Immediate Family
About Raoul II de Nesle
RAOUL [II] de Nesle, son of RAOUL [I] Seigneur de Nesle & his wife Rainurde --- (-[1153/60]). Père Anselme states that Dreux and Raoul [II] consented to the donation of the chapel of Beaulieu made by their brother Ives [II] Comte de Soissons to the abbey of Soissons Saint-Crespin by charter dated 1146[634]. His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated to [1161] issued by [his brother] "Ivonem comitem Suessionis" relating to Epagny, with the consent of "domini Cononis nepotis et coheredis Ivonis comitis"[635], read together with the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines which names "comes Cono, Iohannes…et iste qui adhuc vivit comes Radulfus Suessionensis" as sons of "Radulfo castellano [de Bruges]"[636]. Châtelain de Nesles: “...Rogeri castellani de Peronia, Radulphi castellani de Nigella...” witnessed the charter dated 1146 under which Thierry Bishop of Amiens confirmed the donation made by "Alelmus de Ambianis"[637]. Châtelain de Bruges. "…Radulfi Brugensis castellani…" signed the charter dated 1151 under which Thierry Count of Flanders donated property to the town of Saint-Omer[638].
m as her first husband, GERTRUDE de Montaigu, daughter of LAMBERT Comte de Montaigu & his wife --- (-after 10 Sep 1185). The Liber de Restauratione Sancti Martini Tornacensis records that "Evrardum", son of Richildis de Hainaut, married "filiam Lamberti Leodiensis comitis Gertrudem nomine, de qua Balduinum filium genuit"[639]. According to the Chronicon Hanoniense, "Evrardum cognomina Radonem" married "matrem Cononis et Iohannis et Radulphi" during the lifetime of his first wife[640]. She married secondly Everard [III] Raoul Châtelain de Tournai. “Gertrudis Brugensis castellan et filius eius Joannes castellanus” donated property to Bruges, at the request of “mariti sui piæ recordationis Radulfi”, with the consent of [her daughter-in-law] “Elisabeth...Brugensis castellana”, by charter dated 10 Sep 1185[641].
Raoul [II] & his wife had four children:
1. CONON de Nesle (-1180 before 20 Apr). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comes Cono, Iohannes…et iste qui adhuc vivit comes Radulfus Suessionensis" as sons of "Radulfo castellano [de Bruges]"[642]. "Ivonem comitem Suessionis" issued a charter relating to Epagny, with the consent of "domini Cononis nepotis et coheredis Ivonis comitis", dated to [1161][643]. Châtelain de Bruges 1161. "Ivo comes Suessionensis et dominus Nigellensis" donated property to Notre-Dame d'Ourscamp, with the consent of “uxor mea Hyolens...nepos meus Cono heres meus et dominus Petrifontis”, by charter dated to [1175][644]. "Cono comes Suessionensis et domini Nigellensis" donated property to the abbey of Notre-Dame d'Ourscamp for the soul of "patrui mei comitis Yvonis" by charter dated 1176[645]. The Chronicon Hanoniense records that "Cono nepos eius Brugensis castellanus" succeeded on the death in 1178 of "Ivo…Suessonensis comes et Nigelle dominus"[646]. Comte de Soissons 1178. The Chronicon Hanoniense records the death in 1179 of "Cono comes Suessionensis" and the succession of his brothers Jean and Raoul (the latter in Soissons)[647]. m (before 1164) AGATHE de Pierrefonds, daughter of DREUX Seigneur de Pierrefonds & his wife Beatrix --- (-after 1189). The Chronicon Hanoniense names "Agathe" as wife of "Cono nepos eius [=Ivonis%E2%80%A6Suessonensis comitis] Brugensis castellanus", specifying that her husband obtained "castrum Petrepontis" through her[648]. "Cono dominus Petrefontis et Agata uxor mea" confirmed the donation of "vicariam…Corborosa" made to Notre-Dame de Paris by "Sevinus de Rupeforti" by charter dated 1171, witnessed by "Theobaldi de Crespi…"[649]. "Agathe comitisse…" subscribed the charter dated 1178 under which "Cono…comes Suessionensis dominus Petrofontis et Nigelle" donated property to the abbey of Notre-Dame d'Ourscamp[650]. Philippe II King of France confirmed the donation made to Notre-Dame de Longpont by "Beatrix de Petrafontis", confirmed after her death by "Agatha de Petrafontis ipsius filia", by charter dated 1183[651]. "Agatha domina Petrefontis" confirmed a donation to the abbey of Valsery made by "Johannes Turcus" by charter dated 1189[652].
