Immediate Family
About Raoul II de Beaumont-au-Maine, Vicomte du Maine
RAOUL [II] de Beaumont Note: no parents for Raoul II are given in Medlands so Yves Aubert d'Alencon and Gudechilde ? are unconfirmed.
From Medlands http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/MAINE.htm (updated August 2019)
The earliest reference to a vicomte in the city of Le Mans and county of Maine dates to the mid-10th century. His name suggests that the family of the vicomtes du Maine descended from this Raoul [I], although no proof of the descent has been found in primary sources. The chronology suggests that he was a different person from Vicomte Raoul [II], who is named in charters which can probably be dated to the early 11th century.
Sainte-Suzanne was one of the important castles held by the vicomtes du Maine, although it is not known whether it was originally constructed by the family or inherited by marriage. It was located due west of the town of Le Mans. The earliest reference to Sainte-Suzanne appears to be included in the Gesta Ambaziensium which attributes the title "Radulfi vicecomitis de Sancto Susanna" to Raoul [II] de Beaumont Vicomte du Maine[219], whose active career is dated to the late 10th/early 11th centuries. Orderic Vitalis records that William I King of England unsuccessfully besieged Hubert Vicomte du Maine et de Beaumont in the castle of Sainte-Suzanne for three years, probably dated to around 1083, emphasising the impregnability of the fortress because of its rocky position[220].
Angot reviews the family of the Vicomtes de Maine in an article which is sufficiently detailed to inspire some confidence, but has the disadvantage of failing to cite primary sources, although he summarises Beaumont charters in a later section[221].
Two brothers:
1. --- (-after 951). Vicomte du Mans. This unnamed vicomte ("germanus vicecomitis Cenomanicæ civitatis") is referred to in the Actus pontificum Cenomannis as brother of "Mainardus episcopus"[222]. The chronological information is insufficient to be certain that he was the vicomte who witnessed charters in 967 and 971. same person as...? RAOUL [I] (-after Feb 971). Vicomte [du Maine]. "…Rodulfi vicecomitis…" witnessed the charter dated Mar 967 under which "Girardus" donated property to Tours Saint-Julien[223]. "Hugonis comitis, Hugonis et Fulchonis filiorum eius…Rodulfi vicecomitis…" witnessed the charter dated Feb 971 under which Sigefroid Bishop of Le Mans donated property to Tours Saint-Julien[224].
2. MAINARD (-[971]). The Actus pontificum Cenomannis records that "Mainardus episcopus" was "germanus vicecomitis Cenomanicæ civitatis"[225]. Bishop of Le Mans [951]. m ---. The Actus pontificum Cenomannis records that "Mainardus episcopus" had at first devoted himself to secular life ("primum sæcularibus deditus rebus") and had “filios et filias multas”[226], so was presumably married.
a) children . The Actus pontificum Cenomannis records that "Mainardus episcopus" had at first devoted himself to secular life ("primum sæcularibus deditus rebus") and had “filios et filias multas”[227].
[The following Raoul may or may not be connected to the above]
RAOUL [II] (-before [1010]). Vicomte du Maine. "Rodulfus…Cenomannus vicecomes…mee bone coniugis Godehelt…filio Rodulfo" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Victeur du Mans by charter dated to [994][228]. "Rodulfus Cenomanensium vicecomes" donated two serfs to the abbey of Saint-Florent, Saumur, in the presence of "conjuge mea Widenore et filiis meis Rodulfo, Gosfrido, Ivelino et Huberto" by undated charter, signed by "Ivelini clerici, primogeniti sui, Gosfridi et Rodulfi et Huberti filiorum eius"[229]. [Vicomte de Sainte-Suzanne: the Gesta Ambaziensium names "Radulfi vicecomitis de Sancto Susanna" when recording the marriage of his daughter Odeline[230].] “Widdo Lononis filius” donated “Gaudiacus” to Saint-Pierre de la Couture, with the consent of “dominis meis Hugone atque Herberto comitibus et vice comite Radulpho eiusque filii...Yvo archidiaconus, vice comes Radulphus atque Gaufridus” by undated charter dated to [1000/15][231]. m firstly GODEHILDIS, daughter of ---. "Rodulfus…Cenomannus vicecomes…mee bone coniugis Godehelt…filio Rodulfo" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Victeur du Mans by charter dated to [994][232]. It is possible that she was Godehildis de Bellême, widow of Albert [I] de la Ferté-en-Beauce, daughter of Yves de Bellême & his wife Godeholt ---. although the primary source which confirms this has not yet been identified. m secondly GUINOR, daughter of ---. "Rodulfus Cenomanensium vicecomes" donated two serfs to the abbey of Saint-Florent, Saumur, in the presence of "conjuge mea Widenore et filiis meis Rodulfo, Gosfrido, Ivelino et Huberto" by undated charter, signed by "Ivelini clerici, primogeniti sui, Gosfridi et Rodulfi et Huberti filiorum eius"[233]. Raoul [II] & his first wife had three children:
a) YVES . "Rodulfus Cenomanensium vicecomes" donated two serfs to the abbey of Saint-Florent, Saumur, in the presence of "conjuge mea Widenore et filiis meis Rodulfo, Gosfrido, Ivelino et Huberto" by undated charter, signed by "Ivelini clerici, primogeniti sui, Gosfridi et Rodulfi et Huberti filiorum eius"[234]. Archdeacon at Le Mans. “Widdo Lononis filius” donated “Gaudiacus” to Saint-Pierre de la Couture, with the consent of “dominis meis Hugone atque Herberto comitibus et vice comite Radulpho eiusque filii...Yvo archidiaconus, vice comes Radulphus atque Gaufridus” by undated charter dated to [1000/15][235].
b) RAOUL [III] (-after [1010]). "Rodulfus…Cenomannus vicecomes…mee bone coniugis Godehelt…filio Rodulfo" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Victeur du Mans by charter dated to [994][236]. "Rodulfus Cenomanensium vicecomes" donated two serfs to the abbey of Saint-Florent, Saumur, in the presence of "conjuge mea Widenore et filiis meis Rodulfo, Gosfrido, Ivelino et Huberto" by undated charter, signed by "Ivelini clerici, primogeniti sui, Gosfridi et Rodulfi et Huberti filiorum eius"[237]. “Widdo Lononis filius” donated “Gaudiacus” to Saint-Pierre de la Couture, with the consent of “dominis meis Hugone atque Herberto comitibus et vice comite Radulpho eiusque filii...Yvo archidiaconus, vice comes Radulphus atque Gaufridus” by undated charter dated to [1000/15][238]. Vicomte du Maine. "…Radulphi vicecomitis, Odonis fratris eius…" witnessed the charter dated to [1010] under which "Gaufridus de Sabolio" founded the priory of Solesmes[239]. [m EREMBURGIS, daughter --- (-1 Jan [1028/1049]). The necrology of La Charité records the deaths “Kal Jan” of Eremburgis vicecomitissa et monacha, et Odilo abbas“[240]. Depoin suggests that Eremburgis was vicomtesse du Maine (the chronology suggests that, if this is correct, she was the wife of Raoul [III]), and dates her death from the foundation of La Charité in 1028 and the death of Odilon Abbot of Cluny 1 Jan 1049[241]. He identifies her as Eremburgis, sister (he incorrectly says “daughter”) of Ives (see ALENÇON, in the document NORMANDY NOBILITY) who founded Abbayette Saint-Michel by charter dated 10 Oct 997[242]. This appears to be pure speculation. If Depoin is correct, and if the origin of Godehildis (first wife of Vicomte Raoul [II]%29 is correct as suggested above, Raoul [III] and his wife would have been second cousins.]
c) GEOFFROY de Sablé (-after [1015]). "Rodulfus Cenomanensium vicecomes" donated two serfs to the abbey of Saint-Florent, Saumur, in the presence of "conjuge mea Widenore et filiis meis Rodulfo, Gosfrido, Ivelino et Huberto" by undated charter, signed by "Ivelini clerici, primogeniti sui, Gosfridi et Rodulfi et Huberti filiorum eius"[243]. The chronology of the documents associated with this family suggests that Geoffroy must have been born from his father´s first marriage: his father´s first wife is named in a document dated to [994] (see above) and Geoffroy must presumably have been adult when he issued the charter dated to [1010]. "Gaufridus de Sabolio" founded the priory of Solesmes, confirmed by "Adelays uxor mea et filius noster Drogo", by charter dated to [1010], signed by "…Radulphi vicecomitis, Odonis fratris eius…"[244]. “Widdo Lononis filius” donated “Gaudiacus” to Saint-Pierre de la Couture, with the consent of “dominis meis Hugone atque Herberto comitibus et vice comite Radulpho eiusque filii...Yvo archidiaconus, vice comes Radulphus atque Gaufridus” by undated charter dated to [1000/15][245].
