicle, he is known as Рогъволодъ, probably a slavicized version of the Old Norse name Ragnvald. He came from overseas (i.e., from Scandinavia or Southern Baltic) and established himself at Polatsk in the mid-10th century. According to the Rus Primary Chronicle, Vladimir the Great sought an alliance with him in 980 by marrying his daughter Rogneda, but she insultingly refused, prompting Vladimir to attack Rogvolod and his sons and kill them, after which he forcibly took Rogneda as his wife.

Рогволод (давньорус. Рогъволодъ, Роговолодъ; *бл.920 — †978, Полоцьк) — князь Полоцький, батько Рогніди, участник подій міжусобної боротьби в 975-980 рр.

Леонтій Войтович на основі саг стверджує, що Рогволод походив з оркнейських ярлів.

Українські історики Микола Костомаров, Петро Голубовський та білоруський історик Митрофан Довнар-Запольський сумнівалися у варязькому походженні Рогволда. Було висловлене припущення, що ім'я Рогволод є суто слов'янським і походить від словосполучення рогом володіти.

Рогволод двічі згадується в історичних джерелах під 980 та 1128 роками. Ймовірно належав до династії Рогволодовичів. Під час міжусобної боротьби між синами Святослава I Хороброго — Володимиром і Ярополком, підтримав останнього. Зокрема, Рогволд не схотів віддавати заміж за Володимира свою дочку Рогніду. У результаті Володимир разом із дядьком Добринею пішов походом на Рогволда. Полоцьк було взято військом Володимира, а Рогволд і його два сини вбиті. Рогніда ж стала дружиною Володимира I Великого.

Так описав ці події літописець:

« І сів він (тобто - Володимир Святославич) у Новгороді, і послав [%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BA%D1%96%D0%B2] до Рогволода, князя полоцького, мовлячи: «Хочу взяти дочку твою за жону». Він тоді запитав дочку свою: «Чи хочеш ти за Володимира?» А вона сказала: «Не хочу я роззути Володимира, а Ярополка хочу». Рогволод же прийшов був із замор’я і мав волость свою в Полоцьку. А Тур [%D1%81%D1%96%D0%B2] у Турові; од нього ж і туровці прозвалися.І прийшли отроки Володимирові, і повідали йому всю річ Рогніді, дочки Рогволода, князя полоцького. Володимир тоді зібрав воїв багато — варягів, і словен, і чуді, і кривичів — і пішов на Рогволода. У сей же час хотіли вести Рогнідь за Ярополка. І прийшов Володимир на Полоцьк, і вбив Рогволода і синів його двох, а дочку його Рогнідь узяв за жону і пішов на Ярополка.

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Rogvolod, prince of Polotsk's Timeline

Västergötland, Västergötland, Sweden
Полоцк, Полоцкое Княжество, Belarus
Age 58
Полотеск, Ruthenia, Duchy of Polotsk