MedLands has removed him and his brothers as children of Charibert of Neustria, pending further research.
Three brothers, parents not identified:
1. CHRODBERT [Robert] [I] . The Vita Lantberti names "Hrotbertus ac Haltbertus" as "avunculi" of "Lambertus vir…nobilissimi generis prosapia ortus", specifying that "Hrotbertus" was "summus palatii referendarius"[513]. Referendarius of King Dagobert I 8 Apr 630. Anulus of King Clotaire III. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[514], Chrodbert [I] and his brothers were sons of "Charibert nobilis in Neustria †635". No reference has been found to this person in any of the primary sources so far consulted and it has been decided to omit him until a positive identification can be made. m ---. The name of Chrodbert’s wife is not known.
Chrodbert [I] & his wife had one child:
a) ANGADRISMA . The Vita Ansberti names "Hrotbertus…ex stirpe proditus et gerulus…anuli regis Chlotharii" as father of "religiosissimam ac nobilissimam Angadrismam", clarifying in a later passage that "Hrotbertus et frater eius Haltbertus" were "avunculi sancti patris Lantberti"[515].
2. HALTBERT . The Vita Lantberti names "Hrotbertus ac Haltbertus" as "avunculi" of "Lambertus vir…nobilissimi generis prosapia ortus"[516].
3. ERLEBERT . The Vita Lantberti names "Erlebertus editus territorio Tarvennico" as father of "Lambertus vir…nobilissimi generis prosapia ortus"[517]. m ---. The name of Erlebert’s wife is not known. Erlebert & his wife had one child:
a) LAMBERT . The Vita Lantberti names "Erlebertus editus territorio Tarvennico" as father of "Lambertus vir…nobilissimi generis prosapia ortus"[518]. Abbot of Fontanelle. Bishop of Lyon.
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City of Paris, Ile-de-France, France
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April 8, 630
Age 50
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