Raoul [II] & his [first/second] wife had three children:
d) HUBERT . "Rodulfus Cenomanensium vicecomes" donated two serfs to the abbey of Saint-Florent, Saumur, in the presence of "conjuge mea Widenore et filiis meis Rodulfo, Gosfrido, Ivelino et Huberto" by undated charter, signed by "Ivelini clerici, primogeniti sui, Gosfridi et Rodulfi et Huberti filiorum eius"[246].
e) EUDES (-after [1010]). "…Radulphi vicecomitis, Odonis fratris eius…" witnessed the charter dated to [1010] under which "Gaufridus de Sabolio" founded the priory of Solesmes[247].
f) ODELINE . Dame de Basoges et de Sainte-Christine. The Gesta Ambaziensium names "Odelinam filiam Radulfi vicecomitis de Sancto Susanna" as the second wife of "vir illustris…Hugo", specifying that her dowry was "Basogerium oppidum et terram Sanctæ Christinæ"[248]. m as his second wife, HUGUES de Lavardin, son of ---.
[Then there is the question as to Roscelin. Medlands comments:]
The parentage of Vicomte Roscelin has not been confirmed. Latouche suggests that "Roscelinus" was a diminutive form of "Rodulfus" and that he was the same person as Raoul [III] or Raoul [IV][249]. If that is correct, from a chronological point of view Raoul [III] is the more likely possibility. The fact that Vicomte Raoul [VI] named two of his sons Roscelin and Raoul suggests that Latouche was incorrect and the two names were distinct. Depoin proceeds under the assumption that Vicomte Raoul [III] and Vicomte Roscelin were different persons[250].
1. ROSCELIN (-[after 1047]). Vicomte du Maine. "Hugo Cenomannensis comes" donated property to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel by charter dated 1014, witnessed by "Roscelini vicecomitis, Hameli de Leido Castello, Haymonis de Medano, Herberti fratris comitis, Droci filii Milonis, Odilarii Drudi"[251]. "Roscelini vicecomitis..." witnessed the charter dated to [1035/55] under which "Odo, a pueritia militari disciplina instructus" donated ”ecclesiam Sancti Petri de Noviomo” to Le Mans Saint-Vincent[252]. “Roscelini vicecomitis, Rodulfi filii sui...” subscribed the charter under which “Isembardus miles” donated a serf to Bourgueil, undated but specifying that “quando Gaufridus comes venit de Imperatore Romæ” (dated to [1047])[253]. Depoin dates the latter event to [1047]. If the donation is so dated, the presence of Roscelin is inconsistent with his son Raoul [IV] being named as vicomte in the charter dated 1039 which is quoted below. Presuambly one of the documents is incorrectly dated. m ---. The name of Roscelin’s wife is not known. Roscelin & his wife had two children:
a) RAOUL [IV] (-[11 Jun] [after 1070]). His parentage is confirmed by reading together the two documents which firstly confirm that Geoffroy was the son of "Roscelini vicecomitis"[254] and secondly name "…Gaufridi fratris Radulfi vicecomitis…"[255]. Vicomte du Maine.
b) GEOFFROY (-after [1080/95], presumably before 1096). "Gaufridus filius Roscelini vicecomitis" sold "ecclesias de Sogona" to Saint-Vincent du Mans by charter dated to [1060][256]. "Hugo de Braietello" donated "ecclesiam…in…Sanctæ Trinitatis in parochial Sancti Celerini", now called "ex nomine patris mei…Capella Guillelmi", to Marmoutier, with the consent of "uxore sua Erma", by charter dated to [1064/76], which also records the donation by "Gaufredus gener suus et Hervisa filia eiusdem Hugonis, uxor Gauffredi"[257]. "…Gaufridi fratris Radulfi vicecomitis…" consented to the purchase of "ecclesiam Sancti Petri que dicitur Curtis Laboris" by Saint-Vincent du Mans by charter dated to [1050/60][258]. - SEIGNEURS de BRAITEL.
Raoul II de Beaumont-au-Maine, Vicomte du Maine's Timeline
965 |
Le Mans, Sarthe, Maine/Pays-de-la-Loire, France
985 |
Bazoges, Vendee, Pays-de-la-Loire, France
990 |
Sainte-Suzanne, Mayenne, Pays de la Loire, France, France
1000 |
Le Mans, Sarthe, Maine/Pays de la Loire, France
Sarthe, Maine, Pays de la Loire, France
1014 |
Age 49
Beaumont-sur-Sarthe, aka Beaumont-le-Vicomte, Sarthe, Pays-de-la-Loire, France
???? | |||
???? |