Reb Nachman Horodenker, of Breslav

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Reb Nachman Horodenker, of Breslav (1772 - 1810)

Hebrew: רבי נחמן הורודנקר, מברסלב [נ נח נחמ נחמן]
Also Known As: "Nachman M'Uman", "Reb Nachman Breslover", "רב נחמן ברעסלאווער", "Breslover Rebbe", "בעל ליקוטי מוהר"ן"
Birthplace: Medzhybizh, Letychiv, Letichevskiy Rayon, Khmel'nyts'ka Oblast', Ukraine
Death: October 16, 1810 (38)
Uman', Umans'ka, Cherkas'ka Oblast', Ukraine
Place of Burial: Uman, Cherkas'ka oblast, Ukraine
Immediate Family:

Son of Rabbi Simcha Horodenker, [Breslaver father] and Feiga Horodenker, [the Prophetess]
Husband of Dvora Horodenker, [Breslaver 2nd wife] and Sashia Horodenker, [Breslaver 1st wife]
Father of Adil, Udil (Eidel) (Della) Averbuch, 1st Breslaver dau.; Sarah (Sorke) Dubrovner, 2nd Breslaver dau.; Miriam Feiga Segal, 3rd Breslaver dau.; child Horodenker, 4th Breslaver dau. died infant; Chaya Lubarski-Zaslavski, 5th Breslover dau.. and 5 others
Brother of Yechiel Tzvi Horodenker, [Breslaver brother]; Perel Horodenker, [Breslaver sister] and Rabbi Yisrael "Der Toiter" Hordenker, [Breslaver brother]

Managed by: Malka Mysels
Last Updated:

About Reb Nachman Horodenker, of Breslav

Breslav Hasidic Dynasty/group (also spelled Breslev) is a branch of Hasidic Judaism founded by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (1772–1810), a great-grandson of the Baal Shem Tov, founder of Hasidism. Its adherents strive to develop an intense, joyous relationship with God and receive guidance toward this goal from the teachings of Rebbe Nachman.

The movement, established in Breslav in 1802, has had no central living leader for the past 200 years, as Rebbe Nachman did not designate a successor. As such, they are sometimes referred to as the טויטער חסידים (the "Dead Hasidim"), since they have never had another formal Rebbe since Nachman's death. However, certain groups and communities under the Breslov banner refer to their leaders as "Rebbe".


Nachman of Breslov נחמן מברסלב‎, also known as Reb Nachman of Bratslav, Reb Nachman Breslover רב נחמן ברעסלאווער, Nachman from Uman (April 4, 1772 – October 16, 1810), was the founder of the Breslov Hasidic movement.

Rebbe Nachman, a great grandson of the Baal Shem Tov, breathed new life into the Hasidic movement by combining the esoteric secrets of Judaism (the Kabbalah) with in-depth Torah scholarship. He attracted thousands of followers during his lifetime and his influence continues until today.

Rebbe Nachman's religious philosophy revolved around closeness to God and speaking to God in normal conversation "as you would with a best friend." The concept of hitbodedut is central to his thinking.

Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, the great-grandson of the Baal Shem Tov—Master of the Good Name— founder of the Chassidic movement was born in 1772 (1 Nisan 5532) in the Ukrainian town of Medzeboz. He grew to be an outstanding tzaddik (saint), Torah sage, teacher and Chassidic master.

During his lifetime he attracted a devoted following of chassidim who looked to him as their prime source of spiritual guidance in their quest for God, as the 'Rebbe.’ From the autumn of 1802 until the spring of 1810 Rebbe Nachman lived in Breslov, Ukraine. He then moved to Uman where he passed away from tuberculosis six months later (18 Tishrei 5571), at the age of thirty-eight. He is buried there till today.

Rebbe Nachman was a Kabbalist and a mystic of the highest order, and yet at the same time was artlessly practical and down-to-earth. He told tales of princes and princesses, beggars and kings, demons and saints and he taught of the need to live with faith, honesty and simplicity.

