Rivkah Teomim (Horowitz)

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Rivka Miryam Frankel-Teomim (Stern - Horowitz)

Hebrew: רבקה מרים פרנקל-תאומים (הורוויץ)
Also Known As: "אשכנזי"
Birthplace: Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic
Death: October 01, 1572
Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic
Place of Burial: Prague, Czech Republic
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Israel Munk HaLevi Horowitz and Nissel Reisel (Rachel?) Ursula Horowitz
Wife of Rabbi Moses Aharon Teomim-Fraenkel
Mother of Meshulam Zalman Teomim -; Gittel (Gertrud) Brandeis; Rabbi Samuel Phoebus Veit, Lemmel, Feiwish Teomim, Munk, the Elder; Rabbi Jacob R Teomim Parnas; Eidel Malkish (Teomim) and 6 others
Sister of Yishaiahu Ha'Levi Horowitz; Shmuel HaLevi Horowitz; Rabbi Pinchas HaLevi Horowitz; Menachem Mendel Halevi Horowitz; Eliezer Litman Ha'Levi Horowitz and 4 others

Managed by: Prof. Yigal Burstein
Last Updated:

About Rivkah Teomim (Horowitz)

Megillat Eivah https://hebrewbooks.org/24881 which is written in Rashi script: “....from the mouth of a great man of the holy community of Krakau, one of the princes of Israel, wise in Torah and worldly? things? manhig and one of the manhigim of the lands in the kingdom of Poland. And this is the name well known? The precious mvhr”r Pinchas bn hakatsin harosh mvh” Israel [bn] Zelman Jesajahu seGal of Prag of the family of Horwitz, and his (sic) [should say MY] wife, the Rabbanit marat Rechel, was daughter of marat Nachele, daughter of the sister of mvhr”r Pinchas: the honored marat Rivke Sterin who was once married in Prag to the father-in-law of my father-in-law.”

So here we have the source for “Rivke Stern” being the wife of Moses Ahron Teomim! It still doesn’t explain her death year, but perhaps someone just got creative. But what matters is that the way it is worded makes it sound like our guess was right and that she was Rivke Stern in later life because of having re-married after Moses Ahron Teomim died. It is so helpful that he seems to be saying “was once married”, if I’m not reading things into it.

“Fraenkel is a rabbinic surname. It was adopted by a group of families who had sojourned in Franconia (Franken in German) during the Middle Ages, not far from the bright communities of the Rhine Valley, well known at Babylon and as far as Yemen.

"In the ancient Jewish world, to have a rabbinic name was to be inscribed in a complex system of relationships and movements of thought...

"The Teomim-Fränkels--still farther to the east: This family descends from nine children of Moses Aaron Lamël Teomim-Fränkel (XVIIth Century at Prague) and of Rivka Stern Hurwitz (daughter of Israel Horowitz, of the name of the celebrated and rich Prague family which had the favor of the Habsburgs in the XVIth Century, and lent them much).

The Teomims were already known at Prague, where Rachel Teomim (equally a descendant of Horowitz) married...Yomtov Lipman Heller. In Hebrew, Teomim means 'twins.'

"The Teomim-Fränkel family, which produced almost as many rabbis as the [Heller-Fr%C3%A4nkel-Mirels] branch and occupied the totality of rabbinic posts in Eastern Europe, multiplied at Prague, in Bohemia, and swarmed [a essaimé] into Galicia, Podolia, and Volhynia."

1913-1996- Eger Family Association- pg. 3 - here is written born 1545 , in the Hebrew version- no date of birth.

Wer sind die Prager Munk im 16. Jahrhundert? von Bernhard Wachstein page 146

About Rivkah Teomim (Horowitz) (עברית)

אגודת משפחת אגר 1913-1990 - אילן א-א

כתובות בית העלמין היהודי בפראג- עמוד 192

view all 15

Rivkah Teomim (Horowitz)'s Timeline

Czech Republic, Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Prague, Czechia (Czech Republic)
Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic
Prague, Czech Republic
Prague, Czech Republic
Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic
Praha, Hlavní město, Kingdom of Bohemia, Holy Roman Empire
Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic
Vienna, Austria
October 1, 1572
Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic