Historical records matching Ralph Josselyn, Sr.
Immediate Family
About Ralph Josselyn, Sr.
Geni we have:
Ralph Josselyn, Sr. was born circa 1556 in Chignal-Smealy, C.,, Chignall Smealy, Essex, England, United Kingdom. His parents were John Josselyn, the elder and Alice Josselyn. He was a Yeoman.
Ralph married Mary Josselyn. Together they had the following children:
Thomas Josselyn. NOTE: Needs merge with Mary Josselyn duplicate.
Ralph married Dorthy Josselyn on August 4, 1626.
Ralph married Mary Josselyn on May 21, 1583 in Chelmsford, Essex, England, United Kingdom. Together they had the following children:
John Josselyn;
Anna Hudson;
Ralph Josselyn;
Thomas Josselyn;
Dorothy Josselyn;
Richard Josselyn;
Joseph Josselyn;
Nathaniel Josselyn;
Elizabeth Josselyn;
Mary Josselyn;
Simon Josselyn.
He died on March 19, 1632 in Chelmsford,, Roxwell, Essex, England, United Kingdom and was buried on October 16, 1634 in Roxwell, Essex, England.
Wiki [[https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Josselyn-342]]
Ralph Josselyn, Sr.
He m. Marie (Bright) Josselyn (abt.1558-1634) May 21, 1583 in Chelmsford, Essex, England who predeceased him, as he m. (2) Dorothy, who survived him as his widow and whose surname is unknown.[2]
Children of Ralph Josselin and Marie Bright:
- Thomas Josselin, born Abt. 1581 in Barham, Suffolk cty, England; died January 03, 1660/61 in Lancaster, Worcester County, Mass; married Rebecca Marlowe 1615 in Chelmsford, Essex Cty, England.
Ralph Josselyn, Sr.
- John Josselin
- Ralph
- Simon
- Richard
- Joseph
- Mary
- Nathaniel
- Anna
- Elizabeth
Will and Death
Ralph Josselyn aka Josselin, Joslin, Joslyn
Born 1556 in Chignal-Smealy, Chelmsford, Essex, Englandmap
Ancestors ancestors
Son of John Josselyn and Alice (Unknown) Josselyn
Brother of Helenora Josselyn, Thomas Joslin, Alice (Joslin) Saul, Richard Joslin, John Joslin, Joan Josselyn, Elizabeth (Joslin) Sumner, Simon (Joslin) Josselyn, John Joslin, Philippa (Joslin) Gooday and Unknown (Josselyn) Bayllie
Husband of Dorothy (Unknown) Josselyn — married [date unknown] [location unknown]
Husband of Marie (Bright) Josselyn — married 21 May 1583 in Roxwell, Essex, Englandmap
Descendants descendants
Father of Joseph Josselyn I, John Josselyn, Mary (Joslyn) Benton, Anna (Joslyn) Hudson, Ralph Josselyn, Thomas Josselyn, Simon Josselyn, Dorothy Josselyn, Richard Josselyn, Joseph Josselyn, Nathaniel Josselyn and Elizabeth Josselyn
Died 19 Mar 1632 at about age 76 in Roxwell, Chelmsford, Essex, Englandmap
Ralph Josselyn was born in Essex, England.
Ralph, son of John Josselyn and Alice Unknown, was born in 1556.[1]
He married Marie (Bright) Josselyn (abt.1558-1634) May 21, 1583 in Chelmsford, Essex, England who predeceased him, as he married (2) Dorothy, who survived him as his widow and whose surname is unknown'.[2]
Children of Ralph Josselin and Marie Bright:
- Thomas Josselin, born Abt. 1581 in Barham, Suffolk city, England; died January 03, 1660/61 in Lancaster, Worcester County, Mass; married Rebecca Marlowe 1615 in Chelmsford, Essex City, England.