When Rebbe Nachman passed away his followers saw no one to take his place. Instead of appointing a new rebbe, they continued to turn to Rebbe Nachman’s teachings for inspiration and guidance, continuing to look to him as “the Rebbe.” The Breslover Chassidim have done so ever since, studying his writings and endeavoring to follow his teachings in their day-to-day lives. In this sense Rebbe Nachman is still the leader of the Breslover Chassidim.


  • Nachman of Breslov; (Hebrew: נחמן מברסלב‎), Main work: Likutey Moharan
  • Born 4 April 1772 (Rosh Chodesh Nisan 5532), Medzhybizh, Ukraine
  • Died 16 October 1810 (18 Tishrei 5571), Uman, Ukraine
  • Buried Uman, Ukraine, 17 October 1810 (19 Tishrei 5571)
  • Father: Simcha. Mother: Feiga.
  • Married (1): Sashia died 1807, daughter of R Ephraim of Ossatyn and (2) daughter of R Ezekiel Trachtenberg of Brody, on September 18, 1807.
  • Children (wife 1): Adil, Sarah, Feiga, Chaya, Miriam, daughter (died in infancy), Yaakov, Shlomo Ephraim.

О Reb Nachman Horodenker, of Breslav (русский)

Правнук основателя хасидизма Исроэля Бааль Шем Това (известного по аббревиатуре Бешт). Родители р. Симха (сын р. Нахмана из Городенки, одного из ближайших учеников и последователей Бешта) и Фейга (внучка Бешта) жили в доме Бешта.

Детство р. Нахмана прошло в атмосфере, насыщенной хасидскими преданиями. Незадолго до бар-мицвы (13 лет) он составил сборник афоризмов на темы различных проявлений еврейской духовной жизни «Книга нравственных качеств». После своей женитьбы в 13 лет р. Нахман поселился в Осятене (Осоте), Киевской губернии у тестя. Р. Нахман много времени проводил в молитвах в соседнем лесу, постоянно постился и углубленно изучал каббалу. После смерти тестя переехал в Медведивку, где начал оформлятся особый стиль будущего бреславского хасидизма.

Р. Нахман начал резко выступать против других лидеров хасидизма, обвиняя их в упадке хасидского движения. В 1798 совершил поездку в Эрец Исраэль. Побывал в Цфате и в Тверии, но не смог добраться до Иерусалима, из-за нашествия Наполеона. В 1802 вернулся на Украину.

После возвращения возобновилась ожесточенная борьба р. Нахмана с другими лидерами хасидизма, получившая в литературе брацлавских хасидов название ямей а-цраот («время мучений» по-древнееврейски). Р. Нахману пришлось несколько раз сменить место жительства. Окончательно р. Нахман поселился в Брацлаве, ставшем центром его «двора». Здесь р. Нахман познакомился с р. Носоном (Натаном) Штернгaрцeм, ставшим его ближайшим последователем и посвятившим свою жизнь сохранению наследия и распространению учения р. Нахмана.

В 1810 г. рабби Нахман, предчувствуя близкую смерть, решил поселиться в Умани, где за несколько лет до его рождения произошла гайдамацкая резня. «Души умерших там за веру, — говорил он, — ждут меня». Там он скончался 16 октября от чахотки и был похоронен на еврейском кладбище рядом с погибшими от резни во время восстания гайдамаков - Колиивщины.

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Reb Nachman Horodenker, of Breslav's Timeline

April 4, 1772
Medzhybizh, Letychiv, Letichevskiy Rayon, Khmel'nyts'ka Oblast', Ukraine
Ossatin, Ukraine
Ossatin, Ukraine
Ossatin, Ukraine
Zlatipolia, Ukraine
Breslov, Bratslav, Vinnytsya, Ukraine
Breslov, Bratslav, Vinnytsya, Ukraine