2. JEAN de Nesle (-14 Jul [1197/1200]). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comes Cono, Iohannes…et iste qui adhuc vivit comes Radulfus Suessionensis" as sons of "Radulfo castellano [de Bruges]"[653]. "…Johannes et Radulfi fratrum meorum" subscribed the charter dated 1178 under which "Cono…comes Suessionensis dominus Petrofontis et Nigelle" donated property to the abbey of Notre-Dame d'Ourscamp[654]. Châtelain de Bruges 1180. Seigneur de Nesle, de Falvy et de Hérelle.
3. RAOUL de Nesle (-4 Jan 1235). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comes Cono, Iohannes…et iste qui adhuc vivit comes Radulfus Suessionensis" as sons of "Radulfo castellano [de Bruges]"[655]. "…Johannes et Radulfi fratrum meorum" subscribed the charter dated 1178 under which "Cono…comes Suessionensis dominus Petrofontis et Nigelle" donated property to the abbey of Notre-Dame d'Ourscamp[656]. Comte de Soissons 1180. Châtelain de Noyon 1184. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records the death in 1235 of "comes Rodulfus Suessionensis"[657]. m firstly (1182 or before) as her fourth husband, ALIX de Dreux, widow firstly of VALERAN [III] Seigneur de Breteuil, secondly of GUY [II] Seigneur de Châtillon-sur-Marne and thirdly of JEAN [I] Seigneur de Thourotte Châtelain de Noyon et de Coucy, daughter of ROBERT [I] Seigneur de Dreux et du Perche [Capet] & his first wife Hawise de Salisbury ([1145/46]-[Jan 1205/Mar 1210], bur église collégiale de Dreux). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Alaydam" as the daughter of "comitem de Brana Robertum domnum" & his first wife, naming her first husband "Gallerano de Bertuilh", her second husband "Guidone de Castellone", her third husband "Iohanne castellano Noviomensi" and her fourth husband "comite Suessionensi"[658]. "Adelais comitissa Suessionensis et domina Montis Gaii" confirmed the donation of property to Paris Hôtel-Dieu, for the soul of "domini Guidonis de Castellione viri mei", by charter dated 1182[659]. "Gaucherius de Castellione dominus Montisgaii" donated property to Saint-Maur des Fossés, for the soul of "fratris mei Guidonis", with the consent of "domina Adelaide matre mea comitissa Suessionensi et domina Adelaide sorore mea uxore domini Guillelmi de Garlanda", by charter dated 1194[660]. "Radulfus comes Suessionensis…Aalidis uxor mea" confirmed a donation to the abbey of Notre-Dame d'Ourscamp by charter dated 1199[661]. "Radulfus (Suessionis) dominus Montis Gaii et Adelidis uxor mee" confirmed a previous donation of property to Tremblay by "filius noster Gaucherus de Castillione" by charter dated Jan 1205[662], although Gauthier was the son of Raoul's wife by her second marriage. m secondly (after 1205) YOLANDE, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not been identified. According to Simonnet she was the daughter of Geoffroy [IV] Seigneur de Joinville and his wife Helvide de Dampierre[663]. He cites no source to support his information and no other reference has been found to this parentage of the second wife of Raoul Comte de Soissons. m thirdly ([1211/15]%29 as her second husband, ADA d'Avesnes, widow of HENRI [III] Comte de Grandpre, daughter of JACQUES Seigneur d'Avesnes & his wife Adela de Guise (-after 1249). The late 13th century genealogy by Balduinus de Avennis names "Machtildem, Aelidem, Adeluyam et Agnetem" as the four daughters of "Nicolai Plukelli filius primogenitus Jacobus" and his wife, adding that she married "comiti de Grandi-prato"[664]. The primary source which confirms her second marriage has not been identified. The Chronicon Hanoniense of Baudouin d’Avesnes takes a different view of the parentage of the wife of Raoul Comte de Soissons, recording that "la seconde fille monseignour Raoul de Couci" married "monseigneur Raoul conte de Rousci" who died