Rimgailė (also Rymgajla, Rimgaila, Ringaile, Polish: Ryngałła, Romanian: Ringala) was the daughter of Birutė and Kęstutis, Grand Duke of Lithuania, and thus sister of Vytautas the Great. Rimgailė (feminine) or Rimgailas (masculine) is a typical dual-stemmed pagan Lithuanian name constructed from rim- (rimti - "be calm") + gail- (*gailas - "strong"), which is quite common in Lithuania at present.
By marriage to Henry of Masovia, she was Princess of Masovia for about one year, until the death of her husband during the winter of 1392–1393. Jan Długosz in his chronicles wrote that to marry her Henry resigned from the title of Bishop of Płock. She was among the suspects in the death of Henry.
Soon, the young widow married for the second time - to the lord (hospodar) of Moldavia Stephen I. He was killed on the side of Vytautas the Great while fighting with a detachment of Moldavian soldiers in the Battle of Vorskla.
The third husband was the ruler of Wallachia, Mircea the Elders, who died in 1418.
Her fourth marriage (1419–1421) was with Alexander the Good, Voivode of Moldavia (1400–1432). Upon the politically motivated divorce, she was given the customs of the town of Siret and 40 villages. Also, as part of the divorce settlement Alexander the Good promised to pay her lifetime income worth 600 Hungarian gold ducats or florins payable in two installments.
Rimgailė (lenk. Ryngałła, rumun. Rymgajla; gimė tarp 1367 ir 1369 m., mirė tarp 1423 ir 1430 m.) – Lietuvos kunigaikštytė. Tėvai – Lietuvos didieji kunigaikščiai Birutė ir Kęstutis, brolis – Vytautas Didysis. Vardas būdingas stabmeldiškai Lietuvai ir reiškia: rim- (rimti) + gail- (gailas „stipus“) = „rami ir stipri, ištverminga“. Krikštyta Onos vardu (kituose šaltiniuose – Elžbieta).
1392 m. kartu su broliu Vytautu pasitraukė pas kryžiuočius į Ritersvederio pilį. Ten sutiko Mozūrijos kunigaikštį Henriką, Jogailos pasiųstą kalbinti Vytautą grįžti į Vilnių. Henrikas Mazovietis buvo katalikų kunigas ir ruošėsi tapti vyskupu. Susipažinęs su Rimgaile atsisakė kunigystės ir ją vedė. Jaunieji pervažiavo gyventi į Vytauto pilį Lucke, bet vedybiniu gyvenimu džiaugėsi neilgai: 1392–1393 m. žiemą Henrikas netikėtai mirė. Vyro nunuodijimu buvo kaltinama Rimgailė, vėliau kaltintojai nurimo.
Netrukus jaunoji našlė ištekėjo antrą kartą – už Moldovos gospodario Stepono I. Su moldavų karių būriu Vorsklos mūšyje kovodamas Vytauto Didžiojo pusėje jis žuvo.
Trečiasis vyras buvo Valakijos gospodaris Mirča Senasis, kuris 1418 m. mirė.
Ketvirtuoju sutuoktiniu 1419 m. tapo Moldovos gospodaris Aleksandras Gerasis. Po dvejų metų pora išsiskyrė. Rimgailei buvo paskirtos Sireto miesto muitinės pajamos ir 40 kaimų. Istorikų nuomone skyrybos buvo politiškai motyvuotos.
Iš laisvosios interneto enciklopedijos Vikipedija. Prieigą per internetą, žiūrėtą 2015-02-15 <http://lt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rimgail%C4%97>.
Rymgajla (also Rimgaila, Ringaila, Lithuanian: Rimgailė, Polish: Ryngałła), Romanian: Ringala was daughter of Birutė and Kęstutis, Grand Duke of Lithuania, and thus sister of Vytautas the Great. Rimgailė is a typical dual-stemmed pagan Lithuanian name constructed from rim- (rimti - "be calm") + gail- (*gailas - "strong"), which is quite common in Lithuania at present.
By marriage with Henry of Masovia, she was Princess of Masovia for about one year, until the death of her husband (winter of 1392–1393). Jan Długosz in his chronicles wrote that to marry her Henry resigned from the title of Bishop of Płock. She was among the suspects in death of Henry.
Her second marriage (1419–1421) was with Alexander the Good, Voivode of Moldavia (1400–1432). Upon the politically motivated divorce she was given the customs of the town of Siret and 40 villages. Also, as part of the divorce settlement Alexander the Good promised to pay her lifetime income worth 600 Hungarian gold ducats or florins payable in two installments.
Rymgajla (also Rimgaila, Ringaila, Lithuanian: Rimgailė, Polish: Ryngałła), Romanian: Ringala was daughter of Birutė and Kęstutis, Grand Duke of Lithuania, and thus sister of Vytautas the Great. Rimgailė is a typical dual-stemmed pagan Lithuanian name constructed from rim- (rimti - "be calm") + gail- (*gailas - "strong"), which is quite common in Lithuania at present.
By marriage with Henry of Masovia, she was Princess of Masovia for about one year, until the death of her husband (winter of 1392–1393). Jan Długosz in his chronicles wrote that to marry her Henry resigned from the title of Bishop of Płock. She was among the suspects in death of Henry.
Her second marriage (1419–1421) was with Alexander the Good, Voivode of Moldavia (1400–1432). Upon the politically motivated divorce she was given the customs of the town of Siret and 40 villages. Also, as part of the divorce settlement Alexander the Good promised to pay her lifetime income worth 600 Hungarian gold ducats or florins payable in two installments.
Rymgajla (also Rimgaila, Ringaila, Lithuanian: Rimgailė, Polish: Ryngałła), Romanian: Ringala was daughter of Birutė and Kęstutis, Grand Duke of Lithuania, and thus sister of Vytautas the Great. Rimgailė is a typical dual-stemmed pagan Lithuanian name constructed from rim- (rimti - "be calm") + gail- (*gailas - "strong"), which is quite common in Lithuania at present.
By marriage with Henry of Masovia, she was Princess of Masovia for about one year, until the death of her husband (winter of 1392–1393). Jan Długosz in his chronicles wrote that to marry her Henry resigned from the title of Bishop of Płock. She was among the suspects in death of Henry.
Her second marriage (1419–1421) was with Alexander the Good, Voivode of Moldavia (1400–1432). Upon the politically motivated divorce she was given the customs of the town of Siret and 40 villages. Also, as part of the divorce settlement Alexander the Good promised to pay her lifetime income worth 600 Hungarian gold ducats or florins payable in two installments.
1367 |
1395 |
1423 |
Age 56
1430 |
Age 63