See Peter Bartrum -- https://media.geni.com/p13/a7/8e/a6/fb/5344485e4d64e55f/1354_original.png?hash=dfb24628f5dac8a991f72acee47019eee6bd42b68271263c906da335ab3dd83f.1745391599 (April 6, 2022; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Peter Bartrum: Mathew of Lleweni; https://www.geni.com/documents/view?doc_id=6000000173426926943 & Rhirid Flaidd 2 (B); https://www.geni.com/documents/view?doc_id=6000000173427003910 (Steven Ferry, April 22, 2024.)
b. by 1509, 3rd s. of Fulk Myddelton of Llansannan by Margaret, da. of Thomas Smith of Chester, Cheshire; bro. of Robert Smith. m. Jane, da. of Hugh Dryhurst of Denbigh, 9s. inc. Hugh †, Robert† and Thomas† 7da.
@R-1048282421@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=65601864&pid...
Projector of the New River, born at Galch Hill in the parish of Henllan,Denbigh, North Wales, in 1559 or 1560, was the sixth son of RichardMyddelton, M.P., governor of Denbigh Castle, by Jane, daughter of Hugh orRichard Dryhurst, alderman of Denbigh (BURKE, Extinct Baronetage, p.351). Sir Thomas Myddelton lord mayor of London, and William Myddeltonwere brothers. He was sent up to London to learn the trade of agoldsmith, which then embraced banking; and he carried on businesssuccessfully in Bassishaw or Basinghall Street through life. He alsoembarked in ventures of trade by sea, being probably encouraged by hisintimacy with Sir Walter Raleigh and other sea captains, including hisbrother, William Myddelton, who made profitable speculations on theSpanish main (WILLIAMS, Ancient and Modern Denbigh, p.105). There is atradition that Myddelton and Raleigh used to sit together at the door ofthe former's shop and smoke the newly introduced weed tobacco, greatly tothe amazement of the passers-by. He likewise entered into the new tradeof clothmaking with great energy, and followed it with so much success,that in a speech delivered by him in the House of Commons between 1614and 1617 on the proposed cloth patent, he stated that he and his partneremployed several hundred families. Myddelton continued to keep up a friendly connection with Denbigh, and heseems to have been mainly instrumental in obtaining for the borough itscharter of incorporation in 1596. In recognition of this service theburgesses elected him their first alderman, and in that capacity hesigned the first by-laws of the borough in 1597. About the same date hemade an abortive attempt to sink for coal in the neighbourhood. He wassubsequently appointed recorder of Denbigh, and in 1603 he was electedM.P. for the borough, and again in 1614, 1620, 1623, 1625, and 1628. Hewas frequently associated with his brother Robert on parliamentarycommittees of inquiry into matters connected with trade and finance. London had now far outgrown its existing means of water supply, butalthough complaints had been constantly made, and even acts of parliamenthad been obtained in 1605 and 10606, authorising the corporation toremedy the want by bringing in a stream from the springs at Chadwell andAmwell, Hertfordshire, no steps had been taken to carry them out. Atlength Myddelton, who had already paid considerable attention to thesubject as a member of the committees of the House of Commons, beforewhom the recent acts had been discussed, offered to execute the work. Thecorporation readily agreed to transfer to him their powers on conditionof his finishing the work within four years from the spring of 1609. Thefirst sod upon the works of the proposed New River was turned on 21 April21 1609. With untiring energy Myddelton persevered in his undertaking,despite the opposition of the landowners through whose property thestream was to pass, and who complained that their land was likely tosuffer in consequence by the overflow of water. In 1610 his opponentscarried their complaints before the House of Commons, an a committee wasdirected to make a report upon their case as soon as the housereassembled in October. When that date arrived, the members had more important matters to attendto, and Middleton's hands were soon set free by the dissolution ofparliament. The opposition of the landlords was so annoying, and thedemands which were made on his purse were in all probability increased solargely thereby, that Myddelton in 1611 was compelled to apply to thecorporation for an extension of the stipulated time, which was granted byindenture dated 28 March, and to the king for assistance in raising thecapital. James had already had dealings with Myddelton as a jeweller.Moreover he had become interested in the works from observing theirprogress at Theobald, an he now agreed, by document dated 2 May 1612 topay half the cost of the work, both past and future, upon condition ofreceiving half the profit, and without re serving to the crown any sharein the management of the work, except that of appointing a commissionerto examine the accounts, and receive payment of the royal share of theprofit. On Michaelmas day 1613 the work was complete; and the entrance ofthe New River water into London was celebrated at the new cistern atClerkwell by a public ceremony, presided over by the lord mayor, SirThomas Myddelton, the projector's elder brother. A large print wasafterwards published by George Bickham in commemoration of the event,entitled "Sir Hugh Myddelton's Glory". The statement that Myddelton wasknighted on the occasion is erroneous. The New River, as originally executed, was a canal of ten feet wide, andprobably four feet deep. It drew its supply of water from the Chadwelland Amwell springs, near Ware, and followed a very winding course ofabout thirty eight miles and three quarters, with a slight fall, toIslington, where it discharged its water into a reservoir call the NewRiver Head. IN more recent times its channel has been widened, shortened,and otherwise improved; larger reservoirs have been constructed, and agreat addition supply of water has been obtained from the river Lea, andfrom numerous wells in the chalk; but the general course and site of theworks are nearly the same as in the time of Myddelton. Whilesuperintending the works Myddelton lived at a house at Bush Hill, nearEdmonton, which he afterwards made his country residence (ROBINSON,Edmonton, p.32). Monumental pedestals have been erected to his memory atthe sources of the New River at Chadwell and Amwell. There are alsostatues to him at Islington Green, on the Holborn Viaduct, and in theRoyal Exchange. In 1614 Myddelton, who had involved himself in difficulties by locking uphis capital in this costly undertaking, was obliged to solicit the loanof 3,000l. from the corporation, which was granted him in considerationof the benefit likely to accrue to the city from his New River'. Of thethirty six shares owned by him he sold as many as twenty eight, butappears to have repurchased some before his death, when he held thirteen(Wills from Doctors' Commons, Camd. Soc.). The shareholders wereincorporated by letters patent on 21 June 1619, under the title of
TheGovernor and Company of the New River brought from Chadwell and Amwell toLondon', and at the first court of proprietors held on 2 Nov Myddeltonwas appointed governor. No dividend was paid until 1633 - two years afterMyddelton's death - when it only amounted to 15l. 3s. 3d. a share; butafter 1640 the prosperity of the company steadily kept pace with thegrowth of the metropolis in population and wealth. In 1617 Myddelton took from the governor and company of mines royal inCardiganshire a lease of some lead and silver mines in the district aboutPlynlimmon, between the Dovey and the Ystwith, which had beenunsuccessfully worked by former adventurers, and were flooded with water.He succeeded in partially clearing the mines of water, and obtained alarge profit by working them. While conducting operations, he resided atLodge, now called Lodge Park, in the immediate neighbourhood of themines. Two cups manufactured by him out of the Welsh silver werepresented by him to the corporations of Denbigh and Ruthin, of whichtowns he was a burgess, and a gold one to the head of his family atGwaynynog, near Denbigh, all of which are still preserved (NEWCOMBE,Denbigh, p.48). In 1620 Myddelton began the work of reclaiming from theseas a flooded district at the eastern extremity of the Isle of Wight,called Brading Harbour (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1619-23, p.172). Heemployed Dutch workmen and some invention of his own for draining land,which he had patented in 1621. This undertaking was for a timesuccessful; but in 1624 Myddelton's connection with it ceased, and theworks fell into neglect, and were destroyed by the sea. The scheme wasrevived a few years ago, and completed in 1882. On 19 Oct 1622 James created Myddelton a baronet with the remission ofthe customary fees in recognition of his enterprise and engineering skill(ib. 1619-23, p.455; Harl. MS. 1507, art 40; Addit. Birch MS. 4177, art.220). The King likewise confirmed to him the lease of the mines royal,and exempted him from the payment of royalty for whatever precious metalshe might discover. In these ways Myddelton, though never a rich man, and much impoverishedby his work on the New River, was enabled to end his days in comfort, andleave a respectable patrimony to his children. He died in BasinghallStreet on 10 Dec 1631, aged 71 (Probate Act Book, PCC 1631), and wasburied in accordance with his desire in St Matthew, Friday Street, wherehe had often officiated as a churchwarden (will registered in PCC 137,St. John and printed in Wills from Doctors' Commons, Camd. Soc) He wastwice married, first to Anne, daughter of a Mr. Collins of Lichfield, andwidow of Richard Edwards of London, who died childless and secondly toElizabeth, daughter and heiress of John Olmestead of Ingatestone, Essex,by whom he had ten sons and six daughters. His eldest surviving son,William, married Eleanor, daughter of Sir Thomas Harris, bart., ofShrewsbury. To the Goldsmith's Company Myddelton bequeathed a share inthe New River Company for the benefit of the more necessitous brethren ofthat guild especially to such as should be of his name, kindred, andcountry', a fund that contributed to the support of several of his moreimprovident descendants. On 24 June 1623 Lady Myddelton memorialised the common council of Londonwith reference to the loan of 3,000l. advanced to Myddelton, which doesnot seem to have been repaid an on 10 Oct 1634 the corporation re-allowed1,000l. of the amount, in consideration of the public benefit conferredon the city by Myddelton through the formation of the New River. LadyMyddelton died at Bush Hill on 19 July 1643, aged 63, and was buried inthe chancel of Edmonton Church. Portraits of Myddelton and his second wife, painted by Cornelius Jansen,belonged in
!#4568-v9-p1470*; #1039-p287*; #2105-v2-p335*; !#185-v62-p700; #243-p353; #249-3s-v2-p214*,217; #701-v8-p304; v13-p451; v17-p101; #771-v4-p250; #721-v2-p578; #772-5s-v5-p107,109,110,111; #1307-v14-p137; #1875-p413; #2813-p57,58,61*; #5273-p6*; !Governor of Denbigh Castle-Edw VI, Mary, and Elizabeth; burgess and alderman of Denbigh; MP for Denbigh, 1536-1547; w/d 8 Feb 1576/7> of Galghill Park; w/p 26 Feb 1577/8-London; had issue [LD ii 335, PE 23, GX 570, RV 757]; !BORN: #249-3s-v2-p214; DIED/BUR PL: *1) #249-3s-v2-p214> St Marcellus Church, Whitchurch, ae 67; 2) #2813-p61> ae 67; 3) #1039-p285, #5273-p6> 8 Feb 1575/6, ae 67; ORD: MAR/SS: IGI> Denbigh, patron; ORD: CHR/BAPT-END-SP: *1) IGI> Denbigh, patron; 2) IGI> Denbigh, patron (B:26 Jan 1946 IF, E: 8 Dec 1950 IF, SP: pre-1970); 3) IGI> Denbigh, patron (B: 29 Aug 1990 OG, E: 21 Sep 1990 OG, SP: 13 Dec 1990 OG); !ERROR: date of death taken from church brass is incorrect [1575]; ERROR: #772-5s-v5-p10 states> mother Ann dau fo Thomas Fletcher of Denbigh, mis-statement, other sources prove this wrong; <title> Governor of Denbigh Castle ^bornL1> of Galch-hill Park; ^burL1> St Marcellus Church;
Richard Myddelton was born before 1509. He was the son of Fulk Myddleton and Margaret Smith. He married Jane Dryhurst, daughter of Hugh Dryhurst. He died in 1577/78.
He held the office of Governor of Denbigh Castle. He held the office of Member of Parliament (M.P.) for Denbigh Boroughs in 1542.
Child of Richard Myddelton 1. Alice Myddelton Children of Richard Myddelton and Jane Dryhurst 2. Sir Thomas Myddelton b. 1550, d. 12 Aug 1631 3. Sir Hugh Myddelton, 1st Bt. b. c 1560, d. 7 Dec 1631 4. Robert Myddelton b. c 1563, d. 1616
RICHARD MYDDELTON (c. 1508 - 1575), Member of Parliament for Denbigh 1542, of whose nine sons one followed him in the governorship, three migrated to London and one overseas
!#4568-v9-p1470*; !#249-3s-v2-p214; !Governor of Denbigh Castle-Edw VI, Mary, and Elizabeth; MP for Denbigh-1536-1547; St Marcellus Church, Whitchurch, Denbigh; had issue [LD ii 335, PE 23, GX 570, RV 757]; !BORN: #249-3s-v2-p214; DIED: #249-3s-v2-p214; BUR: #249-3s-v2-p214; <title> Governor of Denbigh Castle ^burL1> St Marcellus Church;
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
!#249-3s-v2-p214; Record of Denbigh and its's Lordship.-942.93 H2w-p169; Burried at St.Marcellas Church, Whitchurch, Denbigh, Cheshire, England.
!Governor of Denbigh Castle; !#218-v1-p209;
Richard Myddleton, of Galch Hill, near Denbigh, was a Welsh politician. He was Governor of Denbigh and was a Member (MP) of the Parliament of England for Denbigh Boroughs in 1542. Source: http://bit.ly/1wSPtcP
1508 |
1538 |
1541 |
Denbigh Castle, Denbighshire, , Wales
1542 |
Age 34
Denbighshire, Wales
1545 |
Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales
Denbigh Castle, Denbighshire, Wales, United Kingdom
1546 |
Denbigh Castle, Denbighshire, , Wales
1551 |
Denbigh Castle, Denbighshire, , Wales
1556 |