- John Josselin
- Ralph
- Simon
- Richard
- Joseph
- Mary
- Nathaniel
- Anna
- Elizabeth
Will and Death
"The Will of Ralph Josselyn of Roxwell, co. Essex, yeoman, dated 4 August 1626 and signed 3 September 1628. To my wife Dorothy an annuity of £20 for life, in recompense of her dower rights in all my lands and tenements. Whereas I desire that my wife shall dwell and abide with my two sons Ralph Josselyn and Symon Josselyn in the house wherein I now dwell, she shall have convenient lodging there, with free ingress and egress of the said house or arm called Bollinghatch, with sufficient meat, drink, apparel, washing, and attendance, to be provided by my executors, and they shall pay to my said wife 25s. quarterly during her life, in recompense of both said £20 and her dower. And if she shall leave my sons' house, then they shall pay her the said £20 a year and also give to her for her own use six pairs of the best sheets, two dozen napkins, three tablecloths, and four towels. To my brother Symon Josselyn, in recompense of his brotherly love toward me and his care of my children, an annuity of £25 for life and the use of the upper chamber over the parlor of my said house wherein he now lives, with the bedding in the same and all necessary implements of household. My executors shall allow him for life the use of one good gelding or nag with a saddle and furniture. Where- as I have given to my eldest son John his portion of my lands and other estate amounting to £800, nevertheless my executors shall pay him £10 within ten years after the decease of my wife and my brother Symon, if he be living, and if he be dead, then the £10 shall be paid to his son Ralph Josselyn. To my son Thomas and my daughter Mary £5 apiece, to be paid within the said ten years. To my daughter Anna £10, to be paid within the said ten years. To my son Richard £200 for his portion and in recompense of £15 given him by the will of my brother Thomas Josselyn, deceased, to be paid within one year after the death of my wife and my brother Symon; and if they both die before me, then it shall be paid within four years after my decease. And if my executors make default of payment of the said £200, then I bequeath to my son Richard 20 acres of land called Highfield, in Roxwell, and my said farm called Bollinghatch, to him and his heirs for ever, with a foot-, horse-, and cartway, for himself, servants, etc., through a field called the field before the gate, parcel of said farm, to be directly leading next the hedge against Nyne acres, parcel of the lands called Foulchers, from the King's highway into said Highfield. To my son Joseph £160 for his portion and in recompense of £15 given him by the will of my brother Thomas Josselyn, deceased, to be paid within two years after the death of my wife and my brother Symon; or if they both die before me, then within five years after my decease. And if my executors make default of payment of the said £160, then I bequeath to my son Joseph and to his heirs for ever all those parcels of wood and land called Woodfeilds, Spicers Crofts, and Bollinghatch Grove, with a part of Motts- hott next to the lane leading to Funbridge end, and to be divided at the path leading from Woodfeild to Fowchers, all of which said closes before devised to my son Joseph are parcels of my said farm. To my son Nathaniel £100 for his portion and in recompense of £15 given him by the will of my brother Thomas Josselyn, deceased, to be paid within three years after the decease of my wife and my brother Symon; and if they both die before me, then to be paid within six years after my decease. My executors shall allow my daughter Elizabeth sufficient meat, drink, and apparel, and all other things necessary for her maintenance for life; and if she shall survive them, they shall provide for her maintenance during her life. To the poor of Roxwell 20s. The rest of my goods un-bequeathed and all my said farms, lands, etc., called Bollinghatch, with all the houses, edifices, buildings, yards, gardens, orchards, etc., belonging thereto, and all closes, pastures, and wood growing belonging thereto, and all the ways, waters, etc., lying in Newland, Roxwell, and Writtle, or elsewhere in the said County of Essex, to my sons Ralph Josselyn and Symon Josselyn and the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten. If my son Symon die without issue, reversion of his portion to my son Nathaniel and his heirs for ever; and if my son Ralph die without issue, reversion of his portion to my son John and his heirs for ever. If my sons Ralph and Symon do not pay the said sums to my sons Richard and Joseph, then this devise to my sons Ralph and Symon of the said several closes to my said sons Richard and Joseph provisionally formerly devised shall cease, and the said closes shall remain to Richard and Joseph according to my former devise. Executors1; my sons Ralph Josselyn and Symon Josselyn. Overseer : my son Nathaniel Josselyn. Witnesses: Ma: Bridges, William Rochell his mark, William Smith, and Cha: Smyth. Proved 4 May 1632 by Ralph Joslin and Simon Joslin, sons of the deceased. (P. C. C, Audley, 57.)"[3]
Links to Notable Grandson
- Wikipedia:Ralph Josselin (notable grandson)[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Josselin]
- Walter, John. "Josselin, Ralph". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online ed.). Oxford University Press. [1][https://www.oxforddnb.com/view/10.1093/ref:odnb/9780198614128.001.0...
- French, Miss Elizabeth. Genealogical Research in England, The New England Historical & Genealogical Register (NEHGS, Boston, Mass., 1917) Vol. 71. 1917. Page 247 [https://archive.org/details/newenglandhistor71wate/page/246/mode/2up]
- French, Miss Elizabeth. Genealogical Research in England, The New England Historical & Genealogical Register (NEHGS, Boston, Mass., 1917) Vol. 71. 1917. Page 250[https://archive.org/details/newenglandhistor71wate/page/249/mode/1up]
- Waters, Henry F. (Henry Fitz-Gilbert), 1833-1913; New England Historic Genealogical Society. NEHGR 71:28. pgs 28-30[https://archive.org/details/newenglandhistor71wate/page/28/mode/2up]
- Diary of the Rev. Ralph Josselin, p. vi ] [https://archive.org/details/diaryrevralphjo00hockgoog/page/n5/mode/...]
Elizabeth French, Josselyn Family. Genealogical Research in England. . (NEHGR. Vol LXXI. 1917), pp 247-48
Wiki [[https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Josselyn-342]]
Ralph Josselyn, Sr.'s Timeline
1556 |
Chignal-Smealy, C.,, Chignall Smealy, Essex, England, United Kingdom
1580 |
Roxwell, Essex, England
1584 |
Roxwell, Essex, England
1586 |
Roxwell, Esex
1588 |
August 25, 1588
Roxwell, Essex, England
1590 |
Roxwell, Essex, England
1591 |
Roxwell, Essex, England
1594 |
Roxwell, Essex, UK
1596 |
Roxwell, Essex, England