Ralph (Pincerna) le Boteler

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Ralph (Pincerna) le Boteler (baron of Oversly)

Birthplace: England
Death: 1140 (80-90)
Oversley, Warwickshire, England
Immediate Family:

Son of Robert le Boteler and Avice de Waterville, of Wemme
Husband of Margotta Avaranches
Father of Robert (Pincerna) le Boteler
Brother of Margaret le Boteler

Managed by: Lawrence Kay Miller
Last Updated:

About Ralph (Pincerna) le Boteler

In the reign of Henry I, Ralph Boteler, called "Radulphus Pincerna de Legrescestria," being Butler to Robert Earl of Leicester. Settled at Oversley, county Warwick where he erected a strong castle, and at a mile distant, founded a monastery for Benedictine monks (1140).

Dead after 1140.

Pincerna is the Latin equivalent. www.butler-soc.org "BUTLER is an occupational name, but it used to have a slightly different meaning. In large medieval households the Butler was the person in charge of the wine. Since many powerful nobles lived in fear of being poisoned, this was a position of considerable trust. There used to be many variations in spelling, such as Boteler, Boutillier, Botiller, Butiller, and Botyller. Modern variations include Boutler (France), Buttlar (Germany) and Buteler (Argentina)."

His son and heir, was Robert Boteler, living 1225.

The name of his wife is uncertain. See About Me on his hypothesized wife, Avice for some possible evidence for her name being Avice.

The Boteler family is associated for a short time in the 15th century with Sudeley Castle as well. The Boteler family inherited the manor and estate of Sudeley through the sister of the 9th Lord Sudeley who died while fighting in Spain alongside Edward, the Black Prince.

In 1442, Ralph Boteler, descendant of this Ralph, who was creat Baron Sudeley by Henry VI of England, built Sudeley Castle on its present site using what he had earned fighting in the Hundred Years' War.

In 1469, Edward IV of England confiscated the castle from its owner, Ralph Boteler, 1st Baron Sudeley and gave it to his brother, the Duke of Gloucester, who later became Richard III of England.


Ralph Boteler1

M, #14647

Note* He was Butler to Robert Beauchamp, Earl of Mellent and Leicester.1

Event-Misc* He built the castle of Oversley, Warwickshire, and founded a monastery for Benedictine monks there in 1140.1



Robert Boteler

Last Edited 8 Feb 2005


[S342] Sir Bernard Burke, Extinct Peerages, p. 63.

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Ralph (Pincerna) le Boteler's Timeline

Oversley, Warwickshire, England (United Kingdom)
Age 85
Oversley, Warwickshire, England