childless, and secondly "le conte Henri de Grantpre" by whom she had and a daughter who married “au conte Raoul de Soissons”[665]. "Johannes comitis Suessionensis primogenitus dominus de Turno et de Cimaio" granted canalisation rights to Notre-Dame de Soissons by charter dated 1 Nov 1213, confirmed by "Radulfus comes Suession. de consensu Adæ uxoris sua et filiorum Johannis domini de Turno et Radulfi" in 1231[666]. Dame de Hans. The Feoda Campanie dated [after 1234] includes “...comitissa Suessionensis domina de Hans…feodum apud Minor(cort) apud Ve(rgig)ni apud Ver[z]lius et apud Lemezicort…”[667]. “Ada domina de Hans, quondam comitissa Suessionensis” acknowledged the homage given by her to “Theobaldo regi Navarræ et comiti Campaniæ" by charter dated Dec 1238[668]. Comte Raoul & his first wife had two children:
a) GERTRUDE de Nesle (-[26 Sep 1220/Oct 1222). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "uxorem comitis Iohannis Bellimontis…et uxorem Stephani de Sancerra" as the two daughters of "Alaydis [filia comitem de Brana Robertum domnum]" & her fourth husband, specifying that "Matheus de Montinorenci" had children by the former[669]. "Matheus dominus Montis Moren[tiaci]" donated property "in grangia mea de Herovilla" to Val-Notre-Dame, with the consent of "Gertrudis uxoris mee et Buccardi primogeniti mei", by charter dated Sep 1222[670]. This charter is presumably misdated in light of the date of the second marriage of Mathieu [II] de Montmorency. The necrology of the abbey of Notre-Dame du Val records the death "VI Kal Oct" of "Geltrudis domina de Montemorenciaco"[671]. m firstly (annulled) as his first wife, JEAN de Beaumont, son of MATHIEU [II] Comte de Beaumont & his second wife Adela Dame de Luzarches (-1222). He succeeded his half-brother as Comte de Beaumont in 1209. m secondly (1193) as his first wife, MATHIEU [II] "le Grand" Seigneur de Montmorency, son of BOUCHARD [IV] Seigneur de Montmorency & his wife Laurette de Hainaut (-24 Nov 1230).
b) ELEONORE de Nesle (-[1229/34]). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "uxorem comitis Iohannis Bellimontis…et uxorem Stephani de Sancerra" as the daughters of "Alaydis [filia comitem de Brana Robertum domnum]" & her fourth husband[672], although this appears to refer to the same person. "Matheus comes Bellimontes" exchanged property with the abbey of Saint-Martin de Pontoise with the consent of "uxoris mee Elienor filie comitis Suessionensis" by charter dated 1199[673]. The Chronicon Beccensis Abbatiæ records that "Mathæus comes Belli montis supra Isaram et Alienor uxor eius" founded “ecclesiam sanctæ Marie de Layo” in 1199[674]. "Matheus comes Bellimontis" donated property to Saint-Léonor with the consent of "uxore mea Eliennor et Johanne fratre meo" by charter dated 1 Jan/18 Apr 1199 or 1 Jan/9 Apr 1200[675]. "Stephanus de Sacrocesaris et Elianor uxor mea, Bellimontis quondam comitissa" donated property "in territorio Joiaci" to Val-Notre-Dame by charter dated Oct 1220[676]. m firstly (before 1199) as his second wife, MATHIEU [III] Comte de Beaumont-sur-Oise, son of MATHIEU [II] Comte de Beaumont & his first wife Mathilde de Châteaudun (-21 or 24 Nov 1208, bur Priory of Lay). m secondly (before 1214) as his first wife, ETIENNE [II] de Sancerre Seigneur de Saint-Brisson, son of ETIENNE [I] de Blois Comte de Sancerre & his wife Alix [Mathilde] de Donzy (-1252).
Comte Raoul & his third wife had [three] children:
c) JEAN [II] de Nesle (-[Apr 1270/Feb 1272). "Johannes comitis Suessionensis primogenitus dominus de Turno et de Cimaio" granted canalisation rights to Notre-Dame de Soissons by charter dated 1 Nov 1213, confirmed by "Radulfus comes Suession. de consensu Adæ uxoris sua et filiorum Johannis domini de Turno et Radulfi" in 1231[677]. He succeeded his father in 1235 as Comte de Soissons.
- see below.
d) RAOUL de Nesle (-after 1272). "Johannes comitis Suessionensis primogenitus dominus de Turno et de Cimaio" granted canalisation rights to Notre-Dame de Soissons by charter dated 1 Nov 1213, confirmed by "Radulfus comes Suession. de consensu Adæ uxoris sua et filiorum Johannis domini de Turno et Radulfi" in 1231[678]. "Radulfus filius Radulfi comitis Suessionis" recognised the jurisdiction of Notre-Dame de Soissons by charter dated Apr 1233[679]. “Raous de Soissons freres le comte de Soissons...Jean” swore homage to Thibaut IV Comte de Champagne by charter dated Nov 1245[680]. "Alienordis filia Ioannis comitis Suessionensis relicta defuncti Reginaldi quondam vicecomitis Thoarcii" confirmed the transfer of “custodiam castri de Thefauges” to “Savaricus vicecomes Thoarc. frater quondam dicti Reginaldi”, naming as guarantors “patrem meum dominum Ioannem comitem Suessionensem, dominum Matheum de Montemorenciaco, Radulphum de Suessione patruum meum et Guillelmum vicecomitem Meledunensem milites”, by charter dated Feb 1269[681]. m --- de Hangest, daughter of JEAN [I] Seigneur de Hangest & his wife ---. The Chronicon Hanoniense of Baudouin d’Avesnes records that "conte Jehan de Soissons...monseigneur Raoul son frere" married firstly "la roine de Chyppre...ainsnee fille le roi Henri d’Acre" (garbled) and secondly “la fille monseignour Jehan de Hangest...[in one manuscript] qui fus peres monsigneur Aubert” by whom he had “une fille qui fut hoirs de sa terre”[682]. Raoul & his wife had one child:
i) daughter . The Chronicon Hanoniense of Baudouin d’Avesnes records that "conte Jehan de Soissons...monseigneur Raoul son frere" married firstly "la roine de Chyppre...ainsnee fille le roi Henri d’Acre" (garbled) and secondly “la fille monseignour Jehan de Hangest” by whom he had “une fille qui fut hoirs de sa terre” who married “monseigneur Bernard de Moruel”[683]. m BERNARD de Moruel, son of ---.
e) [ISABELLE de Nesle . The Chronicon Hanoniense of Baudouin d’Avesnes [one manuscript] records that "Jehans...Raous...Ysabiaus leur suer fu mariee au visconte de Chastieleraut" [who has not been identified][684]. m --- Vicomte de Châtellerault, son of ---.]
4. BAUDOUIN de Nesle . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not been identified. 1177.
Raoul II of Nesle
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Raoul II of Nesle (died 1160), son of Raoul I, Seigneur of Nesle, and his wife Rainurde. Châtelain of Nesle and Bruges. Third generation of the House of Nesle.
Raoul was brother to Yves II, Count of Soissons, and supported his donation of the chapel of Beaulieu to the abbey of Soissons (presumably the Abbey of St. Medard, Soissons, rebuilt in 1131 by Pope Innocent II). Raoul was allied with Thierry, Count of Flanders, and signed a charter in which the latter donated property to the town of Saint-Omer.[1]
Raoul married Gertrude de Montaigu, daughter of Lambert, Count of Montaigu and Clermont, and his wife [either the daughter of Henry III, Count of Louvain, or Giselbert, Count of Clermont]. Raoul and Gertrude had four children:
- Conon, Count of Soissons
- John of Nesle (d. 1200), Châtelain of Bruges, Seigneur of Nesle, Falvy, and Hérelle
- Raoul le Bon, Count of Soissons
- Baudouin of Nesle.
The children of Raoul and Gertrude were members of both the House of Nesle and the House of Clermont.
Dormay, C., Histoire de la ville de Soissons et de ses rois, ducs, comtes et gouverneurs, Soissons, 1664 (available on Google Books)
"Comtes de Soissons (Nesle)".
Raoul II de Nesle's Timeline
1095 |
Nesle, Soissons, France
1150 |
Nesle, Somme, Picardie, France
1153 |
Age 58
Bruges, Flandre
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